Read Ten Year Crush Online

Authors: Toshia Slade

Ten Year Crush (5 page)

BOOK: Ten Year Crush
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Maybe this is a sign that it really is time to move on and get over this stupid infatuation I have for my brother’s best friend. 
Don’t go there, Gabby. Remember, done

“Well, I was thinking… if you didn’t have plans tonight? I could take you out and treat you to a late birthday dinner.” Brandon smiles.

He really is cute. Now that it isn’t dark, I can tell he has hazel eyes. He’s wearing brown cargo shorts and a green polo shirt, with sandals. Yup, complete opposite of Cam. Cam would be wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and boots.
Dammit, Gabby, shut it!

“I work tonight, but I’m off at six. We could do something around seven thirty?” I tuck my hair behind my ear and try to hide the heat in my cheeks.

“Seven thirty works. Just so you know, you’re cuter when you blush.” He winks and flashes his perfect white teeth.

My cheeks flame up even more. “Okay.” Brandon chuckles and I focus on the front, noticing class already started.

After class, as I’m packing up my book and notes, I glance at Brandon out of the corner of my eye. He stands up and pulls something from his pocket. “Can I get your number? I’ll call you and you can save mine. Just text me where you want me to pick you up.” He has his phone in his hands, ready to punch in my number.

“Sure, sounds good.” I give him my number and he calls. I pull out my phone and save his number as we walk to the door.

“I’ll see you tonight.” Brandon grabs my hand and squeezes a little.

I smile up at him. “See ya.”




The rest of the day goes by in a blur. As I head into the coffee shop, close to campus where Tiff and I both work, I freak out about tonight. I’ve been on dates before and I’m no virgin, but he’s a stranger. Can I really go through with this? He doesn’t set my blood on fire or give me butterflies like Cam does.
Of course he doesn’t. Cam’s been in your life for ten years, stupid. Give him a chance.

“Hey, hooker, how was class?” Tiff is already here and getting ready for our shift. Most of the time we work the same hours.

“It was good.” I flash her a nervous smile. “I have a date tonight.” I chew on my lip.

“Oh my god, that’s great, Gabby…” her eyebrows pinch together, and then just as fast, she raises one brow in question. “Wait, with who?”

“Brandon. The guy I was dancing with the other night.”

“Oh…” She grins. “He was cute. You looked hot together, before Cam went all super dickhead on the guy.”

“Yeah, he’s cute. He wants to take me out for a late birthday dinner.” I shrug.

“Ooo, where are you going?” She’s bouncing around like she’s the one going out.

“I’m not sure. He’s going to pick me up at seven thirty.” I pull my hair up into a sloppy bun. “What am I going to wear? I have no clue what we’re doing.”

“Just wear some cute jeans and a nice top. I’m sure he isn’t going to take you anywhere really fancy on a Monday night.”

I nod and we walk up front to start our shift. It’s really busy this afternoon so I don’t have much time to dwell on my nerves.

At the end of my shift, Tiff pulls me into a hug. “Have fun, everything will be great. Go enjoy yourself, you deserve it.”

“Thanks, Tiff.” I kiss her cheek and head to the back to get my bag.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket while I’m walking to my car. As soon as I pull it out I see it’s from Cam.





I’m not even going to respond to that. How can everything be okay, after he drops all that shit on me and then just walks away? Anger pulses through my veins. He’s been calling and texting, but I just don’t know what to say to him. Everything isn’t okay. I can’t just go back to hiding everything.
Maybe I just need some time. Time to get over him, and then we can be friends again.




Once I’m home I text Brandon my address and let him know I’ll be ready at seven thirty. Hooking my phone up to my stereo, I crank the music up and head for the shower. I work a good lather into my hair and sing along with Alicia Keys.

The hot water pours over me and I can feel the anxiety wash away. I’m left feeling excited and ready for the night. I’m going to get there. I’m getting back up on my feet. Cam isn’t going to hold me back anymore. I’m going to live for me and what makes
happy, no more false hope.

Out of the shower, I head into my closet to pick out my clothes. I’m going with my favorite pair of skinny jeans and a dark purple top that hangs off my shoulders, and then lays loose around my midsection, cinching back in at my waist. I grab a strapless hot pink bra and matching hot pink thong.

I keep my makeup light and more natural looking and I take the extra time to straighten my hair. A pair of black flats finishes off my outfit.

The doorbell rings as I’m coming down the steps. 
Right on time.

The first thing I see when I open the door is a bouquet of roses. Then, Brandon pokes his head out from behind them. “Happy late birthday.”

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that. Dinner would have been more than enough.” I take the flowers and bury my face in them, drawing in the scent. 
Oh, they smell so good.
“Come on in. I’ll put these in some water, then we can go.”

Brandon looks really nice tonight. He’s dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and a dark blue button-up with the sleeves half way rolled up his arms. His hair has that sexy messy look going on. I’ve never been into the surfer-boy types before, but Brandon is definitely changing that.

“How was work?” He asks, leaning against the wall and looking around the room.

“It was good. Busy, but good. Did you have any trouble finding the place?” I ask, bending down to get a vase from under the sink. I can feel the heat of Brandon’s eyes on my ass.

“I actually live in the complex, but in the back. What are the chances of that?” He says with a chuckle.

“Really? That’s crazy.” I finish adding water and arrange the flowers before setting them on the kitchen table. “These are beautiful. Thank you.”

“You’re beautiful. Ready to go?” He smiles showing his white teeth.

“You’re not so bad yourself, Mr.

” Crap I don’t know his last name.

“Andrews. Brandon Andrews. Don’t feel bad, I don’t know your last name either.” He chuckles.


“Okay, Miss Murphy, you ready to go?” He sweeps his arm motioning for me to go first.

“I am. Let me just grab my purse.” I walk into the living room, picking it up off the couch. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Pizza okay with you? I know a nice little place not too far from here.” He places his hand on my lower back, guiding me outside. No sparks or butterflies.
You’ll get there, give it time.

“Oh, is it Shaq’s Oven Baked? I love that place. My roommate and I go there all the time. Best pizza ever.” I turn and lock the door, then throw my keys down in my purse.

“That’s the one.” We walk out into the parking lot and Brandon heads for a cute little Camaro. He opens the door and holds it for me to get in. 
Two points for Brandon. 

We make small talk about how the rest of our days went on the short drive to the restaurant. 

As soon as we park he jumps out, leaning in he says, “Let me get the door for you.” Swoon. He’s definitely a gentleman. Once my door is open, he reaches in for my hand to help me out of his car.

“Thank you.” I could get used to this. I’ve never had a guy be so polite, well other than Josh and Cam.
Nope not going there.

“My pleasure.” He keeps a hold of my hand and leads the way into Shaq’s. 

“You all dining in or getting an order to go?” The girl behind the counter asks.

“Dining in.” Brandon releases my hand and places it on my lower back. I feel the heat from his hand through my shirt. It’s crazy how comfortable I feel with him already.

“Follow me this way, please.” The hostess comes around the counter, grabs two menus and silverware, and seats us in a back corner booth. I love the décor in this place. The floors are black and white checkered tile and there are pictures of Italy all over the walls. 

“What can I get you all to drink?” 

“I’ll have water with lemon, please” I say and look to Brandon.

“I’ll take a Coke.”

“Do you all know what you want or do you need a minute?”

“We need a minute,” Brandon replies, picking up his menu.

Once she walks off, Brandon sets his menu down and looks at me.

“So, what do you like on your pizza?”

“I’m good with just about anything, but mushrooms and fruits.” I scrunch up my nose. “I love fruit, but not on my pizza. I love spicy too, so I’m good with whatever.”

Brandon is laughing at me. “I take that back, you’re even cuter when you scrunch your nose. Okay, so what about a large Meat Lovers with jalapenos?”


When the server comes back, Brandon places our order. We make small talk about things we like to do. Once our food comes out, we chat and ask all of the get-to-know-you questions. 

I learn that he’s twenty-three, has two older brothers, and he’s the baby of the family. His mom is an Elementary school teacher and his dad owns a car dealership. He’s going to school for a Business degree so he can go work for his dad and someday run the company. I can tell that he is a big momma’s boy and seems to be close to his dad and brothers. I love that he is a family person. Family is everything to me.

Brandon pays the bill and we’re heading out to the car. “Thank you for dinner, that was really good.”

“Who said we’re done? I want ice-cream.” He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the car, practically bouncing. He seems like such an energetic person.

“God! How are you even going to fit it in after all that pizza you just put away?” I giggle, following him. I had two pieces and Brandon finished the rest. I don’t understand how guys can eat like that. Girls look at food and it goes straight to our ass. 

It’s a quick walk to the ice-cream place right around the corner. I’ve been here a few times; it’s pretty good.

“I’m going to get a banana split. Know what you want?” Brandon wraps his arm around my shoulders.

I feel the heat of his side pressed up against mine and breathe in his cologne, woods and spice.
Damn, he smells good.
I shiver. “I think I want a caramel sundae.”

We get our order and head to a small two-person table, on the side, in front of the windows. Brandon takes a couple bites of mine and I do the same with his, avoiding the pineapple. I only like the chocolate and strawberry parts.

After finishing, Brandon holds my hand as we walk back to the car.

“Are you full enough now?” He rubs his thumb back and forth over the top of my hand.

“Oh my god, I’m stuffed. And after all the calories tonight, I may not eat tomorrow.”

“Hey.” Brandon spins me around in front of him and he grabs my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “You’re absolutely beautiful. I love your curves. I find them quite sexy. I also know how well you move those hips.” He has a sexy grin on his face.

My cheeks heat along with the rest of my body. I haven’t been this attracted to anyone for a long time. Well besides... 
Nope, not going there.
“You make me feel beautiful.”

Brandon lowers his head and his lips brush mine. They’re so much softer than I thought they would be. It’s just the briefest of touches, as if he’s waiting to see if I’ll stop him. Desperate for more, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.

His eyebrows shoot up.

Whoa, when did I suddenly become so brave?

His hands drop from my face and move to my hips. He presses his lips back to mine and traces the outline of my lips with his tongue. I open up to him. Our tongues are swirling and moving together. I moan.
Brandon’s a great kisser,
but I can’t help but wonder what Cam’s kiss would be like. I dive in deeper to the kiss, wanting to push away everything Cam

Heat pools at my center, and a needy ache builds. Brandon moves his hands to my ass and pulls me closer so I feel what I’ve done to him. I love knowing that I affect him like this, that I make him this hot.

Someone clearing their throat breaks us apart. I look over Brandon’s shoulder and see a middle-aged couple. They both look amused. Thank god, it wasn’t a mom with kids or something.

“Sorry.” I say to the couple, then duck my head hiding my face in Brandon’s chest. 

He wraps his arm around my waist and starts walking to the car. “We always get interrupted, don’t we?” He’s laughing and I’m trying not to die of mortification. 

“Shut it. I’m never like that. I hate having a bunch of attention drawn to me.” I smack his stomach and he grunts.

I fake pout and he stops to pull me into his arms. “Hey, I’m sorry I got carried away.”

BOOK: Ten Year Crush
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