Read Texas Bossa Nova (Texas Montgomery Mavericks Book 5) Online

Authors: Cynthia D’Alba

Tags: #Western Romance, #Tattooed heroine, #Texas Cowboys, #Texas Montgomery Mavericks, #Texas Romance, #Texas Ranch, #Cowboys, #motorcycle, #Contemporary Romance, #Reunited Lovers

Texas Bossa Nova (Texas Montgomery Mavericks Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Texas Bossa Nova (Texas Montgomery Mavericks Book 5)
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“I told you,” he said. “Cold weather causes shrinkage.”

“Hmm. I thought you meant your dick, but now I realize you mean your brain.”

He chuckled, which made him cough again. She headed upstairs to his room, a cheek-hurting grin on her face. She brought back a couple of pairs of socks, a flannel pair of tie pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved thermal Henley. He was still enveloped in the thick blanket when she came back down.

“Here,” she said, handing him clothes. “I’ll hang your wet stuff in the bathroom, but it’ll probably freeze before it dries.”

“What?” he asked, flipping through the clothes. “No underwear?”

“Nope. Be right back.”

She brought chili back when she came. “Eat,” she said, passing him a bowl.

They ate in silence, but every once in a while, a shiver ran through Reno.


She looked at him.

“Thank you.”

“For this chili? Heck, Reno, it’s the third time we’ve eaten it.” She took his empty bowl and started to stand to return them to the kitchen. He caught her by her wrist.

“No, not the chili, and you know it. For today. For worrying about me. For coming to look for me.”

His gaze was solemn, his expression serious. His blue eyes held steady on her face.

“Like I told you, good jobs are hard to find.” She tried to keep up the joking, but inside, the impulse to flee clawed at her.

“Don’t,” he said. “You’re running away again. Sure, it’s only to the kitchen this time, but I know that look. You’re terrified.”

“Why would I be terrified?” Her voice was barely a whisper. Damn him. He’d always been able to read her.

He took the bowls and set them on the floor. Then he caught her face in his hands and leaned in.

She knew what was coming. She tried to prepare herself.

He kissed her.

Nothing could have prepared her. And nothing could stop her leaning toward him, toward his mouth, toward his touch.

Chapter Twelve

Her mouth was soft, her lips full and welcoming. Reno moved closer on the sofa, his motions slow as though approaching a wild mare. He waited for her to shove him away or bop the back of his head. When she did neither, he trailed his lips across her cheek, kissed his way along her jaw and then nibbled down her neck. She rocked her head to the side, giving him better access to the thick tendon running beside her throat. He ran his tongue along it, enjoying the rapid pulse he found there. He moved his mouth down to the top of her shirt in slow kisses and then nibbled his way back up.

She sighed, and when he thought she might be getting ready to tell him to stop, he caught her mouth in a deep kiss. His tongue gained easy access and he slipped it between her parted lips. Her tongue met his, stroke for stroke in a dueling twist.

Wanting more, needing to touch her, he glided his hands down to her shoulders and then lower to caress her breasts through her shirt. Full, round and heavy, they filled the palms of his hands. The weight was perfect. The shape was perfect. There was nothing about this woman that wasn’t perfect.

He gave her flesh a final tight squeeze and then relocated his hands to the hem of her shirt and edged his fingers under the material. When his fingertips touched her hot flesh, a volley of cannons exploded in his gut.

“Magda,” he said in a long moan. “Magda.”

She stroked his cheeks, his afternoon beard raking across her skin. Her nails scratched his head when she ran her fingers through his hair. When she ran the tip of her tongue around the rim of his ear, a torrent of shivers shot through him. Then she bit and licked down his neck and back up to his mouth. She pressed her lips to his, angled her head and took the kiss into a deep, wet exploration of his mouth. His body pumped gallons of his blood to his groin, hardening his penis. A ripple ran through him.

“Are you okay?” she said, pulling back. “You’re shaking. Are you still cold?”

He shook his head. “I’m so hot I could start a fire without a match.”

The smile she gave him wasn’t reassuring. “Good.” She leaned farther away. “You know we can’t go on like this.”

“Why not?” He slid off the sofa to the mattress on the floor and pulled her with him, not that she really fought his tug. “I’ve missed you,” he said and then kissed her. “I could go on like this for a very long time.”

He didn’t give her a chance to respond, making sure her mouth was filled with his tongue and not her words. The kisses were getting hotter and wetter and longer each time he went back for a taste. He lowered himself to the mattress, and she followed, still wrapped in his arms, still answering his demands for kisses and access to her luscious flesh.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, leaving a path of kisses down her neck. “So beautiful.” He again wedged his fingers under the hem of her blouse. “I need to touch you, see you, feel you.”

“We had an agreement,” she said, pressing kiss after kiss on his face and his neck. “This isn’t a good idea.”

“Wrong. It’s a great idea.”

The palm of his hand lay on her stomach, moving up and down with each breath. He swept his hands upward to capture and massage her breasts. Her nipples were rigid and she moaned when he rolled and then tugged one between his fingers. That was it. He pushed her shirt and her bra up until she was exposed to him.

Magda’s head swam with emotions, her gut whirling with tension and lust. His first kiss had injected such a bolt of longing, she’d almost cried out. She hadn’t been with a man since Reno, not since August. Six months was a long time without sex. However, since her five months with Reno as her lover, she hadn’t desired another man. So, while half a year might sound like a long time, there’d been no one who’d made her burn with desire like Reno Montgomery could.

More than once, she’d dreamt about Reno, awoken to find herself in the throes of a gasping, shaking orgasm.

Even now, a small slice of her mind wondered if she was dreaming. But she wasn’t. This was real. He was here, touching her, sucking on her breast, rolling a nipple between his fingers. A surge of heavy desire rushed through her. Heat and moisture built between her thighs and she pressed them together to soothe the ache there.

She should stop him, stop herself, but even she wasn’t listening to her internal voice. She wanted this. Wanted him.

Finally, she gave in, gliding her hands under his thermal shirt, pushing it up. Reno pulled away from her long enough to jerk the shirt off and toss it on the sofa.

The hair on his chest was silky and at the same time rough as she ran her hands along the contours and ridges of his chest and down his abdomen. She worked her hands in endless circles, the crinkling of hair against her palms shooting more fire to her sex, ramping up the throbbing to new heights.

Ungluing her tongue from the roof of her mouth, she licked along one of the ridges between his muscles. Oh Lord. He tasted better than she remembered. Salty and clean at the same time. His skin was cool but not nearly as cold as it had been.

She licked his flat, brown areola and then sucked his nipple. He groaned and wedged a knee between her legs, pushing her thighs apart as he moved his bent leg up toward her center. He applied pressure against her clitoris, moving his knee in a circular fashion as though performing a massage.

Magda pressed down, rotating her hips in conjunction to his movements. Inside, a heady tightness was building, a pressure much like water pushing against a dam. She was so close, so close. She closed her eyes and thrust hard against his steady pressure. She arched. So close. Almost there.

He stopped. “Not yet.”

“What? What?” She opened her eyes, confused and very frustrated. “Why did you stop?”

“I want to be with you when you fly. I want to soar with you, feel you in my arms as you shatter. I want you to know it’s me that’s bringing you that pleasure. Me. Reno Montgomery. The man who’s waited for you, lusted for you, needed you. A man who craves you still.”

Tears sprang to Magda’s eyes. No one in her entire life had looked at her the way this strong, masculine man was looking at her right now. She nodded.

He pulled her pants and panties down her legs and over her socked feet in one swift jerk. Magda wasn’t ashamed of her body, but she’d never flaunted it either. However, the look of lust etched on Reno’s face, and the darkening of desire in his eyes, made her want to preen.

“Oh, babe,” he said, his tone deep and gravelly. “I thought I remembered how fantastic your body was, but damn if it isn’t better than I remembered.”

He wrapped his hands around her ankles and spread her legs, taking his time looking at her core. She gulped against the hard pounding of her heart. Her sex throbbed with pent-up desire and need. Then he pressed his mouth to the inside of her ankle, the bristles of his whiskers scratched gently on her flesh. She’d only thought her heart had been racing. Now, it shattered into pieces, beating and throbbing in different areas all over her body.

He left her ankle to run his tongue slowly—very slowly—up the inside of her calf. When he tongued the back of her knee, she arched off the mattress with a moan.

“Hmm,” was all he said and then slid his tongue up her thigh closer to her target zone. He stopped short of the mark and she whimpered. She could feel his lips move against her flesh as he smiled in response to her whine.

Just to torture her more, she decided, he moved to her other thigh, kissing her skin, tracing her tattoo with his tongue, nibbling and sucking his way down to her knee and back up. Electricity flashed inside her, jumping from muscle to muscle and bone to bone. Pressure built, tightening her body. Even her toes were flexed and arched. She was pretty sure she was about to explode, to send electrical sparks all over the room.

“Touch me, Reno. Fuck me. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

“Not time for fucking yet.” He nibbled on her soft inner thigh. “You taste too good to quit, like, hmm…” He paused to lick the joint where her thigh and pelvis area met. “Like ice cream on a hot day.”

“But my ice cream is melting.”

He chuckled. “Nice and wet and runny, just like I like it.”

He ran his tongue along her labia, bringing a low, hoarse groan from her. When her hips jacked up in response, he settled his hand flat on her abdomen and applied pressure. He continued eating at her with tongue swipes and teeth nibbles and long sucks. She was almost wild with her impending orgasm. His tongue was doing wicked sweeps and jabs and flat licks. His hand on her abdomen kept her from flying off the mattress so she bent her knees and dug her heels into the mattress for leverage.

Sweat beaded on her upper lip, ran off the side and down her cheek. She licked her lips, parched by her rapid pants. She beat a heel into the mattress as she skated up to the edge of her climax. It was so close she could see it.

“I can’t hold back,” she said on gasps. “I’m going to come.”

“I want to taste you as you come all over my tongue.”

He stabbed his tongue in her, time and time again. Every muscle in her body pulled tight. She tried to swallow, but there was no fluid left in her mouth. Everything was flowing south, toward his tongue, his mouth.

And then she flew over the rim, crying out his name, bucking against his mouth. White lights danced and flickered behind her eyelids. Waves and ripples of pleasure ran from her head to her toes, which curled in response to the overwhelming fire racing through her.

When she finally floated back to reality, Reno was bracing himself on his forearms, arched over her, a smile spread across his mouth. “Good?” he asked.

“Oh, it was okay,” she said and then laughed. “It was unbelievable.” She squinted her eyes in a glare. “Have you been practicing your, um, technique?”

His smile twisted into a smirk. “Practicing. Is that your way of asking if I’ve been with another woman?”

“It’s none of my business,” she said in a rush of words. “Sorry I asked.”

Slowly, he lowered his body until just their noses touched. “How could I be with another woman after I’ve had the best?”

Her heart settled in her throat. She fought back the emotional wave that threatened to swamp her.

“Oh.” Her voice was so quiet she wasn’t sure if she thought that word or actually said it.

“Oh,” he repeated and settled his full weight on top of her. It was a heavy, warm blanket settling over her. He felt so good she sighed.

He kissed her. It wasn’t a hard, fast, demanding kiss like they’d been exchanging. It was soft, almost reverent. She opened her lips, slipped her tongue out, ran it along his lower lip and pushed it inside his mouth. He latched on to her tongue, sucked on it, secured it in his mouth. Each draw on her tongue discharged atoms of desire throughout her system.

She raked her fingers down his back. Dipped her fingers into the swell before his ass. Shoved her hands under the drawstring waist of his pants until she could grasp the globes of his ass. They were hard and firm. No jiggle at all to the meaty flesh there.

She ran her hands along the waist until she reached the tie in the front. She jerked the string and the pants loosened immediately.

Braced on his forearms again, he pushed up and looked down. “If those come off, you know what’s going to happen.”

After licking her lips, she said, “Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t. Why don’t you tell me?”

“I’m going to fuck you so hard, your pussy won’t stop aching for a week.”

God, she loved when he talked dirty. And apparently, so did her sex, which spasmed at his words.

“Hmm. Sounds like a challenge.” She hunched up against his thick shaft. “I always did love one.”

Reno kicked his pants down his legs until he could fling them off with a foot. Before he could settle on top of her again, Magda pushed him backwards until he was lying on his back.

“You’re not the only one with a mouth,” she said. She wrapped the fingers of one hand around his stiff shaft and then slid her thumb across the cockhead through the precome. When she licked the liquid off her thumb, Reno groaned.

“Damn, woman.”

She smiled and then leaned over and ran her tongue directly across the slit. His hips jerked up with her stroke.

“Impatient much?”

“Put me in your mouth,” he demanded. “Do it now.”

She didn’t. Instead, she flicked her tongue around the head’s rim and made her way down the thick, pulsing vein with licks and nibbles. If she’d thought he’d been hard when she started, his shaft was now like the handle of a hammer.

Working her way back up the way she went down, she stopped long enough to nibble around that soft edge of the cockhead. Then she sucked the head into her mouth.

He threaded his hands into her hair, tightening his fingers and pulling the strands as he grunted her name over and over.

She slipped him from her mouth and stopped. He looked at her with a slight panic in his eyes and she almost laughed.

“Come here,” she said, crawling over to the edge of the sofa. “Sit up here.” She patted a cushion. “I know you like to watch.”

A wicked smile crawled across his mouth and he wasted no time doing as she asked.

Once he was seated, she pushed his knees wide apart and climbed between them. She took him back into her mouth, sliding him in and out with long sucks and draws. His hands found their way back into her hair and around the back of her head.

At first, he let her move at her own rate. Magda wrapped both hands around the base of his cock and worked in concert with her mouth. It didn’t take long before Reno held her head still and began to thrust his hips in earnest. His shaft slid in and out of her mouth in a rapid pace, Reno alternately hissing and groaning. He yanked free of her mouth with a sag of his shoulders.

“Give me a minute,” he said through locked teeth, still holding her head between his hands.

“You okay?”

She heard a heated cussword under his breath.

“I almost lost it.” He leaned forward and kissed her. “Damn, you’ve got a mouth made for pleasure.” His breaths were nothing more than quick pants. “Maybe I should be the one worried about who you’ve been practicing on.”

BOOK: Texas Bossa Nova (Texas Montgomery Mavericks Book 5)
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