Read Tarnished Honor Online

Authors: J. Lee Coulter

Tarnished Honor (6 page)

BOOK: Tarnished Honor
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“Oh dear. I fear that I am nae making a good first i
pression. They must think me to be a wanton.”

Connall’s lips brushed her delicate ear. “Nay, wife. They think ye are a tipsy lass who is smitten with her hu
band.” Brighde’s face flushed deeper. He gave her a r
sounding kiss then proceeded to feed her.

* * *

Brighde was drying her sable tresses
near the fire by the time Connall was able to escape the well-wishes of his clansmen. She had not heard him enter, focusing intently on removing the snarls in her hair. He observed her from the shadows while removing his clothing for his bath.

Connall never tired of
her beauty. She was a stunning woman
. Her straight nose and pouty lips compl
mented her oval face. And her body! His shaft stirred as his eyes memorized the contours of her voluptuous curves.

He tore his gaze away, stepping into the tub. The warm liquid was refreshing to his tired
as it eased the te
sion that had been building since they left Urquhart. There was an uneasiness lurking in the back of his mind. Try as he might, he had been unable to shake it. Blacksword a
tributed it to his warrior instincts…trying to dismiss it. Still it lingered.

As he dunked his head to remove the soap he reco
nized what it was that bothered him. Ross gave in too eas
ly! He said nae a word during the bedding, the we
ding…nor our departure. Tis nae likely that he would give up so readily after offering two hundred gold coins for the lass. The storm may delay him…but Blacksword was ce
tain that they had not seen the last of him.

Connall felt the heat of her perusal
boring into his backside before glancing her way. Her blue-green eyes had grown dark with desire as she observed her husband towe
ing himself dry.

Brazenly, her eyes traveled across his wide shoulders past biceps too large for her to wrap her small hands about. His broad bronzed chest was supported by well-defined
and a flat stomach. From that point, she followed a path of black hair that ended at the juncture of his increasing shaft. Brighde’s tongue flicked her dry lips, her attention riveted to that spot. Liquid heat pooled in her groin as passion flared.

The Earl reached her in three strides…locking his eyes with hers.
Neither spoke as he swept her into his embrace, lips fused together with desire. Tongues dancing to a tim
less mating ritual as frenzied hands explored each other’s
. Connall groaned. He must slow down for her sake. He broke the kiss,
inhaling deeply to get himself under co
trol. Hands shaking with passion, he lifted her chemise over her head and tossed it
the floor.

His eyes flared at the goddess before him. “Ye are beauteous, indeed, Brighde!” His deep voice rumbled with desire. He palmed her breasts in his hands, kneading them gently.

moaned at his possessive touch, arching her back as his lips captured one and suckled. Her senses burst into flames as Brighde’s knees buckled beneath her. Her hu
band swept her into his arms hastening to the bed. He fanned the flames of her desire into an inferno with his hands and lips.

When she could stand it no more
…she cried
out. “Now Connall! Take me now!”

He was near mindless as he entered her molten sheath. His body urged deep hard thrusts but his thoughts told him different. This was only their second time making love. Her body was not ready for the rougher sex. Connall entered slowly as he gauged her face for discomfort. When fully seated without causing pain, he began
driving his swollen shaft
rhythmically, in and out of her body. Brighde writhed beneath him thrusting her hips in an ever demanding fas

Her mind soon went blank as she keened in her bliss. Connall felt her hot sheath milking his shaft spasmodically. He roared gutturally as his seed shot forth, filling her womb.

He nearly collapsed on top of her from the force of his orgasm. No woman had ever drained him so completely before. He rolled to the side,
close, and kissed her.

“Ye are a passionate woman, Brighde. I am much pleased with our union.” His thumb absently stroked the nub of her breast as his lids grew heavy.

She smiled in the darkened chamber. “Ye are a very lusty man, as well, husband. I ken we are well suited.”
Her objections to the wedding were rapidly thawing, replaced with the first stirrings of affection for the Earl of Caithness. She snuggled into his embrace.

They both leapt up as the chamber door slammed against the wall. There stood a red-headed sprite…armed with a wooden sword, ready to do battle. They exchanged looks and burst out laughing.

“Da? Mama? Ye were screaming! Is there a monster about? I will help ye kill it Da!
We must protect Mama!” Her blue eyes widened with trepidation as she bravely crept into the chamber.

“Never fear,
. I am capable of protecting ye both. I thought ye were sleeping…and where be your nursemaid? Nae bound and gagged, I pray.”

She shook her head as a big yawn escaped her. “She is sleeping, Da.”

“As ye should be, Amy. Do nae
fash yourself
, your da will keep us safe. We were just playing…
um…tickle. Aye…tickle. Sorry I am that we woke ye. Now, back to bed with ye.”

Her nursemaid showed up just then. “Here ye be! Ye gave me a fright, lass! Tis nae safe to wander these corr
dors in the dark.” Her eyes darted to the laird. “Sorry my lord. She is a slippery one.”

Connall smiled at her. “Nae worries. Now run along to bed,
. Tis late.”

“Aye, Da.” She rested her weary head on the maid’s shoulder as she scooped her up
, asleep before they left the room.

Brighde giggled. “I hope this is nae going to become a habit. It seems that people are always crashing in on us a
ter we make love.”

Her husband joined in, appreciating the jest. “Mayhap I should bolt the door in the future, wife.” He gave her a resounding kiss, tucked her into his warm embrace and promptly fell asleep.

* * *

Chapter VII
* * *

The heavy snowfall kept most of the clansmen indoors
, only venturing out to tend to the livestock. Blacksword was thankful as he readjusted to being laird and spent his days going through stacks of parchments that had accumulated over two years’ time. A monumental task, to be sure. In the evenings he caught up on clan news as Amy perched in his lap until bedtime.
The rest of the eve he would spend in his wife’s arms.

He was content. They had been home for a sennight when he decided to have a talk with Brighde about the ci
cumstances that brought about their wedding. Amy had been abed for
an hour so there would be no interru
tions. He strolled over to the hearth
in the great hall
where she sat altering some gowns for Amy.

“Come, wife
. Tis time to clear the air betwixt us.” He held out his hand. She gave him a puzzled glance as she put away her needlework and took his proffered hand. They retired to their chambers silently.

Placing his hands behind his back, he waited for her to be seated before he spoke.
cleared his throat seve
al times as he considered the best way to approach this. He did not wish for another battle with his lovely bride. Brighde began to fidget under his intense scrutiny.

“Have I displeased ye in some way, husband?”

He shook his head brusquely. “Nay, wife.” This was proving to be more difficult than he had anticipated. It should not be. All he need do is tell her the facts and she must accept it. With that decided, he plowed forward.

“This concerns the eve afore we wed.”

“Oh.” She bristled but kept her tone respectful. Her one desire was to forget that eve of shame. “I do nae wish to discuss it, my lord.”

Connall’s black brow arched in surprise. “Nay? Just the same…we will
, my lady. I would have ye ken the why of my behavior.” He sat
her, peering intently into her face.

“Before ye came to sup that eve, Angus told Stephen and I of a
he had concocted in his greedy mind. He wished ye gone from Urquhart…I do nae ken why.” He took in a deep breath as she sat silent. “He was going to drug ye
then have Ross bed ye
so ye would be forced to wed him.” She gasped.

“Uncle drugged me?”


Brighde’s eyes narrowed as a thought struck her. “Ye said Ross was to enter my chambers yet it was ye that were there.”

His eyes pleaded with her to understand what he r
vealed next. He gave a curt nod.
“Aye, I could nae allow it. He has had four wives lass
and every one has died in a year or less. I could nae let that happen to ye. Twould nae be honorable to depart kenning that was your fate.”

Her eyes rounded as she remembered his words. “So that is what ye meant when ye said ye did this for me! I had wondered.”

His gaze softened. “Ye remember
my words. I was nae certain

“Why did ye nae tell me this at the time instead of bedding me?
Uncle would nae have known.”

He shook his head. “Ye would nae have wed me ot
erwise. I had thought to do just that,
fore he told me ye would demand an examination. Angus swore ye would call for the healer…and he was right. If ye had nae then he would have been s
uspicious and given ye to Ross.”

“I still do nae understand how it came about that ye e
tered my chamber. What happened to Stephen?”

Connall shrugged. “I convinced your uncle that my suit was preferable. My coffers are deep and my title desirable. Twas enough for him.
” A sense of guilt nagged him as he
hedged around the whole truth. He was certain that Brighde would be displeased if she knew about the gold.
But, a
fter all, he had not lied to her…he just did not go into detail.

She studied her hands as she contemplated all that he had said. “So ye wed me just to keep me alive?”

His voice gentled as he lifted her chin. “Nay, Brighde, twas nae the only reason.
I desired ye from the moment we met. I would have nae other to wife…only ye.” His kiss was a caress as he sought out her lips.
She sighed when their lips separated…certain that she was in Heaven.
Aye. I am very pleased that Connall was the one that entered my bed. He has more honor than I thought.

Her finely etched brows furrowed
as her thoughts raced off in a new direction.

“I still do nae understand Uncle Angus’ motives. Why was he so intent to be rid of me? We got along well enough and my dowry was allotted by my father before his death. Twas quite generous was it nae?” She glanced at her hu
band, catching a glimpse of something…she was not ce
tain of what. “What is it, Connall? Ye did receive my do
ry, did ye nae?”

He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. He had hoped to avoid speaking of money and lands.
His green eyes peered deeply into hers as he shook his head.

“He offered nae dowry, Brighde. Honestly, I had nae even thought to inquire about it. I wanted ye for my own…at any price.”

She spun away as fury began creeping up her spine. Pacing before the fire, she muttered under her breath at his thievery. Halting in her tracks she turned to h
er husband
with determination in her eye.

“Ye must demand your due! Ye can nae allow him to swindle ye of your rightful monies.”

She is angry because I was cheated?
My wife never ceases to astound me. His heart warmed with affection t
ward her as he shook his head.

“Do nae fash yourself for my sake, lass. I have nae need of your dowry, besides…I already possess the most valuable treasure from the lot…ye.”

Brighde blushed at the compliment as she shook her head in denial. “Tis nae right that ye be cheated of your due. I will send him a missive.”

BOOK: Tarnished Honor
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