Tempted by the Bear - Complete (5 page)

BOOK: Tempted by the Bear - Complete
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Chapter 10


in the rearview mirror of the truck I borrowed from the Le Roux, and I brush off a flake of mascara from under my eye. I applied dark liner for a smoky look that spelled out seduction. In case that’s not enough, I’m wearing a halter top in shimmery gold that is merely a patch of fabric covering my breasts and stomach. It could easily blow up and offer a magnificent view of all I have to offer. The tight leather skirt I wore leaves little else to the imagination. I’m dressed for sex.

I pluck my way carefully across the icy parking lot. My stiletto heels aren’t easy to walk in, but the effect of the added height makes me even more noticeable. I wonder if the man I’m meeting will be able to compete.

When I enter the Jefferson Manor, a historical building turned into a restaurant, I command the attention of almost everyone. I saunter toward the hostess station. “I have a reservation for De Rozier.”

A pretty girl glances up at me and says, “Yes, your date is already here. Right this way.” She leads me through a room full of tables, and I smile as I catch the eye of more than one male admirer. No need to be cold when any one of them could become my next conquest. Although tonight is reserved for the man I’m meeting for dinner.

The moment the dark-blond guy stands up, my bear begins to growl in appreciation. He’s delicious, with his broad shoulders and bit of hair coming out of the top of his dress shirt. His lips are ruby red and beg to be bitten as he comes toward me. “Isabelle.”

He takes my hand, and it’s clear he possesses the alpha family effect on women by the way my skin tingles in invitation for those fingers to touch more. “Luke.”

“You’re more stunning than I was told.” He lifts my hand to kiss it, and the sensation of his damp lips on my skin races right to my core. My mind imagines how they’d feel in more intimate places, and every werebear in the room has to know what I’m thinking by my scent.

I’m not alone in my attraction, because Luke’s eyes are heavy, and he doesn’t release me when I say, “And you’re more charming. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Come. Sit.” He places a hand on the bare skin of my lower back and guides me to a chair.
He can’t stop touching me.
And I don’t want him to.

He places me in a chair next to him instead of across the table, and when Luke lowers himself to his seat, his thigh brushes along mine. I notice a decanter of red wine on the table of white linen. The candle flickers as if it’s having trouble breathing too.

Luke says, “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of ordering us a wine. It should be open now and ready to drink.”

I have no idea what he means by open. I’m a straight whisky girl. But I don’t give my ignorance away. I watch as the liquid gurgles into a wide globe-like glass, and he hands it to me. “Give it a try and let me know what you think.”

I sniff it like I’ve seen in the movies and then take a sip. The flavor reminds me a bit of something bitter but is followed by something slightly fruity. It’s not bad, and I decide I could get used to it. “Lovely.” I take another swallow as if I’m confirming it.

Luke’s glass is now full too, and he lifts it up for a toast. “To a long and profitable relationship.”

Glass clinks as we join our goblets, and we take another drink. The flavor has quickly grown on me. I say, “This wine is addicting.” I take another sip because I meant it. I can’t seem to stop.

Warmth on my thigh surprises me as Luke’s hand lands just above my knee. He strokes my skin with a finger and speaks in a low voice. “Intoxicating, isn’t it?”

He doesn’t waste any time.
I’m used to being the one who makes inappropriate advances. But they usually happen in a bar and not a formal restaurant. I surprise myself when I spread my legs a little as an invitation, and he moves his hand a little further up my leg. I breathe out. “Yes.” But my mind begs me to focus, because I have a purpose for this meeting.

I clear my throat. “Things are moving along smoothly.”

Luke continues to stroke my skin, and his fingers move the tiniest bit higher with each one. “Tristan is in place?”

“Yes.” I slide forward on the chair, and the movement hikes my skirt up as I perch on the edge. I widen my thighs a little more. “He’s positioned himself nicely.”

“Good. And nobody suspects anything?”

Holy hell.
If he keeps this up, I’m going to come in a dining room full of people. I lift my glass and glance around the room. Conversations are low, and nobody is paying us any attention. “No. Nobody has any idea what we’re up to.”

My hips thrust of their own accord in a barely perceptible movement that mimics the flexing of my core. Luke leans in closer to me, and his breath is warm on my cheek. I take in air sharply as his finger strokes under my panties and in my folds. He whispers, “Let’s keep it that way.”

I take a sip of my wine and swallow with a gulp when he slides two digits inside me. I have one hand under the table too, and I grip the edge of my chair to dig my nails into the wood. My eyelids are heavy, and I let them fall for a second as I moan softly. I set the glass of wine down and say, “That’s heavenly.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Luke’s fingers are curled, and he’s moving them quickly as his thumb presses against my clit. My belly is trembling as waves of pleasure wash over me, signaling my approaching orgasm. A low growl comes from Luke as he says, “My attraction to you is quite a surprise.”

I croak out, “You don’t do this with all the girls?”

He chuckles and then says, “No. This is a first.”

It is for me too, and I grab the menu to hide my flushed face. My head swims, and I struggle to keep from crying out.

He whispers, “This is just the appetizer. Wait until you experience the meal.”

I shudder with my silent screams as I bite my lip and drop my head to hide my ecstasy. I whisper, “Oh, God.” The menu falls to the table with a soft thud.

When I cease trembling, Luke trails his wet fingers down my leg slowly as he retreats. The waitress has arrived and asks if we’re ready to order. She’s looking at me, and I come back down to earth to say, “I’m sorry. I need a minute.”

Luke says, “She’ll have the salmon, and I’ll take the duck.”

When the server leaves, I ask, “Are you always this commanding?”

“Yes.” Luke smirks. “My apologies. We hardly know each other.” He leans back in his chair and spreads his legs in a casual pose. “Did I not give you what you wanted?”

If we weren’t in public, I’d tear open his slacks and take more. Luke’s forward way is a huge turn on, and I’ve forgotten the purpose of our meeting. All I can think about is getting him out of here and someplace where I have no restraints. I glance at his crotch and say, “The night is young. I trust I’ll have the opportunity to take what I need.”

Luke reaches forward for his wine. He swirls the burgundy liquid around and holds it up to the light. The color reminds me of fresh blood as he says, “We’re going to make a good team.”

I glance at his throat, and an overwhelming desire to bite him floods my thoughts. I blink quickly to clear my head.
What’s wrong with me?
One orgasm, and I want him to be my mate? I take another sip of wine and wish I had something harder instead. “Yes. I believe we will.”

Chapter 11


rap lightly
on Tristan’s door. It’s early, and since I didn’t hear any grunting or screams, I know Annie’s not in his bed. He opens the door, and I gaze at my brother’s hair standing on end as he rubs a hand over his stubbly chin. “C’mon in.”

I wander over to his bureau and move the pocketknife so it’s crooked as I ask, “How was your date?”

Tristan sits on his bed and leans against the headboard with his arms crossed over his chest. “It didn’t go as planned. I had hoped to get sex before the guilt trip.” He lifts his palms up as he shrugs. “But mission accomplished.”

“Tell me about it.”

Tristan breaks into a grin and leans forward with the excitement of a small boy. “It was beautiful, Izzy. I couldn’t have planned it any better. Annie got all over me about the kid thing and accused me of being lazy.” His eyes sparkle as he continues. “Once she learned about our past, she was so ashamed. She’s going to come begging for me now.” He leans back against his headboard again, and it thumps against the wall. My mind flashes to last night with Luke, and I push the memory away. But my stomach remains unsettled. He puts his arms behind his head and says, “And I’m going to love every minute.”

I pick up his pocketknife. “Of course you are. But for more than the fact that you won.” I roll the smooth plastic coating of the knife around in my hand. I recall the silky-soft skin of Luke’s cock, and my fingers long to stroke it. I huff at my silly thought. I don’t need Luke to satisfy me when I have a town full of eligible men. “I’m a little worried about the true mate bond you’ll have. You realize you won’t be able to keep from caring. That’s going to make things hard.”

“Ah, dear Izzy, you underestimate me. Have you forgotten I don’t have a heart? One can’t be ruled by love if the capability doesn’t exist.”

I shake my head at my brother’s brave words as I sit on the edge of his bed. I wonder if he actually believes them. My father was a weak but evil man who loved the bottle more than people. Coupled with the cruel hand of my mother, Tristan and I learned to trust only each other. Fear dances through my veins.

He’s all I’ve got, and if I lose him to Annie, I’ll be all alone. My voice is child-like when I ask, “Don’t you love me?”

Tristan pulls me into a hug, and I lay my head on his chest. “Of course I do.” He strokes my hair and reminds me of when we were little. “You’re always mine to protect, Izzy. Never doubt that.” He releases me and asks, “So tell me about your night. Did you plant the seed of desire in our dear boy?”

I nod with a big grin as I pull away from him. Luke and I barely got through dinner, and the moment we were done, I went to his car and gave him dessert in the parking lot before I extracted myself to drive to his house for more. “He wants to lick me like an ice cream cone. He’s cute, so I might let him.” I tilt my head at my brother. “Oh wait”—I chuckle—“I did.”

Tristan lets out a low growl. “I don’t like that you’re having all the fun. I hope Annie plans to grovel soon. I need some relief.”

“She’s in the kitchen. Should I ask her to bring you up a tray?”

Tristan waggles his eyebrows. “Breakfast in bed? Perhaps you should.”

“Done.” I push off the bed and pad toward the bureau to return Tristan’s knife. “She made blueberry muffins.”

Tristan growls again. “It’s not muffins I’m hungry for.”

I laugh as I move toward the door. On my way down the stairs, I replay my encounter with Luke once again. He was quite an attentive lover, and I can’t seem to get him out of my mind. Tristan’s right. He got the short straw.

Chapter 12


ristan hasn’t come
down for breakfast yet, and I wonder if he’s still mad at me for the things I said last night. I wander to the window and gaze out at the white carpet of snow. I imagine what it must be like to have the home you’ve always known slowly disappear right under your feet.

My supersensitive hearing detects the creak of the stairs, and I turn to Isabelle entering the kitchen. She says, “Your blueberry muffins smell so good they woke me up.”

I wave my arm toward the counter. “Help yourself.” She stares at me with a frown, and I ask, “What?”

“I heard your date didn’t go so well last night.”

I let out a sigh. “Yeah. It’s been a long time since I’ve hurt someone unintentionally like that. I hope Tristan can find a way to forgive me.”

Isabelle lifts her eyebrows with a smile. “He loves your muffins. Maybe a little room service would help.”

“He’s not mad at me?”

She shakes her head. “No. Tristan doesn’t hold grudges. But he’s a man, and a little sucking up goes a long way.”

I turn to her, and the smirk on her face makes me flush when I get her meaning. “Right.” I pull a plate from the counter, and a muffin is warm in my hand when I grab it. I place three on a plate and grab a knife to cut off a chunk of butter to go with them.

Isabelle is busy with coffee, and she hands me a mug. “Just the way he likes it.”

“Thanks. Wish me luck.”

She grins at me. “You don’t need it. Now go make my brother happy.”

Halfway up the stairs, the aroma of coffee is replaced with the scent of my true mate, and any fear I had is drowned out with desire. By the time I knock on his door, he’s probably smelled what’s on my mind.

I enter his room when he answers me to find him sitting up in his bed. The covers are low on his waist, and my eyes are drawn to the teasing placement of the sheet. I snap them up to his face. A day-old beard makes him sexier than ever, and the odor of his musk practically makes me swoon. I croak out, “I come with a peace offering.”

Tristan pats the bed next to him. “Join me?”

I open my mouth like a gaping fish and try to find words to keep the inevitable from happening. I want in that bed, and he knows it. My footsteps are barely audible as I walk slowly over to him. I remove my slippers and place a knee on the edge. He whips the covers off to let me in. “I won’t bite.” His grin gets wider, and he adds, “Actually, maybe I will.”

Tristan takes the mug I hand him, and I slide over to be next to him. Placing the plate on my lap, I occupy myself with buttering a muffin. When I finish, I offer him a piece. “Here.”

He opens his mouth for me to feed him, so I break off a piece and place it on his tongue. I watch him chew it slowly. When we get to the last bite, he grabs my wrist and sucks on one of my fingers. I pull it out slowly and try not to ooze onto the bed in a quaking heap of need. He says, “I can’t decide what tastes better. You or the butter.”

This time I avoid the trout mouth and don’t try to reply. Tristan’s coffee mug thumps on the side table, and he moves the plate to join it. When he’s done, he stares into my eyes. “You’re forgiven. Now let’s move on, shall we?”

I nod as he lifts my chin with a finger. He leans in and kisses me. This time he’s gentle, and his tongue tests me, waiting for entry. I part my lips and let passion take over. Tristan pulls me close against his chest, and I thread my fingers through his thick hair. The taste of baked goods makes way to his unique flavor, and I drink it in. Our mouths progress into something hungry.

Somehow I find myself on my back, and he’s moved on top of me. The pajamas I have on are in the way, and I break away panting to say, “Too many clothes.”

Tristan growls and grabs my shirt with both hands to rip it open. The tearing of fabric sends a bolt of desire through me, and I growl back as I arch up to his mouth as it descends onto my breast. He suckles me and draws my nipple between his teeth to give it a tweak. I moan in response.

His breath tickles against my moist skin, and he breathes out, “Annie.” I squirm under him as he nips his way down my belly and reaches my pants. He spares them from my shirt’s fate and tugs them over my hips. “The scent of you drives me wild.”

“Uh-huh.” His breath is hot on the junction between my legs, and I’m having trouble with coherent thought. A cry escapes when he swipes his tongue over my clit. “You,” he says.


“You taste better.”

My voice is barely audible when I say, “Oh.” He returns to his mission. “Oh!” Cotton is wadded in my palms as I clench the sheets and hang on and climb higher with my exhilaration. Tristan is relentless, and even after I scream, he continues with his hand, bringing me to the brink again within a minute of my previous orgasm.

This time when I’m calling out his name, he rises over me to straddle my chest. I grab his large cock and stroke it as I recover. He says, “I want to be in your mouth.”

I move to let him lay down on his back, and when I begin to crawl down to his groin, Tristan grabs my arms. “Turn around so I can pleasure you at the same time.”

I straddle his face and lean down to swipe my tongue over the tip of his dick. He groans and says, “Suck me hard.”

His grip on my hips is firm as he tastes me again. I moan around his cock as I suck him in and slide him out in a rhythmic motion. Tristan’s hips buck up and move erratically as he gets close, and I take more of him as I approach my own release. He’s using both his hand and his mouth, and I’m struggling to give Tristan my best as I pump my hips too.

I cry out with my climax, and the sound is muffled by the thick length filling my mouth. I suck harder and faster to bring Tristan the same pleasure. Heat explodes in my throat, and I gulp down his salty essence as he screams out my name. I savor every drop of his nectar until he’s completely flaccid.

I climb up to lay my head on his sweat-slicked chest, and his voice rumbles under my ear. “That’s my idea of breakfast.”

I grin and rise up to look down at him. “I hope you don’t think you’re done.”

His eyes widen a bit before he chuckles. He says, “You’re a bit of a vixen, swallowing me down like that. I didn’t expect it.”

“No? I guess I do appear reserved, don’t I?”

Tristan rolls me over so he’s hovering over me. “I approve. What else do you like? Maybe a little dirty talk?”

I grin at him as I reach down to hold his cock. “Try me.”

Tristan growls and nips at my neck as he whispers the naughty things he has planned. And then we do them all.

An hour later, I rub my sleepy eyes and sit up to say, “I need a shower and have to go in to work soon.”

“And I’m supposed to work out with Ian. But I’m not sure I have the strength.” Tristan pulls a lock of my hair and tugs hard enough that I lean down when he wants me. He speaks softly. “I’ll be thinking about you while you’re gone, and I want you to think about me.”

He shoves a finger inside my sore channel and pumps it in and out, slicking the juices of us over my clit. I shudder in response, and he says, “Think of the things I do to you and imagine more. I plan to give you your every fantasy, and you’ll give me mine.”

I freeze and envision another woman joining us. Tristan takes his wet finger and places it on my lips. “Don’t be afraid.” He sticks it in my mouth, and I taste us as I suck lightly. “You’ll want to do what I ask.”

His finger leaves my mouth with a pop, and he lowers his mouth to kiss me. I relax because if it feels as good as what we just did, then I will want his fantasies. I lose myself in the magic of true mate attraction.

BOOK: Tempted by the Bear - Complete
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