Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9) (7 page)

BOOK: Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)
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By the time they got home Channing was exhausted. Avery spread out the materials on the kitchen table for John Jacob and Teri-Lyn and gushed about the school. His brothers were on a double date tonight with their wives, so his parents were babysitting Matt and Jack. It was too tempting not to play with them. Channing sat on the couch and started chatting to the newest members of the family.

“Hey, boys. Get into any trouble today? Do your uncle a favor and try not to catch up to your cousins for a while. They’re on the fast track to becoming juvenile delinquents.”

The babies seemed to get a kick out of that. They were smiling and trying to move around in their seats. He slipped Curly’s sock back on his foot; the infant had a knack for taking them off.

“C.J., can you watch the boys for a minute? I have to go to the cabin and get Matt’s blanket. Your daddy and Avery are in the yard barbequing dinner.”

“Sure thing, Mama.” Cassidy’s ring tone sounded in his pocket. The moment her beautiful face came on screen, he smiled. He’d been thinking about her all day. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey yourself.”

The boys were making noises like they wanted to be part of the conversation, so Channing propped the phone against the candy dish on the table to give Cassidy a good view of them. “I’d like to introduce you to the newest members of my family. This is Curly, Tate and Isabelle’s son. And this is Jack, J.J. and Sam’s son. Boys, this is my very special friend, Cassidy.”

“Hi, guys.” She waved. “They are so adorable!”

“They don’t smell so adorable.” Channing scrunched his nose.

“What’s wrong?”

“One of the boys just took a wicked number two. By the goofy look on Jack’s face, I think he’s the culprit.” Channing laid a blanket on the couch, put his nephew on it, and grabbed his diaper bag.

“You’re pretty good at that.”

“I have three more nephews. I’m an old pro at this.” He winked at her. Jack didn’t put up too much of a fuss during the changing. Channing re-dressed him, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and put him back in his carrier.

“How was your day?” she asked as she nibbled on some grapes.

“I took my niece Avery to scout out a college and had to keep an eye on a young jock trying to impress her. But you look terrific.”

“Thank you for saying that with a straight face.” She laughed. “I didn’t know you had a teenaged niece.”

“Avery is Seth’s wife’s niece. She’ll be starting college in the fall, so we’re on a rotation of vetting schools.”

“Tell me about the tour.”

“So they give us this muscle bound jock for the tour who’s drooling all over Avery the entire time. I wanted to choke that snot nosed kid.”

“Hmm… I seem to remember someone who volunteered to be the museum ambassador for two years. I do believe your job was to get cougars to open their wallets and make hefty donations.” She gave him a knowing look.

He snorted. “You know how many bottom pinches and crotch grabs I had to deflect in the name of culture?”

“My point is, you always lead with your best asset when you’re trying to reel in a big fish.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

“Well, she’ll go to that school the day Mr. Happy Pants gets expelled. It can be arranged.” He huffed.

“You do know guys like that are a dime a dozen on college campuses?” She raised an eyebrow.

“We’ll watch her in shifts.” He folded his arms over his chest. “She’s going to get an education, not get hit on by some horny football player.”

“Wow. Someone probably said the same thing about you when you were tootling around your college campus.”

“I was not that bad.” He thought about his college days and winced. “OK, maybe I was that bad.”

She giggled. “I’m sure the men in the family will school her on horny boys.”

“Damn right. How was your day?” She looked tired, but man, she was still beautiful. He wanted to be with her in the worst way.

“I’m a little tired. I had to shop for groceries and do some laundry. Are you coming up next weekend? There are a lot of great events happening around town.”

“How about you come here? I’d love to show you the ranch.”

“I thought you said no one visits the ranch? You said it was a family haven.” She gulped.

“You’re not everybody. I’d even go as far as to say you’re someone very special to me. So what do you say?”

She didn’t a get chance to answer. Teri-Lyn came into the living room to retrieve the boys so he had to put Cassidy on hold. That didn’t stop Teri-Lyn from wanting an introduction.

He took Cassidy off hold. “Mama, this is Cassidy.” He hugged his mother. “Cassidy, this is Teri-Lyn Blake.”

“It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Blake. The mystery of Channing’s red hair has been solved.” Cassidy laughed.

The Blake men were all born with a variation of their mama’s fiery red hair, but it normally darkened around age two. Channing was the only one whose hair was more red than black.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too. C.J. talks about you all the time. I can see why he’s always racing to DC to spend time with you.”

Channing coughed. “I hate to cut this short, but I’m retiring to the guesthouse. I just changed Jack, and Curly kept his socks on.”

“Thanks, baby. Grab something to eat from your daddy on the way out.” She kissed him on the cheek.

Channing couldn’t escape introducing Cassidy to his father and Avery when he went out to get a steak and roasted potatoes. He finally made it into the guesthouse kitchen and perched the phone on its stand. He got a beer out of the fridge then leaned against the counter.

“So what do you say to a visit?” He didn’t know how to sound casual about bringing it up again, so he just went for it.

When she didn’t answer immediately, he regretted asking the question. They’d been dating for two months and had a great time when they were together, but maybe it was too soon.

“It’s kind of short notice to book a flight.”

“I’ll have my private plane pick you up.”

“Well, well.”

He slapped his hand against his forehead. “Did that sound obnoxious?”

“No, I think the insinuation that your family is loaded was pretty smooth. Will the paparazzi be there to take my picture as I’m whisked away to the ranch?” She laughed.

“No, people don’t pay too much attention to us down here. Besides, my brothers get enough press for the entire family.”

“You’re southern royalty. Which makes me wonder why you chose such a low-key career.”

“I didn’t realize being a corporate attorney was now a humble profession. My, how things have changed.” He chuckled.

“Well, your day job may be pedestrian, but your personal conquests get coverage in the media. I saw a story on you last year in one of those tabloid magazines. Did you have a one night stand with a reality star in Vegas?”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’m surprised, Ms. Shaw. I didn’t think a sophisticated, educated woman like you read those rags.”

“You were
a tabloid rag, so you can lower the condemning eyebrow.
you didn’t answer my question.”

“That was all blown out of proportion.” He sipped his beer.

“As these things usually are. Continue.” She folded her hands over her chest.

“I said hi to her at the pool, and next thing I know the media is saying we’re hooking up.”

“Ah, so that’s why there were no photos, just an unnamed source close to the reality star who claimed to see you two together.” Cassidy giggled.

“My sister-in-law Sam is head of security for the family. She made the problem go away. When she wants something, not even the devil gets in her way. By the way, that tabloid rag didn’t even mention my name. They said ‘Seth Blake’s little brother.’ What total disrespect.”

“Suffice it to say, I knew it was you.”

“How so?”

“I quote, ‘the one with the deep dimples and red hair.’” She giggled. “What I wouldn’t give to have all those problems. Someone following you around with a camera while you party all the time must be exhausting.”

“Well, when you come down here I’m going to show you how we’re so normal it’s frightening. I still do ranch work. No one’s exempt.”

“I’d love to see that. Do you take your shirt off?”

“Woman, you just want to objectify me.” He shook his head.

“Old habits die hard.” She flashed him a cheesy grin.

“So what do you say?”

“Yes. I’ll see if I can get Thursday and Friday off and make a long weekend of it?”

“Four days isn’t long enough to see Texas, but that may cover the ranch. I’ll call you tomorrow with the flight details.”


* * *


Channing had his hand on the phone to call Cassidy when Anna Beth called. Emma was there to see him.

What on earth was she doing here? He sent her multiple texts suggesting they meet for dinner and talk. When he wouldn’t engage in flirty banter, she shut down on him. Still, the words needed to be said so he wouldn’t feel like he was hiding something from Cassidy. When he got to the administrative assistant’s desk, J.J. and Bo were chatting with her. They excused themselves to go to a meeting and gave Channing a we-want-details look as soon as she left.

“Emma. What are you doing here?”

“I was in the area for a job interview and thought I’d drop by. You don’t look happy to see me.” She pouted.

“Well, you didn’t get back to me about meeting for dinner. Let’s go in my office.”

Once inside, Emma walked around, inspecting the décor.

“So how goes the job search?” He took a seat in his chair.

“Pretty good. I’ve had three offers so far.”

“Congratulations. Sounds like things are working out for you. But I’m not surprised. When you set your mind to something there’s no stopping you.”

Emma came over and sat on the edge of desk. “It works with everything except you.”

“Can we talk? I mean really talk?” He stood up.

“Why are you so serious all the time? You used to be so much fun. Didn’t you enjoy our time together at the hospital?” She caressed his cheek and went in for a kiss.

Channing pulled away. “Yes, I did. It’s precisely the problem. It’s not enough.”

“But it was OK to sleep with me?”

“No, it wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“You Blake men are all the same.” She marched out of his office and slammed the door so hard, the glass shelves on the wall rattled.






Channing sipped his drink in the airport bar trying to get a handle on his nerves. When he got the text from Cassidy that she’d boarded the plane in DC, he was both overjoyed and terrified. This weekend could be a turning point for their relationship.

“I thought you were a beer man.”

Channing turned around to see Cassidy standing behind him. “Hello, there, Ms. Shaw. That depends on my mood.”

Cassidy sniffed the glass. “Scotch.”

He knocked back his drink and stood. “How was your flight?”

She took a deep breath. “I would love to say something really classy and clever right now, but friggin’ awesome are the only words that come to mind. You have a very nice jet.”

“It’s a family jet.”

“So you’re just a partial spoiled brat.” She grinned. “I don’t know where my bags are; someone greeted me at the door and brought me in here.”

“They’re being loaded into my car. We’re going to have a great time.” Channing reached for her with the intention of a kiss, but at the last minute he decided on a full hug.

“Visiting Texas has always been on my bucket list.”

“And?” He took her bag from her shoulder and led her out of the bar.

“And I must admit I was little intrigued about your description of the Twelve Horseshoes Ranch. I know not many people get to see it.”

“And?” He stopped at his car.

“Nice car.” She whistled.

“And?” He lifted her chin with his finger.

“I missed seeing those dimples. I think you’re—”

Channing didn’t wait for her to finish. He pulled her close and kissed her.



If she had to board the plane right now and return home, it still would have been worth the trip. When he stood up at the airport bar, she took a deep breath, taking in the earthy man before her. He looked sexy and rugged, like he was ready for anything. He looked delicious in a blue button-down shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots, and it was definitely a look she could get used to. She’d had a naughty dream about him riding a bronco, which had turned a lot more erotic than she’d expected. The black Stetson he wore did nothing to conceal that reddish hair of his, and those damn dimples. She’d bet good money she could do a shot of tequila out of those dimples. He’d awakened her libido after a long slumber, and it felt nice to have sexual feelings for someone again.

She loved the tour of the ranch. It was exactly the vivid picture of ranch life Channing had painted—if the typical ranch had a bowling alley, min-golf course, general store, and race track. It was a city all its own, and she could see why he liked living there. He got a call from his brother J.J. as soon he opened the door to the guesthouse, so she decided to roam around while he talked business. His home was spacious. The kitchen had the latest appliances and a mahogany and marble center island. The living room had rich, tan leather couches, a bookcase that covered an entire wall, and a huge television above the fireplace.

Channing had been quite an avid reader back in law school. It was no surprise he had books on various topics in his personal library. There were several books on cancer on the shelves, including a medical dictionary. She quickly flipped through a book that lay open on his coffee table to see he’d dog eared some of the pages and highlighted some of the text. She put it back where she found it. She didn’t want to think about that today.

Cassidy opened the terrace door to get a closer look at the garden. Roses, lilacs, tulips, and marigolds lay in a circular pattern. A stone path led from the guesthouse to the center of the garden, where a sitting area was staged. The path continued its trek to the terrace door of the main house.

“That’s my mama’s pride and joy, aside from her kid and grandkids.” He came up behind her and put his arms around her waist.

“What a precise display of color.”

“I thought you’d like that.”

“What’s going on over there?” She pointed to some freshly turned soil.

“She plants new flowers every time there’s a new addition to the family. She finally settled on what she wants to plant for Matt and Jack.”

“That’s so sweet.” She clasped her hands together.

“Let’s finish the tour.” He took her hand, led her back inside, and got her bags. He led her down the hallway to the first bedroom. “This is your room. It has its own bathroom.”

“Thanks.” She coughed. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Right there.” He pointed further down the hall.


“Listen, I don’t want you to think I have any expectations. I invited you here because I wanted to show you my home and the great state of Texas. We can move as fast or slow as you like.” He caressed her face.

“Thank you.” Wasn’t he the sweetest man on the planet?

“I’ll let you get settled. We’re having dinner with my folks at six o’clock.”

“Your folks?” she stammered.

“They can’t wait to meet you.”

She knew when he invited her to the ranch that his whole family lived there. It would be impossible not to run into some of them. But meeting his parents felt like a pretty big step. What exactly had he told them about her?

She was falling for him and fighting it. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to come to the ranch. She tried talking to her support group friends, but they just pooh-poohed her apprehensions and encouraged her not to overthink it. She worried about intimacy with him. What if she wasn’t able to be with him in that way? He was a healthy, gorgeous man who could have any woman he wanted, and there was one waiting in the wings. If she couldn’t have a physical relationship with him, would he find Emma appealing again? What kind of future could she offer him?

“OK. In that case I’m going to take a nap. I want to look my best.”

“Too late. You already look great.”


* * *


Channing knew she was nervous when she changed clothes three times in ten minutes. After she came out of the bedroom with a pretty green blouse and a pair of jeans, he grabbed her hand so she couldn’t go back and change.

“What do you think?”

“You look gorgeous.”

“Wait, I have to put on shoes.”

He looked down at her feet, but all he could see was her pretty pink-painted toes poking out of her flip-flops. “Those are fine.”

“Men,” she huffed. “I’m not meeting your parents in slacker flip-flops. I’ll just be a minute. I promise I won’t change the outfit.”

She came back as promised in a couple of minutes, and they headed off through the garden.

“So is there anything I shouldn’t talk about in front of your folks?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do they have any strict religious or political views?”

“Well, Daddy thinks it’s a sin not to barbecue on Sundays.”

She swatted his arm. “That’s not what I was walking about.”

He put his arm around her shoulders. “Relax. My parents are pretty laid-back people. Just a few months ago Daddy was in the hospital because he and Mama were foolin’ around in the kitchen and something went awry.”

“Good for them. They’re proof that romance is eternal.”

He could smell burgers and chicken cooking on the grill. He followed the path leading around the house to find Teri-Lyn setting the table.

“You two are just in time. Welcome Cassidy, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Teri-Lyn gave them both a hug.

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Cassidy smiled.

“We have a big menu tonight. John Jacob has a ton of meat on the grill, and I made a few salads. C.J. tells me you love avocado, so I made some guacamole.”

Cassidy’s eyes lit up. “I love guacamole.”

“And he said you had a sweet tooth.”

“I do, but I’ve been trying to cut back.”

“Then I guess you don’t want any of the chocolate raspberry cake I made for dessert?”

Cassidy laughed. “I guess I could cheat a little on my diet.”

“Diet?” Teri-Lyn took her hand. “You’re a tiny little thing. You need some meat on those bones.”

Channing watched as Teri-Lyn hustled Cassidy into the house.

“Hey, Daddy. You need any help?”

“Take a look at that salmon and tell me if it looks right to you.”

Channing punctured the parchment paper to find the salmon garnished with a lemon wedge and dill. It looked done, so he put it on one of the platters next to the grill. “This is new. I thought you were a catfish kind of guy.”

“Your mama thought Cassidy might like it.” He pointed to Michelle’s cookbook, The Novel Foodie Cooks, on the table. “Michelle has some pretty tasty recipes in there.”

“She cooks up a storm. I don’t see how Tyler isn’t gaining any weight.”

“Don’t you now?” John Jacob raised an eyebrow.

Channing’s cheeks flushed. “That’s one way of keeping the weight off.”

“Looks like your bad luck with women is just about over. Cassidy is as pretty as you described and more.”

“What have you done with my father?”

“My grandbabies are healthy and your mama told me today I looked more handsome than the day we met. That’s all a man like me really needs. Did you tell her how you feel?”

The man was always reading his mind. He was bursting to tell her he was falling in love with her, but he didn’t want to scare her off. “Not yet.”

His father laughed. “You might as well tell her; your heart is already on your sleeve.”

“It is?”

“Wear it proudly, son.” John Jacob touched the tip of his Stetson. “Now ask the ladies to join us.”


* * *


Cassidy enjoyed the evening with Channing’s parents. She could see why he loved home so much. There was a sense of peacefulness there that she’d never experienced before.

His mother was sweet and loving and very attentive to her family. John Jacob was charismatic and had an electric personality. Channing was right—his dad did look like a throwback to the rough riding, devilishly handsome cowboys of the Old West.

They cuddled on the couch when they returned to the guesthouse and talked before retiring for the night. He didn’t make any moves, although it was a perfect setting for romance.

As she drifted off to sleep in the comfort of his strong arms, she hoped he wasn’t rethinking this budding romance. It felt too damn good being with him.


* * *


When Channing said he was taking her someplace scenic and serene for lunch, she had no idea he was taking her some place as beautiful as the Japanese Tea Garden in San Antonio. As soon as they ascended the steps leading up to the Jingu House and took a seat at the outside café, she fell in love with her surroundings.

“Everything sounds so tasty. What’s good?” she asked as she perused the menu.

“The wraps are good. I think I’ll have the spicy beef and the mixed greens house salad.”

“Good combo.” She bit her lip. “I’m going to try the Jingu House Bento Box. Then we can sample each other’s meals.”

“I’ll place our orders.”

They ate lunch then roamed around the garden, taking in the beautiful paths leading to water formations and beautiful foliage. Some of the walkways were kind of narrow, so Channing took her hand and carefully led her around. Cassidy took tons of pictures with her cell phone, and after an hour of exploring they decided to rest for a bit. Channing smiled when she sat on the bench as close as she could to him and held his hand.

“This place is lovely. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You’re very welcome.” He gave her a kiss on the temple.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Was Emma your first love?” It had been on her mind, a lot. Now seemed like a good time to ask.

“I don’t want to talk about Emma.”

She shrugged. “She came all the way to DC to surprise you. It just sounds like the two of you aren’t over.”

“But I can assure you that’s not how I feel.” He caressed her hand. “Can I ask you a question?”

“We’re sitting on the bench of truth.” She laughed and patted the bench. “Let it rip.”

“When you were diagnosed, why didn’t you and tell me?”

“I was diagnosed two days after we went out. We’d had such a nice time that day. I wanted one more date with you before knowing my life would never be the same.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t understand and be supportive?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I needed some time to process it all. I didn’t know how I would change and if you’d see me in a different light.”

“You think I’m only attracted to you physically?”

She shrugged again. “You always commented on pretty I was.”

“And smart and kind and giving. I’m not going to pretend I don’t think you’re gorgeous. But I’m also not so shallow that I don’t see other wonderful things in you.”

“Do you know how early I have to get up to look half decent these days? Before, it didn’t take much effort, some lip gloss and mascara and I was fine. And I hate feeling so superficial about it all. I know there’s more to a person than their looks.”

“I’ve always seen the real you. Then. Now.” Channing lifted his hand to tuck a stray hair behind her ear, but she instinctively blocked it.

“I filled my mushy quota for the day. Let’s see what’s over there.” She stood and pulled him up too.


* * *


Cassidy’s eyes were fixed on the sun setting over a ridge as they drove down the main road leading to the ranch. Channing pulled onto the side of the road, a few miles before the entrance so they could enjoy it.

“I’ve never seen the sun so bright before. It’s almost looks like a hallucination.” Cassidy peered out the window with a hand shading her eyes.

“My dad said that’s why he bought this land. He said looking at my mama and this sunset were his two favorite things to do.”

“It is a magnificent view.”

She looked at him, sitting there with his Stetson pushed back on his head. He was sexy and charming, but there was a sense of comfort and peace that she was drawn to as well. If they’d only met today she probably wouldn’t believe he’d been to a city in years. They teased him in DC about his accent, but she could see how the landscape around them was just as much of a part of him as he was of it. He was the perfect blending of all those contrasts. Handsome, rugged, sophisticated, and witty, and she loved it.

BOOK: Tempting Fate (The Blake Boys Book 9)
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