Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Caleigh turned to face him. “I’m sorry, Hugh. I wasn’t sure how to find you.”

A shadow crossed his face, and Caleigh wasn’t sure how to interpret it. “Of course. I should have realized that.”

She looked into his gray eyes, so full of intensity, and wondered if he made love as well as Sterling. “What are you doing after the show?”

A slow wicked smile spread over his face. Caleigh shivered, resisting the urge to hug her elbows. She didn’t want him to see how much he affected her.

“After the show? I’m going to open a bottle of very expensive wine in my suite. You’ll be joining me, of course.”

The band was wrapping up their last song. Caleigh took a deep breath, letting his scent fill her senses. “Getting drunk in your suite? Sounds like fun.”

He stepped closer until they were only inches apart. The smile faded, replaced by a look of pure, raw lust. He took her hand and licked the back of it, his tongue like fire on her skin. “We won’t be drunk on wine,” he said softly. “But I promise you will have fun, Caleigh.”

Hugh moved closer and whispered in her ear. “Don’t make me come looking for you this time, or I’ll put you over my knee and paddle your beautiful ass until you beg me to stop.”

Chapter Six


Sterling rose from his table and headed backstage after Caleigh’s second set, but was stopped by Hugh, looking dark and dangerous. “She’s with me tonight.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s already been decided, while you were hamming it up on the dance floor.”

Sterling had never come as close to punching any of his fellow Nephilim as he came to decking Hugh at that moment. He forced himself to calm down so he wouldn’t give Hugh the satisfaction of seeing his anger and jealousy.

“And by the way, she had already agreed to spend time with me last night. You simply found her first.”

“You lying bastard.”

Hugh’s grin didn’t reach his eyes. “Ask her yourself.”

“You don’t care about her. All you want to do is bag her.”

Hugh chuckled. “Oh, really? One night with her and you’re in love? Is that it, Sterling?”

Sterling watched Hugh’s retreating form as he headed for the dressing rooms. He should say something. Somewhere in the universe was a perfect retort to Hugh’s smug comments, but Sterling’s mind had gone blank. Was he in love? No, of course not. He’d never let himself go that far. It was madness. Caleigh was simply beautiful, and kind, and vulnerable, that’s all. He wasn’t in love with her. No one fell in love overnight. It simply wasn’t possible.

So why then was he standing here alone in a dark, dingy hallway, seething with jealousy at the thought she might wind up in bed with Hugh tonight?

Her third and final set would be starting in fifteen minutes, but suddenly Sterling didn’t want to stay and hear it. It was too painful watching her sing, knowing he wouldn’t be holding her in his arms again later. It was best to leave now. He’d hash this out with Hugh another time.

Hugh had never cared about any of the women he made love to, and Sterling knew he’d feel no differently toward Caleigh, but that certainty didn’t help right now. He couldn’t get the smell of her hair or the feel of her hands on his body out of his head. Every note she’d sung tonight brought back memories of her voice, filled with passion as she whispered his name. Each time she’d glanced his way a thrill shot through him. Her eyes were so pretty, dark and filled with a light all their own. The thought of those eyes gazing at Hugh as he rammed his cock inside her filled Sterling with revulsion.

Back in his suite, Sterling opened a bottle of rum. Wine wouldn’t cut it tonight. He wanted his songbird in his arms and his bed. As he drank his third glass, he wondered how much of it would be needed to dull the misery.


* * * *


Caleigh didn’t feel as if she performed her third set as well as the first two, but the crowd’s reaction was just as enthusiastic as it had been earlier. She was torn between wanting to find Sterling, and the anticipation of spending the evening with Hugh. She’d heard them arguing in the hallway around the corner from her dressing room, but only caught the angry tone of their exchange, not their words. By the time she came out to look for them, Sterling was gone and Hugh had a smirk on his face that was more smug than angry.

She and Hugh had stared at each other for long moments while Caleigh struggled with how to ask what the hell had just happened. Finally, she simply turned and headed for the stage. Hugh was at his table now, watching her, with the same half smile on his face he’d worn earlier.

Had she made a terrible mistake agreeing to return to his suite with him after the show? He was so much more intense than Sterling, and he had a reckless streak that Sterling didn’t possess. She was drawn to that part of Hugh, but at the same time she didn’t want to be party to any disagreements between him and Sterling.

Had they been arguing about her? Is that why Sterling had left the nightclub? Caleigh was no stranger to having the attentions of more than one man at a time. The three marriage proposals were proof of that. But the men she dated simultaneously usually didn’t know about each other, and they certainly didn’t live under the same roof or own a business together. What a pickle she’d landed in.

How the hell had this happened in the space of a few days, and what was she supposed to do about it?

Hugh was waiting in her dressing room after the last set. The air in the room was electrified and the scent of lavender was overpowering. Caleigh inhaled deeply, letting it fill her senses. She felt slightly woozy, as though she’d had too much to drink.

“Are you ready?” he asked, taking her hand and pressing his lips to the back of it. A jolt of desire so strong it nearly knocked her down shot through Caleigh. Her pussy grew wet and her nipples tingled. Gone were thoughts of Sterling and the three letters she really needed to write. All she could do was nod at Hugh as he took her arm and led her down a hallway she’d never noticed before.

Instead of leading to the main staircase, this one led to an elevator that he used a key to open. He slid back the gate, ushered her inside, then closed it again. Caleigh jumped slightly as the brass clanged shut. She had the uncomfortable feeling she’d just crossed a line and going back would never be possible.

Hugh didn’t look at her or touch her on the ride up, but it was impossible not to be affected by his presence. Caleigh glanced sideways at his handsome profile. He had the same chiseled features as Sterling, but there was something provocative about his high cheekbones and full lips that Sterling’s features didn’t possess. Hugh always looked as though he were on the verge of divulging a great secret.

Lust rolled off him in waves. Caleigh found it difficult to take a full breath or form a coherent thought. How could a man seduce her without touching her or saying anything? She should tell him she’d changed her mind, but somehow she knew it wouldn’t matter. He’d talk her into coming to his suite with him, regardless of what she did or said right now. There was no turning back. Caleigh wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to turn back, and the indecision confused her. It wasn’t something she was used to.

“Here we are.” She hadn’t even realized the elevator car had stopped. He opened the gate and led her to an unmarked doorway in the corner. Hugh’s suite was decorated in a modern style, with dark brooding colors—no surprise there.

“Have a seat.” She watched his retreating form move toward what she assumed was the kitchen then sank onto the leather sofa. Its scent mixed with his, filling her head once again with erotic images that came out of nowhere.

When he walked back toward her, carrying an open bottle of wine and two glasses, her gaze dropped to the front of his trousers where an unmistakable bulge tented the front. He’d taken off his jacket, and his shirt couldn’t hide the muscles in his chest and arms. Caleigh bit back a moan as she imagined those arms holding her while he rammed his huge cock inside her pussy and ass.

He sat close and poured a glass of wine, then handed it to her. She waited until he’d poured one for himself and placed the bottle on a table next to the sofa. “What shall we drink to?” she asked.

“To fucking.” Hugh grinned, and Caleigh couldn’t help laughing. She wasn’t used to men being so obvious in their attempts to seduce her. Most of them tried to court her and woo her with flowers and dinners. Last night, Sterling hadn’t even tried. They had simply fallen into each other’s arms, as if it were meant to be. Hugh was so determined, so one-minded in his pursuit, Caleigh had to admire his honesty and his tenacity.

“All right. To fucking.”

Hugh chuckled before taking a sip. He threw back his head and moaned seductively. Caleigh took several sips to keep from groaning. The effect this man had on her was staggering, but she loved it. She wanted more.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

“The wine, or fucking?”

“Both.” His gaze was intense, dark, and ripe with promise. Decadent pictures filled her head again. She took several more sips of wine until the warmth penetrated her entire body, not that it was cold in the room. The heat coming from Hugh’s body was a raging inferno.

“I like them both,” she said, holding his gaze. “Very much, in fact.”

Hugh took the glass from her hand and placed it on the table, then pulled her into his arms and kissed her, rough and deep. Caleigh couldn’t contain her moans this time. Her skin was on fire and the desire sweeping through her was unlike any she’d ever experienced. She’d never felt so wanton in her life.

She grasped handfuls of his clothing, his hair, anything she could get her hands on as his tongue ravished the inside of her mouth. He unzipped her dress and reached down to caress her ass through her girdle, setting off a shock wave of tiny contractions in her clit. She pushed her tongue inside his mouth and moved her hands down his back, enjoying the feel of his muscles underneath the clothing.

He released her mouth and stood. “Stand up.” The commanding tone of his voice made her gasp, but she did as he asked. He took off her dress, his gaze following it down to the floor. “Step out of it.”

The look in Hugh’s eyes was raw animal lust. She stepped out of her dress and he laid it gently across a chair. That he would take such care with her gown touched her heart. He may have looked dark and dangerous, but there was a soft side in him, somewhere.

When he retuned to the sofa he stood in front of her again, a half smile gracing his face. “Now take off your undergarments, and for heaven’s sake don’t ever wear a girdle again. You have a beautiful body. Show it off.”

“Oh…” Caleigh swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. “I always wear one under my gown when I perform.”

“You don’t need to.”

She slipped off her shoes, unhooked her garters, and wiggled out of the girdle, her face hot with embarrassment. When she reached around to unhook her bra, Hugh caught her hand and finished the job for her, then slowly removed it. A wide grin spread across his face as he gazed at her breasts. “Fucking perfect,” he whispered. “Now the stockings and panties.”

She slid them down and stood before him, stark naked, waiting for him to make the next move. Goose bumps broke out on her body as his gaze roamed over every inch of her. Finally, he touched her curls. It was just a soft touch, but Caleigh moaned again. She couldn’t help it.

“Spread your legs a bit.”

She did as he asked, fighting to keep her limbs from trembling as he rubbed her clit then her soaking-wet slit. She closed her eyes, only to open them again at the sound of his voice.

“Keep them open. I want to watch them as you come.”

“Oh God…” Caleigh writhed against his touch, which had become rougher now. His entire hand cupped her pussy while he looked into her eyes. One finger flicked her clit, and two slipped inside her wetness.


“You won’t get anything else from me tonight until you come, Caleigh.”

She closed her eyes again, and his command to open them almost brought on her climax. She held his gaze, but it was difficult because the images were back, dancing in her head. His scent filled the room. The temperature had grown uncomfortably hot, but he didn’t seem to notice. He continued his assault on her swollen pussy with his fingers.

“You’re close, Caleigh,” he whispered. “Come on. You can do it.”

That did it for her. She cried out and grasped his shoulders for support as a crazy orgasm tore through her, and still he didn’t move his fingers. The climax went on for long moments, and Caleigh nearly collapsed when he finally let go of her pussy.

“You’re a bad girl,” he said softly. “You enjoyed that.”

“Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, I did.”

“My turn.” He tossed a pillow from the sofa onto the floor. Caleigh stared at it then watched him remove his clothing. His cock sprang out, red and thick, slick with pre-cum. She wanted it inside her, all of her, in every hole.

Hugh reached out and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them and teasing her nipples with his thumbs. “I’m going to come on these.” He held her gaze as he continued to torture her nipples with pleasure. Another orgasm was already building.

“Caleigh, I can’t wait any longer. On your knees. Suck me.”

She knelt on the pillow and took his dick into her mouth, gagging slightly as he pushed too far in. He backed off, but not by much. She relaxed as much as possible so she wouldn’t gag again. His thrusting was rougher than Sterling’s had been, but Caleigh enjoyed it. The more he fucked her mouth and pushed her head closer, the more she wanted.

Soft noises escaped her throat, mingled with his groans, as she sucked harder and fondled his balls. She felt the spasms of his contractions start just before he pulled out, and hot cum shot on her chin then her breasts. She pushed them together so it landed on both, watching his face contort in ecstasy. The expression made her pussy flood all over again.

“That was fucking amazing.” He gazed down at her. “Get up, but don’t wash that off. Wait here.”

Caleigh drained her wine glass while she waited for Hugh to return, the anticipation of what he would want to do next filling her with desire. When he strolled back into the room, she was shocked to see him rock hard again. He carried a wooden paddle, a bottle of oil, and what looked like handcuffs. A jolt of fear shot through her.

BOOK: Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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