Read The Coincidence 06 The Resolution of Callie & Kayden Online

Authors: Jessica Sorensen

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Young Adult, #Adult

The Coincidence 06 The Resolution of Callie & Kayden (9 page)

BOOK: The Coincidence 06 The Resolution of Callie & Kayden
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‘What?’ I touch my face self-consciously. ‘Do I have something on my face? I am, after all, wearing enough lipstick to paint a clown’s face.’

He shakes his head. ‘It’s nothing.’ He extends his hand toward me and rests his hand on the side of my face. ‘Listening to you talk, the things you say, the way you look at life, you always make me feel better when I’m down. You’re amazing.’

‘So are you.’ I relax into his touch. ‘We make the perfect couple.’

He swallows hard and I think he’s going to go back to his self-doubt about his worth, so he shocks me when he says, ‘I think I want to … I want to live with you … You and me together.’ He pauses then shakes his head determinedly. ‘No. Scratch that. I
I do.’

My heart pitter-patters inside my chest. I don’t want to get too excited, but I am. ‘Are you sure? Because I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything. I can wait.’

The corners of his mouth tip upward, his expression full of warmth. ‘I’ve never been more positive about anything in my life than I am about you. I don’t ever want to lose you … I just want to make sure you’re happy.’

‘I am happy. I promise.’

‘And I want to move in with you. I promise.’

Unable to control my excitement any longer, I grin like a big goof. He grins back at me, a genuine smile, too. And we remain that way, smiling like two silly, lovestruck college kids until the waitress strolls up with our drinks and food and gives us a questioning look, probably thinking the goofy, elated expressions we have are because we’re high.

After she sets our plates and drinks down in front of us, Kayden scoops up his burger and takes a large bite. ‘So is this our last stop for the night? Or is there more?’

I pick up a handful of fries. ‘What do you think?’

‘I think that considering the path you’re following, there’s still more.’ He opens his mouth and takes another massive bite of his burger, appearing so much more relaxed than he did twenty minutes ago. It makes me want to keep going down this path.

‘So, if you had to guess the next place, where do you think it would be?’ I pluck the onion off my burger as I wait for his answer, wondering if he’s cracked the code of my path.

‘You think I don’t know,’ he says amusedly, ‘but I do.’

I shrug, equally amused. ‘I’m curious if you remember.’

His brow arches. ‘And what do I win if I get it right?’

‘Whatever you want,’ I tease then take a bite of my burger.

He seems pleased, a big grin plastered on his face. ‘Prepare to lose, then.’ He reaches across the table to wipe some mayo off my lip. ‘Races, spray paint, and green footprints.’

He doesn’t have to say exactly where it is – we both know what those words mean. Such a simple night, at least to an outsider’s point of view, but to me it was one of the most magical, life-changing nights of my life.

Chapter 11
#149 Channel Your Inner Daredevil.

Thirty minutes later, we’re entering a store we went to right before we tagged a rock at a very famous tagging area, and right after Kayden and I first danced over a year ago. I was a little buzzed that night and felt so free hanging out with Kayden, Seth, and Luke because it was the first time I felt like I had friends.

The store is still the same, a little rundown and sells cheap stuff for cheap prices. We instantly make our way to the aisle where I once stepped on a can of green spray paint and got it all over the floor. It was during a sort of wrestling match between Kayden and I after Luke had turned the night into a game.

‘Holy shit. I can’t believe you can still see it?’ Kayden says as we both stare at the faint green shoeprint staining the dingy linoleum floor.

I slap my hand over my mouth as a giggle escapes. ‘I should feel bad, right?’

Kayden shakes his head as I move my foot over the print – the perfect fit. ‘No way. If anything, you should feel proud. You marked that night forever.’

‘Well, as long as this store exists, but it was definitely a night to be marked.’ I pause and then decide to admit the truth. ‘You know, when we were in the cab by ourselves, I kind of wanted you to kiss me. Although, I probably would have freaked out, so maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t. I don’t think I was quite ready for it yet.’

As he processes my words, he steps toward me, our bodies just inches away from one another. ‘I wanted to kiss you that night, but was afraid.’

I inch toward him, stealing what little space there is remaining between us. ‘Of what?’

‘That I would like it, that it would be wrong because I had a girlfriend, that I wasn’t good enough for you.’ He wets his lips with his tongue, his attention fixed on my lips. ‘Should we have a do-over?’

I nod enthusiastically and without any hesitation, his mouth collides with mine so forcefully I wonder if the impact will leave a bruise. But I don’t care. Let me bruise. All I can concentrate on now is his tongue parting my lips as he consumes me. The force sends me backward and I slam into the shelf behind me, another bruise perhaps, but again, it doesn’t matter. I don’t plan on breaking this kiss for anything.

But the shelf is lined with cans of spray paint and when we ram into it, a row of them tip over and fall onto the floor, making a lot of noise.

I sputter a laugh as we break the kiss and stare down at the mess we just made. ‘Holy crap,’ I say. ‘We’re cursed.’

‘No way,’ he breathes, his palms splayed on my back beneath my shirt. ‘It’s destiny, letting us have a second chance at the night I should have kissed you.’

His words sweep me away from reality and I grab the front of his shirt to pull him in for another kiss. Right as our lips reunite, someone yells, ‘What the hell is going on?’

Our heads snap in the direction the voice came from. At the end of the aisle, the clerk is there, red-faced and angry as he stares at the mess we just made. He’s about thirty or so, with shoulder-length hair, and wearing a name tag on his tie dye shirt that says

‘We’ll clean it up,’ I say, but Ed comes storming toward us.

‘I’m so sick of you little shits coming in here and thinking it’s funny to trash my store.’ As Ed strides toward us, he presses his finger to his chest as he repeats, ‘
store. Not yours. Mine. I’m going to make you pay for every damn one of those spray paint cans.’

I’m not sure what to do. The guy has this creepy look on his face like he’s out of his mind and it’s frightening but funny at the same time. A nervous laugh leaves my lips as Kayden grabs my hand and tugs me with him as he takes off in the other direction.

The clerk shouts at us to, ‘Get your punk asses back here now!’ but that only makes us move faster and laugh harder.

We don’t stop until we’re safely in the car and driving down the road toward the mountains, the headlights of Kayden’s car lighting the way. I’m still the driver, despite Kayden’s protests, because I want to be the one taking him on this journey.

‘So where are you taking me now?’ he asks as we head up toward the foothills.

‘You don’t know?’ I ask, wondering if he’s serious. Considering the direction we’re going in, it has to be obvious. And besides, we’ve had a few good moments up at this place, which makes it a super important part of our past.

He glances at me with a devious look on his face as he lifts his hand. ‘Actually, I do.’ In his hand, is a can of spray paint, which means he knew where we were going before we even got in the car. I’d be happy about this, and I am, except … ‘Did you shoplift that can of paint?’

‘The guy was a stoned asshole; I couldn’t very well pay for it with him about ready to attack us,’ he says, and when I sigh, he laughs. ‘Relax, Callie. I threw a few bucks down on the floor before we left.’ He draws a line down my cheekbone with his fingertip, eliciting an eye flutter from me. ‘I know you’re too nice to condone shoplifting.’

‘Hey, I can be a rebel,’ I say, half joking, half serious. ‘I’ve drank underage.’

He chuckles at my lame statement. ‘You’re so adorable.’

Gripping onto the wheel with one hand, I aim a finger at him. ‘Hey, mister, I am not always adorable. And I’m going to prove it to you.’
I am?

That gets him to smile, which makes me smile, too, even though I have no clue how to back up my words. Still, I rack my brain for a way to show him the daredevil side of me that I’m not sure I’ve discovered yet.

The idea only comes to me when I pull up to the parking spot at the bottom of the hill. I remember Seth always making jokes about how people would come up here and have sex. I used to blush like crazy when he’d joke about it and then told me Greyson and him came up here once.

I’m not even sure I can go through with it. Yeah, I’m a different person than I used to be. Much stronger and blush less. Plus, there’s no one else up here tonight, so we’ve got the whole place to ourselves.

‘What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?’ Kayden asks, interrupting my dazedness.

I tear my attention from the trees in front of the car and turn in my seat to face him. The headlights are still on and between that and the moonlight I can make out his firm jawline, soft lips, and wonderfully familiar eyes.

‘Callie.’ He starts to squirm under the weight of my gaze. ‘What’s going on? Is something wrong?’

Shaking my head, I swallow my nerves and click the headlights off. We’re smothered by darkness, which makes it easier to do what I’m about to. Or maybe it’s the costume making me feel like someone else, someone who can take risks, be a daredevil. I really don’t care where the feeling’s coming from; I just do what Seth’s always saying and roll with it, leaning over the console and kissing Kayden without any warning. He sucks in a sharp breath as my lips brush his and then he laughs softly when my tongue sweeps across his lip, signaling that I want him to open up.

‘I feel like you’re about ready to show me just how unadorable you are,’ he says in this low, husky voice that sends a thrill through me.

‘You’re completely right,’ I tell him as I tug off my boots then climb over the console and onto his lap. I put a knee on each side of him then crash my lips against his. This time he opens right up, sucking my tongue into his mouth and kissing me back with equal intensity. He nips at my bottom lip as he wraps his fingers around the back of my head and guides me closer, until there’s no room left between our bodies.

We’ve started to fog up the windows as I start to unbutton his shirt, but he catches my hand in his. ‘Callie, wait. We don’t have to do this,’ he pants against my lips, sounding as if stopping is the last thing he wants to do. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you with the adorable comment.’

‘You didn’t upset me. I promise.’ And it’s the truth. Right now, my mind is moving a million miles an hour, my body totally running on some sort of adrenaline high and I want to keep going, keep doing new things with Kayden, make every moment count, just like I’m always saying.

Before he can work up another protest, I slip my hand from his hold and flick another button loose on his shirt. I continue my way down it until I’ve got them all undone, then he slips the plaid shirt off and chucks it on the backseat. I’m about to reach for the hem of the T-shirt he’s wearing to take that off, too, when he leans toward the passenger side and turns the key so the battery clicks on and heat blasts from the vents.

‘Trust me. You don’t want it being freezing in here. It might do weird things to my man parts,’ he jokes and then peels his T-shirt off while I giggle at his comment. He’s laughing as he reaches for the zipper of the jacket I have on and yanks it down. After he gets it off, he tugs the straps of my dress down enough that my bra is exposed. Then he jerks down the front of that, too, so my breasts hit the air.

Before I can even react to the somewhat still chilly air, his mouth is on me, sucking and nipping and driving my body mad. It’s amazing how, even after a year, he still makes me feel the same overwhelming excitement and vulnerability I felt the first time we were together. It never gets old, whether we’re in his bed or in the crammed seat of a car.

My head tips back as he continues to devour me with his mouth, moving back and forth between my breasts, only stopping when I’m on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen. Then he undoes the button of his jeans and before I can even ask what he’s doing, he reaches up the bottom of my dress. I decide to help him out and lift my hips up, snorting a laugh when I bump my head on the roof. But all humor fades when he slides the edge of my panties aside and thrusts himself inside me.

It’s either the angle of my hips or the way my legs are bent, but he sinks in deep and I swear to God every one of my nerve endings explode as I gasp, clutching onto the back of the seat. It’s intense. No, beyond intense, to the point where I don’t think I can breathe.

‘Jesus,’ Kayden utters in a hoarse whisper as he grips at my waist from underneath my dress. ‘This feels …’

‘Amazing,’ I finish for him, then start rocking my hips, unable to hold still a second longer.

We move rhythmically, completely in sync with each other, like we were made for each other, which, in my opinion, we are. There is no one else in the world that will make me feel the way Kayden does. I will never trust anyone more. Never want to be with anyone as much. He’s it for me and I just hope that it’s the same way for him. That he wants to move in with me like he said. Be with me, maybe forever.

Chapter 12
#150 Rewrite Beautiful Words in Your Own Beautiful Way.

‘That was …’ I can barely breathe, let alone finish the sentence. Not after that. Sex in a car with Callie. How the hell did a really shitty night turn into something so amazing? I’d been so upset about all the stuff with my dad and how it was making me feel so ugly inside. Plus, I’d had a relapse. I felt like I was sinking toward the bottom of despair and now I feel like I’m on cloud nine running on fucking rainbows. But I don’t think it’s just the sex; it’s the memories that are doing it to me, too. Through all of the craziness and crappiness that’s happened, I’d somehow lost sight of all the good stuff that has happened and is still happening.

BOOK: The Coincidence 06 The Resolution of Callie & Kayden
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