The Bride's Unexpected Change in Plans (3 page)

BOOK: The Bride's Unexpected Change in Plans
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She roused slightly, her eyes still closed as she sat up a little straighter. But then as if she suddenly remembered everything that had happened before she fell asleep, her eyes flew open and she watched him nervously.

“Shhh, honey, it’s okay. I’m sorry to wake you, but I wanted you to meet Loukie and Cindy before I transport you to my home.”

“Your home?” she said, glancing at him as if she didn’t realize there were other people in the room. “I can stay with you and your tredellabina? That’s not breaking any rules, is it? I wouldn’t want to get you into trouble.”

He smiled at her willingness to put other people’s concerns before her own. It had probably been part of why her promised partners had found it so easy to walk away. She’d likely given them everything and asked for nothing in return. Because she’d placed no demands on them, they’d simply assumed she’d be all right with them walking away. If he ever met the man who’d promised to be her tredella, he might have trouble not punching him in the nose. Hadn’t he seen the wonderful woman he was throwing away?

“No, Kimberley, it’s not breaking any rules, but if you’re uncomfortable staying with me and Dayved, I’m sure Loukie and Cindy can help make alternate arrangements.”

He indicated the two women with the tilt of his head, almost losing his grip on Kimberley when she stiffened and tried to sit up quickly. He managed to avert disaster with quick reflexes, but it was obvious that being caught half lying in the arms of a man was something that embarrassed her immensely.

“Hi,” Cindy said, falling into her ambassador personality. “I’m Cindy Richards, and this is my wife, my mubella, Loukie. We’re so very sorry that this has happened, and dropped by to see if we can be of assistance.”

“Thank you,” Kimberley said quietly. “I’m…um…” She wriggled slightly, apparently trying to get off his lap, but the soft press of her bottom against his suddenly awoken cock was messing with his usual thought processes. Loukie smiled as if she knew exactly what was going on in his head. Kimberley turned her gaze to Ewin’s, studied his face for a moment, and then turned back to Cindy. “I would like to stay with Ewin if it isn’t too much bother, but I”—she hesitated as if she was embarrassed by the next words to leave her mouth—“I need to find a bank or a loan institution before I can book my passage home.”


Chapter Two

Kimberley tried to be brave, but it was a horrible feeling to not know how she was going to get home.

“Do you have any money?” Cindy asked without a hint of derision. Kimberley hadn’t really considered what she would do once she’d gotten here. Juna and Hollank had promised her that she wouldn’t need anything. They’d assured her that they wanted to get started straightaway on their family, so she’d used every dollar she had to get here as quickly as the system allowed. It was expensive to leave Earth. She hadn’t even considered what she would do if things didn’t work out.

Kimberley’s cheeks burned with her embarrassment as she shook her head in answer to Cindy’s question. “I suppose I should have planned for a situation like this, but, well, I didn’t think…I mean I didn’t expect… They’re such a lovely couple…I…” Kimberley closed her eyes as tears filled them. “I’m sorry,” she said in a shaky voice as Ewin placed his hand against the side of her head and guided her back into his embrace. This time she went willingly, wanting only to feel protected for a little while. She’d expected to be lying in her partners’ arms about now. Not sitting in the waiting room talking to strangers.

“Sweetie,” Cindy said as she reached over and squeezed Kimberley’s hand, “you’re not alone in this. Loukie and I will help you with anything you need. Why don’t you go home with Ewin, get some rest, and we’ll drop by in the morning?”

“Okay,” she said on a croaky voice. She was probably pathetic for clinging to the first person who’d shown her any kindness on this planet, but she couldn’t quite find the energy to care right now. She tried to pull herself together and find that backbone that had kept her positive even when things on Earth had seemed so awful, but being held tightly by Ewin made it very difficult to pull away. In his arms she felt safe, and that was something she truly hadn’t felt in a very long time.

“Perfect,” Loukie said with a soft smile. “We’ll see you tomorrow then. Sleep well.”

Kimberley tried to say “thank you,” but the words were muffled by Ewin’s shirt and her own exhaustion. She tried to keep her eyes open, but Ewin relaxed back against the chair and she relaxed against him. His hand gently massaged her head, his strong fingers gliding through the long strands of her hair as sleep once again claimed her.


* * * *



Dayved glanced at the clock and wondered what was keeping his tredella late at work this time. Lately he seemed to do more and more overtime. It felt like there was always something popping up to ensure that they spent less and less time together. As little as a year ago Dayved would have claimed their life together was pure bliss, but lately it had felt like something was missing.

Had Ewin grown bored with him?

He glanced around the home they’d decorated together. Well maybe not together—Dayved had chosen the colors, design, and layout of everything in their spacious apartment. It hadn’t seemed so at the time, but he couldn’t think of one time when Ewin hadn’t nodded in agreement and let him have his own way. In fact, what Dayved had thought of at the time as perfect synchronicity may very well have been complete disinterest.

Until this moment he’d considered their home eminently suited to them both, but now he found himself wondering. Had he been so self-centered that he hadn’t even been aware of Ewin’s indifference?

By the time he heard the door chime, he was ready to rush to his partner’s side and apologize for every selfish thing he’d ever done, but the sleeping woman in Ewin’s arms stopped Dayved in his tracks. His first emotion was pure jealousy, but it was quickly overridden by concern for the young human. Ewin wouldn’t have brought a stranger into their home if she wasn’t in dire need. He was that type of man.

“Is she okay?”

Ewin gave him a grateful look and then shook his head sadly. “Probably not,” he said with an unhappy smile. “Today was supposed to be her wedding day, but her mubella and tredella changed their minds.”

“They what?” The disbelief running through him made his voice louder than he intended. The woman in his tredella’s arms stirred briefly but thankfully didn’t fully wake up.

Ewin shifted the woman slightly and reached a hand out to Dayved. He took it gratefully, his worry of moments ago dissolving as Ewin pulled him closer. “That was my reaction, too.” He leaned over the woman between them and pressed a soft kiss to Dayved’s lips. “She’s very tired. Is the guest bed ready?”

“Of course,” Dayved said with a nod of his head and turned to lead the way. He hurried into their bedroom, lifted the thermal blanket, and stood back as Ewin placed the woman onto the soft mattress. “Will she be comfortable wearing clothes to bed?”

It had always seemed strange to him that humans not only wore clothes in their own home but that many of them even wore them to bed. Nudity was simple and natural, so the human aversion to it was quite perplexing.

“I think she’d probably prefer it. After the sort of day she had, I don’t think being thrust into a very different culture is what she needs or wants.”

“True,” Dayved said as he glanced at his own naked state. “Should I put some clothes on?”

Ewin gave him the type of sexy grin he hadn’t seen in quite a while. He reached over, dragged Dayved into his embrace, and bent his head to kiss him long and hard.

“Did you know,” he said, seeming to go completely off topic, “that a day on Earth is only twenty-four hours long? Kimberley has been awake for nearly that long today already, so I suspect she will sleep heavily for quite a long time.”

“Oh,” Dayved said with a happy grin.

With a last quick glance at the woman sleeping in the bed next to theirs, Ewin grabbed Dayved around the waist and half dragged, half carried him from the room. “Shower time,” he growled in a sexy voice as they stepped into the bathing area.

Dayved was suddenly very glad he was already naked. His cock was so hard it would have been very painful to be restricted by clothing at this point. Ewin wasn’t so lucky. His thick erection strained against the uniform he wore as one of the royal guards. Dayved dropped his hands to his lover’s pants, quickly undid the restrictive garment, and let Ewin’s cock spring free. His tredella smiled at him, groaning as Dayved wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped slowly up and down.

“Oh, babe, you sure know how to make a man feel welcome.” He placed his hands on Dayved’s shoulders, urging him to his knees. Dayved knew exactly what his lover wanted and went willingly. Ewin groaned at the first swipe of his tongue, his legs shaking as Dayved took the spongy head of Ewin’s cock into his mouth, licking and laving over the sensitive skin, more than willing to give his man everything he asked for.

After only a few moments, Ewin was shaking with desire, his deep groan filling the room as he gripped Dayved’s head between both hands and pulled him off his cock. “On the seat,” Ewin growled urgently. It was obvious his man was on the edge, so Dayved quickly moved into the shower area. The specially molded seat was the perfect height for Ewin to lay him on his back and fuck him silly. As soon as he climbed into place, Ewin leaned over him and pressed a hard kiss to his mouth, taking him ruthlessly, his tongue tangling with Dayved’s in a battle for dominance that Ewin always won.

He rubbed their cocks together, the sensual slide bringing Dayved closer to the edge, making his asshole clench as his lover overwhelmed him with sensation. He almost couldn’t breathe when he heard the squirt of the lube jar, but it was the thick fingers pushing into his back passage that had him gasping.

“Holy goddess,” he whispered as his lover prepared him quickly. The tight muscle quickly gave way to Ewin’s skilled mastery. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, baby,” Ewin said as he pressed the head of his cock against Dayved’s ass. He thrust hard, filling Dayved in a single stroke. Dayved cried out at the shock of his lover’s forceful invasion, stilling Ewin’s movement. He looked like he was about to apologize, but Dayved placed his fingers over Ewin’s mouth, stopping the words.

“It felt amazing, but now I really need you to fuck me.”

Ewin smiled, reaching a hand to Dayved’s face and touching him reverently as he started to move inside him, sliding out and then in, his movements gentle, his thrusting controlled as his arms shook with need and his face twisted with pained desire.

“Babe,” Dayved said breathlessly. It felt amazing, but he could tell his lover was holding back. It had been a long time since they’d indulged in the urgent need they’d felt for each other at the beginning. Dayved could see that need in his lover’s eyes, and he wanted desperately to be able to give him the loving that they both missed. “Ewin, you didn’t hurt me. Please, I need you to fuck me, really fuck me, just like we used to.”

Ewin made a strangling groaning noise, but the expression on his face said not only had he heard his lover’s plea but that he was about to make good on it.

He leaned over him, lifting his legs higher, pushing them against his chest, trapping him in place. “I love you,” he groaned as he pulled his cock slowly from Dayved’s ass and then slammed back in. Over and over, each stroke harder, more powerful, more demanding. He grabbed Dayved’s arms, pinning them to the chair, completely immobilizing him, fucking him silly, just as he’d hoped. “Come for me,” he demanded, pressing his abdomen and chest against him, trapping his cock between their bodies, the forced immobility sending violent streaks of lightning through his overwrought system, his nerves screaming for release as his cum boiled in his balls. He nearly screamed as the first pearly jet spurted from his cock, the warm slippery fluid smearing between them as Ewin continued to thrust into his ass.

Completely spent, he let his husband move him however he wanted, groaning as Ewin grabbed his hips and dragged him onto his cock again and again, the combination of hard thrusts and violent clashes hardening his cock in an unexpected renewal of desire.

“Fuck,” Ewin whispered as he saw Dayved’s cock thicken and stretch once more. “Play with yourself. Fist that cock and come for me again, baby.”

Dayved groaned, his arousal flying sky-high as Ewin pounded into his ass and watched him bring himself back to the brink of climax. The harder and faster he thrust, the harder and faster Dayved pulled on his cock, his breath catching as Ewin slammed into him one last time, his cock throbbing inside his ass, his cum filling his back passage as orgasm caught him once more. Dayved moaned as streams of pearly cum again decorated his chest, the smeared evidence of two orgasms filling him with sated delight.

At this rate their house guest wasn’t the only one who was going to sleep well tonight.

Ewin fell forward, his lips touching Dayved’s in a reverent kiss. “I love you,” he said with a smile as he finally moved away. He went to the shower panel, programmed the water to fall the way they both liked it, and then helped Dayved to stand. He held him up, Dayved’s legs wobbling with exhaustion as the gentle rain-like shower cleaned them both down.

“Sleepy?” his lover asked him in that deep, sexy voice that never failed to arouse him.

“A little,” he admitted honestly. “Did you eat? I made dinner. I can get you something.”

“Thanks, baby,” Ewin said as he pulled Dayved back into his arms. “I grabbed something a couple of hours ago. I’m sorry I didn’t call.”

“That’s okay,” Dayved said, trying to forget the irritation he’d felt earlier. “I know you were busy.”

“That’s no excuse,” Ewin said as he grabbed the shower gel and washed them both down. His strokes against Dayved’s oversensitive skin were slow and loving, bringing with them the type of emotional connection he hadn’t felt to his lover for quite a long time. “I should have called you, and I promise to call you every time I’m going to be late from now on.”

BOOK: The Bride's Unexpected Change in Plans
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