Read The Camp Online

Authors: Karice Bolton

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Mysteries & Thrillers, #Mystery & Detective, #Romantic, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Horror

The Camp (9 page)

BOOK: The Camp
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“What an odd set of circumstances,” I murmured to Steph.

“Tell me about it.”

“I have a confession. I’d be totally cool with turning in now. I know it’s not even dark yet, but I’m exhausted.
I need to turn off my brain,” I suggested.

Her hand brushed
over my arm, rubbing it quickly. “I’m with you on that one.”

We tossed our garbage in the bear proof containers that the other CLs would take care of and scooted off to my tent.

I unzipped the door and immediately noticed a carved, wooden raven placed on my pillow. I froze and Steph ran right into the back of me, pushing me into the tent headfirst.

“Jeez, hasn’t anyone taught you proper door etiquette,” she teased, helping me back up.

“Sorry, I...”

“What’s wrong?” she interrupted, looking around the tent when her eyes landed on the raven.

It was only the size of my palm, but I had no idea what it was doing there.

“I don’t know why someone would’ve put that here,” I whispered.

She leaned over and picked it up, analyzing it closely. “It looks like someone whittled it recently. I bet Liam did it for you.”

The ice-cold terror that was running though
my veins immediately turned to spectacular warmth. He must have remembered what I had told him about my father teaching me to whittle.

“Any idea why he chose a raven?” I asked.
I know I didn’t tell him that was one of my favorite Poe pieces.

“Ravens hold a lot of power in the legends around here,” she replied, placing it in my hand.

My fingers ran up and down the grooves of the wood as I admired the trouble Liam went through to create this for me. It was quite thoughtful.

I pulled on my sweats and slid into the sleeping bag, offering up any of the books I had to Steph. She had brought over a couple that she had
, and I decided on a romance since I was already on cloud nine with the whittled raven under my pillow. I couldn’t wait to tell Liam my answer tomorrow morning before the plane arrived.










The morning came quicker than I expected, and I was ecstatic with the thought of getting to see Liam again and to tell him what my answer was about staying on the island. Unfortunately, I didn’t wake quite early enough to get a warm shower — a mistake I wouldn’t repeat twice. I quickly dressed and searched the grounds for him, but I couldn’t find him anywhere. I trudged back to my tent, waking Steph up to find out if she knew where he might be.

“He’s probably on th
e beach,” she groaned. “He likes to get a workout in before everyone is up and about.”

So that’s how he looks so fine!

“Can you take me there? I’ve never been to the beach.”

“You owe me,” she shot me a scowl and
sat up in the sleeping bag. She reached for a coat and slipped on her boots. “I’ll take you there and once you spot him, I’ll take off. I don’t want to be around for whatever it is you think you’ve got to tell him. I’m pretty sure I know how happy he’ll be.” She flashed me a grin, and I pulled on her arms to get her moving quicker.

“I’ll go grab a rifle and be right back.” She winked. “Gotta love the woods.”

Steph walked with me until we were in sight of Liam. I walked along the rocky beach, avoiding puddles on my way to tell him my answer. I was nervous about the choice I had made but it felt right.

My eyes scanned the fir trees, finally landing on him. My stomach muscles bunched at the sight of him. His lean, muscular body was impressive even from this vantage point. He was leaning against one of the fir trees, staring toward the shore. He didn’t see me yet, which was nice as I tried to take in every ounce of his goodness.

He was wearing dark jeans that were loose-fitting and hung low, wrapping around his hips. It was impossible not to notice the tight fit of the white t-shirt he had on. His shoulders were so broad and muscular that my mind kept imagining my hands running along his toned muscles. It didn’t really look like much of a workout outfit but who knows.

Oh shoot!
He turned to wave at me and caught me ogling. So much for playing it cool.

“Hey, Emma,” he yelled, waving me over. His smile was out-of-this-world gorgeous.

I gave him a quick wave and focused on the last stretch of rocky terrain to distract myself. I heard footsteps coming over to me and looked up to see Liam flashing his sexy, lopsided grin. He stood in front of me and extended his hand.

“Want some help?” He arched his brow.

I grabbed his hand and his fingers laced through mine as he hauled me up the last stretch of rugged ground. My hair was whipping in all directions as the breeze off the water picked up, and I used my free hand to anchor the mess that was erupting in all directions. This wasn’t the best look for someone who had naturally wavy hair.

I have something to tell you,” I told him as we walked over to the fir trees.

Hopefully it’s good news,” he said softly, pulling me under the canopy of conifers with him.

He smoothed my hair back from my face, his caramel eyes burning into mine.

“I’ve been thinking about whether or not to go back home,” I began.

“I don’t want you to leave,” he interrupted. He wore a solemn expression as his words lingered in the air.

I looked away quickly and started to worry about my decision. I had the chance to leave this place now, but it had to be today. If I didn’t get on the plane, I’d have to wait weeks before the next one arrived. But really, what was waiting for me back home?

I looked up at Liam who was staring at me waiting for my answer. His eyes softened as he took me in. My lips parted slightly to tell him what I’d chosen, but he spoke first.

“Would this change your mind?” He slid his hand around my waist and brought me closer. His other hand gently clutched my face, his lips dangerously close to mine. Warmth flowed through my veins as he pressed his body against me. All of the things about him that I had spent my time dreaming about, I was now feeling.

I wanted to be kissed so badly. Pleading with him silently I felt his fingers coil through my hair as his lips found mine. His mouth parted slowly, dipping to mine as the shock of the kiss radiated through me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my fingers run through his hair. My pulse quickened with every shift of his mouth as the softness of his lips explored mine.

My breath caught as his mouth left mine, but his lips never left my skin. He slid down my jaw kissing my throat softly, gliding his way down my collarbone sending an entire wave of chills through me. My hands moved down his neck, collecting his shirt in my hands as he tightened his grip around me.

My breath was becoming more difficult to control with every passing moment as his lips found their way back to mine, giving me one more kiss before
he released me. His breath graced my throat as his lips hovered so close to my flesh.

“Tell me. What’s your answer?” he whispered against my ear.

“I had already made up my mind before this,” I whispered.

“And?” his eyes narrowed, grinning at me.

“I think you know,” I crooned, grabbing his shirt, pulling him back to me.

Our lips connected,
as I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. His fingers brushed through my hair, sending more shivery delights down my spine. My hands slid down his arms and settled along his hips as he pressed into me, making my legs feel absolutely useless. His lips broke from mine, and he softly nuzzled his chin against the crook of my neck.

“I’m so happy you’re staying here. I promise to make it a
n experience worth remembering,” he rasped, his breath scattering across my neck, creating a craving for him deep inside. I could feel his heartbeat pounding against his chest as I laid my head against it, exhaling slowly.

“It’s going to be hard to keep my hands off you,” I
murmured, snuggling my cheek into him, smelling the fresh scent of soap and sea, “especially knowing the warm shower only lasts for a few minutes.”

I felt his body tremble, as he squeezed me tighter
. “I think the only way I’m going to survive with you around now is to take lots of cold ones.”

I laughed and felt his arms slowly release from me. I could’ve stayed in his arms all day and been completely satisfied, but we needed to get back to camp in case we could help with anything.

“Are you ready?” he asked. His caramel eyes locked onto mine, sending one last flutter through me.

“No.” I laughed.
“But I guess the plane will be coming soon. How was night-duty?”

He grabbed the rifle that was propped against the tree
that I hadn’t even noticed until now and strapped it over his shoulder and reached out for my hand.

“It was okay. He didn’t fall asleep
for hours and he uttered things in his sleep, but I couldn’t figure out what he was saying.”

“I’ll be so glad when he’s off this island,” I muttered.

When we got back to camp, the place was bustling with activity, and it looked like everyone had a task.

“This is how the camp is
supposed to be running,” he bent down and whispered in my ear.

I saw
Darryl and Sam, two of the campers I hadn’t really spoken with, hauling wood to the woodpile. Another two guys were taking down Chelsea’s tent and folding everything away.

“Who are those two again?” I asked pointing in the direction of Chelsea’s tent.

“The tall one is Vince and the other one is Fulton,” he answered. “Are you surveying your options now that you’re staying?”

I rolled my eyes, smiling at him.

“It’s going to
be incredible having you here.” Liam waved at Steph who was walking over to us.

“Chelsea’s no better today than she was yesterday,” she said, twisting her lips in confusion.
Her hands were on her hips and the look in her eyes was nothing like when I woke her up. She seemed frightened and anxious.

“The plane should be here soon, right?”
I asked.

“Any minute. I was going to head there with Dan
and Caleb.”

“Great. We’
ll come with you.” I offered.

“Awesome. The more hands the better to carry the rest of the supplies,” she said.

“I’m gonna go talk to Dan and Caleb about our climbing trip this afternoon.” He turned to me. “You’re coming, aren’t you?”

I nodded, smiling as I saw the eagerness build behind his eyes. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

“Ugh,” Steph said. “I hate anything to do with heights.”

“I’m not a fan either,” I whispered as Liam walked off.

Steph’s eyes got huge and grimaced. “You’d do that for him, even though you’re scared of heights?”

“It’s good to conquer fears
and all that,” I quirked my brow at her, “especially at the hands of Liam.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed

“Wanna help me get Chelsea squared away for the guys to haul her to the plane?”


We walked toward the yurt
, and I opened the door to find Chelsea, eyes open staring directly in front of her. She was still on the wooden board and probably couldn’t even move if she wanted to, judging by her injury.

“Hey, Chelsea. You get to go home.” I said softly, walking over to her.

Her eyes wore a dull, darkened expression, and I wasn’t sure if she actually heard me.

“Steph gathered all of your items this morning
, and they’ll be on the plane with you. The doctors will fix you up as soon as you land,” I continued, hoping that she’d show some sign she was hearing me.

The door sprung open and Dan, Caleb, Liam, and Cory
came inside, ready to carry her out to the landing strip.

“I heard the plane landing,” Liam said, glancing at me.

“Awesome,” I replied, turning my attention back to Chelsea who still didn’t even blink.

The guys picked
Chelsea up and carried her out with Steph and I following them outside.

I could hear the guys talking to her gently as bumps in the ground made for a rocky ride for her, but she still never acknowledged anyone
. When we reached the plane, an officer and a pilot greeted us.

The officer helped to maneuver Chelsea into a section of the plane that had been rigged up for someone
who needed to be flat by removing two seats. As soon as she was situated the officer turned to Liam and Dan, nodding.

Wanna show me where Tom is?” the officer directed.

“We’ve got him tied up in a tent.”

“He has quite a record, mostly harassment charges, but we’ll see what he has to say.”

“He was definitely threatening Emma,” Liam spoke up. “It sounded like he wanted to cause harm
, not just harass.”

“It’s a fine line in the eyes of the justice system,” the officer replied.
He gave Liam a card. “You can call me if you want to find out more about the case as it moves along.”

“Thanks, officer.”

Not really wanting to see our captive one last time, I walked back to my tent to get ready for rock climbing. It was actually turning into a nice day temperature wise. It was already in the low sixties so it might even reach the low seventies by the time we’re climbing.

“Meet us by the campfire when you’re ready,” Liam said through the tent.
“Dan and Justin already took off to start their session.”

“It’ll only be a few minutes and I’ll be there.” I coiled my hair into a bun and fastened
it down with a few clips. My nerves began to get the better of me as I thought about what it was that I was actually planning on doing today. My hands began to get clammy, and I wiped them on my pants, only to have the dampness immediately resurface.

The group was already g
athered around Caleb and Liam. The equipment was displayed on the ground with several sets of colorful rope catching my eye.

“Okay so where we’re headed is considered an easy climb. Maybe by the end of our time here, you’ll be able to traverse an intermediate climb but for now we’ll be sticking with
easy boulders. The rocks I’ve picked are fairly steep, but there are large hand and foot holds, along with already pre-placed anchors from past years. Each of you will have a partner that is an experienced climber so Dan, Caleb, and I will spot you,” Liam said.

I quickly glanced around
the group and realized I was the fifth wheel.

“I’ll be climbing with Cory and you,” Liam said, reading my mind.
My face was so transparent!

“Dan’s with Justin and Caleb will be climbing with Parker.”

“Okay,” I replied.

“All of the equipment has been checked, but now it’s your turn to look at everythi
ng and ensure all is good to go. Now all of you, except for Emma, have been climbing before, correct?” Caleb inquired.

BOOK: The Camp
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