The Bear Prince: A BBW Bear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Novella (Seattle's Billionaire Bears Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: The Bear Prince: A BBW Bear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Novella (Seattle's Billionaire Bears Book 3)
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Crystal was in her bra and panties and Damien was just in his boxers. “You’re still wearing more clothes than me,” said Damien.

“If I take off my bra, you have to take off yours too,” teased Crystal, pressing her hands to the side of her hips and sassing Damien by wiggling her hips back and forth.

“Hey, I took off my belt, and last time I checked, you weren’t wearing one,” said Damien. “Bra. Off. Now. Or do you need some help with it?”

“No, I got this bra on myself, I can get it off myself,” said Crystal. She turned away from Damien and undid her ponytail, tossing the ponytail holder aside. She fluffed up her hair, letting it fall over her back and, looking back at Damien, letting the straps of her bra loosen and fall off her soft, rounded shoulders. She then, reached back, with one hand, and unclipped the bra, holding the cups with one hand while she separated the straps from her back with the other, exposing her back and just her back to Damien.

“Toss it,” ordered Damien. “And turn. I showed you mine, it’s only right you show me yours.”

“Whatever you want, Mr. Michaels,” teased Crystal, turning, still holding the bra cups up to her bust, before pulling them away, revealing her chest to Damien. What Damien saw stunned more than his already aroused cock.

Right between the two beautiful halves of Crystal’s bosom, there was a garden drawn in ink, forever locked beneath her skin. Damien walked closer to Crystal and cupped her breasts with his hands, but not to play with. No, it was to separate them further, so he could see what was between Crystal’s beautiful breasts.

There it was. There was no mistaking the flower for any other. It was a star lily, the same species of flower that had haunted his every thought as he’d tried to connect the dots between his mate mark and the connections he felt with so many women that had ended up not being the woman he was meant to spend the rest of his life with...Crystal had already been the woman he was sure he was meant to be with, as his tattoo had a crystalline form, but the star lily they shared, well, that sealed it.

“What, you never seen a tattoo before?” asked Crystal. “I find that hard to believe, given the ink you’re sporting.”

“No, it’s’s quite the coincidence,” said Damien. “The flower on my know it’s a star lily, don’t you?”

“It is?” asked Crystal, pushing Damien back so she could more closely look at his tattoo. She held her fingers up to frame the tattoo as if she were taking a picture. “I guess I can see it. I mean, I thought it sorta looked like mine...but I guess we both ended up with the same tattoo. Or, almost the same. Neat.” Crystal pretended to click a shutter button and pocketed her invisible camera in invisible pockets.

Damien walked to the tub and entered some settings in a panel on the side of the tub, before turning back to Crystal. “Now, are we getting our undies wet, or are we going to skinny-dip?” asked Damien.

“No frikkin’ way am I going to walk around in wet panties,” said Crystal. She put a finger in the side of her waist band and lowered it an inch...and then stopped, pulling it back up with a giggle. “Oh, wait, there are rules to this, aren’t there? If I recall correctly, it’s tit-for-tat, or, I guess in our case...tit-for-tit and tat-for-tat.”

“Alright, let’s do it at the same time,” said Damien wickedly. “On the count of three. One...two...”

Crystal was lowering her panties, as was Damien.

“...Three!” said Damien, and Crystal dropped her panties to the floor, exposing herself to Damien, who had pulled his briefs up.

Crystal turned bright red. “Hey! What gives?”

“Oh, I thought you might want to unwrap this present yourself,” said Damien, motioning to his crotch. “You better figure out how badly you want it before the bath fills, though...”

“Two can play at this game,” said Crystal, walking up to Damien, and pulling him close, into a kiss, their lips locking as Damien wrapped his arms around Crystal, and Crystal naughtily put her fingers in Damien’s briefs and pulled down, hard.

Damien pulled away from the kiss and lowered his briefs. “There, that what you wanna see?” asked Damien. “Is it big enough?”

“Holy frikkin’ heck...more than big enough,” said Crystal. Her eyes were the size of saucers as she looked over the package the delivery man had brought her. Scratch that, Damien wasn’t a package wrapped up with brown paper and string, he was a big holiday present, wrapped up with a big curly ribbon, a bow, and a set of two large clanging shiny brass bells.

“That’s not the only surprise I have for you,” said Damien. “Get in the tub.”

Crystal tested the water and walked up the steps into the heart shaped tub and picked a side of the heart to sit in. “Alright, what’s next?”

“Watch this,” said Damien. He walked over to the bedroom and turned off the lights, walked back into the bathroom, and turned off the lights in the bathroom, but flicked on another switch...and that switch caused a bevy of small fake candles to turn on and flicker and glow. “Cheesy enough?”

“Nearly,” said Crystal. “Any other special effects left in your arsenal?”

“Babe, I’m just getting started,” said Damien. “Watch this.” He turned on another switch, and two motors started turning, pulling back the ceiling and exposing a large glistening skylight, which let them see a clear night sky. The other motor pulled back part of a wall, and in a few seconds, a roaring electric fire had been started.

“Holy heck,” said Crystal. “I don’t think this can get any more romantic.”

“Trust me, it can,” said Damien, walking over to another section of the bathroom, and opening what Crystal had thought was a cabinet, but it was actually a mini fridge. Damien pulled out two plastic champagne flutes, and put a dark purple berry in each one before popping a cork and adding champagne to both glasses, bringing them over to the tub, along with the bottle.

Damien then went to the basket he’d taken out of the cabinet at the start of this experience, and opened a medium sized jar. It was full of what looked like rose petals. He tossed them into the hot tub water and they sat on the surface, starting to release a nice rose scent, but then, he turned on the jets, which surprised Crystal, and the rose petals started to dissolve in the swirling water, turning the water bright pink!

Damien got into the tub, into the unoccupied lobe of the heart, and picked up a champagne flute. “To surprises,” said Damien.

“To surprises, and coincidences,” added Crystal, picking up her own flute.

“And coincidences,” agreed Damien. He clinked his flute against hers and they both sipped at the delicious beverage. “So, is this what you had in mind for a bubble bath?”

“Not at all,” said Crystal. “This is ten times better. And the blackberry in the champagne makes it perfect.”

“One, that’s not just any champagne, that’s the same champagne we had on our second date,” said Damien. “Two, that’s not a’s actually a marion berry, the kind of berry Port Jameson is famous for. It only grows in Oregon, and the ones in Port Jameson are bigger, darker, and more succulent than any in the region.”

“You really know your Port Jameson lore,” said Crystal. “I have to admit, it’s hard seeing you as someone who isn’t from Seattle.”

“Trust me, I’m no Seattle bear,” said Damien. “They’re too...”

“Stuffy?” asked Crystal.

“Exactly,” said Damien. “I’m a Port Jameson bear, all the way. But hey, you’re pretty cosmopolitan yourself, Miss Reporter.”

“What can I say, I love to travel,” said Crystal, sipping at her champagne. “But there’s something about a small town that a big city just can’t beat.”

“Then...we’ll just have to come down to Port Jameson more often,” said Damien, reaching over to touch Crystal’s hand.

Crystal flipped her hand over and held Damien’s hand in hers and looked into his beautiful, big brown eyes. “I’d really like that,” said Crystal softly.

“Hey, what are we doing this far apart?” asked Damien.

“What do you mean?” asked Crystal. “It’s a two-person tub, shaped like a heart. One person per half of the heart, right?”

“Well, not quite,” said Damien. “I’m sure you could fit with me. There’s tons of room. Come over!”

“Alright,” said Crystal, putting her wine glass down and walking over, carefully, to sit next to Damien. His big, firm body took up most of the seat on his side. “Hmm...I think I won’t fit next to you.”

“Who said anything about you sitting next to me?” asked Damien. He held Crystal in his arms and balanced her over his crotch so she was sitting on his thighs...but Crystal could feel something large and thick against her back. “See, isn’t this nice?”

“It really is,” admitted Crystal. She felt two firm hands against her back, rubbing and pressing. She couldn’t help but let out a moan as Damien massaged her body, rubbing in some body wash over her aching back. She’d had a long week of running all over Seattle for work, so having a nice back massage was just what the doctor order...or in this case, the bear. “Oh, Damien...that’s great...”

“Tell me where you want it,” ordered Damien, rubbing her neck before moving back down her spine to feel every last inch of her bountiful curves. “Tell me how you want it.”

“Lower back, hard,” said Crystal.

Damien moved his hands so they were just above Crystal’s gorgeous ass, the ass that had practically hypnotized him with every step that Crystal took on their dates. He pressed his thumbs and fingers against the knots he could feel under Crystal’s skins. “You like it like this, baby?” asked Damien.

“That’s...that’s perfect,” said Crystal.

Crystal was getting more relaxed, and yes, her muscles felt a lot better...but something else was starting to feel good too, and it wasn’t just her back. Something lower was feeling warmer, and wetter, and it wasn’t just because she was in a hot tub style bath.

“You want me to go lower?” asked Damien, rubbing Crystal’s hips, moving his hands from the center of her back out to the sides.

“Oh, yeah,” moaned Crystal, leaning against Damien. She spread her legs and allowed Damien access to her nether region, but he didn’t press his cock into her. No, he moved both his hands down, so he could stroke along her inner thighs, making her yearn for him even more.

“You like this, babe?” asked Damien.

“It’s perfect,” said Crystal.

Damien chuckled. “I doubt it’s me how you like it.”

“Show you?” asked Crystal, turning back to face Damien.

Damien kissed her on the forehead. “Yeah. Show me how you’d do it if I wasn’t here. Teach me a lesson I won’t forget...”

Crystal leaned and kissed Damien’s cheek. He’d grown a thick five-o-clock shadow during their time together. “Alright...but you better pay attention, or I’ll have to give you detention...” teased Crystal.

She leaned back against Damien and felt his rock hard erection against her back. Perfect. That’s what she was imagining was teasing and tantalizing her, rather than her own fingers.

Damien kept massaging Crystal’s inner thighs as she used two fingers, curled, to play with her pleasure nub, rubbing back and forth, slowly and gently at first, and Damien mirrored her motions with his own hands against her thighs. The feeling of Damien’s hands against her thighs, mixed with the feeling of warmth from his torso against hers, and the thrill of feeling his cock against her back, made Crystal even more excited. She leaned back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she rubbed a little harder, and she felt herself squirm, but Damien kept her thighs firmly in place, open, so that the jets of the tub were aimed right at Crystal’s clit. Crystal bucked up so that the hot jet of water would rush against her opening, then, back down, so that it was hitting her clit again, and before long, Crystal’s hands were no longer down by her petals, but they were around Damien’s thick biceps, as she held on while moving just her hips to bring herself closer to paradise.

“That’s right, show me what you want,” ordered Damien, rubbing harder on Crystal’s legs. Her thick hips and thighs against her firmness was arousing him like no other woman had before, and he ached with a desire to enter her, but he didn’t want to stop the feeling of passion that had flooded Crystal’s body from bringing Crystal to climax. He pulled Crystal close as she rode the jet of water, and the bear within told him that he was being an idiot, that what he needed to do was take the curvy goddess. After all, she was wet, willing, and wanting him more than anything else in the world and anyone else in the world. He had a desire and a need to claim her for his own...but the man could smell the arousal of the female, and he wanted to see just how far he could take this without actually entering her with his member. There was still so much to explain before...that happened...

Damien moved his fingers up Crystal’s thighs, moving from the inner thigh to the inner-upper thigh, then, to parts that could neither rightly be classified as thigh nor as privates, and then, he entered that forbidden, sacred zone, with both his hands, rubbing them down her slit, feeling her wetness, a wetness that even in the bath-tub, was slicker than the water, that coated his fingers and felt like fresh honey. He pressed a finger up, against her clit, and felt Crystal shudder in his arms, as she held onto him tightly, as if he was her anchor and she, but a rowboat on the oceans of lust.

“Keep going,” moaned Crystal, bucking against Damien’s fingers, feeling his rough bear pads against her mons, as he pressed against her, mirroring the motions she’d made against her slit before she’d started moving herself to the rhythm of the tub’s jets. “Oh, keep going!”

“Just relax, baby, let me work my magic,” whispered Damien before nibbling on the edge of Crystal’s ears, savoring the taste of her warmth in his mouth. He was imagining his mouth was moving along a different curve altogether, a curve that he already felt blessed to be allowed to touch. That’s right. He was imagining her honeypot, which had tantalized him since their first meeting, since he’d first smelled her becoming aroused as she had looked over his sweaty, shirtless body. He’d imagined her breasts had reddened beneath that black top of hers as she watched him, was distracted by him to the point of losing that invitation, the loss that had truly been his gain...

BOOK: The Bear Prince: A BBW Bear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Novella (Seattle's Billionaire Bears Book 3)
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