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Authors: Jordan Silver

Texas Hellion (9 page)

BOOK: Texas Hellion
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Chapter 10




I think Mr. Colfax has bitten off more than he can chew. So what I liked his kisses and other things, he didn’t know that and I certainly wasn’t about to let on. And where in the Sam hill did he get the idea that he could tell me what I can and cannot do. I was a little thrown there for a minute what with him being all forceful and such. It’s easy to say that no one has ever taken that tone with me, and the fact that it had a not too unpleasant affect on me was neither here no there.

This evening sure wasn’t shaping up the way I’d expected it to. I had half expected to have to prove to him that I hadn’t been affected by his loving or the rejection that followed, I was more than prepared for that. What I wasn’t expecting and could never be prepared for was the way he looked at me as he spewed all of that stuff he’d said to me. I was almost convinced that had we not been in a room full of people he would’ve taken me down to the floor.

Now my whole program was messed up once again. I hadn’t given Joel or the librarian a second thought all evening, except when someone mentioned the broken engagement, and I felt kind of silly that I had been going to marry him now. What had I been thinking? I know what I’d been thinking alright and he was standing right across the room keeping his eye on me.

I was doing my best to keep up the charade, showing a nice balance of hurt but not too much because I’m strong. It was my first time in a public setting after all, and people were expecting something, how would they react if they knew I didn’t give a fig about that, and that my mind has been full of Grant for the past week? I’m pretty sure no one would understand; I barely understood it myself.

I can pretend all I want, even try to convince myself that it was nothing, but seeing him here tonight, having to be in the same room with no means of escape, I had no choice but to accept what was real. The things he’d said to me earlier were enough to wipe away the sting of his rejection. Now I was confused by this new turn of events, but there was nothing I could do about it now, I had to wait until we were alone. Leave it to him to switch things up and leave me floundering.

I was relieved to have the answers to why he’d disappeared and to know that I’d blown the whole thing out of proportion, but I wasn’t about to lay myself at his feet either. He was gonna have to work for this if he wanted me and I sure knew how to put him through his paces.

I was hiding the fact that he was getting to me very well, or that I even cared one lick about anything he’d said, and then she walked in. I all but forgot the conversation going on around me and for a minute there I forgot that Grant and I weren’t really a couple. All that talk about me flirting and there he was with her hand in his chest.

His eyes caught mine over her head for a split second and I gave him a scathing look before I turned my back on him and pretended a great interest in what was being said. Now I was back to being pissed. How could I have forgotten what started this whole mess in the first place? That it was rumors of him asking her to marry that had driven me to make the stupid mistake of becoming engaged myself? His woman indeed, we’ll just see about that.




Shit, I knew there was going to be trouble after that look. I wasn’t really interested in Marcy and what she felt. I’d told her the truth a while ago, it’s not like I was stringing her along or anything like that. But that look from the hellcat spelt trouble plain and simple. I guess I was about to find out what it meant to be on the receiving end of her shit.

I tried keeping her in my view, but other guests were vying for my attention and there was no way to avoid them unless I gave everything away. That wasn’t looking like such a bad idea, and the only reason I held off was because of her. I knew she wouldn’t appreciate it now, not so soon on the heels of the other major scandal in her life. If it were up to me I wouldn’t give a shit, people are gonna talk either way, but she’d been through enough.

I saw what she was up to from across the room, could practically write the playbook. One of my friendly competitors was in the middle of telling me about some new deal he’d just struck that was supposed to save him hundreds of thousands of dollars, but all I saw was her heading away from the others. It was the set of her shoulders and that look on her face that had me on high alert. Fuck, what now?

I left poor Jerry in the middle of a longwinded sentence when she ended up in the arms of one of my known enemies. I should’ve known she’d pick him. I was beginning to realize that that little girl knew about as much about me as I did her. How else would she know that of all the men here, seeing her anywhere near him would send me over the edge? I’d already told her once to stay away from him yes, but I hadn’t told her why.

I know she had no idea what she was doing, knew that it was her hotheadedness that was leading her now, but there was no way I was going to leave her alone with him. When the two of them headed out a pair of French doors into the garden that ran the length of the house all bets were off.

There was no way Tom could know what I felt for her, how could he? I’d only just acknowledged it myself. I still didn’t put it past that snake to try something with her out there alone though. I was just in time to hear him start his usual spiel. The jackass had the same M.O every time, whether the female was willing or not.

“Tom I think your wife is looking for you.” That caught both of them off guard.

“His wife?”

“Yes didn’t he tell you? He got married within the last month under not very ideal circumstances, I think there was something about a barely legal pregnancy.” His face was like a thundercloud as she moved away from him like he was contagious. He had the good sense not to say anything to me as he huffed his way back inside. “As for you…”

I took her arm and instead of returning inside to the party and our guests, frog marched her a few hundred feet away to the guesthouse. “Where are you taking me? The others will miss us.” I didn’t even bother answering her, I was too mad at the little fool for putting herself in danger.

“You little idiot, have you any idea what could’ve happened to you out there alone in the dark with him? Have you any idea of the things he’s been accused of, not once, not twice but since fucking high school?” I flung the words at her as I pulled her into the guesthouse with the lights off.

“I’m a grown woman, I don’t need you looking over my shoulder I can take care of myself.” She talked a good game but the slight tremble in her voice gave her away.

“All that aside, I told you what would happen if you misbehaved here tonight didn’t I.” That stopped her in her tracks a little bit, and too late she tried escaping me.

I didn’t mean to be that rough with her, but seeing her out there with another man about to put hands on her because she was too stubborn to obey me, pretty much made me lose my composure. I was only going to teach her a lesson, show her that I wasn’t about to put up with any of the bullshit her daddy had been letting her get away with her whole life. But somewhere along the way things got muddled.




I knew two seconds after clearing the French doors that I’d made a mistake. I’d heard the whispers about Tom of course, who hadn’t? But how was I to know that he’d be so bold as to try anything with all those people around? Talk about a sociopath. I figured he was the best bet if I wanted to get back at Grant, it was childish and stupid, but it was too late to do anything about it.

I’d been about to knee him in the balls or scream the place down when he started to get grabby, but then Grant showed up. I could see in the moonlight that he was pissed, and as secretly relieved as I was that he was there to rescue me, I was a tad afraid of that temper of his. Now here we are, alone in the guesthouse, and I was sure that no one would hear me if I did scream.

Would they even miss us? The party was just getting going as they say. People were paired off and if I know daddy and mama they were both knee deep into their friends and wouldn’t be giving their grown daughter a second thought.

I didn’t have much time to dwell on that anyway once Grant got started lecturing me and treating me like a two year old as usual. I opened my mouth to blast him but he turned the tables on me again. Before I could accept or deny, his mouth was on mine and I just went under. There was no other word for it.

It was better than I remembered. Every thought left my head as I let my arms go up and around him. I lost myself in his taste and wondered where this would lead. That was my only thought as I took his tongue into my mouth to play with mine.




Shit, I hadn’t meant to bring her here like this. There was a party going on next door with a few hundred people give or take, any one of them could come looking for us at any moment. None of that stopped me from drawing her in closer, or from rubbing my already leaking cock against her.

She climbed my rod in heat and my hand went under the little skimp of a dress to tear away her panties. It was easy to unzip and release my cock, and right there, leaning against the door of the guest cottage, I fucked into her hard. “Merciful fuck!” It was just as I remembered. Her warm tight flesh closed around me like a too tight glove and I all but drooled in satisfaction.

“This is going to be rough and fast.” And so it was. I fucked her so hard the door and the windows next to it shook. My little debutante took my strokes and threw her pussy back at me for all she was worth.

Her juices were all over the front of my pants and the tail end of my shirt and there were a few marks on her neck that would be hard to explain. My mind was full of all the things I wanted to do to her. Dirty X-rated shit that would probably scare the shit out of her, but we’ll get there.

I stayed inside her long after I’d drained my balls, just enjoying the feel of her in my arms. “We’ve got to get back baby, before the others miss us.” I kissed her one last time before taking her into the bathroom to clean us both up.

Chapter 11




“Camille stop your shit and get down from there before you get hurt.” And how she was going to get hurt was by my hand across her ass. The girl is a public nuisance, right now she seemed to think it made perfectly good sense to hang from a beam in my stables and do some gymnast stunt she’d learned in middle school.

One thing I’d learned about my little flower in the last few weeks since we’d been joined at the hip, when she’s happy she’s fearless. I have to remind her at least twice a day that she’s not invincible, but ever since that night of the party, she’s been even more of a pain in the ass than usual.

Just yesterday I had to tan her ass for doing something stupid. Not only was it stupid, but it sent the wrong damn message, especially since it was getting close to the time when we could go public, which I was wondering what the hell had possessed me not to in the first place.

I’d happened upon her by chance, having gone into town to grab some feed that the foreman wanted. Usually he would’ve picked it up but I was at loose ends and felt like taking the drive. Imagine my surprise when I saw the little gathering outside the diner and just barely made out the top of her head in the middle of the crowd.

When I caught sight of Sandra the librarian it wasn’t hard to see where this was going and I’d made my way through the throng of on-lookers to nab her little ass. We’d had this discussion and I knew that her feelings were just hurt and that she was more humiliated than heart broken, but obviously she couldn’t leave well enough alone.

“What the hell are you doing?” I practically dragged her out of there not giving thought to how that shit looked. She was pissed as was evident by the stubborn set of her face and in no mood to listen to me, which was a dangerous thing for her. I’d already been inside her more times that I can count, she had my stamp on her, my scent damn near permeated from her skin because I’d emptied my seed in her each and every time, which meant that if she disobeyed me now, it would go very bad for her, but the little fool threw caution to the wind.

“Stay out of it Grant, she had this coming.” I looked back to where Sandra was standing with her arm still in a sling and a bag of spilt food at her feet. I felt bad for her, because although Camille was convinced that she’d gone after Joel just to spite her, I believe the two of them had just fallen in love with each other. Too bad Joel had made a muck of things and not done what he was supposed to as a man. Now I’m afraid that this one is going to make that poor girl’s life a living hell for the rest of her days if she stays in this town.

“Why are you brawling in the damn streets like a common ass…” I didn’t finish my statement but that didn’t stop her from puffing up like a damn rooster. “You can’t tell me what…” I grabbed her shirtfront and pulled her in close, and to hell with our audience. “If you finish that sentence I promise you won’t sit for a week.”

I should’ve known better than to challenge her, her little hotheaded ass always had to have the last word. In the last few weeks we’d grown closer than ever before, but she still had a lot of untamed fire in her ass that needed a swift hand. Her daddy hadn’t done me any favors by letting her run wild.

She went calm on me, too calm and like an idiot I let my guard down and released her. I got a kick in my shin for my troubles, and before I could blink she was back in the fray. I was in time to stop her from punching the poor librarian’s lights out. I made the mistake of trying to help her, to protect her from my little hellcat. Of course she saw that as me choosing sides and though the people gathered around might not have understood the look of hurt that came across her face, I felt that shit in my gut.

When she turned and walked away without another word I felt gutted, but I couldn’t let her carry on like that. For one, what would people think? They’d think she was still hung up on Joel of course, and that was something I wasn’t about to stomach, and for another, her fight wasn’t with Sandra, it’s Joel she’d been engaged to after all.

I caught up with her just as she reached her car and caged her in against the door. “Don’t look like that baby I didn’t betray you. You cannot go around pounding on that girl every chance you get, it’s unseemly and besides it sends the wrong message.”

“Get away from me Benedict Arnold, are you fucking her too? Seems everyone is so concerned about the little mousy tart but no one gives a fig about me.” I hadn’t seen this side of her for about a week at least, I guess I’d grown complacent since I’d been screwing her brains out every chance I got.

“What are you doing down here anyway, I thought you had a meeting over in Fair Lawn?” That’s the only time we weren’t together these days, when it came to work. I’d practically abandoned my office for an iPad and a phone, something I’d never done, and I guess everyone was still giving her a break because of the broken engagement bullshit.

“Oh now you wanna hear my side? Why don’t you go comfort your new girlfriend like everybody else and leave me alone?” I know she was hurt because she expected me and everyone else to ostracize the librarian and maybe a few people had in the beginning, but the girl just had that disposition about her that made it hard. Besides, like I said, the two of them might’ve gone about it the wrong way, but it was obvious they were really in love. I wonder what this one was going to do when the rumor I’d heard just last night started to spread.

Her refusal to calm the fuck down only made me angry and I was this close to strangling her ass. How did she go from my bed to fighting in the streets over another man? “You still haven’t told me what the hell you’re doing here, am I missing something? Did you or did you not tell me that it was a mistake to get engaged and that you were happy you hadn’t gone through with the wedding?” She still hadn’t told me the whole story behind all that, and the pussy was so good I’d chosen to overlook it, but maybe I shouldn’t have.

“What does that have to do with anything, she still slept with him while we were engaged, they still embarrassed me. And since everyone around here including you, seems to think it’s okay to trample my heart and feelings and take their side, I have to look out for myself. What do I look like to you? Bitch made?” I’d noticed in the last couple of weeks that her vocabulary can lean towards strange sometimes, things she picked up in college that you wouldn’t expect the daughter of the town’s leading family to utter. ‘Bitch made’ was the least offensive one I guess.

“You’re nuttier than squirrel shit you know that. No one is taking sides here, but the truth is you never wanted to marry that jackass in the first place so I don’t see why you insist on carrying out this farce. Now everyone is back to thinking you give a damn about him, how the fuck do you think I feel? I’m the man that’s been fucking you for the past two weeks what the fuck?”

From the dawning light that came into her eyes I guess she finally got it. Something else I’d noticed about her since the change in our relationship, she can be rash. Like all the things she used to do as a young teen that I thought were a menace, was just her not thinking shit through; like now.

I was tempted to walk away from her because she’d pissed me off, but whether she was right or wrong, she was still mine. I might be pissed at her, but I never wanted her to believe that I would ever choose anyone else over her; pain in the ass. “Get in the car and follow me home; and Camille, if you don’t I will run your ass off the road.” I gave her the look that usually gets her hopping and turned for my truck. I didn’t even get the damn feed I’d come into town for and ended up calling George after all to come after it.

She’d slammed into her car in high dudgeon but she had the good sense to follow me home. She had more attitude than I knew what to do with by the time we got there and I could tell she wasn’t going to quit her shit unless I did something drastic. So while she was ripping into me and everyone else that wasn’t her, I’d dragged her over to a chair and put her over my knee.

She’d screamed blue murder, kicked her feet like a toddler and threatened me with bodily harm. I guess her ass tanning didn’t do much good, so I reverted to threats. “If you embarrass me like that again I will leave your ass. You’re too old to be acting so rash. Do you know what you looked like Camille? You looked stupid, stupid and desperate. I pushed her off my knees to the floor. I guess I was madder than I thought, but what did she expect?

I stood to walk away, at least here it was safe to do that, I’d brought her home hadn’t I? “Grant, don’t!” Shit, that hurt little girl voice will get me every time. She sat on the floor rubbing her ass with tears in her eyes and a sad look on her face. I looked down at her trying to decide just what the hell was going on with her, like where the fuck was her head.

My heart did that melting shit it always does these days and sap that I was, I turned back to her. “Come on.” She fell into my arms when I reached them out to her and all was forgiven. Oh yeah, I now know how she’d wound her old man around her little finger all these years.

“Hop up here.” She wrapped her arms and legs around me and buried her face in my neck as I headed for the stairs and the master suite. It seems all our conflicts ended here, with me buried inside her. It was the only way I’d found thus far to keep her little ass quiet, but she was getting so good at the shit, it was only a matter of time before she tried controlling me there too.

I dropped her on the bed and went to work on her clothes and mine. She has this way of looking up at me from my pillow, with a wanton look on her face, that gets me in the gut every time. She can go from prim and proper, and even hellcat, to sexual siren in the blink of an eye.

There was none of the usual buildup, none of the finesse I’d introduced her to so far. Instead I let her see and feel some of my displeasure in the sharp bite of my teeth into the flesh of her neck. “Grant?” She sounded just the right amount of scared.

“Shut up, you didn’t think you were gonna get off that easy did you?” I bit and sucked my way down her body as she writhed and pleaded with me. Lucky for her I wasn’t mad enough to really let her have it, but my hands were still rougher than usual when I touched her.

I teased her clit with my thumb until it was swollen and red. When she opened her legs in a silent plea to be mounted I ignored her and played around her seeping opening with my fingers, but refused to go inside. I dipped my other thumb just inside her entrance and pulled back before she could enjoy. “Tell me what you did wrong today hellcat.”

Her eyes flew to mine and whatever she saw there had her edging back and away from me. I pulled her back onto my finger. “Don’t move, now answer the question. What did you do wrong today?” She shook her head and folded her lips tight. I pressed down on her clit and fucked her with the first knuckle of my middle finger.

She tried sucking the rest of my digit into her wet hole but I had other plans. Kneeling between her spread thighs, I got just what I wanted when her greedy eyes fell on my cock that was straining to get at her. Her tongue came out and licked her lips as her eyes followed the bobbing of my dick. Keeping one finger on her clit with the other barely resting inside her pussy, I used my other hand to stroke my cock.

“You want this?” She nodded her head vigorously. It never ceased to amaze me how the socialite could become the cock addict so easily. “Then tell me why my woman was fighting with another woman over another man.”

“It wasn’t like that.” Now she sounded like she was about to cry. “Then tell me how it was.” I didn’t let up my assault on her clit as pre-cum dripped from my cock onto her stomach and thigh. She started moving under my hand and her skin grew flush. “I was just, she was, I don’t know, I just saw her and it all came rushing back, but that’s all it was I promise.”

I believed her but she still needed to be taught a lesson. I was still a little raw about the whole engagement thing to begin with and though I knew no other man had ever had her, I still wasn’t too keen on her having anything to do with her ex or any other male for that matter. Something that was definitely new to me, but hey.

“If you see either of them on the street from now on, I want you to pretend they don’t fucking exist do you hear me? That was your one fuck up, no more do overs. I know you have a problem hearing shit, but I’d listen if I were you.” I entered her body roughly as I was talking to her.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and her body lifted mine. That little squeaking sound she makes every time I enter her escaped as I started to saw my dick in and out of her. I ran my hand up her middle and over her tits to her throat. Her eyes widened when I tightened it there, choking her off as I slammed my cock home.

Her pussy clenched just like I knew it would and her coughing and struggling to breathe only made my cock very happy. I let up a little but went back to it as soon as she’d drawn enough air into her lungs. I kept that shit up, choking and releasing until she figured out that I wasn’t about to choke her ass out. What I did do was control her with my cock, which was the only way I had found to keep her little ass in check.

“Look at that.” Her pussy was a swollen mound of pink flesh around my long angry pole. Because of the pressure around her throat, it made her cunt lips protrude even more than usual, and they were plump to begin with. “Look at the way you take me in.” Her juices covered my dick and ran down to the bed. I let her neck go and changed up my shit.

With one hand on her tit, I diddled her clit with the other as I pounded into her. She was so over stimulated by now her pussy juiced like a ripe peach, and the pussy feel good sounds I drew out of her were music to my ears. I grabbed the flesh of her tummy just as she started to quiver around my meat. “I can’t wait to fill this with my seed.” Just as she opened her mouth in a wide scream I emptied my balls inside her.

BOOK: Texas Hellion
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