Temptation (The Temptation Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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I closed his door behind me
and leant back against it, that felt so good but it also felt childish and what
moments of satisfaction I had just achieved had left me.
What am I doing? I
am above this shit.
I decided I would take lunch myself and tie up a few
loose ends which I would normally do from my desk, in person. I forwarded all
calls to my mobile and got the hell out of there.

I managed to spend most of
the afternoon out of the office, I thought I was home free when my phone rang,
it was Bryce.
Ah crap.

“Yes Mr Clark.”

“Alexis, where are you?”
tell me, stalker!

“I’m with Chris from

“When you’re done I’d like to
see you in my office.”

“We are nearly done here.” I
hung up.
Who does he think he is? Yes he’s my boss but he doesn’t have any
claims on me what so ever and after his cute display earlier today with Chelsea
he had no right to have such a possessive tone with me, I’m not a toy and more
importantly, I’m not his toy.
Chris and I quickly finished up with our
discussions on marketing the ‘Family Friendly’ rooms at the Promenade, he was
very nice and seemed quite interested in my point of view as a Mother, I guess
that was the point though.

“Thank you Alexis, you’re
insight has been a great help. I’ll run a few of these ideas through an
advertising submission and will contact you shortly to discuss with Mr Clark.”

“Great, thanks Chris I look
forward to it.” I got up and inevitably made my way up to the Lion’s Den.

In the lift, I pinned my hair
back up and double checked all buttons were fastened, I was not going to make a
point by teasing him like that again. If he wanted to be the rich, playful
bachelor that he was, that was his business and none of mine. I have a husband
that I love and who loves me in return and I was more than happy with that. The
doors opened and I headed straight for my desk, before I had even gotten half
way there, he was out of his office and in the foyer.

“Alexis, a word please.”
ya horses.
He seemed angry.
Shit, I’m in trouble. I’ve really pissed him
I diverted from my desk past him and into his office.
You know what
Bryce? Bring it on, I’m sick of these games as well.
I put my bag on the
coffee table but didn’t sit.

“Have a seat Alexis.”

“No thanks I’ll stand.”
He walked right up to me.

“Why the disappearing act?”

“What disappearing act?” I
played dumb.

“Why have you spent nearly
four hours away from your desk?”
Because you infuriate me!

“I had loose ends to tie up
and a meeting with Marketing.”
I’m not 14 Bryce, nor am I grounded, back the
fuck off!

“I need you at your desk.”
need you to take me on my desk. Alexis, you are angry with him remember?

“Why?” He didn’t answer, he
dropped the bad cop attitude.

“Why are you angry with me?”
was a bloody Yo-Yo.

“I’m not.” I was lying, I
just wanted to go home. I glanced at my watch.
Thank God.

“You are and it has something
to do with Chelsea.” He stepped away from me and headed to the buffet where he
poured himself a drink and then smirked at me.
That does it!

“You know what Bryce? You’re
right, I am pissed with you and do you want to know why?” I didn’t give him
time to answer.

“Because you have completely
turned my world upside down, not only have you single-handedly changed my
career path from under me, you have continuously flirted with me, invaded my
privacy, taunted me with playful games, lured me in with expensive gifts and a
‘non-negotiable’ and absurd salary increase. You have played on the obvious
sexual tension we share and have forced me to cross the line with you, this
might be a game for you but it’s not for me. So if you want to play your little
touchy feely, wine and dine games with Miss Hogan, go right ahead, I’m going home
to fuck my husband.”

I grabbed my bag and made for
the door. He had my arm in a flash once again and pulled me to him.
Geez he
was quick.

“Let me go.”

“No, Alexis.”

“Let me go Bryce.” He looked
deep into my eyes and pleaded with me.

“Ask me to kiss you Alexis. Please
ask me, or so help me god I will break my promise.”

“No. Let me go, I am not your
toy, if you want a toy go and play with Chelsea.”

“I don’t want a toy Alexis, I
don’t want Chelsea either, I want you. I want you so fucking badly it is
driving me crazy, I’ve never wanted anyone or anything more in my life.” His
grip tightened on my arm.

“You’re killing me Alexis,
you walk into my office looking so God damn sexy and tease me with your
lingerie, then disappear for hours. You‘re jealous, Alexis and you want me too,
just admit it.”

“Let me go.” I was close to
tears, I wrenched my arms up and hit both his inner elbows hard breaking his
grip on me.
Ha, thanks for that trick!
I felt like bursting, bursting
with anger, with regret, with lust, with bloody everything and I did just that,
I screamed at him.

“Yes I want you, I want to fuck
the living shit out you.” I started to cry.

“Do I like to see you touch
other women? No, no I don’t. Do I feel a thousand tiny tingles go up and down
my spine and into my loins whenever you touch me? Yes, yes I do. Am I
exhilarated and alive whenever I am with you? Yes. Do I want to take it further?
Yes, yes I fucking do but that’s not the point Bryce. It doesn’t matter that I
want you, it doesn’t matter that you want me, I took vows, to honor to respect
and to be faithful and I can’t break them. I won’t go behind Rick’s back, ever!
So what we want doesn’t matter. I’m sorry.” I touched his cheek and then left.

My head was a mess. The look
of shock that was plastered on his face when I confessed to him, was still
stuck in my head. He had texted me on my way home asking me if I was leaving
for good, I told him once again, ‘I’m not going anywhere’. The problem was if
we both felt this way it was inevitable that I would have to leave at some
point. When I walked through the front door I was wrecked, the heels got kicked
off, the bag got dumped and I collapsed onto the couch. Charlotte was on me
almost instantly, she gave me a kiss and stood in my heels.

“Whoa, these are hard.” She
stumbled around the living room.

“I know munchkin and they
hurt too.” I rubbed my feet.

“Where’s your brother?”

“Here.” Nate came into the
room and flopped next to me.

“Hi gorgeous boy.” I kissed
his forehead.

“Mum, how was work?”

“It was, interesting.
say the least!
Oh guess what I learnt today?” I wearily stood up.

“Self Defence.” I did a ninja
pose and Nate laughed, I must have been in the moment because when Rick came in
and put his hand on my shoulder I spun around and whacked him on the elbow.

“Ouch, Geezus Alexis.” He
rubbed his arm and Charli laughed.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry Babe.” I
went to rub his arm and he grabbed me and crossed both my arms behind me.

“Get out of this one.”

“I can you know, but I’ll
hurt you.”

“Sure you will.” He let me
uncross my arms then bear hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“So what’s for tea?” All
three of them were looking at me.

“Really? Um, well your
choices are, Pizza, Pizza and guess what? Pizza. I’m plonking my butt on this
couch and I’m not moving.”

It seemed everyone was happy
with Pizza on the floor in front of the TV. I really was exhausted, not just
physically but mentally and more to the point, emotionally. The kids helped
Rick clean up then did their homework and went to bed, I decided a long hot
bubble bath was well and truly needed, that or Girls Weekend away. Seeing the
Girls Weekend was not going to happen right here and right now I opted for the
bubble bath, the idea of a girly getaway did sound good so much so that I
decided to ring Tash and get her on to it.

My Bath was bliss, pure
bliss, my feet were thanking me for the hot lavender soak and the tension that
was radiating through my body started to ease. I grabbed my phone, being
careful not to drop it, I had done that once before, Tash picked up.

“Lexi, how you goin Luv, still
drooling over that boss of yours? I hate you, you do realise that don’t you?”

“Love you too Tash, I need a
Girls Weekend away, in our Barrel.” Our ‘Barrel’ was our little sanctuary away
from normality, it was at Tranquil Hot Springs Day Spa down on the Coast. A
large Wine Barrel cut in half and filled with Naturally Thermal Spring Water
with a temperature of 40 degrees.

“I’m hearing you Luv.”

“You busy this weekend? I
need it, STAT! My treat, get Lil, Steph and Jade on to it as well Yeah?”

“Your treat? Piss Off.”

“No I’m serious Hun, It’s a
long story and an Emergency, I know it’s late notice but I’m desperate. Pleaseeeee?”

“Alright, I’m on to it, Barrel
here we come.” She hung up and I pictured her doing her ruffle butt dance.

I soaked for about an hour then
got out, I pulled on my nightie and collapsed face down onto the bed, minutes
later Rick was at the base of the bed rubbing my feet.

“That’s great.” I moaned,
into the pillow, he started rubbing not only my feet but my calves and slowly
up to my thighs. He leant down and kissed the back of my knee, I giggled

“That tickles.” He hiked up
my nightie exposing my bare arse and slapped me hard.

“Ooww that hurt.” He chuckled
then kissed it better, I rolled onto my back. He lifted my left leg and started
trailing kisses down it, he lifted my other leg and did the same, this time
kissing all the way down and skimming my clitoris ever so slightly. He knelt at
the base of me and removed his shirt, I sat up and helped him unbuckle his
trousers yanking them down impatiently.

“In a hurry Baby?” He gently
pushed me back on the bed and kissed me, then kissed my neck.

“I need you Babe.” I wasn’t
lying, I really did need him, I needed to feel the same excitement that pulsed
through me when I was with Bryce, I needed to feel that with Rick, I needed it
for reassurance maybe? Up until now, I had never in our 12 years of marriage doubted
our physical connection. He licked my nipple and then stretched it with his
lips, I put my hands in his hair and massaged his head. He came back up to my
mouth and kissed me passionately, I rolled him over so that I was straddling
him and climbed on top of his erection and started pumping it. He gripped my
hips and helped with the motion, I quickened my pace, I wanted his hardness as
far inside me as he could go, I quickened even more.

“Not yet Baby.” He sat up and
lifted me off him, I got on all fours and he re-entered me softly. He
controlled the pace now, starting slowly he pushed himself inside me, gradually
pushing faster and harder until his balls were slapping my arse, we both came
together and he filled me. Rick loved my breasts, he massaged them with his
large hands as I continued to orgasm.

“I love you Alexis.” He

“I know Babe, I love you
too.” I was breathless and completely and utterly spent.

The next morning I was
running late, Nate had spent more than enough time in the bathroom and when he
did finally come out he smelt of Joop, the thing was, my 9 year old did not own
a bottle of Joop, his father did. Charlotte had asked what the smell was in the
car, she knew very well what the smell was, she was just trying to stir her
brother. I kissed Nate through the car window and whispered in his ear.

“Not so much next time ok?” He
went pink in the face and sniffed his collar.

“One spray dude, trust me.” I
winked at him and he nodded back.

Thankfully the traffic was
light on the Freeway, it wasn’t until I turned onto Kings Way that we came to a
complete halt, the problem was the car behind me had not noticed the traffic
ahead had stopped. I saw him coming in the rear-vision mirror so braced myself,
the hit was hard, so hard it pushed me into the car in front and set my air-bag
off. It happened so quickly, that if it weren’t for the big white balloon in my
face and the loud noise from the impact, I may not have realised that it did
just in fact happen. I sat there in shock and eventually gathered my head as a
man came up to my window, I opened the door, it sounded awful but opened with

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah.” I was pretty sure I
was, I went to unbuckle my seat belt and get out.

“No stay there, I’ve called
an Ambulance.”

“I don’t need an Ambulance,
I’m fine.”

“No stay there, you’ve been
hit quite hard.” Great this was just what I needed, I was going to be late and
without a car for God knows how long, I reached for my phone.

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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