Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1)
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Chapter 15-Pearl

As I come back to reality I hear the noise from the music and people out in the other rooms of the clubhouse. I can feel Abraham’s hands on my ass rubbing over my tender flesh.

“Get dressed, Pearl, and let’s get out to the party.”

I stumble getting out of his bed, and he catches my arm to steady me. I wince at the pain and lock down to see fingertip bruises that are on my upper arm.

“Well, I guess you were right when you said I would have more marks from you tonight.” I am absolutely certain I have handprints on my ass to match the ones on my arms if the tenderness in that area is any precursor.

“Pearl, I love the way your body looks and it is even more delicious when it is marked up by me. The marks staking my claim on you, in addition to my cum dripping out of every one of your tight little holes.” He says with a laugh as we finished getting dressed.

As we exit the room and walk down the hall, I am surprised at the amount of people here. All the men are nodding or shaking hands with Abraham as we make our way towards the bar. We both order Jack and coke from the bartender, Doc, and I take a quick swig and turn back around to look over the crowd.

I see a young woman beaming at Abraham as she closes the gap to us and throws her arms around him and kisses him. He jerks out of her grasp and says, “Get the fuck off me, Layla. Go find someone else to spread your legs for. I told you weeks ago that I was done with all this club pussy. So get the fuck away from me and my guest!”

As her face contorts she turns sharply and heads in the other direction giving me the evil eye the entire time. At least I know the score and some of the past players in his life if her irritation at being dismissed is any indication.

Abraham leads me by the hand toward a group of men: a tall man who I vaguely remember seeing in Milwaukee last month with two others.

“Guys, I’d like to introduce you to Pearl. Pearl, this is Gun, Fly, and Blaze, the club president,” Abraham says gesturing at the three men standing in front of me. 

“Hello, Pearl, it is so nice to finally meet you. I have heard such intriguing things!” The tall man, Blaze, says as he extends his hand towards me while his eyes slowly leer at my body sending a shiver through me.

I take his hand in mine and meet the most striking blue eyes. “Hmmm, intriguing things, you say. It’s nice to meet you, Blaze, Gun, and Fly. I’m glad I could be here tonight; it seems like a nice party.”

“Wait until the pussy starts rolling in here! It will get so much fucking better then!” the shortest (still well over six feet) of the four men now says.

“Shut up, Gun, leave her alone,” Blaze grunts out while dropping my hand and hitting the other man on the shoulder. “Not everyone here is as impressed with the club whores as you are, I swear you might have been a fucking virgin before you came here. Pearl seems like a real fucking lady so, why don’t you stop acting like such a piece of shit and get gone.”

“Fuck you Prez” Gun says smiling widely. “I just love me some pussy, I can’t help it.” Turning to me he adds “If you ever get tired of this asshole let me know and I will give you one hell of a...”

Before he can finish his statement Abraham slugs him hard in the arm and cuts him off with a loud “Shut the fuck up Gun, and stop trying to get into my woman’s pants you little fuck whit.”

“Ok, then.” As I look towards Abraham I ask, “Which way is the bathroom, Tank?”

He points toward the back where the bedroom we came from is and says “It’s the second door on the left, Little One.”

I walk over to where he directed me and notice that the scantily-clad young women have really started to pile in. I feel really out of place here with these girls who look barely old enough to be out of high school let alone to drink with these mean burly looking bikers. How am I just noticing that compared to most of the men in here Tank looks like a baby, being at least ten to fifteen years younger than most everyone?

I push open the bathroom door and am thankful to find it empty. As I am finishing up in one of the two stalls, I hear the door open and two girls come in. When I peep through the crack of the door as I am fixing my clothes I notice that one is Layla, the girl from the hallway before. This is not going to go well, why did I get caught in here with her?

“Can you believe he brought that old ass woman here? What the fuck is he thinking? Does she think he is in this for the long haul with her? HA!” Layla says while caking on yet another layer of makeup.

“I know! What the fuck is he thinking? She is at least fifteen years older than him and fat as fuck!”

“I heard she has kids too. I bet her pussy is all stretched out. I wonder when he fucks her if he can even get off on that old stretched out pussy. He probably just gets lost in her fat and doesn’t even get to use his cock. It’s such a nice cock too, totally wasted on that bitch. I wonder how long it will be before he comes back to me.”

As I push the stall door open and make eye contact through the mirror with the two girls, they both smirk. Of course, they knew that I was in here and were being complete bitches anyway, that’s great, and I am suddenly really pissed off. Nobody gets to treat me with disrespect, I don’t give a fuck where I am or who I am with.

“Well, ladies, and I say that lightly, I am glad that you both got that off your chests, which seem to be somewhat lacking, if you ask me. Is there anything else you’d like to tell me or say to me while we are in here? I seem to be some good fodder for you so I would hate to break that up!”

“Fodder? Who the fuck talks like that? Why don’t you just shut up you, stupid old hag. You probably remind Tank of his mom or something and he is just going through a Mommy phase or something. He will get tired of you and your bratty fucking kids’ quick enough before…“

Is all she gets out before my right fist connects with her jaw. I walk out the door bumping into a group of women who must have overheard the commotion and had been listening at the door. I stride up to the bar and calmly ask Doc nicely for a shot of Jack on the rocks. As he finishes pouring the shot, I grab a few napkins, push some money towards Doc, slam the shot and dump the ice into the napkins to put on my knuckles. 

I turn around and look up to see an angry Abraham, Blaze, and Layla heading towards me. This is not going to be good.

“What the fuck, Pearl? You cannot hit Layla, she is club property” Abraham shouts at me while grabbing at my arm again making me flinch at the touch because of the bruises that he left on my arm. His eyes are heated as I endeavor to shrug out of his grasp and take a step back from him. He is unrelenting in his grasp though.

My eyes go wide at his accusing tone and attacking actions. This is not how I thought he would handle this situation, fuck this is not how
would have thought I would have handled this situation. I can’t believe I just clocked that girl. What the fuck got into me? I am not sure what I thought he would do, but I sure as fuck didn’t think I would do that. I guess I thought he would at least ask me what happened not just jump to conclusions and accuse me of assaulting Layla.

I glance towards Layla, and she is crying fake tears with a smirk in her eyes. Thank fuck that I landed a good hit to her face it will definitely leave a mark; it’s already starting to redden up.
STUPID BITCH you reap what you sow!
I’m sure she thinks that this will lead to her getting back into Tank’s bed, maybe more. I sure as hell would hate to see that happen, but after his doubts of me I just don’t know.

Blaze glances towards me, and I catch him looking at the finger bruises on my arm before his eyes reach mine. Looking down immediately I feel like a child about to get yelled at for their insolent behavior.

“Tank, we need to hear her out,” Blaze announces while grabbing his shoulder averting his eyes from mine.  “We only heard one side of the story, and I sure as fuck don’t think Layla is being truthful. That fucking smirk on her face, her fake fucking tears, and seeing as she is jealous as fuck of anyone who lands in a brother’s bed for more than a quick fuck, I’m sure she instigated this. Let’s listen to Pearl and see what the other side of the story is brother. Plus, those women over there all seem to be supporting Pearl’s side in this.”

“Blaze, you know what, I can take care of myself and my woman. I will settle up with the club later, we are out of here for now,” he announces gripping my arm tighter and dragging me towards the door.

At the same time that I am slowly escorted out, I hear Blaze screaming, “You are nothing but club pussy, Layla. You have no right to attack a member or their guest. I saw the bruises on her arm how dare you put your hands on the guest of a brother.”

“I didn’t fucking touch her, Blaze. I swear. Those marks must have been from Tank. I heard he was giving her some discipline before they even got into the clubhouse; she is a real pain slut from what the guys say and that is no good for him. Rumor has it that the old bag likes rough fucking too!”

Blaze cuts her off, “Shut the fuck up, Layla. This is your one and only warning. I will not have anyone slighted in this club especially by the likes of you. Learn your place or you will fucking leave.”

As we reach the truck, Abraham starts in on me. ”Pearl, I don’t know what that fuck you were thinking, but you cannot just hit club property for no fucking reason or especially when you have not been claimed as an old lady yet. There is a hierarchy and it needs to be followed at all times. What the fuck is going on with you? You are a grown ass woman and acting like a petty fucking kid tonight.” His hands come up to my body as he grabs my shoulders tightly.

“You know what, Tank! You can just go fuck yourself,” I sputter trying with no luck to get out of his grip. If my hands were free they would be flying towards his face, so I am glad he has a tight grip. “You obviously have some idea about what happened in the ten minutes we were apart tonight. Huh? You must have been in the fucking bathroom when she verbally attacked me, right? I just fucking missed you in the women’s bathroom I guess. If you really want to know what happened why don’t you go talk to one of the ten or so women that were hanging outside of the door listening to the whole scene. Sorry, but not sorry, asshole. Layla’s behavior and in general shit like that just doesn’t fly with me. I may be a grown ass woman, as you so nicely keep pointing out, but I am sure as shit not going to sit and listen to that fucking skank talk shit about you, about me, or let alone my kids.”

I turn away from the truck and try to move away from Abraham but am quickly stopped with strong hands tightening on my shoulders yet again. “You sure as fuck have a spark in you, Little One. Too bad that stupid cunt was the reason it started to burn tonight.”

Running his hands over my shoulders and down my back, they land on my ass as he continues, “I’m sorry, I am not used to dealing with shit like this okay? FUCK! I might have handled it badly, OK? I jumped to conclusions and fell for the shit that Layla was saying. I’m not used to having someone like you in my life.” His hands slide down and under my skirt to brush against my pussy as he leans in closer and I can feel his lips on my ear. “I should not have believed her and should have trusted your judgment and talked with you first. Forgive me, Pearl?”

How am I supposed to say no to that? Especially when two fingers get pushed up inside me and bring me to the brink of orgasm as he leaves me wanting yet again tonight.

Chapter 16-Tank

I can’t even get through one night with Pearl at the clubhouse without some shit happening. I’ve never had a problem with Layla, but I guess that bitch had some shit up her sleeve. I don’t even know why I would have believed anything out of her mouth; she is just club pussy. I almost lost Pearl because of that shit the way she fired off at me when we were outside made me so hard I need to be inside of her and remind her who was in charge.

It is still pretty early, and we have plenty of time before we need to be back on the road so I decide to take her to my house before heading back to Milwaukee. She is quiet sitting next to me, and I’m sure she’s wondering where we are going, but she stays silent. She is hot as hell when she is pissed off and looking over now as she is just seething at me makes me want to pull over and fuck her senseless. I have to control these urges I have with her, she is really putting my dominant to the test more than any others have before.

Ten minutes later we pull up to my house, and I come around to help her out of the truck. She tries to shake off my help, but that shit ain’t happening with me, not now not ever. “Knock it off, Pearl,” I say more severely than I had intended. “I said I was sorry, for fuck’s sake. I overreacted, OK? Just let it be. We still have time before we need to be on the road so how about we just spend some time together?” She is now trying to avoid my touch, trying to get out of the truck but, I’m standing in the doorway blocking her exit. “Just let that shit with Layla go. I said I was sorry.”

I reach for her, and she sighs while shaking her head, but soon enough she is down from the truck and relaxing back into my arms. As soon as her smell envelops my brain, I need to be inside of her. I rush her through the doors and barely make it to the couch with her before I have my hands working open the zipper of her skirt; I feel her hands working my zipper as well.

I grab her wrists needing her submission. I need to let her know that she has no control, especially of this. I growl out, “Little One, watch it, I’m in charge of this and you would do well to remember that! Lift your hips so I can peel this skirt off of you and taste your sweet cunt. You are mine right now!”

As I plunge my tongue into her repeatedly she squirms around and moans my name out. I grab for her nipple after freeing it from her corset then twist it to the point of pain, but she only moans out her pleasure louder. I slam three fingers into her slick heat and start fucking her with them as I continue my attack of her clit with my mouth.

After two orgasms I crawl over her and take her wrists in one of mine and raise them above her head. “Keep them here, Pearl, grab the headboard if you need to, but don’t take your hands down. You will not come again until I tell you to.”

With those words I drill into her until she is writhing and begging to come. “Hold out for me, girlie. We will fly together, but you need to wait until you feel my cum filling you before you let yourself go.” I keep up the battering for a couple more minutes before giving in to the driving need I have to mark her as mine, yet again. I release inside her with a savage roar and then feel her spasms around my cock as I am still seated within her extending my own release.

“The way I feel with you near, Pearl, is fucking insane. I always want to be close to you or buried deep inside of you. Even though I have just been there, I only want to be inside of you doing it all again marking you as mine,” I say, grazing a hand over her silken skin as she shudders beneath my fingers.

I take her two more times before we head out the door to get her back home. I talk my way into spending the day with her and her girls tomorrow so I won’t have to make this drive again tonight. She is really leery, but we are going to take it slow, and I promised to be on my best behavior. Breaking down her walls is taking more time then I would like, but it will be well worth it once she is mine.

It’s only a day… I can keep my hands off of this beautiful creature.
I will just keep chanting to myself the whole time. God fucking help me.

We make it back to Milwaukee with plenty of time to spare for the sitter to get home. We end up falling asleep on the couch, watching some shitty TV. Waking up feeling that Pearl is no longer on the couch with me gave me a moment’s pause. The sun is shining through the large window behind me looking up I see eyes staring down at me. Close to the damn near the most gorgeous brown eyes I’ve ever seen.

“Good morning, my Mommy said you should be getting up because we are having breakfast and then going to the zoo. Hurry up, me and Iris wanna go see the”

Scrubbing my face of the sleep I am still feeling, I interrupted her quickly. “I know you want to see the bunnies, and Iris wants to see the giraffes. What do you think your Mom will want to see?”

“I dunno she usually just lets us go where we want to go to see what we want to see.”

“Maybe we should ask what she would like to see today. What do you think of that, Rose? It will probably make your mom happy to get to see her favorite animal too.”

“OK, Abraham, I’ll ask right now.” She turns on her heel and she screams into the next room, “MOM! Abraham says I should ask what you wanna see at the zoo today. That you will be happy if you get to see something that you want, not just what we like.”

As I look up to the doorway I see Pearl wearing a tight pair of shorts and a tight ass tank top. With Iris in her arms, she smiles broadly and wiggles her eyebrows in response to her daughter. “Well, he is a smart man indeed then. I would be very happy to see my favorite animal, but I just saw one of them last night! We don’t need to go looking around the zoo for it.” Winking at me she continues “Don’t worry about me darling I will be fine, I’ll run into it again real soon.”

With that, Rose looks up at me questioning, and before she can speak I am on my feet heading for Pearl. How does she want me to keep my hands to myself when she is saying things and looking at me like that?

I step behind her in the kitchen and she is just putting Iris down on the floor and telling her and Rose to wash up for breakfast. The girls scurry from the room down the hall to the bathroom, and I do not miss my chance. I spin Pearl around and take her mouth with a fury that is all consuming. I end the kiss with a nip to her lips and a slap on the ass warning her to behave.

“That was not nice Little One. You will need to think about the things you say if you don’t want me to attack you in front of the girls. I will not be teased or taunted by you at any time or in any place- that is for sure.”

BOOK: Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1)
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