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Authors: Ashleigh Townshend

Teach Me (6 page)

BOOK: Teach Me
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Tim Pollen is still an asshole. His house is a fucking mess and there are probably a number of health hazards as well as zoning violations happening, but no one cares. There is a group of guys strung out on some shit in one room, playing some video game. I’m relieved I don’t recognize any of them as former - or current – students. Tim has a girl sitting on his lap, a girl I do recognize. She’s a senior this year and I wonder if I should be calling the cops. She might be eighteen, but this has got to be a violation of some ethical rule, but then again, I am one big fucking violation lately. Her name’s Trina and she is high as fuck and playing with Tim’s cock, which is not even hard. It’s just flopped between his legs and Trina seems frustrated that she can’t get it to work. Of course, Tim is high.

There are bags and measuring devices everywhere and Tim looks like he may have been sampling his wares all day. Red eyes, unshaven, random twitches – all telltale signs.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He looks at Lucas like somehow it’s Lucas’s fault that Kade lost this weekend.

“I want Kade’s fight. A redo. And double payout,” Lucas says.

Tim looks at him. “For what? What do I get out of it?”

Lucas looks like Tim hit him and recoils. “Uh, what do you want? I can win it – and it will make you look good again.”

“Yeah, and if you don’t? I need a reason. I need something you value, to convince you to win.”

“Name it,” Lucas says, because he’s too dumb to see where this is going. I’m not, though, and I take note of Tim’s eyes running over my body, and the way his cock has suddenly started to fill Trina’s hand.

“How you doing, Miss Lawlor? Do you remember me?”

“I do, Tim.”

“You failed me. I had to go to fucking summer school for your class. Twice.”

“That you did,” I say. Of course, he failed because he never came to school and, when he did, he only showed up to sell drugs. I don’t think the kid even wrote a homework assignment down during his high school career.

“What are you even doing here?”

Lucas moves closer, getting possessive, and wraps his arm around me. “She’s with me.”

Tim lets out a howling laugh and looks at us both. “You’re fucking our teacher? Dude…”

Trina looks me over and I realize how bad this is. Not only will I be screwed if she starts telling people, but I will also be fucked if anyone finds out that I saw her in this situation and didn’t report it. But how do I report it without getting myself in a shitload of trouble? This is all I am thinking about it, until Tim makes the situation far, far worse.

“I’m gonna fuck her,” he announces. “And Trina. At the same time. And watch them fuck one another.”

“No,” I argue.

Fortunately, jealousy settles over Lucas before he can sell me to Tim for the fight he wants. “I don’t share.”

“Then you don’t fight.”

“How is fucking her going to get me the fight?”

Tim stands up, pulling Trina up with him. His cock is still only semi-hard and it pokes forward awkwardly. “I need something that counts, something I can use to keep you in line. I’m not
going to fuck them.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m gonna record it. And, if you cooperate and if you win, you can keep the video as a memento. And if you don’t…”

“If I don’t,” Lucas says.

“If you don’t, it’s going viral. And this bitch can try explaining what she’s doing eating one of her students’ pussies online.”

“No,” I beg Lucas, but I see it. The asshole is fucking considering. “No.” I take my things and try to leave, but Tim yells out to one of his high comrades, who stops me. The guy might be out of it, but he’s stronger than me and he lifts me up, still kicking, and deposits me in front of Tim.

“I’m not doing it,” I say.

Lucas grabs my arm. Hard. “I need this. Just do it. I’ll get that video. And it’s not like you have never done something skeevy. Just do it. For me.”

I want to hit him, to cry, to fucking scream until the goddamn cops come, but I am surrounded by Tim, Lucas, Trina, and their little drug addled gang. I don’t know how to get out of this situation and when Lucas throws me over his shoulder and carries me up the stairs to Tim’s bedroom, following Tim’s lead, I realize I’m not getting out of it. He leaves me in the room and goes out in the hall, not meeting my pleading eyes, and Tim locks the door.

He already has an entire recording system set up, which is so gross, and I realize how bad this is going to be.
How did I get mixed up in this shit?

Tim comes over to me, and somehow, by the grace of God, he actually smells okay. His cock is still loose and he grabs it, stroking it, while he explores my mouth with his tongue. I close my eyes and think of the hand jobs I’ve given, the private shows I have done for men who are far worse, and I try not to let it bother me. If I hadn’t met Lucas, and this situation was not so fucked up, it’s not like I would
a threesome. I just don’t want it to be with these two.

He turns on the camera now that he’s hard and tells me to get on the bed. I do, lying on my back, and
Tim tells Trina to sit on my face. I can’t believe she’s going along with this, since she has no reason to do so, but she does. She grinds her pussy into my face and I start licking the slit. In college, I had my moments of experimentation and it’s not the first time I have been with a girl. I just wish the circumstances were better. I try to detach from the emotion and focus on the physical, which admittedly is not even bad. Trina is loving what I am doing with my tongue and I reach my fingers up to tease her clit while I eat her pussy.

Tim gets between my legs and reaches around Trina, pulling her back toward him so he can stroke her tits, and then he slides his now fully hard cock into me. He’s nowhere near as big as Lucas, but I have to say, he’s pretty good sized. If I forget everything else, he’s pretty good with it, too. He slides partway in, waits, flicking the inner walls with the head, and then when I moan against Trina’s cunt, he pushes deeper. He repeats this move several times until I actually want him to fuck me hard and after Trina comes all over my face, Tim makes me get on my hands and knees. He makes me face the cameras and there is no way I can deny that it’s me if
the video gets out. Trina kneels down on the floor in front of me after giving the camera a huge small, so I can’t deny it’s her, either, and then kisses me as Tim rams me hard from behind. No matter how bad this is, how wrong it is, how much I care about Lucas despite also hating him, and how fucked I am if this gets out, Tim fucking me is still too good for me to pretend I hate it and I come, ashamed that I like it as much as I do. I groan as he fucks me hard for the world to see, and then he comes across my ass.
I am a fucking horrible person
, I think, as I collapse on the bed.

Tim opens the door and takes Trina with him. “She’s all yours, if you want to fuck her a few times. She’s a nasty slut,” he says to Lucas.

Lucas comes in and he’s angry.
angry, since he put me in this position, and he pulls me up into a sitting position.

“Did you actually
it?” He growls.

“What was I supposed to do, Lucas? It was that or have him fuck me against my will. You gave me no way out. If I had to do it, what did you want me to do?”

It’s all too much and I start to cry, which will probably be on the video, too. He brushes the tears from my face.

“Miss Lawlor, I am so sorry,” he says.

“Savannah. At this point, I probably won’t be Miss Lawlor for much longer. Lucas, you have gotten me into one big fucking mess. I kinda wish you had never walked into the club that night.”

“Please don’t say that. Please. I swear to you – I will win this fucking fight and when I get the money, I will start losing. Then, when I get out, no more drugs, no more fighting, no more of this shit.”

Do I want to wait that long? I don’t know the answer to that, and I certainly don’t know how I feel about continuing to be involved in a situation that makes me feel more like a whore than a girlfriend. “When you win, come see me. And give me that fucking video,” I tell him. Then I dress, gather my things, and get the fuck out of there. I don’t even care how he gets home. I am done with this until he fixes it.




I try to get my shit together once I finish the nonsense with Lucas. At school, I am focused and driven. After school, I grade, plan, and go to bed early. For two weeks, I am the picture of a good educator. I don’t even call Leo about my dancing job. I dress conservatively and tell myself that I will stop being the person who got messed up in that shit in the first place. Clearly, something was wrong with me. Cara notices and she asks if something is up, since I am more social than normal as well. I don’t know what to tell anyone, though, so I act surprised when
are surprised. Even the days do not seem so long and frustrating. I lose myself in doing what’s right – and I hope it will be enough if that video goes viral. I have seen Trina in the hall a couple times, but only once did she acknowledge me. It was just a vague smirk as well, nothing anyone else would ever notice.

Lucas tried to text and call a couple of times, but I haven’t replied. Clearly, drugs and fighting are too important for him. His temper, some of the things he has done to me, and the way he quickly sold me out to fuck Tim are all just too much to bear. You don’t forgive that kind of stuff. At least not easily. It doesn’t matter that Tim turned out to be a pretty fucking good lay. It’s just not cool.

Of course, it’s the last class of the day two weeks later when I hear the gossip again. Someone mentions an upcoming fight and I hear both Kade and Lucas’s names. It seems Kade has regained consciousness and he’s talking, but everyone’s afraid to go see him. Tim apparently went once, threw a fucking fit, and has been banned from the hospital. I wonder what will happen when Kade gets out.

The Lucas news is not surprising, but of course, I am not ready for it. His fight is tomorrow night. The same guy who put Kade in the hospital. Clearly Tim is not fucking around and he wants his reputation back – which rests on Lucas winning the fight.
reputation and career also rest on Lucas winning the fight, but I’m still not sure I want him to do it. I’m tempted to text him, to beg him not to fight, but selfishness about the video stops me. Besides, why am I feeling some sort of moral and emotional obligation to a guy who let me take part in a threesome with his dealer – and then got pissed at me for playing along?

I do decide I will go see Kade, however. Maybe he can tell me something and, if I am feeling generous or if I think it will salvage my job, I will let Lucas know. He’s awake when I get to the hospital and looks surprised to see me.

“Are they sending teachers now?”

“I’m not here for school. I’m here because Lucas is fighting tomorrow night.”

“Yeah, I know. He’s gonna get Tim’s money back. Or get himself killed more likely.”

I nod and sit in the creaky hospital chair. “Right. That’s why I’m here. It’s probably best for us all if Lucas wins, you know. But I don’t know how to help him win. I thought maybe you would have some tips. Something he could look out for?”

“Against Mike Ellis? He needs to look out for staying alive.”

I sigh. “Is Mike big? Fast? What makes him so good?”

Kade twitches a little and I realize he’s probably suffering a little from withdrawal, since I know Tim keeps these guys high most of the time. “He feels nothing. He’s big, don’t get me wrong, and fast, but the reason he can’t be beat is he can’t stop. You could cut off his fucking arm and he would keep swinging. I don’t know what the fuck the dude is on, but Mike Ellis will kill Lucas, and he won’t even know it happened.”

This is not what I want to hear and I try a different approach. “Is there some way Lucas can get that unfeeling? Something he can do to ready himself?”

“Fine out what the fuck drugs Mike is using – and get himself a hell of a lot of them.”

“Kade, I don’t want Lucas to die. I’m sorry you got hurt, but someone needs to beat this Mike guy, and at this stage of the game, it has to be Lucas. You need to help me.”

Kade looks at me carefully. “Tell him to bring something sharp. Mike won’t feel it, but there are no real rules. It’s considered cheap to use weapons and no one does it, but it’s also considered cheap to use fucking monsters who feel no pain because they’re so hopped up on something they can’t be taken out. Get Lucas a knife – and a good one. And then get him high as fuck so he can meet Mike halfway.”

It’s not the best advice, and it’s certainly terrifying, but at least it’s something. I thank Kade and leave the hospital, not sure what the next step is. I text Lucas and ask him to meet me, but he doesn’t reply. I drive to his place, but he isn’t home. I don’t know what else to do, so I go to Tim’s. I need a lead and I need to find Lucas.

Tim’s house is surprisingly empty and clean, at least for him. He answers the door and grins at me.

“Couldn’t get enough, could you?”

“I’m here for Lucas.”

“He’s not here,” he says and then gestures into the house. “Come on in. You can wait here, since he’ll be here eventually. He has to be so I can tell him where the fight is tonight.”

“Why’d you clean up?” I ask.

“Parole officer visit. Can’t have him thinking I’m running a fucking drug den here.”

I raise my eyebrow, but stay silent. How did I go from a high school teacher to someone who was even part of this world underworld? I just wanted to shake my ass to make a little extra rent money and now I’m in some kind of cable TV movie.

“If he wins tonight, I get the video, right?” I ask.

“Of course. And then you can masturbate all you want watching me fuck you.”

“Not gonna happen,” I say.

He laughs. “Admit it. If you weren’t gaga over Lucas, you totally wouldn’t mind another go.”

Although Tim has a pretty decent cock and can certainly fuck, circumstances beyond Lucas make me cringe at the idea of touching him. I just shake my head. “How does Lucas get out of this mess?”

“What do you mean,
?” He looks surprised that anyone would want out.

“Out – as in no longer part of whatever you are doing. Off whatever you’re giving him, not doing these fights. Just out. For good.”

“Lucas doesn’t want out,” he laughs. “He’s the one who comes to me begging.”

“Yeah, right now, I don’t give a shit what Lucas wants. How do I get him out?”

“You don’t.”

The look Tim gives me is enough to get me to shut my mouth and not argue. If I thought there were moments when he or Lucas was scary since Lucas walked into the club, I was crazy.
is scary. I am actually afraid he’ll hurt me, but he just laughs like a crazy person and walks away. I don’t know where he goes, and I don’t follow. I’m still standing in the middle of the living room, terrified, when Lucas shows up an hour later.

He looks at me, but doesn’t say anything.

“I’m here to help you win,” I explain. “I went to see Kade.”

Tim comes back in the room and greets Lucas. “Your bitch is here.”

“Yeah,” is all Lucas says before he follows Tim to his basement. I don’t know what’s down there and I am positive I don’t want to find out. They return about twenty minutes later and Lucas is shaking all over. Great. Right to the fucking drugs.

“Look,” I tell both of them. “I’m thrilled you think this is a fucking game, but Kade told me about Mike Ellis – and I don’t think you can treat this like any other fight.”

“So what do you suggest?” Tim asks.

“Kade thinks Lucas needs a weapon. To distract Mike.”

“Done,” Tim agrees and pulls open a drawer, handing Lucas a huge ass fucking hunting knife. What in the fuck is happening in my life?

“You’re coming to the fight, right?” Lucas asks. “It’ll give me something to fight for.”

I look between them, both high, both fucking crazy, and both part of something I don’t want in my life. But then I remember Lucas several years ago, when he was just a freshman and Alea was still around. His quiet questions, the sweet way he would always pick up the chalk that fell off the blackboard, the nervousness when he would need help with papers. I sigh and nod.

“Can I ask you a favor?” He’s desperate and I watch him shudder as he stands and stares at me.

“I guess,” I tell him.

“I know you’re mad at me. I know we’re over. I know you hate everything about this. But I need you. Bad. And this is going to be a bad one – and I could really use you…”

“You want me to fuck you, after everything that’s happened?” I’m incredulous. What the fuck?

“Just tonight, before the fight. Once.”

“How about this? Win the fight. And then I will fuck you all weekend long,” I offer.

That seems to satisfy him, and he and Tim start strategizing. I sit on the couch and play with my phone. I don’t want to go to this fight. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be involved in this, but I can’t walk away from Lucas and it pisses me off. I need to get this shit straightened out, because if I don’t, I am going to be unemployed – and then if he gets out, I won’t be able to help him get it together again.

BOOK: Teach Me
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