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Authors: C.A. Williams

The Crush (8 page)

BOOK: The Crush
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Sandwiched in between the other three ladies of my family, I felt safe and in control of the situation as we cheered along with the massive crowd. I was glad I was able to make it out to at least one game with all of the talk about Grier and his amazing skills. Grams had pointed out the row of scouts near the front that had made special trips out to see the ‘Bama Brothers in action.

After a win against Clay County and ending the season with a perfect record,mom deposited me to wait for the girls at the railings overlooking the field.

“Ok honey you go out and have some fun,” she wrapped me in a tight hug and gave my ponytail a tug. “You call if you need anything, anything at all. Tells Collins if something makes you uncomfortable and she’ll have you out in a jiff. She has strict orders from all of us.”

“Thanks mom, I’m sure I’ll be fine, see you later.”

The three girls came out of the locker room, fresh from the showers and changed out of their uniforms as they bounced towards me.

“Wasn’t that awesome Wynn,” Tessa squealed out before looping her arm through mine. “Bet your sad you missed out on the other ones now, huh?” I nodded my head in agreement as we made our way towards the beach that was just a few blocks away.

 Apparently the bonfires at Griers were a tradition after every game and everyone was riding out the high from the big win. I was not looking forward to seeing Lexie, who I’m sure would be draped all over Grier like nothing had happened. Just the thought of it made me cringe, who would do something like that to Grier? He was such a great guy and was oblivious to his slut of a girlfriend.

There was already a large group gathered when we arrived and everyone piped up their greetings as we all found seats around the massive fire. Tessa headed straight to Dylans lap and Hallie and Collins sat down on either side of me.

“Here we go ladies,” Vance handed each of us a red cup brimming to the top with what smelled like beer. I took a cautious sip never liking the stuff much when I had went to the occasional party back home and wedged it between my legs.

“Lookin’ good tonight Wynnie. You want somethin’ to eat,” he asked slinging an arm around Miranda who apparently he had moved on to. Hallie looked like she was pissed at that sight which only confirmed the suspicions I had about her real feelings for Vance.

“No thanks Vance. I filled up on concession food at the game. You looked good out there by the way.”

“I know, right,” he answered back with that trademark cocky grin of his that I had learned to love. He seemed to act like an older brother to me, constantly teasing me but never going beyond that into flirting territory. “You should have saved some for me, I never get a chance to stuff myself at those things.”

Everyone made small talk, trying to outtalk everyone else with the most outlandish stories and getting louder and louder as the beer continued to flow. As suspected Lexie had perched herself right in Griers lap and didn’t look like she was going anywhere.

 Hallie convinced me to go for a quick swim and we both stripped down to our bikinis that we had on under our clothes that was met with many cat calls and whistles from the guys. I had started to feel more comfortable with my body and had come to the terms that not every guy was like Richard and I just needed to be myself. I caught Griers eyes before running to follow Hallie as they widened and his brows touched the top of his forehead before he took another sip of his beer and met Lexies waiting lips.

“Oh my god, it’s so cold,” I squealed out as I followed a giggling Hallie into the water and our teeth were instantly chattering.

“Ok, maybe this was a bad idea, it is freakin’ freezing!”

We both ran back to the bonfire, taking the seats closest so we could warm up and Vance aided us with two refills.

“Here Wynnie put this on before you catch a cold and I have to take care of that cute ass of yours.” He shoved one of his oversized sweatshirts at me and I pulled it over my head, instantly warming up. He came back and handed an extra one to Hallie as well who snatched it out of his hands quickly.

“Thanks Vance, always looking out for me.”

I glanced across the fire and noticed Lexie was gone from her usual spot so I figured now was the best time. I had to tell Grier. I gulped down the contents of my cup in record time. A little bit of liquid courage wouldn’t hurt. I stood up on my wobbly legs and headed in that direction.

“Don’t even think about,” Lexie jumped into my path and grabbed my arm with those claws of hers. I quickly shoved her off but she got in my face again before I could get any further.

“I know all about you Wynn
” My stomach dropped at her using that name. One of the firsts thing mom did was get my last name changed back to Wakefield before we moved here.

“Uh huh that’s right. Funny thing about technology now days, you can basically find out someone’s life story through facebook. Your friend Claire filled me in on what happened to you back home. Apparently the whole town knows you’re a slut who had been banging her step daddy for years before your mom finally found out and caught you two in the act. Imagine how quickly that news would spread around here if it got out?”

I backed up a few steps as she stared at me through narrowed eyes. I felt like something had been slammed into my chest and I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t believe Claire actually believed any rumors and had told Lexie the lies which she obviously believed. I hadn’t talked to her since we left but we had been friends since elementary school.

“Runaway now dear. Have a nice night.”

I backed up feeling like my stomach was tied up in knots and found Hallie in the crowd of people to tell her I was ready to leave. She insisted that she was coming with me so we could start our sleepover early so we found Collins and Tessa who were more than happy to leave too.

I might not care about what people think of me but I was not about to have the whole town buzzing about me and spreading lies that could hurt my family so I guess Grier would have to figure things out on his own.




Chapter 10


I managed to put on one of my best performances at the game with all of the scouts in attendance, passing for 350 yards and throwing three touchdowns. I was sure I would be hearing from some of them soon. Couch congratulated me after the game but not before I had to deal with my drunk dad who had managed to show up.

“You looked like complete shit out there son. If Vance wasn’t out there makin’ you look so good that game would have been lost.”

“Gee thanks Dad. Nice to see you too.”  Vance had looked good out there catching five passes for a 112 yards. We always worked together well and could read each other so easily.

“Now boy don’t get that attitude with me,” he jabbed a finger into my chest and I was instantly assaulted by his hot breath, smelling like he had downed a whole bottle of whiskey. What my mama ever saw in this guy I’ll never know.

Speaking of. “You leave him alone Charlie Daniels, right this instant.” She wrapped a protective arm around my shoulder and pierced my dad with one of those looks that made grown men squirm.

“Why don’t you head on home and sober up before you embarrass yourself and your son,” she bit out.

My dad held his hands up in front of him defensively and turned on his boot to leave. “Let me know when you start hearin’ from schools son.”

“You alright sweetie? I was tryin’ to keep him from comin’ down here but you know how bull headed that man is.” She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug and I rested my chin on the top of her head.

“I’m fine mama, didn’t hear anything new.”                                                                                 

She looked up at me, pinching my cheeks like she used to when I was little. “Don’t listen to a thing that man says Grier. You were awesome out there, I bet you’ll be able to pick any school you want to after that game.” She smoothed back my hair before placing a quick kiss on my cheek.

“”Kay well I’m heading out with a few friends, you have everything set back home?”

“Yes ma’m, we’ll all behave ourselves. Promise.”

“Okay, well will you keep an eye on Wynn for me? You know I don’t talk about my patients but I just want to make sure she’s safe, I know how teenage boys can get and you seem pretty protective of her.”

I nodded my head in agreement. My best friend was one of those teenage boys who couldn’t seem to keep it in his pants but he had seemed to back off Wynn and treated her more like a little sister lately. And I think he had taken my suggestion of trying things out with Miranda again.

“Trust me mama I know what happened and I know how she is around crowds. I’ll be watchin’ her.”

My mom lifted a brow at me and gave me a shocked look. “Really that’s…surprising to hear. I know she hasn’t talked about it much. It was horrible what that sweet thing went through, I’m glad she has you as a listening ear. You’re such a good boy,” she stated with a proud look.

“Well I better get goin’, I’ll see you in the mornin’ baby.”

I felt a small set of hands wrap around my waist and twisted my body to look down at Lexie.

“You were awesome out there Grier. Now we just need to figure out where we want to go after all the offers start to come in,” she said before jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist. “Let’s go party!”


I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Wynn all night even though Lexie seemed like she couldn’t get enough of me, constantly pulling my attention back to her. She had planted herself in my lap the minute we showed up, running her hands all over my body while putting that cute mouth of hers in places she normally didn’t and she hadn’t moved besides getting up to refill my cup.

Wynn looked different tonight. I noticed her in the stands sitting with her mama in an outfit that she normally wouldn’t wear. Her long tanned legs looked even taller tonight with those sandals she had on and it was definitely a nice view the way her ass filled out those snug shorts. She had her hair pulled up and I could see that graceful neck of hers that I had to hold myself back from reaching out and licking every time we were together. I felt the urge to jump the fence the minute I saw her and throw her over my shoulder so no other guy would be able to lay an eye on her.

And then Hallie jumped up and suggested they go for a swim. I really wasn’t expecting Wynn to follow but she did, even stripping down to a deep red bikini that barely covered up that full chest of hers. I had to keep my fists clenched around my sides when all of the guys started with their cat calls, I really felt like beatin’ the shit out of someone the way they were all pantin’ after her like a bunch of dogs in heat.

Crazy girl, it had to be freezin’ out there. That was quickly confirmed by the way her and Hallie came sprinting back to the fire and huddled together while Vance offered Wynn his sweatshirt. At least I knew I could trust Vance with her, he would keep an eye on her.

“Hey,” Lexie pulled my attention back to her and followed the trail of my eyes. “I’m going to use the bathroom I’ll be right back.”

I turned my attention back to where Wynn was sitting but her seat was empty. Before I could get up to find her and make sure she was alright, Vance was tackling me into the sand.

“Dude we were awesome out there. ‘Bama brothers strike again, just wait till we get to college and have all those girls throwin’ themselves at us. You really need to drop Lexie before we get there, it’ll make things a whole lot more interesting if you’re single too.”

I looked over his shoulder at Miranda who stood with a hand on her hip, rolling her eyes about Vance talking about being a single guy. Obviously he already knew that relationship wasn’t heading anywhere

“You are already a sloppy mess. How many beers have you had?” I pushed him off of me and rolled out from underneath him, brushing the wet sand off of my clothes.

“Speak of the devil,” Vance mumbled out as he stumbled back up to his feet and tried to grab for Miranda who pushed him away and left him with a huff.

“Hey baby,” Lexie purred in my ear. “Want to go inside where we can have a little bit more privacy?”

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, leaving Vance behind shaking his head at me and headed towards the house. I didn’t need to be asked twice.

Chapter 11


The next couple of months seemed to fly by. I hung out with the girls regularly but I tried to spend as little time as possible with Grier even though he was always bugging me about doing something. I just didn’t feel right being around him and constantly felt guilty about not telling him that I had caught Lexie.

The holidays came and went and they were probably the best ones of my life being around my family. And Grams cooking made them even better if that was possible. The winters here were nothing like the ones back in Michigan and I loved being able to walk out onto the beach whenever I felt like. I definitely did not miss the snow. Just thinking about it made me shutter.

Lexie surprisingly kept her word about not telling anyone unless I spoke to Grier and I made sure that I wouldn’t slip up after I brought up the idea about moving our little group to a separate lunch table. After all the years of putting up with Lexies shit and the way she treated me, Collins, Hallie, and Tessa were more than happy to get away from the queen. Vance still hung around flitting between the two tables but I think he preferred ours more since Hallie was there.

They had finally hooked up at a party one night and instead of moving on to the next girl he decided to stick with Hallie after some convincing on his part. Those two were so cute together the way they held hands everywhere looking like the surfer versions of Ken and Barbie and Vance seemed to make her even happier than she normally was. We often went out together and they never made me feel uncomfortable being the lone girl out but that didn’t stop Hallie from trying to set me up on dates with every single guy at Gulf Shores.

BOOK: The Crush
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