The Biker’s Property (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Biker’s Property (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Series Book 1)
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When the naked black woman gripped the cocktail waitresses thong and slid it down her leg, Penny had enough. She stood up and looked at Danny. “I am going to bed.” Her voice was raspy and cracking from her nerves.

The hotel maid looked back at her and smiled. “You can be next sweet cheeks,” she said, and then giggled as she lowered her face in between the other’s open legs and buried her tongue deep inside.

At this point no one seemed to notice that Penny was walking away, not even Danny, at least for a moment.

“Hey,” Danny called to her. “Hey.”

Penny kept going. She sauntered quickly to the room, the emotion of the past couple of days catching up with her. She felt like she needed a really good cry.

“Hey,” he said, chasing after her. “I am not going to keep calling for you if you don’t answer me.”

She quickly unlocked the door and got inside the room. Danny took hold of her elbow.

“Hey Penelope,” he ordered. “Look at me.”

There was none of the flirtation or the levity on his face. But even when he was stern with her, he could not mask his innate gentleness.

“You talk to me, do you understand?” he said.

“Of course,” she rasped. “I don’t quite understand it myself. It’s just that all of this has been so wonderful. The support. The camaraderie. The fun. The amazing sex. Oh my gosh,” she said. “But I don’t know where my life is. And I don’t know what this means.”

Penny wiped her eyes and stared into Danny’s, hoping she could find the right words. “I feel stupid,” she uttered.

“Stupid?” Danny questioned.

“Those girls, which one would you have had? And I am just a good time, right? I am sorry I would not let her lick my pussy while your friends watched…is that what you wanted? What you like?” Penny seemed to ask more questions than she made statements.

Danny smiled and let out a little chuckle as Penny tried to pull away from his grip. He spun her back around and looked her right in the eye. “Baby, I would have stayed and watched, sure, but I would not have fucked any of those girls, it is not my style.” He signed and continued. “You are a good time, that is a fact, but I hope it is more than that. And I cannot believe those words just came out of your sweet little mouth, let her lick your pussy while my friends watched…really?” His voice was becoming angered and stern as he spoke. “That sweet little pussy…that’s mine baby, I don’t share.” His words sent a vibration through her and she jolted with a squeal as he grabbed her soaked swimsuit and gripped her inner thigh with his hand.

Danny pulled her close, feeling her shake. “I just know when I leave, you will be single again and I can’t help but think that you might have more fun when I am gone.” Penny started to cry.

Danny scooped his arms around her and drew her in.

“Baby, I am not looking forward to you leaving, I hope you don’t.” He patted her back. “And you know what?”

“What?” she asked, loving just laying her head on his fabulously warm chest.

“All those boys out there would kill to have what we have,” he said.

“Yeah, they looked perfectly content,” she teased.

Danny mimicked her voice when she was orgasming. “Oh yes. Oh yes.”

Penny laughed. “Is that how I sound?”

Danny smiled. “Like music to my ears baby doll.”

She smiled and hugged him tighter.

“You can’t make me any promises,” he said. “I can’t either, but I think this is the way all things start out, pretty good but unsure. You have a house across the country in Fuckersville, Virginia.”

“Ruckersville.” She gave him a playful tap. “Ruckersville.”

“And I have the hots for you. It will all work out and no matter what, we’re going to be fine.”

“I know,” Penny said, feeling lots more grounded. “I was just tired.”

He laughed at her. “Oh, so you weren’t really worried that you were going to be the next one spread open and tongue lashed by the big chick?”

“No,” she scoffed. “It’s been a wild couple of days, you know?”

“Yes. And you know what this calls for?” he asked.

Penny pretty much knew what he was going to say, but she let him say it.

“No,” she fibbed.

“A ride,” he said.

“You think everything can be made better with a ride,” she said, her eyes dreamy for him.

“You’ll find out,” his face was smoky with arousal, “that it is.”



Chapter Nine


After a long ride on the bike to dry Penny’s hot tub-drenched hair and clear her mind, she felt closer to Danny than ever. He had chosen to follow her instead of watching the free sex show that was going on just a few inches from him, so she decided to appreciate him and give him the benefit of the doubt from here on out.

Danny White Feather scooped Penny into his arms and kissed her passionately as he gently laid her on the king size bed inside their Holiday Inn hotel room.

He lifted her shirt to reveal her small round breasts and stood back to take in the image. He glided his tongue along the dip between her ribs that jutted up as she arched against him.

“You make me so hot,” she whined. “I can’t get enough of you.”

His hands lifted her off the mattress slightly as they cupped her buttocks. He unbuttoned her shorts with his mouth and pulled the zipper down with his teeth. His tongue found its way to her navel and slid down to meet her panties.

With a swift motion, he removed her shorts and tossed them onto the floor. Her silk panties were already sticking to her hot moist flesh and his wet mouth pressed them further against her as he playfully teased her.

“Take them off for me baby.” Danny’s voice was sultry and deep. He stood at the edge of the bed and stared into Penny’s eyes as she followed his orders. She pulled the panties down, raising her ass into the air to release them from her skin. She started to sit up to remove them from her ankle when Danny placed a hand on her chest and gently pressed her back into the mattress.

He removed the panties that were now dangling on Penny’s slender ankle and threw them to the floor. He leaned over her, leaving traces of hot breath on her skin as he pulled her shirt from her body.

Penny lay there on the hotel bed completely naked, anticipating Danny’s next move. “You’re beautiful,” he said. He stood there watching her writhe under his hot glance.

His thumb pressed against her sensitive meaty pearl, causing her to arch her back. “Oh yeah baby, show me what you like,” he whispered. “Close your eyes,” he ordered.

Penny closed her eyes tightly as she had been commanded and waited for his touch. Not knowing where he would touch her, when, how and with what was creating a burning sensation between her legs.

She felt her nipples pinch and pull away from her breast. She felt the hot breath against her, so she knew it was his mouth. Her folds were being spread apart by his fingers, and she was held open for what seemed an eternity. She began to throb at the thought of Danny looking at her this way.

She felt something wet against her skin starting at her neck and running down her side to her hip. Something hard penetrating her between her legs, she couldn’t tell if it was his tongue or his finger.

Her ass cheeks were pulled apart to expose all of her secrets and warm breath hit against her skin.

In a swift motion she was flipped over onto her stomach. Danny ran his hands down her back and gripped at her hips. He lifted her up to her knees, so her ass was aimed towards the ceiling.

She felt something wet on the small of her back and it glided slowly down her cheeks, stopping to massage the sensitive center of her backside before continuing its journey to her opening.

“Mmmm, I love that ass baby girl.” Danny’s voice was soft and sexy. Penny felt an electric sensation flow through her body as she wondered where Danny’s eyes were aimed.

She heard his belt buckle clank and his zipper, then a brush of denim as it was pulled away from his skin. She was getting excited knowing she was completely naked and he only dropped his jeans to his ankles. She knew he still had his riding boots on; it made her feel dirty, but oh so hot.

“What do you want?” Danny asked. Penny had never talked dirty before; she was at a loss for words. “Tell me, or you can’t have it,” he ordered. “You,” she managed to say in a raspy and winded voice.

“My tongue, my finger, my cock, what baby?” he asked again, looking for more detail. Penny thought about it, feeling as though she could order anything she wanted off the gourmet menu at a fancy café. “Your tongue, your finger and your cock,” she answered.

“My greedy little bitch, I love it.” His voice sounded excited. Penny was put off by being called a bitch, but as soon as she felt his wet tongue between her ass cheeks and his finger inside her dripping wet pussy, she decided he could call her whore and she would be fine, as long as he didn’t stop.

He massaged her tender area with his tongue in long slow circles as he worked his finger deep inside of her. As soon as she started to throb, the sensation stopped and she couldn’t tell where he had gone. “Where do you want my cock?” he asked, now obviously standing closer to her face. “In your mouth, your hot little pussy, or that sweet ass?” he asked.

Penny knew she did not want him inside her ass. His tongue felt amazing, but that was not something she was ready for. She thought about his large cock in her tiny little ass and started to throb from either excitement or fear. “I want to taste you first,” she whispered. “Oh baby,” he moaned as she felt his hand on her head.

He gripped her hair, pulling her head back, and guided her mouth towards his cock. He fed it to her inch by inch until she had taken all he had to offer. He worked his hips back and forth slowly as her lips rounded his massive muscle.

“You are amazing,” he muttered as he started to throb. He pulled back quickly and Penny felt his soft lips against hers. “Can I fuck you now?” he asked. Penny liked the back and forth control he was giving, and then taking away.

“Please, please fuck me!” Penny howled.

Danny traced her body with his hands, stopping for a moment on her lower back. She was still on all fours from her earlier feeding, so he walked behind her to get a quick peek at her exposed pleasures. Penny felt something hard against her ass and knew it was his erection.

She never told him where to fuck her and began to stress about what was about to happen. The soft skin of his hard cock pressed against her, opening her up and creating a vulnerability she had never felt before. As she became more and more excited, her body started to press against him as if to invite him inside the forbidden room.

Just as Penny started to push, ready to allow exploration into unchartered territories, Danny slid his cock down and into the wet spot between her legs.

Penny gripped his cock with her folds, pulling him towards her with every motion. He pushed deep inside of her, causing her to moan.

He gripped her hips and thrust hard into her, slapping his balls against her flesh with each movement. His hands pushed her towards the mattress until she was lying flat on her stomach. He was still inside her and not wanting to leave his cocoon.

“Roll over baby.” His voice was sultry.

Penny obliged, rolling over, but was disappointed when his erection was pushed out of her. “Please look at me, I have to see your eyes,” he pleaded.

Penny opened her eyes and watched him lean into her, guiding his beautiful cock back inside its warm safe place.

“You are so beautiful,” he exclaimed.

“So are you,” she said. She wasn’t just copying him. She meant it. He was about as perfect as perfect could be.

But their wonderful moment was jarringly interrupted. The motel shook like a plane had crashed into it. It stopped them both. Fighting words were hurled, coming from the direction of the hot tub area. Danny kissed her quick with a short apology.

She never saw anyone switch gears so fast. He was dressed. He reached into a bag and pulled out a smaller case, the content of which was a gun. Penny’s eyes popped. Then he put a cartridge in the handle, presumably to load it. Penny knew she was the only person from Virginia who didn't have gun knowledge but she followed his actions as best she could.

She got out of bed as he was opening the door. She was slow on the uptake but she was going to follow him.

“I am okay. I won’t get in the way,” she said, anticipating his telling her she couldn’t come with.

He looked at her sternly. “Please,” he asked.

“I--” was all she managed to say.

For the first time ever -- even though they had only known each other for such a brief time -- he raised his voice to her.

“No,” he said fiercely.

The energy behind his command straightened her spine. She didn’t know how to place it. She didn’t feel like crying but it was strange to experience this from him. It was so different from the elements of him that she knew.

But he was the captain of a motorcycle club. Though the two towns in North Dakota that she had been in so far were poor and sparsely populated, he was still the captain. They did get in scraps, like now. Of course he had this side to him.

BOOK: The Biker’s Property (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club Series Book 1)
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