Read Taydelaan Online

Authors: Rachel Clark

Tags: #Menage a Trois (f/f/m), #Menage & More, #Bolt Uploaded

Taydelaan (5 page)

BOOK: Taydelaan
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Scrunching down to get a closer look, Kayla couldn’t help but run a finger over the pre-cum that glistened on the head of his cock. She lifted her finger to her mouth to taste David’s essence and heard his groan of approval. Strong fingers slid through her hair, firmly pushing her head closer to both his straining erection and Jessica’s weeping pussy.

“Taste her,” he pleaded in a thick voice. More turned on than she could ever remember, Kayla moved forward the last few inches, vaguely aware that the hand on the back of her head caressed her scalp but gave her the choice to go forward or retreat.

Jessica’s pussy was completely bare, her swollen pink lips glistening with her own juices. Kayla inhaled deeply, the sweet smell of Jessica’s arousal filling her senses. Carefully, she ran her tongue over the soft flesh, flattening her taste buds against the skin, savoring both the flavor and Jessica’s reaction.

Moving lower, Kayla lapped at the pink labia, using her hands to separate the slippery flesh so she could thrust her tongue deep inside her lover’s body. Jessica bucked against her, but David’s hands slid onto her thighs, holding the woman still as Kayla licked at her cream. Carefully, she sank two fingers into the quivering flesh, marveling at how warm and welcoming the slippery channel felt against her own skin.

Jessica’s muscles fluttered around her fingers, the tempo increasing as Kayla moved her head back to the shining nub of Jessica’s clit. It looked plump and swollen and begging for attention. Jessica gasped and thrashed against David’s hold. Kayla could feel Jessica’s juices flowing down her fingers as well as David’s hard pulsing cock. They both gave a startled cry when Kayla withdrew her fingers from Jessica’s pussy, wrapped them around David’s hot flesh, and guided him into her channel.

He grunted as he pushed into his wife from behind, the angle slightly awkward. He lifted her a little, pressed into her harder, working his cock in deeply, before easing her legs further apart and encouraging Kayla to once again tongue that glistening clit.

Jessica’s hands tangled in Kayla’s hair, this time more desperate, this time more forceful. Kayla lowered her face to Jessica’s mound, barely able to control her own arousal as she sucked the red-pink flesh into her mouth. David began to buck into Jessica’s sweet pussy at the same time Jessica held Kayla’s hair hard and rode her face.

Kayla lapped at the slippery flesh and worked her hand underneath the joined couple so she could caress David’s tight sack. David groaned and moved faster, Jessica’s body already starting to shake with the beginnings of her orgasm. Just as Jessica screamed and cream pulsed from her slit, coating David’s hairless sack, Kayla bit gently on the swollen flesh in her mouth. David held them both immobile as Jessica’s orgasm pulsed through her.

Kayla lapped at the tender flesh, laving it like ice cream, soothing the oversensitive bud as Jessica slowly relaxed into David’s arms. Barely able to breathe, Kayla felt the hands in her hair untangle as David helped her to sit up.

“Sit back, honey.”

She moved to the top of the bed, resting her back against the headboard as David lifted Jessica onto her hands and knees and began thrusting into her. Jessica groaned, but opened her eyes to smile at Kayla as her husband fucked her from behind. He allowed the women a quick, passionate kiss before he pushed Jessica’s shoulders onto the mattress, his powerful body pumping harder and faster into her, the slick sounds of slippery flesh combining with the labored breathing of all three.

Jessica mewled with excitement as David pulled her harder against him and slapped her thigh, the noise both shocking and arousing Kayla as she watched both of her lovers come. David lifted Jessica’s knees off the bed, crushing the lower half of her quivering body against his own. He closed his eyes as ecstasy crashed over his features. Kayla watched in awe, her own pussy pulsing as she witnessed the intense emotions.

Finally, they both stilled. David leaned forward, pulling his wife’s limp body back into his arms. He kissed the side of her neck, nibbled on her ear lobe and whispered words of love. She smiled, even with her eyes closed and her body cooked-noodle limp.

“I love you.” The words blurted out from Kayla’s mouth before she could even think to stop them. Embarrassment colored her face for interrupting the tender, intimate moment between husband and wife, but two smiles beamed her way.

“We love you, too,” Jessica said softly. She twisted in her husband’s lap, lifting carefully to reveal his still hard cock. “And, baby, it’s your turn.”

David grinned and lunged for Kayla as Jessica moved out of his way. Kayla squealed as he grabbed her and pushed her underneath him. She giggled happily right up until the moment his hard, slick flesh slid straight into her waiting pussy.

She gasped as he filled her, the slight burn as he stretched her adding to the erotic moment. He fell forward, pinning her to the bed as his body surged into her pussy. He set a frantic pace, pounding into her over and over as his mouth opened over the flesh between her shoulder and her throat. She shivered as his teeth scraped over the sensitive skin.

“David!” The sharp order startled them both. David practically jack-knifed away from her, the sudden movement startling her into immobility. Frozen, unsure and confused as hell, Kayla’s gaze swung from one of her lovers to the other.

Jessica clambered onto the bed, pressed an aggressive kiss to Kayla’s mouth and managed to roll them over so that Kayla’s ass pointed back at David. He grunted as he lifted her hips toward him, Jessica holding Kayla tight across the shoulders. Kayla had never been so turned on by the feeling of helplessness the position invoked. Suddenly, the idea of submitting to a lover—or in this case both her lovers—had never held more appeal.

She relaxed her muscles, letting David maneuver her into the position he wanted and tucking her head into the protective circle made by Jessica’s arms. Head down, ass up, she waited for David to move.

His hands slid under her, seeking her clit and squeezing. The erotic pleasure-pain rushed through her as she wriggled against her lovers’ grip, trying to avoid the intense sensation. Her breathing stilled, her flesh quivering, her brain short-circuiting as her insides exploded with heat. David thrust into her, grabbing her hips and pulling her back against him.

His hands dug into her flesh as his tempo increased, thrusting harder, faster, demanding her response, demanding her love, demanding her submission. She cried out as a second, more intense orgasm shattered her, and he stilled, pressed hard against the flesh of her ass. Carefully he draped himself over her back, kissed the side of her neck and then kissed his wife.

“I love you both,” he said quietly as he pulled his finally softening cock from Kayla’s body. “Goddess, how I love you both.”

Kayla somehow found the energy to roll off Jessica and onto the pillow beside her. She intended to mumble a reply, but sleep took her so fast, the words may have been part of her dream.

* * * *

“That was close.”
Jessica’s thoughts rang through his mind even as David tried to rein in his rampant desire to claim both of his mates. He shook his head, trying to clear it, as the enzyme played havoc with his normally sensible thought processes.

“I’m sorry.”
He didn’t know what else to say. He’d almost claimed Kayla as a Taydelaan, almost ruined her chances of ever being able to have children—human or Sesturian. He still wanted to claim Jessica, even though he knew claiming her now would tie her irrevocably to Kayla.

“Are you going to be okay?”

He nodded, knowing even as he did it, that his wife would sense his true emotions and know he was lying. Hell, the enzyme shouldn’t be producing at all. He had no idea why his metabolism was responding to Kayla this way, and he had no idea how to stop it. It wasn’t supposed to be like this with anyone but their Taydelaan.

Jessica rolled toward him, her warm hand touching the side of his face as she spoke into his mind.
“Bite me.”
She smiled as she said it, but he could feel the worry in her mind.
“If you can’t control the urge, bite me. I want to be tied to Kayla, so the enzyme will make no difference for me.”

He could feel her determination even before she cut him off.

“I’ve already come to terms with the fact that by loving Kayla we will never have Sesturian children, but if you bite her, she’ll never have human babies either.”

David closed his eyes as the enzyme surged again in his body. Fear and guilt followed, but he grabbed the emotions, twisting them into anger. As rage flooded his mind, he rolled quickly off the bed. Every step took him further away from the women he loved, but if he didn’t get this problem under control, he could fuck up all of their lives.

He barely had the presence of mind to drag on clothes before he grabbed the car keys and left the building.

Chapter Five

Jessica tracked David’s emotions until he moved out of her range. A part of her still ached to hold him, but she realized on a very sensible level it was better for him to put some distance between them, a least for now. It wasn’t the first time he’d used anger to overrule all other emotion, and she supposed it wouldn’t be the last.

Kayla slept peacefully beside her, hopefully unaware of David’s turmoil. If she had really been their Taydelaan, she would have been as connected to both of them as Jessica and David were to each other, although if she’d been their Taydelaan they wouldn’t be dealing with any of this anyway.

Jessica watched Kayla sleep for a long while, but eventually the woman stirred, opened her eyes, and gifted Jessica with a sleepy smile. Kayla’s hair was adorably mussed about her face, her skin glowed from her recent orgasms, and her naked breasts held Jessica’s gaze. Jessica watched entranced as the woman she loved lifted her arms high over her head and stretched with all the relish of a cat lying in the sun.

“Where’s David?”

“He had to go out for a while, but he’ll be back soon.” Unable to resist the creamy skin on Kayla’s abdomen, Jessica smoothed a hand up and down Kayla’s belly as she spoke. “While we wait for him, we could spend the time talking about where we’re going to live, or how I’m going to get my job back, or maybe,” her hand traveled higher to tweak Kayla’s nipple, “we could find something more interesting to do.”

Jessica could feel her own nipples hardening as Kayla’s stiffened under her gentle assault, but, even without the Taydelaan link, she could sense Kayla’s anxiety.

“He’ll be back soon, baby. He just needs to check in with the leader of the Sesturian community and then he’ll be right back.” At least that’s where she’d hoped he’d gone. Once he was out of her telepathic range, she wasn’t sure exactly where he was, but he’d headed that way, and if anyone could help explain the enzyme problem, it was Jed.

“Check in?”

“Well, we did leave our alien spaceship parked in orbit.” As she said it, Jessica put her hands beside her head and wriggled her pointer fingers as if they were antennae. As she’d hoped, Kayla giggled at her silliness. She lay down beside Kayla again, pulled the woman into her arms, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Maybe you should get some rest. Tomorrow we have to somehow convince the boss I resigned accidentally but now I’ve changed my mind.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Kayla’s voice was soft, but the tone worried Jessica.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, she, um, she blamed me for you leaving and told me to fix it.”

“She did what?” Jessica sat up so quickly she almost fell off the bed, nearly taking Kayla with her. “What did that bitch of a woman say to you?” Jessica could feel her anger churning deep inside her gut. How dare anyone upset her mate!

Kayla laughed nervously, obviously considering whether to divulge the details of her boss’s demands. She took a deep breath and then let it out slowly, but the words came out in a rush.

“Okay, basically she blamed me for your resignation. Said you resigned straight after having lunch with me and that I must’ve done something wrong and I better fix it or else.” Kayla squirmed on the bed, managing to sit up and drag the sheet over her body at the same time. “Why did you resign?”

Conflicting emotions pounded Jessica. She wanted to be very angry at the way Kayla had been treated, but right now Kayla needed reassurance, not a rant about their bitch of a boss.

“We were going to go home to Sesturia, but now that we know you love us, well, we want to stay. Only trouble is we don’t actually have anywhere to live anymore. I don’t suppose you know anyone willing to take us in?” Jessica smiled seductively, her thoughts already turning to some of the more interesting things they could be doing right now rather than talking, but Kayla’s words stopped her short.

“But this place is so small, and it only has one bathroom, and the kitchen is old, and the stove is acting up, and the hot water system barely makes water hot.” Kayla sucked in a breath, seemingly ready to continue with her litany of faults of the apartment, so Jessica cut her off the most expedient way possible. She kissed her. Carefully, thoroughly, and when she felt Kayla melt into the kiss, she took her mouth aggressively.

Pulling back slowly, she made sure she had Kayla’s full attention before she asked, “Don’t you want us here?”

Kayla’s face was flushed, her eyes glazed with passion, but Jessica could barely breathe when Kayla shook her head no. It took a few moments for Kayla to find her voice.

BOOK: Taydelaan
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