Read Tempting Taylor Online

Authors: Beverly Havlir

Tempting Taylor (9 page)

BOOK: Tempting Taylor
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Cooper pulled her close, palming her ass. “Don’t bother.”

Her pulse jumped. “Really, I would be more comfortable—”

“And I would be happier if you didn’t wear anything under
the shirt.” He nuzzled her neck. “It will be torture of course. Of the
delicious kind, but torture just the same.” He took her hand and pulled her
behind him. “Come on. I’m starving. For food this time. We have to keep up our
energy. I’ve got plans for you.”


Cooper cracked a couple of eggs into a bowl and whisked
briskly. He checked the bacon sizzling on the skillet. Out of the corner of his
eye, he watched Taylor as she scooped whole coffee beans into the grinder. When
he heard her humming under her breath, he grinned. Thank God she’d snapped out
of her earlier mood.

Contrary to public perception, he was very picky with whom
he had sex. With all the women he’d bedded, everything was clear and up front
to begin with. When it was over, it was done. No complications. No questions,
no recriminations. A clean break was how he preferred it.

What was it about women that they felt the need to
overanalyze things? Taylor didn’t want him to think that she was after a
relationship so she’d wanted to hightail it out of his house earlier. He shook
his head. Females. To him it was simple. He wanted her here. That was that. No
beating the issue to death. No asking why, when, where and how. Even now, just
seeing her in his kitchen, dressed in nothing but his shirt, gave him a
hard-on. If his dick were a compass, it would constantly point to her. He
didn’t question it, just accepted it.

For the first time he wanted a woman to stay. Not just any
woman. He wanted Taylor to stay. He had watched her sleep, thinking of ways to
persuade her not to go home, because he knew that the moment she opened her
eyes, she’d bolt. But unlike Taylor, he wasn’t going to scrutinize why he didn’t
want her to leave.

Again, he stole a look at her. She was making coffee with a
concentration that was endearing, carefully scooping the fresh ground beans
into a filter before pouring cold water in the coffee maker. Compelled to touch
her, he moved behind her and caged her within his arms, nuzzling her neck. At
the same time, he slid his hands under the shirt and encountered warm, soft

She arched her neck. He liked the little catch in her breath
when he cupped her breasts and felt her pulse jump.

“Um, we don’t want to burn the breakfast.”

He turned her around to face him. “All right. We’ll save it
for later, but first…” Capturing her lips, he kissed her. When he let her go,
her eyes were dazed and unfocused.

With a satisfied grin, he released her and finished cooking
breakfast. For the first time in a long, long time, he was happy.

Chapter Five


“Okay, give me the scoop.”

Taylor sipped her coffee and eyed Emily over the rim of the
cup. “No biggie.” She shrugged. “We had dinner and I asked him questions.”

Emily raised an eyebrow. “And?”

She exhaled. “I stayed the weekend.”

“You did?” She clapped delightedly but her smile dimmed a
second later. “Wait, why do you look glum? Was the sex just so-so?” she asked
in a whisper.

Taylor couldn’t help but laugh at that. “It was off the
charts actually.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“I’m confused. Scared. I don’t know if this is the right
thing to do.”

“Tell me what’s bugging you.”

“Friend-with-benefits implies no emotions. I’m afraid that
this doesn’t exactly fit the category.”

“Oh Tay. Here we go again. You’re having analysis paralysis
again. Just enjoy being with him.”

“But that is part of the problem. I enjoy it too much.”

Emily grinned. “There’s nothing wrong with off-the-charts

She gave Emily a mock glare. “I’m serious.”

“Me too. Why not take things as they come? Don’t fight it.
Let things happen naturally. It will all work out.”

“I’m becoming irrational, aren’t I?”

“A little too anxious, maybe.” Emily wiggled her eyebrows.
“The sex was really good?”

“It was amazing,” Taylor supplied. “The
make-your-eyes-roll-back-and-your-toes-curl kind of good.”

They laughed.

“You feel better now?” Emily asked.

“Yeah, I do. Thanks for pulling me back from going off the
deep end,” she said with a shake of her head.

“Hey, that’s what friends are for. So you’re done with the

“I just need to put the finishing touches on the article.”

Emily hugged her. “I’m sure the article will be amazing.”

“I need to get his done soon anyway so I can concentrate on
my maid of honor duties with your wedding just weeks away. We have a lot of
stuff to do.”

Emily giggled. “I know. Can you believe it? I’m so excited.”

Pushing her heavy feelings aside, Taylor grinned. “Now I
have the perfect idea for a bachelorette party. I’m thinking of half-naked guys
gyrating on a stage, performing for the bride-to-be.”

A delightful flush covered Emily’s cheeks. “Strippers? I
don’t know. Devlin might not like that idea.”

She waved a hand dismissively. “I’m sure his brothers have
something similar planned for him.”

“Now I’m not sure
like that idea.”

Taylor laughed. “You have nothing to worry about. Devlin is
so in love with you he’d probably just drink and let his brothers have all the
fun. But you, me and our girlfriends will have the time of our lives. One more
night of wild fun before you get hitched to your prince charming.”

Emily chewed her lower lip. “Are you sure that’s a good

“I think it’s a great idea. It’ll be fun. Now you want to
grab some lunch? I’m starving.”


They rode the elevator down, discussing the upcoming issue
of the e-zine. They walked to the coffee shop across the street and sat down on
one of the outdoor tables. Taylor ordered a salad and opted for iced tea. She
really didn’t have much of an appetite but was determined to eat.

“Well, well, look who’s here,” Emily said under her breath.

She glanced over in the direction Emily indicated. Cooper
stood a few feet away in earnest discussion with a light-haired man next to
him. He looked up and met her gaze.

Taylor struggled to keep her composure. When he’d dropped
her off a couple of nights ago, he’d given her a hot and heavy French kiss.
Before they parted, she’d brought up a point that she felt had to be made. The
conversation hadn’t been easy, and remembering the disastrous way it ended
brought a grimace to her lips.

“Come with me to a charity dinner next week.”

They were standing by her door, Cooper’s arms around her
when he asked her. Two things struck her at once. One, he was asking her out.
Two, just the thought of appearing in public with him and having their
photographs taken terrified her. It was certain to come out in the paper the
next day.

“I can’t.”

He ran a caressing hand down her back. “Do you really
want to leave me at the mercy of all those women who just want to ravish my
body?” he asked teasingly.

He was only half-joking of course. Taylor knew women were
drawn to him. That was no secret. The thought of females coming on to him
didn’t sit well with her. It was a sickening thought.

She brushed that aside. “I thought we both understood
that this was a friends-with-benefits situation.”

Cooper stilled. “Which means?”

“Which means,” she struggled to continue, “we don’t have
to go out with each other. This is an arrangement between the two of us,
whenever…whenever we need each other.” She forced the words out. “Besides, I
just think it’s better all around to keep this between us. Keep it separate
from work. I just don’t want people talking, you know? It’s better if no one

God, why was it so hard to say those words? Cooper wasn’t
exactly known for relationships and deluding herself into believing she was
different from all the other women was useless. She didn’t want to date him.
They wanted each other, yes. And when the need arose, they would get together.
It was simpler all around. No emotional entanglements to worry about.
Everything was clear-cut.

Taylor waited for him to respond, trying to gauge his
expression. But his eyes were shuttered, his face without expression. She had
no idea what he was thinking.

“So let me get this straight. You don’t want anybody to
know that we’re seeing each other.”

“We’re not exactly seeing each other in the strictest
sense of the word,” she countered, for a moment doubting the wisdom of the idea
herself. It felt so…meaningless. But with Cooper’s every move chronicled in the
media, she didn’t want to be fodder for gossip, especially when the
relationship ended and they had to go their separate ways. “Less complicated
that way,” she ended lamely.

For the longest time, he didn’t speak. Taylor held her
breath as she waited, looking for some sign that he understood.

“Friends with benefits. That’s all you want,” he said

She looked up at him, trying to decipher his thoughts but
unable to. “Don’t you?” she countered.

His gaze was shuttered, his expression closed. “Of

Why did her chest tighten painfully when he agreed with
her? Shouldn’t she be happy that it was clear to both of them what was
happening here? Ignoring the crushing feeling swamping her, Taylor forced a
small smile to her lips. “Great. Just so we’re both clear. What a relief, huh?
It saves both of us from expecting more from each other.”

After that, he’d given her a peck on the cheek and seen
her inside before he left. Taylor felt chilled to the bone and miserable.

Pulling her thoughts back to the present, she busied herself
with sipping the iced tea the server had just put down on the table. That night
she’d kept on telling herself that it was okay, that this was what she wanted.
A friends-with-benefits situation. A fuck buddy, somebody to ease the lonely
nights without the pressure of commitment or emotional ties. Frankly at the
moment, she didn’t know what to say or how to behave. He hadn’t called her and
she didn’t know whether she should call him. This situation was all new to her.
Were there rules somewhere for friends with benefits? How come nobody had ever
written a book about this before?

“Ladies,” Cooper said by way of greeting as he stopped by
their table.

“Cooper,” Emily greeted warmly.

He turned to her. “Hello, Taylor.”

She finally looked up and searched his face for a reaction,
anything to give her a clue what he was thinking. Nothing. Fixing a smile on
her lips, she nodded. “Hi.”

His glance lingered on her for a nanosecond before he
checked his watch. “Enjoy your lunch.” He motioned to his companion and
together they walked down the street to an upscale restaurant at the end of the

Taylor released the breath she hadn’t noticed she’d been
holding when he left. He acted exactly the way they had agreed on and gave no
hint of what occurred the other night. As if they hadn’t had sex multiple times
this past weekend. That’s exactly what she wanted. Right?

So why did she feel this huge let-down when he walked away
with nothing more than a polite greeting? What the hell was wrong with her?

“Oh-kay. What’s going on?”

Taylor’s head swiveled toward Emily, tearing her gaze away
from Cooper’s back. “He’s honoring our agreement.” Briefly, she told Emily of
her arrangement with Cooper to keep things between them so there wouldn’t be
any gossip.

“And that’s how you wanted it?” Emily asked gently.

“It’s the best thing all around.” So why did she feel
miserable inside? Taylor forced herself to smile. “Forget about it. Now let’s
talk about your wedding. What’s left on your to-do list?”


For what seemed like the tenth time in as many minutes,
Taylor looked at the clock again. It was late. Normally reading a book on her
e-reader was a relaxing routine before going to bed. Tonight that was hardly
the case. She couldn’t seem to get past the page she was on and constantly had
to turn back to previous pages to even remember what the book was about.

Disgusted, she tossed the e-reader on the bed next to her.
Picking up the remote, she flipped through TV channels but found nothing
interesting. Unless she counted infomercials touting the sharpest knives that
could slice through the thinnest paper, or tricks of investing in real estate.
She expelled a breath and turned it off. The apartment was nice and cool, with
the air conditioner set at a comfortable temperature to combat the heat of the
summer night.

But she felt restless.

Kicking back the covers, she walked into the kitchen and
poured herself a glass of milk. Maybe that would soothe her and get rid of this
edgy feeling. As soon as she’d gotten out of work, she’d headed to the gym and
given herself a punishing two-hour workout. She should be exhausted and asleep
by now. Instead she was prowling her apartment, sleep elusive.

Of course she knew exactly what was wrong with her.

Unfulfilled need throbbed inside her. This was all Cooper’s
fault. One weekend with him hadn’t been enough. It seemed as if she’d gone from
zero to sixty spending just that one night with him. Her body craved him. There
was a ball of need knotted in her lower belly. And only Cooper could make her
feel better.

She glared at the kitchen clock. If she were a pill popper,
she’d have already taken a sleep aid to knock her out, taking refuge in the
bliss of slumber. But she wasn’t. So here she was, wanting Cooper but not
knowing what to do about it.

Was he still at the charity event? Was there some female
plastered all over him, trying to wrangle an invitation to his bed? Jealousy
rose up her throat and threatened to choke her. She had no one to blame but
herself. Cooper had invited her, but she had refused. Friends with benefits
didn’t include dating. The only requirement was sex when the need arose. That’s
what she’d wanted.

So why was she sitting here, miserable?

The doorbell rang.

Taylor froze. Could it be Cooper? Who else would it be? Her
nipples reacted immediately, swelling under the thin cotton of her tank top.
Anticipation coursed through her veins, and she could actually feel her pussy

Stop it.

Pulling in a shaky breath, she padded to the front door and
looked through the peephole. Her heart slammed in her chest. Cooper.

Taylor closed her eyes tightly and leaned her forehead on
the door. Excitement sparked frenzy in her susceptible body. Her breasts felt
swollen and heavy, and between her legs a thrill manifesting into moisture
began to coat her core. Looking self-consciously down at her tank top and
cotton shorts, she debated whether she should pull on a robe or change into
something that covered her up more. The second, more impatient ding of the doorbell
changed her mind. She pulled open the door.

“Hi.” Her voice came out husky. Cooper was dressed in a
formal evening suit, the tie pulled loose and crooked. The parted lapels showed
the red lining of the obviously expensive attire. Taylor devoured him with her
gaze. He looked positively yummy.

“Can I come in?”

Wordlessly she stepped aside and closed the door after him.
The restlessness that had plagued her earlier had been replaced by a heady
anticipation. Cooper was here.

“Is everything okay?” she asked breathlessly.

His gaze flicked over her. Hunger lurked in the dark depths
of his eyes. “Everything’s fine.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, sure that her nipples
were sticking out, impudently demanding attention. Frantically thinking of
something to say, anything to break the silence that descended between them,
she gave up and looked at him. There was no denying that she wanted him, craved
him even. And he was here. Now.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“No. I couldn’t asleep.”

He nodded. “Listen, about this arrangement,” she began,
steeling herself to come out and say the words, “I don’t know what I’m doing.
This is a first for me.”

“You mean there isn’t a rule book somewhere for women who
want a friends-with-benefits arrangement?”

She couldn’t help but smile at that. “If there is, I haven’t
heard about it. I don’t know what protocol is. When you asked me to go with you
tonight…” She shrugged helplessly. “Did you have a good time?”

“I could have done without all the ceremonial bullshit and
written a check and be done with it.” He paused. “Was your night better?”

BOOK: Tempting Taylor
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