Tempted by Fate (The Fate Trilogy Book Two) (2 page)

BOOK: Tempted by Fate (The Fate Trilogy Book Two)
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Giving me a hard kiss on the mouth, he
brought me down from the rail and pivoted around me, shoving me against the
other side of the elevator with his hand gripping my torso.


“Sir, not here!” I gasped. “Someone will see


“Let me worry about that,” he grunted. “I
want you now.”


His hand worked around my waist until my
emerald green dress was bunched soft over my hips. I reached behind me to grab
his thick wrist under his jacket just long enough to know his pulse was
pounding. He ripped it away from my grasp and pulled my panties down to my feet
with startling expertise before pulling my hips back hard to him so I was bent
over. My hands shot out to grip the railing. I had just closed my grip around
the rail when he entered me.


He was rock hard and forceful. A bolt of
desire shot from my core up to my mouth and I let out a quiet moan as he began
to pound against me urgently. His energy was manic and almost frightening; he
seemed barely in control of this outpouring of sexual energy. I managed to
position my body a little closer to the wall so I had better balance to
withstand his onslaught but even then my legs still felt like jelly, my arms
little better.


I stifled another moan as my heart pounded at
the thought of the elevator door opening and having someone see my bare ass and
Victor’s cock in plain view. I turned my head to track the elevator’s progress
with the numbers lighting up above the door, praying nothing would light up
twice and signal the elevator slowing down before we got to our floor. Why
hadn’t he just waited a little longer?


Realization swirled in my head: he was taking
his frustration out on me. For an instant this was upsetting, but at the next
my body was relishing the feeling of his cock, of his hand squeezing my
breasts, and of his hot breath against my neck. I pushed hard back into his
pelvis, feeling him crash into the end of me. If he wanted to take his
frustration out on me then I was happy to let him.


After a minute of pushing back in rhythm with
his thrusts, I knew I was close. I tensed as I realized we were still in the
elevator, and bit my lip, trying to hold my orgasm back. The impact of his
pounding reverberated throughout me, digging my teeth deeper into my lip. He
said he would worry about it. Let him.


I came as soon as I relaxed, my pussy
throbbing hard around his cock once and again as I felt the movement of the
elevator stop at our floor. I wiped away the tears that came to my eyes quickly
so I could see behind me. When the doors opened nobody was there. I sighed in


Victor pulled his cock away from me for a
moment to guide me out of the elevator and to back me up against the wall in
front of the elevators, his forearm pressed firmly across my collarbone.


Afraid someone might see us, I reached down
to pull up my panties and fix my dress, but he grabbed my wrist. “I’m not done
with you yet,” he growled. His cock was still exposed, protruding hard and long
from his undone fly. He moved his hand to cup my ass and lifted me up against
the wall, my legs opening wide around his and wrapping around his waist. I
watched over his shoulder as the elevator dinged and closed its doors. It had
only made it down one floor when he entered me again.


I rocked my head back so I could see his face
as he thrust against me. His eyes raged blue like the fire in a blazing
furnace, but there was no compassion, no enjoyment, no connection. Just a
bundle of frustrated energy. The sophisticated man from earlier that night had
been replaced by a wounded animal fighting for its life. I would never be able
to look at Victor the same way again. Being this close to him when he was this
raw, this out of control, this primal, was unbelievably arousing. I clawed my
hands around his back and reached up to his shoulders near his neck, digging my
nails into his skin through the thin tuxedo shirt under his jacket, just trying
to hang on. A moment later, like an onrushing train, I came again. My vision
went blurry until I closed my eyes. I clenched even tighter around him, my legs
now squeezing his waist with each burst of ecstasy.


A moment later he came. I moaned softly as I
felt his hot seed release deep inside me. He withdrew and let me down. Slowly,
I regained my feet . He composed himself quickly. I just had time to pull my
panties up and pat down my dress before the elevator opened to let an elderly
couple out.


They nodded to us briefly before heading
slowly to their own room. I had to bite back a laugh as I wondered whether they
could guess what had just happened. I looked at Victor to see if he was sharing
in my amusement but his face was still as intense as it had been moments before.
He took me by my hand firmly and led the way to our room without a word.

Inside, the hotel penthouse was chilly, and I
immediately folded my arms over my body to stave off goosebumps. One of the big
windows had been left wide open, allowing the cool night air of Paris  to
wash over every corner of the room. Victor hated having the room stuffy when we
returned from outings, although I preferred warmth as opposed to this


He walked over to the window to close it
before taking off his tie, jacket, and shirt. He draped them carelessly over
the bed posts.


“We leave tomorrow,” he said before lying
down on the bed, his pants still on. He turned his head away from me as he
closed his eyes.


I stood staring at him for a few minutes,
taking in his long, muscular body, his tightly sculpted chest and torso, the
slow rise and fall of his breath. Outwardly he may seem strong, sure, and
able-bodied, but I was beginning to see that inside turmoil raged that he could
scarcely control. What had just happened was on the very edge of that control.
Staring into the abyss of Victor’s inner chaos left me confused, aroused, and a
little scared.


I stepped into the bathroom and flicked on
the light. My legs were still covered in evidence of our tryst in the elevator,
and I carefully took off my dress to avoid staining it. Victor wouldn’t care if
I ruined the garment, but even though I was given a new dress almost every day
of our trip, I still cherished every piece of clothing I received—I hadn’t
owned anything so nice in my life as far as I could remember. I took the jewel
drops from my ears and from around my neck and set them next to the sink before
turning on the shower.


Stepping in, I let the warm water wash over
my body as I thought about the night’s events. Was being with Victor always
going to be like this? Was he comparing me to Evelyn? Was I just another pretty
girl to be had in elevators when he got frustrated? I shook my head. There was
just so much to process.


A scent of lavender filled the shower as I
lathered up a bar of soap and covered my arms and legs in white suds. It was
strange. I had been so independent when I lived out in the streets, and it only
took one man to completely strip that away. And it wasn’t even the contract I
had signed that made me helpless to his will; I was completely entranced by
him. One small touch from him made me weak; it made me want him to seize my
body so I would be entirely overwhelmed by the pleasure he gave me. He had been
out of control tonight, yes, but the sheer animal energy he had penned up
inside him was as dangerous and exciting as the control and dominance he
normally exerted on his surroundings—and on me.


I spent a good half hour in the shower,
letting the water pucker my skin, and trying to let my confusion and self doubt
wash down the drain. I turned the water off and watched the goosebumps return
on my arms and legs. After quickly drying off, I slipped on a red silk
nightgown and brushed out my long hair; the dampness made it to look like
darkened honey. I styled it into one thick braid and threw it over my back.


I could hear Victor’s steady breathing as I
walked out of the bathroom. He was sprawled out so that his arm was
outstretched over to my side of the bed as he slept. I tiptoed over and nestled
in next to him, pulling the covers up over us and resting my head on a spot
between his rippling muscles as though it were a pillow.


Sleep did not come easily to me. Usually our
event-filled days in Paris left me exhausted by the time we would return to our
hotel room, but tonight I was tossing back and forth. My mind kept returning to
Evelyn and the effect she had had on Victor’s usual calm control. What about
her threw him that far off his axis? Would he eventually get over it?


After a while, Victor shifted around for a
moment before wrapping his arm around me and pulling me closer until I was
pressed up against his warm body. I let out a breath I had no idea I was
holding in. With his arm still around me I shifted to a more comfortable
position and closed my eyes to sleep. This time it came quickly.


Chapter Two


Birds chirping outside the window woke me up
the next morning. I rolled over to my side to find that Victor wasn’t beside me
anymore. Confusion reigned for a moment until I heard the hiss of the
showerhead turning on in the bathroom. I wrapped myself between the cool sheets
and reveled in their soft feel, which was unlike Victor’s rough and demanding
touch in the elevator the night before. Last night had been about his
frustration over Evelyn rather than his desire for me.


After trying to soak up the luxury of the
sheet’s softness for a moment more, I threw them from the bed in agitation and
got up quickly, desperate to quell my nagging thoughts. I pulled on a
complimentary robe before cracking the sliding glass door and stepping out to
the balcony.


It was still early; the air had a brisk chill
from the night before and greeted me as I walked over to the railing. The
coolness rejuvenated my senses and I breathed in deeply, allowing the morning air
to sit in my lungs and cause a calmness to settle over me. The feeling of doubt
and the unknown still gnawed in my chest, but I didn’t want it to disrupt this
peaceful time in a city I had grown to love.


I heard the glass door open followed by
footsteps. Victor stood next to me in his own robe, his arms leaning against
the railing as he looked at the cityscape below. He smelled of aftershave and
cologne. It was the same scent that I had smelled on the leather coat I wore
when I first entered his life. The smell brought back memories of a tired,
frightened, and naïve girl that had been dropped off at a mansion in California
just a few months ago. Who would have thought I would be standing here now, on
a penthouse balcony in Paris?


“I’m sorry about yesterday.”


His voice drew me from my thoughts, but I
continued to stare down at the tiny forms of cars and people on the sidewalk as
I registered his words. I hadn’t expected that. Was he actually apologizing to


“What happened at the party made me angry,
and I took it out on you.” He placed his hand in the groove of my waist,
sending a shiver down my spine.


He paused. “Did I hurt you?”


I considered his question for a moment; yes,
I was hurt that he had used me to vent his frustrations over another woman, but
an apology from him was no small feat. “No, you just caught me off guard. But
I’m not upset. I always enjoy you touching me.”


He furrowed his brow and looked away from me.
“Next time I’d rather be in a better state of mind,” he said, as though he had
read my thoughts from last night. “Even if you did enjoy it.” He put his arm on
my shoulder. “And one more thing. The rest of the contract stands until it
expires, but you don’t have to call me ‘Sir’. I think that’s part of why I
acted the way I did last night.”


I pondered it for a moment. “But I like
calling you Sir.”


“Well, okay. But just so you know, you don’t
have to. The rest, though—” His hand moved down my torso and he dragged his
fingertips along the waistline of my panties. My skin seemed to ignite at his
touch, and I instinctively clenched my hands to his robe as he slid his hand
beneath my underwear to explore the folds of me. Warmth emanated from between
my legs as I moved my body towards his hand, eager for the pressure of his
fingers against my clit.


“God you’re so sensuous,” he whispered as he
wrapped his other arm around me, his fingers dipping into my pussy. I sighed as
I felt my wetness greet his fingers. My body was already tensing up, and a
fiery pressure was burning in my lower half that I was desperate to release. As
if he could sense that I was reaching my climax, he pulled his fingers from me
and cupped my naked breast. I felt my knees go weak as he took the tip of my
breast in his mouth, rolling his tongue along my hardening nipple.


,” I breathed, pressing my
body against his; I opened up his robe so that I could feel his bare skin
against mine. He was wearing nothing underneath, and his cock was already
erect. I began to massage the slick length of it as he bit my nipple eagerly,
the slight pain from his clenched teeth causing my pussy to throb.

BOOK: Tempted by Fate (The Fate Trilogy Book Two)
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