The Art of Submissive Survival - Book Two in The Perfect Submissive Trilogy (3 page)

BOOK: The Art of Submissive Survival - Book Two in The Perfect Submissive Trilogy
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The moment she stopped pedalling the love balls swung within her, and unable to stop it, a climax zipped through her untutored flesh and she shook and shuddered against the bike. Not daring to look at Miss Sarah, Jess quickened herself, the disapproving silence of the room enveloping her.

Her voice surprisingly neutral, the dominatrix said, ‘Come here, and pass the balls to me.’ Tugging her knickers down a little, the balls plopped out of their own accord. Jess shamefacedly gave them back to Miss Sarah.
Why isn’t she cross?

‘We are almost out of time. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you these sessions are to become a regular thing, and, if you do as you’re told, then I will be rewarding you -occasionally. Now, we’ll finish with a run. This is only a small room, so I suggest four circuits of the perimeter.’

Jess looked at her in exhausted horror, ‘I can’t.’

‘Not like that you can’t, certainly. Take those knickers off; you need to get some air down there, girl.’

No longer caring about anything but the possibility of a rest, Jess dragged the wet satin away, and following the direction that Miss Sarah was pointing in, began to jog around the room. Her breasts swayed madly and the air seemed to caress her body, inflaming it all over again.

Observing the figure that was obeying her, knowing she’d only have to say the word and she’d willingly allow herself to be fucked, Miss Sarah frowned to herself. Mrs Peters might have designs on forming this girl into the ideal submissive assistant, but she began to wonder if this girl could be dangerous. She had spent a long time building up her guest list; did Miss Sarah really want Miss Sanders muscling in on that?

Chapter Three

Sam couldn’t concentrate. He looked again at the plan he was roughing out, or was supposed to be roughing out. Two glaring mistakes jumped out at him. Mistakes he would never normally make. ‘Bloody woman.’ Sam grabbed an eraser and attacked the paper.

The image of Laura Peters, however, was proving harder to rub out. Every time he closed his eyes, every time he opened them, with every stroke of the pencil he saw her, felt her flesh, saw the never ending quest for intimate satisfaction shining in her bewitching eyes.

In an attempt to clear his mind of the graphic pictures their porn-style sex had implanted in his head, Sam forced himself think of all the men she must have known, and probably all the women as well. No. He stopped thinking about the women. That would tip his erotic musings over the edge completely.

Moving from his desk, Sam flung down his pencil and went to the window, failing to see the view outside. He should never have left the picture and business card. It was an open invitation for her to get in touch, to ask him over to the hotel for a drink or something, and yet all she’d done was curtly say, thank you, before hanging up on him. ‘What did you expect?’ Sam muttered angrily to himself. ‘You were just a shag for her, just someone she wanted to fuck, rather than someone she was paid to fuck.’

He smiled ruefully, aware of the irony of the situation, remembering all the women in his past, all the ones he’d slept with and left. He’d used them. ‘Well now I know how that feels then.’

Pouring himself an extra strong cup of coffee, Sam stopped staring blankly into the distance and returned to his desk. Adjusting the angle-poise lamp, he began to draw in the floor levels of the building proposal, before transferring the whole draft onto his computer.

‘I’ll give you one more day, Laura Peters, and then I’m coming to find you, whether you like it or not.’

It had been a very quiet 48 hours at Fables. Business was not exactly dead, but by no means was it as hectic as usual.

‘It’s ’cause we’re between conferences,’ Lee told Jess, as they both sat, not really knowing what to say beyond small talk, in the staffroom for their lunch break. ‘We never get much activity on the in between days, just the usual overnight business men and well, the fifth floor customers – you know.’

Jess stared down at her lap as Lee finished speaking. Silence began to stretch between them, becoming an almost tangible presence as they sat on opposite sides of a rickety wipe down table. Jess fiddled with her coffee mug, trying not to remember how good Lee’s hands had felt on her skin, or how fantastic his cock had felt when it slid between her legs. She hardly dared to look at the barman in case her expression gave her thoughts away, but there was something she simply had to ask him, and who knew when they’d have another opportunity to be alone.

‘Why do you stay here?’ Conscious that her voice had come out rather huskier than usual, Jess twirled her coffee cup in small circular movements on the table, glancing up at Lee through her fringe.

‘The same reason you do.’

It wasn’t the answer she’d expected, ‘What do you mean?’

Lee sighed, and drank down the dregs from his tea. ‘To see what will happen next. To see if I can handle it, to discover my limits.’

‘Oh.’ Jess thought back to the second exercise session she’d had that morning, and the feel of Miss Sarah’s teeth as they’d bitten rather than licked her nipples as she’d done her sit ups. Was that why she was still working there, to see how far she could be pushed?

As if reading her mind Lee said, ‘If it wasn’t the same for you, you’d have left by now, like those before you.’

Jess stared directly at him now. ‘Have there been many?’

‘A few.’ Lee spoke dismissively, as if the comings and goings of other staff members didn’t interest him. ‘Some stay for a day, some a week. Some find out how we use the top floor and leave before they’ve even set eyes on it.’

‘How come this place hasn’t been closed down then, if so many people know about its private side?’

Lee laughed sharply. ‘Honestly, woman, haven’t you seen the clients that come and go?’

Surprised by his tone, Jess shook her head. ‘No, I just answer the phone and do the emails, remember. Who are they then?’

‘They mostly use false names, but that’s not important. What is important is that they’re usually policemen and women, judges, MPs. Important and wealthy business men and women, the general cliché clients you’d expect. No one else could afford the fifth floor room prices. We’re talking influential people who have no interest in this place closing, and so it doesn’t close. All rumours are quashed from the top down.’

‘Have you met some of them then?’

‘In the course of assisting on the fifth floor you mean?’

‘I suppose so, yes.’ Jess felt her face glow cherry.

‘I have, and so will you.’

‘Can I ask you something else?’ Lee didn’t reply, so Jess continued. ‘What’s in the final room on the fifth floor?’

Lee stood up, acting as though Jess hadn’t asked him anything at all, ‘We should get back.’

Jess followed him to the sink, trying to pretend she hadn’t noticed the erection that had begun to push out beneath his suit trousers. She felt a strange shimmer of triumph that it may have been caused by him recalling their enforced coupling in the school room a week ago.

Standing behind the barman, waiting while he rinsed out his cup, Jess had an uncharacteristic urge to put her hands on his small neat backside.
No, I don’t want to touch it. I want to hit it, hard
. Images of Miss Sarah chastising Master Philips on her first trip to the fifth floor crowded her head, jostling for a place with pictures of Lee brushing her skin in the school room. Jess took a hasty step backwards, shocked by her instincts and mindful that any such move might well be observed as she suddenly wondered if the room had hidden cameras within its walls.

Drying his hands, Lee, turned to face Jess, ‘You must have friends and family who’ve been asking about your new job, what have you told them?’

‘My parents live abroad, and most of my friends went to uni and moved away to get jobs and stuff. They just know I have a new admin job in a hotel. I have no intention of telling them more than that.’

‘Very wise.’ Lee’s eyes became shrewder. ‘And do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend?’

Jess found herself blushing again, and inwardly cursed herself for doing so. ‘No. No one. Not for some time.’

Lee dropped the cloth and seemed to consider before he spoke again. Then, dipping the volume of his voice said, ‘You will be careful, won’t you.’


‘I suspect Mrs Peters has plans for you. You obviously intrigue her. Be wary, OK?’

‘Intrigue her?’

Lee suddenly appeared uncomfortable. ‘She hasn’t told you about her plans?’


‘Then perhaps you’re not supposed to know.’

‘But ...’ Jess struggled to comprehend how she could intrigue anyone.

Lee glanced around the room furtively, and Jess understood at once that he wasn’t sure if the room was bugged or not either. ‘I have work to do. Excuse me.’

Jess nodded, aware once again that her pulse rate had been thunderously high and her crotch was wet, yet she was a little mollified by her conviction that Lee was in a similarly lustful state. Washing out her mug, she walked quickly and thoughtfully back to her office.

Laura Peters swung back in her chair and smiled thoughtfully. The girl seemed to have developed a modicum of self-restraint already. She wasn’t sure if she was pleased or disappointed that engineering Lee and Jess’s break-time to clash hadn’t produced the illicit rule breaking and impromptu sex she’d assumed it would.

For a moment she wondered about Lee’s reticence when talking to the new clerk. The boy obviously had more sense than she’d credited him with.

There was a knock at the door and Miss Sarah came in. ‘Did they go for it?’


Miss Sarah failed to conceal her surprise. ‘So my discipline will not be required then?’

‘It would seem not. A shame, I was quite looking forward to it.’

The dominatrix’s eyes narrowed, once again wondering about Mrs Peters’ preoccupation with Miss Sanders.

As if she understood her assistant, Mrs Peters said, ‘You think I’m getting hung up on this girl?’

‘Well, I ...’

Laura stood up, flicking off the screen of her PC so the image of the now empty staff room disappeared, ‘You are an excellent mistress, Miss Sarah, but for a while now I’ve been searching for someone to fulfil the opposite end of the sexual spectrum. I think perhaps I have found the perfect submissive. You must forgive my seeming obsession. I am merely anxious to see if my inclinations are correct. Many of our clients would be more than a little pleased if I am.’

Miss Sarah inclined her head. ‘I can see that would make sense.’

‘Well then,’ Laura threw her jacket over her shoulders, ‘I have a new guest in ten minutes. I look forward to seeing how Miss Sanders and you work together. I would like you to include her in your next session.’

Sweeping regally out of the room Mrs Peters left Miss Sarah seething quietly, while contemplating just how she could include Jess in her next client’s routine, and, more importantly, wondering why should she change things just for her. Playing with the girl for fun while she exercised was one thing, but she’d spent weeks building up a trusted relationship with her guests. She’d be damned if she’d risk ruining her reputation just for Miss Jess Sanders.

The call came through only a few moments after Jess had returned to her desk. The tops of her legs felt sticky, and her knickers had been so damp since her body had gone into private overload in the staffroom, that she had disposed of them on a speedy trip to the Ladies, hoping like hell no one was watching. She was to go to Room 53.

When Jess arrived there was a canvas bag hanging on the door handle, with a large note attached.
Miss Sanders, please change before entering.

Jess had no idea where she was supposed to change, but she didn’t dare disobey, so slipping off her shoes, she glanced into the bag. There was hardly anything there. The outfit was so tiny she might as well have been naked, but at least it revealed to her the nature of Room 53.

With shaking hands Jess peeled off the rest of her clothes, leaving only her stockings and suspenders on, cursing that she’d removed her knickers. Dressing with haste in case anybody should pass by, Jess found herself wearing the skimpiest nurse’s uniform she’d ever seen. She felt like a cross between a porn star and an advert for a sex-shop. She also, to her surprise, felt almost as sexy as she did nervous.

Low cut over her ample cleavage, and high cut to just above her thigh, Jess knew that if she was asked to bend down for anything her arse would be on view to the whole world. She wriggled within the white material, which was as shiny as PVC and as soft as leather. Jess had no idea what fabric it was, but it felt incredibly sensual against her bare skin.

Standing in her stockinged feet, Jess was about to stuff her own clothes into the canvas bag, when she spotted the nurse’s hat tucked in the bottom. Fishing it out she put it over her red bob, feeling more self-conscious by the second.

With, her hand on the doorknob Jess hesitated, her heart hammering. Lee’s words echoed in her ears, telling her to be careful, telling her they’d push her to her limits. For the hundredth time that day, Jess wondered what Mrs Peters considered to be so special about her? And for the thousandth time, she questioned why she hadn’t run away.

Her musings were cut short by the opening of the door from the inside.

‘Come on, girl, we have a visitor due.’

Jess was startled to see Miss Sarah and not Mrs Peters standing in the doorway.

‘Come on! This room has been paid for. Our guest will be here any minute.’ Miss Sarah, looking none too happy and balancing on the highest heels Jess had ever seen, walked purposefully across the room.

Jess trailed dutifully in the mistress’s wake, focusing all her attention on the slim swaying body, clad in an outfit as skimpy as her own, but in a pale green that flattered her hair and eyes perfectly.

‘Have you been in this room before?’ Sarah turned and examined Jess critically, before reaching out and giving her uniform a sharp tug downwards so that even more of her cleavage was revealed. ‘That’s better. You have an excellent pair of tits, be proud of them.’

Jess was about to say this was new territory for her, when Sarah carried on, ‘We need to get your hair sorted though.’ She pulled off Jess’s hat and tussled her fingers through her bob, somehow making it both tidy and “from the bed sexy” at the same time.

As Miss Sarah busied herself adjusting her own hair, Jess ran her gaze around the room. Despite the fact it was the same size and shape as all the other hotel rooms, there was no mistaking that this was supposed to be a medical examination room. The air felt sterile, the walls were stark white, and every surface shone as if regularly disinfected.

Around two of the walls ran a row of white cupboards, topped with a stainless steel worktop, above which were further cupboards. Along the third wall was a free standing full-length mirror, a height chart, a weighing scales and an IV stand complete with a saline bag. Gaps on the walls were filled with the obligatory art prints that all hospitals and doctor’s surgery’s hang up to supposedly relax their patients. The final wall simply held the door and a series of coat hooks. Calming classical music wafted from an overhead speaker.

It was the medical examination couch in the very centre of the room that commanded most of Jess’s attention however. A cross between a dentist’s chair, a gynaecologist’s couch and a hospital bed, it was fully automated and could be rendered flat, moved into an upright position, or adopt any position in between. Made of black wipeable plastic, Miss Sarah had covered it with a layer of blue disposable paper.

Satisfied with her appearance at last Miss Sarah turned to Jess, ‘This is your first time assisting with a client I believe.’

‘Yes, I ...’ Jess was about to say she hadn’t agreed to do this, but Miss Sarah cut sharply through her protests before they began.

BOOK: The Art of Submissive Survival - Book Two in The Perfect Submissive Trilogy
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