The Black Morass (Pirates of the Coast Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Black Morass (Pirates of the Coast Book 1)
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November, 1816


A cold wind
signaled an early winter, as Jean Marc stood on the quarterdeck and directed the helmsman, and they glided the ship alongside the
.  On the bow, a familiar face lingered, and Lady Elaine waved a greeting, which he mirrored.

“Oh, I am so excited, my love.”  At his side, Maddie bounced and hugged her round belly.  “And I am so proud of you.”

“I never could have succeeded without you,
Mon Chou
.”  He pressed his lips to hers, as the Iron Corsair smirked.  “And no snide comments from the gallery.”

Barry laughed.  “I have to do something, as I cannot believe I am about to embark on the same lunacy you completed.”

“You want to go home.”  Jean Marc shrugged.  “It is understandable and necessary, but you never told me how you came to be a pirate.”

“I was blamed for a crime I did not commit.”  Barry shifted, as the crew prepared the mainsail hull.  “Are you sure I am doing the right thing?”

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder?”  Jean Marc descended the companion ladder and lifted Maddie down.  “Or do you want something more?”

Ah, something more.

At the mention, his wife glowed, and he winked.

It was a strange emotion—love.

He understood why women existed for it, and why men killed for it.  Love made him believe in the goodness of a lady’s heart, in the power of a whisper of a kiss, and in the incomparable strength of his wife’s faith.  Indeed, what he shared with Maddie knew no bounds.  A limitless, seemingly infinite depth of devotion invested even the simplest action, and he wondered how he ever survived without her.

“Welcome, Jean Marc and Lady Madalene.”  Lady Elaine gathered with Sir Ross and Lord Raynesford.  “And I see you renamed the ship
Lady Madalene
.  How fitting.”

“It is wonderful to meet you, at last.”  Maddie stepped off the plank and straight into Lady Elaine’s embrace.  And as the women quickly became lost in chatter, Jean Marc shook Sir Ross’s hand.

“It is good to see you again, Logan.”  Then he snickered.  “Never thought I would ever say that.”

“That goes for both us.”  Sir Ross gazed at Barry.  “And who is this?”

“A friend who would like to avail himself of a pardon.”  Jean Marc glanced at the Iron Corsair.  “He is known as—”

“—Barrington Nicholas Peregrine Howe.”  Raynesford opened and then closed his mouth.  “Or as he was called when we attended Eton together, the Marquess of Ravenwood.”

Now that was a surprise Jean Marc did not see coming.

“Raynesford.”  Barry dipped his chin.  “It has been a long time.”

The marquess shook his head.  “I have not seen you since—”

“—I was charged with a murder I did not commit,” Barry replied.  “Will the King’s concordat grant immunity from a crime for which I was never tried or convicted?”

“It is a full pardon.”  Sir Ross shrugged.  “I presume so.”

“I have no interest in reclaiming the title.”  Barry gazed at the sky and sighed.  “I just want to be free of the past.”

“Then sign the document, and your year commences from this date.”  Ross flagged a crewmember, which brought forth a tray with a pen, an inkwell, and rolled parchments.  “Jean Marc, may I present you a full and unconditional pardon, signed by His Majesty.”

Images flashed before him, as he accepted the symbol of his liberty.  And in that instant, Maddie rushed forward, tears in her blue eyes, and threw her arms about him.  When she retreated, she daubed her face with her lace-edged handkerchief, and he adored the contradiction she manifested.

In public, his bride maintained the air of refined elegance that characterized her from the moment they met.  But in private, she could best the most seasoned courtesan, and that was a compliment.

“Lady Elaine has invited us to visit them in London.”  Maddie turned to Ross’s wife.  “And you simply must come to Boston and stay as our guests.”

“Of course, will.”  To his amazement, Lady Elaine rose on tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek.  “So it appears you found someone to love you, Jean Marc.”

“As did you, Lady Elaine.”  He winked and peered at her enormous belly.  To Ross, Jean Marc said, “If we are done, we should depart for Port Royal.”

“Take care, Jean Marc.”  Logan again extended a hand in friendship.

When they regained the relative comfort of his ship, Jean Marc hailed Tyne, and the first mate barked a series of commands.

“I need a drink.”  Barry saluted.  “Enjoy your triumph, my friend.”

And so the
Lady Madalene
, with a new coat of paint and fresh pitch, steered south, and Jean Marc held Maddie close on the bow, as they admired the sunset.

“So how do you wish to celebrate?”  She nuzzled his chest and burrowed beneath his greatcoat.  “As I am most definitely at your service.”

For a second, he considered her offer, and then he grinned.  “I want to take you to our cabin and ride your round bottom until dinner.”

She burst into laughter.  “Oh, my love, you say the sweetest things.”


Bestselling, Amazon All-Star author Barbara Devlin was born a storyteller, but it was a weeklong vacation to Bethany Beach, DE that forever changed her life. The little house her parents rented had a collection of books by Kathleen Woodiwiss, which exposed Barbara to the world of romance, and Shanna remains a personal favorite. Barbara writes heartfelt historical romances that feature flawed heroes who may know how to seduce a woman but know nothing of marriage. And she prefers feisty but smart heroines who sometimes save the hero, before they find their happily ever after. Barbara earned an MA in English and continued a course of study for a Doctorate in Literature and Rhetoric. She happily considered herself an exceedingly eccentric English professor, until success in Indie publishing lured her into writing, full-time, featuring her fictional knighthood, the Brethren of the Coast.

Connect with Barbara Devlin at
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The Knightly News



Table of Contents

The Black Morass

A wanted pirate...


Titles by Barbara Devlin


Author's Note

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


About Barbara Devlin

BOOK: The Black Morass (Pirates of the Coast Book 1)
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