Read The Billion Dollar Sitter Online

Authors: Eliza DeGaulle

The Billion Dollar Sitter (9 page)

BOOK: The Billion Dollar Sitter
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"Why are you going then," I asked.

"Networking. I have to keep up good relations. More of the posturing I've told you I enjoy so much."

The sarcasm dripping from his lips burned my shoulder as he kissed it.

"So where are you going?"

"Alejandro runs a chain of casinos in Vegas and has made himself quite the rich man. I figure I'll go and enjoy the sights, it's been a year or so since I've been."

"Vegas?" I'm still nineteen, so a little childlike excitement was excusable from me, my voice got shaky, a smile across my face. "Do - do I get to go?" Instead of nineteen, I sounded like I was only nine.

"Of course. I am bringing my son, and I can't go without his caretaker, can I? Think of it as a family vacation."

Family? Did he consider me family now? The nine year old bouncing in excitement for bright lights and white tigers was replaced by the nineteen year old considering the implications of his words.

"Go. Prepare yourself, I need to make some last minute arrangements."

He turned me in his arms, and laid one final kiss on me, a long one. He wouldn't kiss me like that if I was just to bear his child and nothing more, right?

Why did love have to be so confusing?








The nine year old came right back as I peered out the window of the private jet as it soared over Vegas. Lights. Pretty! All in the distance, a colorful oasis when everything else we passed over was about as interesting as the clouds - flat, boring farmland. Which was slightly more interesting than the flat, boring desert.

"It's as if you'd never been on vacation before, Marci." Tyson stood behind me as I smooshed my face against the window.

"Not really. Couldn't afford it. Most we would get is going upstate to see my grandparents. Never left the area otherwise."

"Ah, so you're in for a treat. Glad I can break another of your cherries."

I looked back at him with a smile, one he shared.

"Come. The evening draws near. When I say it's a vacation, I mean it, Marci. I will arrange for my son to be cared for in your absence."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, making me stand to meet him. I sighed as I looked into his eyes. It was so easy for him to pull me away from my supposed task of watching his child for his own enjoyment. I knew he cared deeply for Ty. He was as excellent a father as a very successful businessman could have been. Most would have left their child behind on such a trip.

It just added to the reasons I loved him.

The plane touched down, and he guided me out. First, of course, was getting us prepared to look like a billionaire and his girl. Tyson wore a more casual suit, still full of class, but lacking a tie. The suit emphasized all of the wonderful hardiness of his body, firm and so very hot to me.

Me? Another dress, modest but sexy, ending just above my knees, thin straps over my shoulders. A design of black and red covered the fabric, and it was tailored to fit my body perfectly. I had to laugh in the mirror, still unable to believe a girl like me would be wearing such things. Tyson was quick to sweep me up, his arm hooked into mine as he lead me out of the boutique.

Turns out there's more to do in Vegas than just gamble. Tyson correctly guessed that I wasn't interested in the world of card games and roulette wheels. I saw a magic show. I saw a comedy show. I saw exotic animals. I had the most wonderful dinner surrounded by people who spent enough on the meal they were eating to feed my mother and I for a year.

As I finished off the ice cream, inferior to what Tyson's kitchen wizards could produce but still good, my billionaire stood beside me. He offered me his hand. "Come, Marci, it's time to discuss business with Alejandro."

My heart skipped a beat. After a brief moment, my mind slowly started to work. I glanced at a clock. It was eleven at night. Who did business at eleven at night? Then, my mind turned to Alejandro.

I didn't want to be unfaithful. I mean, fantasizing about other people is okay even if I'm in a relationship, right? It's like, healthy and stuff. Maybe not to the point I'm doing it, fawning over him like he was a teen idol.

I followed Tyson through the smoke-filled casino. There are other things to do in Vegas besides gambling, but when anyone thinks of Vegas, they think gambling. I heard the chatter of dealers, people making bets with money they had set aside for this. Money that perhaps they shouldn't have been gambling with. Tyson wasn't here for any of that, and cut straight to his ultimate destination.

At the top of the building, in a darkened room, were a pair of large, buff men. They stood in front of a door with their arms crossed, wearing sunglasses and suits. They scowled, looking intimidating as if were their job. Probably because it was. Tyson nodded, and was let through.

Through the exclusive door, it was dark, light in the distance. Surrounding a table and a dealer were several people awaiting us. Each of them were dressed much like Tyson. It didn't take me long to figure they were all loaded as much as he was.

They also all had their own arm candy, much like the ball last week. Beautiful women, or in one case, a woman with some sort of Chippendale-dancer- looking guy at her side.

"Ah. Took you long enough to show your face, Tyson." The voice was familiar and exotic, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I grabbed my lover's arm tightly, looking for an outlet to channel the excitement I felt.

Alejandro Araullo sat in a chair, a glass in one hand. His hair was dark and shaggy. His skin lightly tanned. His body leaner than Tyson's. So delectable, he was a very different flavor of sexiness than I was used to.

I wanted him. I couldn't hide it – I was pretty sure Tyson knew it, too. He was a sharp man and had to realize I was only a teenager with the hormones to match.

Just another reason why I was so sure our romance was doomed.

"Come and sit down. We're starting the game at one hundred," Alejandro said.

"One hundred dollars doesn't sound so bad,"
I said
, loud enough that only Tyson could hear me.

"It's a hundred thousand, Marci," he said.


I watched the game in amazement. Cards were dealt, hands played, and chips tossed around. It was poker. A game I only understood in the loosest of terms.

The games were high stakes, to say the least. Half million dollar hands. People lost millions of dollars. They weren't even phased at the event.

The other billionaires began to surrender. From six it dwindled down to three. Conversation flew between those who remained in the game. "You're playing very well, Tyson," Alejandro said, peering over his hand.

"In my younger days, I was quite the enthusiast," Tyson replied. "I found this game excellent for practicing keeping a stone face - an invaluable skill for the world of business. Never let the other man know what you're thinking, no matter whether it's a business deal or a card hand."

"Ah, wisdom there, my friend," Alejandro always had a girl at his side. Today's woman was different from the pair I had seen with him last week. Caramel skin and jet black hair, she belonged on the cover of a fashion magazine and she made me feel so out of place. "I see you have brought your Marci again," Alejandro added, as his eyes turned to me.

I blushed, sweat forming on my brow.

"Yes. She is dear to me. What of it?" Tyson said.

"Are you thinking of remarriage so soon, Ty? Aren't we quick to replace what was lost to us?"

Tyson wasn't lying when he said he worked on, and perfected, his poker face. I could see his demeanor shake from that. Alejandro seemed to be the type that searched for a weakness. He found one that worked on Tyson. Low blows such as that were not things that were against his honor.

"My relationship with Marci is of no consequence to our business deal or this game, Alejandro. As such, I do not expect you to discuss it."

"Ah, I was just trying to be friendly. My apologies," Alejandro said. I couldn't truly tell if he was sincere.

The hands continued to go down. The third player who wanted nothing to do with the petty squabbles between the other two remained silent.

She didn't matter. A few hands later, she excused herself from the game. The game was down to two. The tension between Tyson and Alejandro made me want to hide behind Tyson's chair.

The dealer stood between them, unimpressed by their discussion. "Shall we call it a final hand boys? Ten million to the winner."

Giant numbers started to lose their weight to me.

Apparently I wasn't the only person who thought so.

"Ten million? Small potatoes. Is this even really a gamble, Tyson?" Alejandro said. He stroked the tuft of hair on his chin as he leaned back in his chair.

"Frivolous for us, yes. But we're not playing this game to make money, are we?" Tyson said.

"I suppose not. We were supposed to be discussing business." He stared over at me. "But the pleasure," he paused a moment, "of the game got in the way. How about we discuss business then. You looked over the proposal I sent your way, yes?"

"I did. I found the terms lacking. As is, it would be a blow to my business to agree to them, for you see..." Tyson talked business. His mouth moved. I didn't understand a single thing that spilled out of it. I nodded blankly. Alejandro seemed to comprehend, sipping his drink patiently. "Really, Alejandro, I know you can make a better offer." He finished, finally.

"You do your homework. Great. I suppose if business is off, we can go to pleasure. Such as the wonderful women at our sides."

Model girl and I exchanged glances.

"How about a wager then, damn the ten million. The winner of this hand gets," Alejandro laughed to himself as he seductively looked at me. I blankly stared at him like a dork. "The woman of the other."

Tyson was slow to respond. "You can't be serious."

"Completely. If your hand is better than mine, I will grant you Alicia here."

"Um, I told you, my name isn't - " the model tried to butt in.

"Details," he said. "Of course, if I claim victory, I would like to have your marvelous Marci for the evening."

Silence. Or maybe time just froze for me. All I know is that I was caught in his gaze. His clear declaration that he wanted me. I was more valuable to him than the model on his arm. I was worth gambling for.

Reality snapped back as Tyson spoke. "Insanity. You care so little about your date that you can't even get her name right. Marci means so much more to me, and no offense to your date, but I have no interest in her."

"And that's why you won't even tell me what she is to you? Just some random girl you threw money at in your grief? Someone to cuddle with and remind you of your late wife?"

If Tyson Knight were a less classy man, he would have jumped over that table and began to strangled Alejandro. Instead, he kept his cool. The only signs of his temper were the trembling of his fists. Even those calmed after a few seconds. "Maybe even I don't know. All that I am certain of is she means much to me."

"Apologies," it seemed a bit more sincere. "I still hold my offer of the bet. She is quite the charmer, and I would love to experience why you enjoy her so much."

I stood shaking. My eyes darted away from the situation as they discussed my fate. It seemed I had no say in the matter.

"So, my friend. Gamble with her."

"I will not," he firmly replied.

Alejandro laughed. "Ah, so you are a coward."

"This is foolish."

"You always seem to think so. You always act like you're above this, Tyson. But you play along. You're just as willing to play along with this nonsense as anyone else. Because you can't stand the idea that people would think less of you. You have too much pride. So I'm telling you, you're a coward. Are you afraid if your lovely Marci has one night with a man like me she'll be lost to you?"

Tyson seethed again. He took a deep breath. The cards had been dealt almost ten minutes ago. He peeked at his hand thoughtfully. A glance towards me, and he caught how I looked at Alejandro. Another breath, he finally spoke. "Fine. We'll play it your way."

"I cannot fault you, Tyson. Pride is strong inside me as well. It has to be to get this far in this cutthroat world."

"Shut up and play your hand."

Tyson threw down. All diamonds. 8, 9, 10, Jack, and a Queen. They were high numbers and of the same color and icon thingy. I knew enough to know this was good. Really good.

"A nice hand. Confident of you to make such a gamble with your sweet girl. I certainly can't beat that."

Tyson shook his head. A victory here was almost meaningless to him. He'd probably send Alicia or whatever her name was on her way for the evening.

"As for mine." Alejandro put down his set. Spades. 9, 10, Jack, Queen, and a King. I knew enough that this was also good. Really good. Better than what Tyson had. "You should know better, Tyson. Good business isn't made through gambles. It's made through sure things, and getting the most possible out of those sure things. As such, I improved the value of my hand."

BOOK: The Billion Dollar Sitter
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