The Alpha Hunt: Wolf Shapeshifter Menage Romance (Taking Two Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: The Alpha Hunt: Wolf Shapeshifter Menage Romance (Taking Two Book 3)
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he mansion was
a maze of rooms. Richard led her up a wide staircase, covered in deep red carpet that matched the shade of her robe, down a hall with walls lined with doors until they entered room eight. Francesca barely had time to look around before he threw her on the mattress, a laugh escaping her throat as the bed bounced beneath her weight.

The ceilings were high and seemingly made of gold, ancient molding framing the four corners. Lush tapestries hung on the walls, matching the oriental rugs. Fran tilted her head back to look out the single window, overlooking the forest where the trees swayed lightly. The bed was large and expensive, four posters with a navy blue canopy. It reminded her of something she might find in a Dracula novel, sexy, menacing and dark, much like Richard himself.

In the low light of the bedroom she could see his face more clearly now. His features were sharp, dark eyelashes curling above bright blue eyes, his nose, strong and elongated to a point. A light layer of stubble covered his jaw and Francesca bit her lip at the thought of it scratching the inside of her thighs.

She was patient as he shrugged off her jacket, awaiting instruction despite the thrumming of her clit, desperate to be touched beneath her parted robe. Her belt was still tied around her waist, but the top had slid open, revealing a large stretch of skin between her breasts. Richard’s eyes devoured the sight before he tossed his jacket on the footstool near the bed.

“Take off your robe,” he said.

Francesca pulled herself up and followed his direction. She hissed in pleasure as the robe dropped from her shoulders, hooking on her hardened nipples before the silken fabric pooled at her feet. It was almost like magic, the way her scent filled the room, like perfume spilled from a bottle. Richard’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared, teeth baring at the sweet scent flowing from between her legs.

She squeezed her thighs together and a soft moan passed her lips as she applied pressure to her clit.

“Stop it,” Richard growled.

Francesca looked at him. His eyes were blown out, fingers popping open the buttons of his shirt. She obeyed.

Waves of pleasure moved through her like lightning as she watched Richard tug off his shirt, revealing muscled arms poking out of a white undershirt. She whined at the sight – she wanted to see him naked – but clammed up the minute Richard shot her a look.

This wasn’t what she expected. Her sister told her that Alphas wouldn’t be able to resist the first whiff of her scent, that her naked body would send them into a frenzy, teeth and hands mapping out her skin as they fucked her into the mattress. But Richard remained partially composed, taking his time folding his shirt and kicking off his shoes, setting them aside before he strolled over.

Francesca straightened her shoulders, sticking out her breasts and accentuating the curve of her spine.

“You know the rules of the hunt, don’t you?” he asked, circling her once more.

She opened her mouth to speak, her words swallowed up in a gasp when he palmed her ass.

“I think,” she said, biting back another moan.

Richard chuckled darkly. “You think?” he said, mouth inches away from her ear.

Francesca looked at him, eyes wide, and nodded.

A dangerous smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. He cupped her ass, squeezing the small mountain of pale flesh and her pussy dripped.

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into,” he said.

He smacked her ass and she jumped at the contact. Richard watched her breasts bounce as he pushed her dark hair behind her ear. Their toes pressed together – his covered in dark socks, hers bare and revealing manicured nails. He pinched her right nipple, rubbing it between finger and thumb, and Francesca threw back her head.

“I’m not going to claim you,” he said, doing the same to her left nipple. “I don’t think you’re good enough for that.”

Francesca lowered her head. She should’ve been offended but all ill feeling was erased by the backs of his fingers trailing down her stomach.

His eyes were fixed on her face as he slid them over her bare pussy before dipping them between her lips. She released another gasp, her knees wobbling before she gripped his shoulders. Richard grinned, rocking his wet fingers over her clit until she could barely stand.

“No, I’m not going to claim you,” he repeated, his breath ghosting across her lips. “But I will

Richard dropped to his knees, one hand bracing her thigh as he slid his finger from her pussy. Francesca watched as he pushed his finger between his lips, eyes dilating as he lapped up her taste. A moan grew in her stomach as she reached for his short hair, fingers laying gently against the strands as Richard rocked himself forward.

Nose-first he dove into her pussy, inhaling her scent like an animal sniffing the air. Her fingers tightened in his hair as he rubbed against her, no tongue just the tip of his nose and a brush of his lips, painting the bottom half of his face with her wetness.

,” she said, voice fragile and breathy as his fingers curled into her thigh.

He nosed her clit until she felt something tight in her stomach and between his lips snaked the tip of his tongue.

,” she squeaked, tugging at his hair as he lapped at her clit.

Francesca parted her legs and he dove in further, pushing out his tongue to lick long, full swipes. A groan fell from his mouth as she rocked her hips into his face, his tongue hooking upwards to focus on her clit. The noises between her legs were obscene, the sucking and squelching of her wetness popped in the air like a balloon.

Richard moved his hand from her thigh to brace her hip, the other sliding back to her ass. He slapped the fleshy mound, eliciting another sharp moan before he grabbed her ass and pressed his tongue harder against her.

Her orgasm was wet and hot and building in her stomach, threatening to crack with every lick.

The door to Richard’s room swung open. Lidded with lust, Francesca’s eyes grew wide at the sight of Luke, closing the door behind him. His eyes met hers from across the room, a glassy grey that stood out against his tanned skin.

Richard pulled away from her clit and Francesca bit back a moan, drawing Luke’s attention to her mouth. Richard’s hands remained on her hip and ass, a silent claim heightened by the growl in his throat.

“The fuck are you doing here?” he asked, a hardened gaze thrown over his shoulder.

Luke shrugged. “All the good ones are taken.”

Richard shot to his feet, standing between the two of them. He was an inch shorter than Luke but he was broader, the muscles in his back tightening at the sight of him.

“Better luck next year,” he said, words dripping with malice.

“Oh, come on,” Luke said, a smirk playing at his mouth. He tossed Francesca a look. “Be a good brother and share.”

Francesca furrowed her eyebrows, glancing between the two of them. They looked nothing alike. Richard’s features were dark and sharp, where Luke sported a wider nose and fuller mouth, his jaw strong and square.

“He’s your brother?” she said.

The two of them glanced at her with narrowed eyes. She buttoned her lips. Prey were commonly seen and not heard, unless they were moaning or screaming their Alphas name.

brothers,” Richard growled, turning his attention to Luke. “And he was just leaving.”

Luke widened his stance and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Why don’t we let the lady decide?” he said, staring at her over Richard’s shoulder.

Richard turned towards her, a flash of red crawling up his neck, his fists clenched at his sides.

Both of them were undeniably handsome and Francesca could barely think beyond the feeling of her orgasm, resting in the pit of her stomach, waiting for Richard’s mouth to return to her clit. She’d never had two men at once before, certainly never two strong Alphas who could pin her down and fuck her in both holes, filling her up until her eyes rolled back.

Her clit pulsated at the image.

“I don’t mind a little company,” she said, throwing Richard a wary glance.

Richard tightened his jaw and turned to Luke, a smug smile tugging at his mouth.

“Don’t worry brother,” Luke said, clapping him on the shoulder.

Richard tensed beneath his touch, his hand jerking up to grab his wrist but he stopped himself. Luke laughed and plopped on the edge of the mattress, spreading his legs.

“I’ll let you finish her off first.”

Richard glared at Luke, the blonde’s strong hand reaching between his legs to cup his erection, bulging in his pants. His fists tightened but he tore himself away from his pack brother, returning his attention to a naked and soaking Francesca.

He dropped to his knees and grabbed her hips with both hands, diving mouth first between her lips. Gone were the gentle licks he used to start her off. They were replaced with a harsh thrust of his tongue, lapping against her clit before he tilted her hips to gain better access to her cunt. Francesca almost screamed, her fingers returning to Richard’s hair, her back arching as the tip of his tongue dipped inside her.

From the bed Luke released an inhuman growl and Francesca watched as his heavy hand dove beneath the waistband of his pants, grabbing his cock. The sight of his full mouth parting around a moan, grey eyes fixed on her heaving breasts, coupled with Richard’s tongue flicking in and out of her cunt, was enough to make her orgasm shoot through her like a comet.

She dug her nails into Richard’s scalp as she screamed in pleasure, the sound loud enough to bounce against the high ceiling of the room.

From the bed, Luke released a husky laugh, squeezing his cock. “She’s a screamer,” he said, glancing down at Richard.

Richard pulled himself from between her legs, remaining on his knees as he stared up at her. His face was covered in her wetness. He flicked out his tongue and lapped the taste of her from his mouth. The sight made her knees buckle in ecstasy. Richard caught her by the hips, his fingers pressing against her bare skin.

“That she is,” Richard said, climbing to his feet.

Francesca fell forward, her head on Richard’s shoulder, eyes fluttering close as she caught her breath.

“Don’t tell me we’ve worn you out already,” Richard said, his guttural tone vibrating against her chest.

“Of course not,” she said, though her words were barely above a whisper.

“Good,” said Richard.

He picked her up with ease, Francesca’s thighs wrapping around his clothed waist as he led her to the bed. Her cunt rocked against his cock, still hard and trapped in his pants. Her sister had mentioned that Alphas had amazing stamina. The pair of them could fuck her for hours without coming once.

She whimpered as Richard tossed her on the mattress. Her knee grazed against Luke’s and the blond Alpha turned towards her, his gaze focused on her mouth, her breasts, her wet cunt. He reached out to touch her hair but Richard grabbed his wrist. He twisted his arm and Luke bared his teeth in anger or pain, Francesca couldn’t tell.

“You don’t touch her until I tell you to,” Richard said.

Luke made a noise of protest, attempting to jerk his arm out of Richard’s hold but the brunette was stronger. After a few moments of wordless fighting, Luke frowned and nodded. Richard released him and Luke snatched back his arm, rubbing the finger-shaped bruise Richard left in his wake.

“Kneel by her head,” Richard said.

Francesca could tell he didn’t like being bossed around by Richard, but Luke didn’t hesitate. He crawled up the mattress and she could smell his cock, slick with pre-cum in his pants. Her mouth watered as he kneeled at the top of her head.

Standing between her legs, Richard leaned forward, two hands on either side of her shoulders as he hovered over her. Her chest tightened with want. They’d surrounded her in mere seconds. All she could smell was their musk and desire.

“Open your mouth,” Richard said, his lips centimeters away from hers.

She did as she was told.

Richard glanced up at Luke. The blond stared down at the pair of them as he rubbed his cock through his pants.

“You think you can fit your dick in there?” Richard said, raising his eyebrow.

Luke grinned. “She might have to open up a little wider.”

To her surprise, Richard smirked. He pulled away from her, standing tall between her legs, his erection bulging in his pants. He smacked the side of her thigh and Francesca moaned, back arching off the mattress.

“On your hands and knees,” he said.

Francesca flipped herself around, hands and knees sinking into the mattress as the Alphas undressed around her. She threw a look over her shoulder and watched as Richard tore off his undershirt and stepped out of his briefs and pants, his thick cock peeking out of a bush of dark hair. She turned her head and her nose bumped into the tip of Luke’s cock. Longer than Richard’s but thinner (not by much) with blond pubic hair to match the shade on his head.

“Keep your eyes on his cock,” Richard said behind her, maneuvering until she felt his cock against her ass.

She moaned and pressed back against him. Above her, Luke chuckled.

“She’s a perfect piece of prey,” he said, stroking himself in her face. “Fucking begging for it. I bet you’ve been thinking about this all year, haven’t you?”

Francesca looked up at him, eyes wide and innocent. She bit her bottom lip and nodded.

Richard slapped her ass and she brought her gaze back to Luke’s cock, the pink head desperate for her tongue.

“Don’t come in her mouth,” he said, running his fingers between her cheeks.

Luke stroked her cheek. “What about her face?”

Richard shrugged.

Luke smirked and ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I’m going to ruin you,” he said, straight white teeth peering through his smile.

“Betting on it,” she said, opening wide.


rancesca would never label
herself a slut. She’d sucked less than a handful of dicks but she knew how to make a man moan. Even if that “man” was an Alpha.

With one hand wrapped around the thick base of Luke’s cock, she sucked in as much of him as she could. The head of his cock slid against the back of her tongue and Luke’s hand tightened in her hair, fingers slipping against the thin layer of sweat at the base of her scalp. His lips were parted in a permanent moan as his free hand gripped her shoulder, grey eyes flashing between watching Francesca’s mouth slide around his cock, to his pack brother who stood behind her, three fingers deep in her pussy.

She moaned around Luke’s cock, the vibrations stuttering his hips. He wasn’t allowed to fuck her mouth, not until Richard gave him the okay, but Francesca wasn’t sure he was capable of holding out. She pressed her tongue along the underside of his cock, lapping at the pulsating vein and a warm flush of red washed over Luke’s tanned skin.

,” Luke growled as he looked at Richard. “Are you gonna let me move or not?”

Francesca didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know Richard met him with narrowed eyes, two fingers crooked upwards inside of her. Another moan passed from her throat to the tip of Luke’s cock and his hands tightened in her hair.

“What does she want?” Richard asked, sliding his fingers in and out.

Francesca shuddered. The blond Alpha steadied her head before he slid from her mouth, his cock slick with her spit. He pushed her hair from her face, hooking it behind her ears as she stared up at him with full, red lips.

“Tell my brother what
want,” Luke said.

He wiped away the sweat at her forehead, his eyes glittering with something darker than lust. What would happen to her if she didn’t want Luke’s cock shoved down her throat? (She did.) Would Richard protect her from the warm, constant rage that pumped around his bones?

Her fingers twisted in the comforter as she tossed Richard a look and said, “I want him to fuck my mouth.”

Richard growled, a string of words building on his tongue, but he didn’t have time to speak before Luke’s hand was turning her to face his cock. With one hand wrapped around himself, Luke pressed the head of his cock to her mouth. The warmth and wetness of her tongue sent a shiver down his spine as he fed her his cock, inch by inch.

Luke’s lust made his movements sloppy. His cock bumped against the inside of her cheek and scratched against the back of her teeth until he found her throat.

The blond Alpha howled at the contact. Francesca would’ve smiled if she wasn’t trying to desperately keep herself from gagging. She managed four thrusts before her eyes began to water, hands moving from the mattress to Luke’s thick thighs, nails digging into his skin as he fucked her throat.

Behind her, Richard kept up the shallow fingering with two thick digits, the pad of his thumb slid against her asshole.
. No one had touched her there before her hole quivered with curious pleasure.

She removed a trembling hand from Luke’s thigh and cupped his heavy knot and she was reminded of the mating moon. The hunt was always scheduled before it, so there was no risk of pregnancy for the Alphas or their prey. Francesca squeezed Luke’s knot and the blond released a choked moan as her nose buried in his pubic hair.

“I’m gonna…Oh,
, I…” His words caught in his throat as he pulled his cock from her mouth and howled loudly, jerking himself while coming over her nose, mouth and chin.

Francesca closed her eyes, stomach tightening as Luke painted her with his cum. Richard crooked his fingers inside of her and another orgasm floated through her like a breath. Her body shuddered and she released another moan, waiting for Luke to finish before she collapsed.

She needed another minute and Richard gave it to her, by slapping the side of her ass, a silent cue to turn over on her back.

She glanced between her legs where Richard stood, cock thick and red in his hand. He jerked himself as he stared at her body, face covered in Luke’s cum, skin slick with sweat. He crawled over her, knees on either side of her thighs as he leaned down to lick her face.

A pleasant yelp trapped in her throat as Richard licked Luke’s cum from the bridge of her nose and the curve of her mouth. He wiped her clean before he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Francesca grabbed his trembling shoulders, Richard’s teeth teasing her skin as he pumped his cock.

Luke hovered over them, one hand wrapped around his cock as he milked himself back to hardness.

Richard’s tongue pressed against her skin as he opened his mouth, teeth bared and howl in his throat, his orgasm ripping through him as he came over Francesca’s stomach. He painted her with his cum and scent, before he flipped onto his back, his thick shoulder pressing into hers. Francesca didn’t have a moment to breathe before Luke was leaning forward, hands bracing the mattress as he lapped up Richard’s cum.

She couldn’t stop her pussy from soaking at the sight.

When she was licked clean, Luke maneuvered to the other side of her, leaning back against his elbows. His cock laid half-hard between his thighs.

“Do you think she’s up for another round?” he asked Richard, glancing at his pack brother with a grin of mischief.

Richard smirked, his cock jumping to attention. “I don’t know,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Are you?”

Francesca sucked in a breath. She glanced between the two Alphas on either side of her. Their scent surrounded her like a blanket, musky, comforting,
. She squirmed against the mattress, clit pulsating with dull pleasure.

“I think I am,” she said.

Richard’s grin widened.

He was the first to move, sliding off the mattress and onto his feet. He braced her ankles, large hands tapping against slim legs as he said, “How many men have you had inside you?”

Francesca blushed. “One…Two…Only two.”

Richard raised an eyebrow. Beside her, Luke’s hand hovered over her hip but he pulled it back once Richard released a sharp growl.

“Two?” the blond Alpha said. “You’re practically a virgin.”

She wondered how many hunts the Alphas had participated in. How many people have they had on their beds, arching their backs and thrashing about in pleasure? Something like jealousy pinched the pit of her stomach but she swallowed it. They were paying for her pussy, she wasn’t special.

“I wouldn’t call her a virgin,” Richard said, parting her legs. His fingertips pressed against her hips as he pulled her down the mattress, ass teetering off the edge. “Just inexperienced.”

Francesca flushed again. “I’m experienced,” she said. “I can take whatever the two of you give me.”

Richard’s smirk returned to his mouth as his eyes flickered over her shoulder, towards Luke. “Get behind her,” he said.

Fran allowed Luke to maneuver her body, ass and shoulders in the air as he positioned himself beneath her. He was laying on the mattress, her back to his chest, his hardened cock sliding between her thighs, brushing against her clit. For a moment, Richard stilled, watching her hips roll against him.

Richard pushed her feet on the mattress, knees up in the air as he said, “Hold her down.”

Luke responded immediately, his arms thrown around her waist as he pinned her against his chest. His mouth scratched against her ear as Richard ventured to the side table drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube and slicking his fingers with it. He returned and pressed his thumb against her clit, hard enough to make her head tilt back, another moan floating from her throat.

“You’re so wet,” he said, sliding his thumb towards her ass.

Her shoulders stiffened in anticipation as she felt his thumb press against her asshole. Her breath was caught in her chest as she stared between her legs, watching Richard’s brows furrow in determination as he carefully slipped a finger inside.

“Oh!” she said, lips forming a perfect circle.

Luke buried his nose in her hair. “You’ve never had anyone in your ass, have you?”

Richard slipped his finger further inside and Francesca’s eyes slipped close.

“No,” she said, words barely above a whisper.

Richard took his time, lubing up her asshole, one finger, then two, then three, until she was squirming against Luke’s torso. The blond Alpha tightened his grip around her waist, trying to keep her still but Francesca was desperate to move.

With his free hand wrapped around his cock, Richard fingered her and stroked himself until her mild discomfort melted away.

Richard removed his fingers and Luke bucked up his hips.

“Let me have her ass,” he said, elbows tight against her waist. “Please, brother.”

Richard pressed his cock against her clit, lubing himself up with her wetness. She tried to arch her back but Luke’s hold was too tight.

“You’re finally learning to beg,” Richard said, a dangerous smirk playing at his lips.

Francesca could feel Luke’s growl growing in his chest but he swallowed it once Richard wrapped his hand around the blond Alpha’s cock. He slicked his pack brother’s cock with lube, a moan growing in Luke’s throat with every stroke.

“I’ll let you have her ass,” he said. “Just don’t come inside her.”

Francesca’s skin felt as if it were on fire. Consumed with lust her gaze dropped between her legs where she watched Richard align himself with her cunt. She felt Luke reach beneath her, cock in hand as he blindly felt around for her asshole. Richard helped guide him, leading him to the correct hole.

Her breath was thick in her chest, anticipation thrumming in the tips of her fingers. Her fingers twisted in the comforter as she closed her eyes and awaited the unfamiliar pressure to build between her legs.

“Francesca,” Richard said and her eyes flew open. It was the first time he’d said her name since the forest. “Don’t close your eyes.”

She swallowed a nervous lump in her throat and nodded.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and bit down hard as Richard entered her, her cunt swallowing the head of his cock with ease. A low groan flew from his stomach as he gripped her thigh and pushed in until he couldn’t. He pulled out, pushed in, a wave of pleasure shooting up her spine with every thrust.

Luke waited, impatiently, the head of his cock teasing the entrance of her ass.

Richard pulled out, the head of his cock resting against the entrance of her cunt as he looked at Luke and said, “Get in there.”

An animalistic noise crawled its way out of her stomach the second Luke pushed inside. Richard matched his movements, slow and careful, two cocks filling her up at once. The Alphas released similar moans – low in tone, heavy with lust – as Francesca threw back her head, hair splaying across Luke’s chest and shoulder. She’d never felt so full, even as they pushed out. Their cocks were thick enough to split her open but she felt nothing but pleasure shooting to her clit.

Sandwiched between the Alphas Francesca had no control over her body. Richard slammed his cock inside of her and her body jerked against Luke’s chest. Luke pushed up his hips and her clit slid against Richard’s torso. She released her hold on the comforter and let herself go, allowing her body and pussy and ass to be manipulated by two handsome Alphas who fucked her with matching growls rolling off their tongues.

Her orgasm hit her like a strike of lightening, starting in her toes and rolling upwards.

!” she screamed, eyes closed as she arched her back and came with both cocks inside of her.

Her pussy tightened around Richard’s cock and he leaned over her, palms flat against the mattress as his hips stuttered and he came inside her, howl trembling the walls. At the same moment Luke pulled out, stroking his cock once, twice, before he came over Richard’s thighs.

The brunette Alpha said nothing as he collapsed on the bed beside them, face-first and covered in his sweat. Luke removed himself from beneath Francesca, a hand over his face before he ran it through his sweat-slicked hair.

Francesca allowed her eyes to flutter close. The triad of orgasms exhausted her. She needed a moment to sleep but knew that wasn’t up to her. Richard was her Alpha for the evening, if he wanted to go another round she would have to oblige.

She glanced over at him as he pushed his dark hair from his forehead, blue eyes piercing her own. “Twenty minutes,” he said, catching his breath. “Get some sleep and then take a shower.”

A grateful smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Thank you,” she said. Then, “Do I collect the money after the shower?”

Behind her, Luke laughed.

Richard sat up on his elbows and raised his eyebrow. “You don’t really think this is going to be that easy, do you?”

BOOK: The Alpha Hunt: Wolf Shapeshifter Menage Romance (Taking Two Book 3)
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