Read The Billion Dollar Sitter Online

Authors: Eliza DeGaulle

The Billion Dollar Sitter (15 page)

BOOK: The Billion Dollar Sitter
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I swallowed. He let out a quiet laugh, coating his finger with the oil. He brought that finger back to my hole, and began to push it in. The pressure was immense, the muscles not feeling a violation back there for nearly three weeks. Memories though, made me gasp. I wanted to experience that again. With the man I had truly loved.

He slid that finger in and out me, the discomfort falling away quickly. Another finger entered, and tested my endurance. It strained me a little bit, but I was quickly over it.

I fell forward and braced myself against the bathroom sink. Slowly he finger fucked me, and I endured it gleefully. Strange, unusual, they were different from what I remembered. he continued ever so carefully, his other hand undoing his belt.

He had found out only minutes ago, but the sight of me now carrying his child had made Tyson harder than I ever had seen him before. "I want you now, Marci." The heat of his cock ran up my thigh, a trickle of precome smeared against my skin. His oil-covered hand coated his cock with what he needed to fully enjoy the last hole he hadn't.

Around my pucker, he pushed himself inwards, spreading my tightness. The pressure was immense, but I ached for him as he slid in bit by bit. I yearned for a second dose of that oh so full feeling as he pushed himself all the way in. My breath stopped as the muscles back there adjusted to this new presence inside me. It had a memory of its own, and quickly remembered what it had felt last time, relaxing around him.

The nerves inside me flared as he left, and flared more as he returned his cock into me. The sheer power of his penetration rocked my body, my breasts swaying with each one. Each one also brought me a heavy tide of pleasures that ran over me, as I craned my neck toward him. I smiled, as did he.

I had no idea what was next for us. What would happen after I gave birth to his -
- child. Would it be enough for him to love me? Or would I be destined to be thrown out on the street like every pessimistic thought in my head said?

The bliss powered through me with electric delight as Tyson pushed himself all the way inside my asshole again. He wasn't weighing himself down with thoughts of the future. He knew he had what he wanted. His child on the way, and a beautiful nineteen year old who was willing to do anything he wanted. He lived in the now.

I decided to do the same. To stop worrying so much about the future. Enjoy the now - enjoy the wonderful things Tyson did to me. Enjoy the happiness we were sharing of our success, and of our lusts. Whatever may come, I was happy



Her Billion Dollar Vow



A stack of pillows, my comfort always his top priority. My belly had swollen much in the past few months. The sum of all of our efforts, the foundation our bliss. His warm hand coasted over my shoulders, over my back. My body was changing, a thing of chaos in recent months. When he was there though, I felt better than I had ever had before.

Every move he made. His bare chest against my spine, tickling me with those light hairs. How his arms wrapped around my body, and took my nipples into his hands. They were more tender than ever. I could feel the texture of his fingers as they gently touched me and brought me greater pleasure. The tips leaked a drop or two of milk, my body doing well in rising to the call of motherhood.

"Everything comfortable there, Marci," Tyson asked, his bearded face across from mine. He leaned in with a followup kiss. I returned the kiss, and nodded my affirmation.

His hand slid down my body, between the pillows and my swelling belly. He caressed it, his attempt at cradling his child who was not yet born. To me, it was stretched, pained flesh, so I relished the brief comfort of his touch. He wasn't here to rub my belly, as enjoyable as it was, though.

His hands kept exploring me, rounding back up to my hips. More of his touch brought a grin to my face.

"Still as beautiful as ever. Even more beautiful as you become the mother of my children. I want to see you like this. Always."

I laughed.

"Within reason, of course. I don't need twenty children. Ten will do. Maybe. We'll take it kid by kid." He shared my joy. The joy from humor gave way to the joy of carnality his fingers plunging down into my pucker. Tight. Finger against flesh, he continued to push himself inside the highly resistant hole. Always unusual, but I couldn't call it uncomfortable anymore. Especially not when I knew what was to come.

His other hand roamed to the front side of my body, and pushed his strong, thick fingers into my pussy. Soaked and wet, it yearned for him. It ached for his hardness to plunge into it once more.

"I want to be back in you again too, Marci. So much. I figure though, nine months of enjoying your rear. Then I'll fill you with my seed again. The anticipation we will have for one another, just imagine it. It'll be exquisite."

My neck turned, and I nodded happily to him. I wanted him, no matter which hole. The way he touched me, the way he used me, the way he fucked me, he made me come for him every time. His fingers departed my pussy, and I knew his words would be true. When he entered my sex again with his cock, I'd come harder than I ever had before.

For now, though, I enjoyed as he returned a finger to my ass, this time coated with his fancy oils. They felt so nice on my skin, and more than did their part in making sure his worship my ass would only be pleasure without pain.

I braced myself on the silk-covered pillows. Such a comfortable thing to rest my body against, it was like I was floating through air. As such, I could put my focus entirely on the unusual but delectable pleasure he was bringing down to my asshole. In and out, he knew how to get me prepared for him.

"So delicate, so marvelous, my young beauty, you've been on my mind all day. Every day. I can't imagine my life without you now."

The heat of his cock tickled the outside of my hole. It was as lubed up as his fingers were. Everything was perfect as he had designed. I nodded, and gasped with pleasure as his size began to push into my tightness. The electricity shot through me. Anticipation. Such a powerful thing. Even if the sensations of him just penetrating me weren't entirely as wonderful as my mind thought them, knowing what would come more than made up for it.

His hands gripped on to my thighs as he eased himself all the way into my hole. So tight, so mushed together, so unbelievably full. I loved the feeling. I glanced back at Tyson. I loved how my tightness was pleasing him as well. How every inch back there massaged his cock.

How as he withdrew his cock from me, it massaged me right back. Bringing alive all of the nerves that rested down there. Awakening as they had so many times before, especially as often as they had over the past few months. Every surge that came into me as he pushed himself in, and as he brought himself out of me. I gasped, letting my body feel the sensations freely. We had one another to enjoy for the night, and we were going to enjoy one another completely.

Again and again he built up a rhythm deep inside me. I sang for him. I didn't bite my tongue because I knew that wasn't what he wanted. It wasn't what I wanted.

My body built toward it's wonderful climax. Higher, more fierce. His heat inside me, powering through me. I grabbed the pillows tighter. Up through my body, I wasn't going to be able to resist the pressures from my ass much longer. The subtle grunts of Tyson told me he wasn't going to be able to resist my ass much longer either.

Energy rushed through me. As repetitive as it was, I didn't care. I loved it. My entire body lost to the shuddering convulsions of ecstasy. My moans, how my entire body felt the need to go sore right after. Everything so weak, as it pulsed pleasurably with the aftershocks.

The pulsing of his cock inside of me as he filled me with his hot cream. As he flooded my rear with his seed, it was a sweet dessert on top of everything else. On its own, it just felt nice. What really made it so wonderful though, was the fact it was the proof that I had given him all the pleasures he had just given me.

The fact that I gave him another reason that he should love me.

"I thank that your pregnancy has been of the more insatiable lust variety, my young beauty." His sweet breath blew past my ear, his cock slowly withdrawing from my tight hole. It immediately missed him, the emptiness feeling far more unnatural than having him inside me ever did. "I don't think I'd be able to take the 'hate being touched'-dominated variety again. I dealt with that before. It was far from - well, pleasant."

My body ached with delight, as he guided me down off the pillows and on to his - could I call it our? - bed. I felt the remains of our tryst leak out of my rear. On to the blanket and sheets, worth at thousands of dollars. Possibly tens of thousands. He didn't care. Only my comfort, my pleasure mattered to him. His arms wrapped around my body, holding my naked form tightly against him, and his warmth. I never wanted to be without it. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms every night like this. Forever.

I didn't ask the world for much. Was asking for Tyson Knight's unconditional, lifelong love too much though?




Six months later...




I felt cold. Naked. I was covered with heavy blankets, and I was wearing the same dress I was the day before. It didn't matter. Every time I slept I dreamed of him. They were sweet, wonderful dreams. Of our intimacy. Of his smile. Of the happiness we had brought one another.

I threw my feet on to the floor and stood. It was a herculean effort all its own really. I spent at least two weeks of the past month kind of hibernating on my bed. Seeking those dreams to remind me of what joy really was. Luckily, though, I had someone who cared for me. Someone who I could always count on. I just wished I could have said the same of him.

"Marci, ah, you're awake!" Mom pushed my bedroom door open slowly. A huge smile on her face, glowing just to see that I wasn't just sleeping my young life away.

"Good morning, Mom." I forced myself to smile.

"It's two pm., honey."

I glanced at the clock. She was right. I took a few steps in front of the mirror. My hair was an utter mess from sleeping - not bothering to comb or brush it for a few days now didn't help matters. I looked the same as I did a year ago, though. Youth had won it's battle over pregnancy and I was bouncing back pretty fast. A little bit bigger in some areas, maybe. I wasn't wearing any more of Margaret's clothes, but I figured if I had any left, I'd fit in them now a lot better. Pregnancy's effects on your body are not a hundred percent negative.

Why couldn't he love me even then?

"You really need to stop pouting at yourself. I hate it when you do that. Your best quality, Marci, is the sunshine you bring into the room. I miss that. Don't tell me that bastard stole your sunshine." Mom scowled behind me, I could see her over my shoulder in the reflection.

"He didn't do anything, Mom. How many times do I have to tell you?"

She shook her head. I don't think she believed me yet. She had a hard time believing me when I first told her of my relationship with him, and the origins of my pregnancy. That Tyson Knight didn't take advantage of me. That he didn't force me, or threaten me into a sexual relationship with him. That I was fully willing to carry his child.

Maybe she just thought of it in another way. She wasn't a judgmental woman. Perhaps, though, she thought I had made a stupid teenager mistake and was just easily seduced by the handsome rich man. Maybe she was right. I was nineteen then, starstruck and stupid. Aging to twenty didn't magically dispel my stupidity as soon as I blew out the candles.

"Is Marissa okay," I asked. "I feel so terrible making you do so much for me, Mom."

"She's doing just fine, Marci. Don't you sweat it. One, you're my daughter. I'd rush into a burning building for you. Two, you're more than paying for it, honey."

I headed out the door to see my daughter. Over to the renovated den turned into a temporary nursery. It was easy to add it on to the rest of the renovations to the home. If anything changed between this year and the last besides the fact that I had a daughter now, was the fact that I was exponentially richer. More than a million I received from Tyson. Not like I needed more than that, I've been spending like a maniac and I've barely made a dent in my pay.

I offered to buy Mom a new house, but she refused. She held the one we lived in so dear. It was what she had bought together with my father over twenty years ago, so it held sentimental value. So I did the next best thing. I basically had the place rebuilt. It was now the nicest looking house on the block.

With a ridiculously expensive looking car sitting outside of it. I bought it for Mom - I didn't need one for myself. This is why she felt I had more than paid for her looking after her granddaughter. Most of the money I had spent since my return had been on her.

Marissa. I picked her up, and held her so tight. My world was now gray outside the bright colors that she had brought me. Three months old. I loved her so much. She was mine. Undeniably mine. The one man who could take her from me, didn't. She'd never refuse my love, I hoped. Unlike her father.

"Such a sweet child," my mother said, as she followed me into the nursery. She was young as I was when she had me, maybe even younger. She looked good for her age, even if she didn't believe it. At one of our nights at Applebee's, she was referred to as my older sister by the waitress. She almost fainted into her soup. "Are you sure you want to take her across the country with you, Marci? You just came back to me. I don't want you to leave me again so soon."

BOOK: The Billion Dollar Sitter
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