Read Tangled Up Hearts Online

Authors: Deborah Hughes

Tangled Up Hearts (6 page)

BOOK: Tangled Up Hearts
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At the first contact it went hot and desperate. Mouths open, tongues meeting and tangling, they devoured each other. Although she was breathing deep and desperate through her nose, she could not get enough air and finally she had to wrench her mouth away in order to suck in a few deep breaths. The attic had an oxygen problem. There simply was not enough of it. Even Cole was having a hard time, his ragged breathing as bad as hers.

They stared at each other in shock and dismay and feverish passion then came together in another explosive kiss. She could not get enough of him. She couldn’t taste him enough, feel him enough, and she certainly couldn’t get close enough. Their clothes were an annoying hindrance and she wished fervently that she could wish them off. Now. She needed to feel more of him. All of him.

Their bodies squirmed and slid against each other in restless frustration and mutual hunger, their hands everywhere, touching, caressing, groping. It was too much too quick and yet they couldn’t stop it.

Cole’s mouth finally left hers and her lips parted to suck in air, but when he blazed a path across her cheek to the super-sensitive area around her ear, she pressed them together again and fought to contain a moan of excitement. She had to give up the fight, though, when he moved down to the crook of her neck. Groaning with pleasure, Alyssa craned her head back to give him better access.

At this point they were both bathed in sweat and though she thought she wouldn't find anything like that appealing, his damp skin only enhanced her aroused senses. The heat between them was incredible. She’d never experienced anything like it in her life.

Cole’s hands moved restlessly under her shirt and Alyssa twisted and turned in an effort to guide him. Finally his hand moved from her back to her rib cage and then slowly up to gently caress the underside of her breast. Thank God she wasn't wearing a bra! Needing more, Alyssa twisted again and his hand finally took the weight of her into his palm. She hissed in a breath and let out a soft moan. Cole’s body trembled beneath her and she realized that his muscles were going tight with restraint. He was straining hard to hold himself back, to temper down his passion.

Needing his mouth back on hers, Alyssa sought him out but he turned his head away and closed his eyes. She should be glad he was trying to regain control of the craziness between them but she wasn't ready for that to happen. Not yet. Please not yet!

Although she felt lethargic and drugged in sensual arousal, she lifted away enough to see his face, willing him to look at her.

His eyes opened and their heated gazes locked, the connection so intense she was sure her eyes were blazing bright and feverish. She could see right into the depths of his very soul, or so it seemed, and that sent an alarm of caution shooting through her. How, she wondered, could she tread with care when she wanted nothing more than to drown in the gaze of his beautiful eyes?

“Cole.” It was all she could manage to say. His lips parted and she watched his tongue make a slow sweep across them, as if he were savoring the taste of her. Although the hand cupping her breast had gone still, that was no longer the case. He gently kneaded and caressed her sensitive flesh, his fingers grazing softly then firming for a more satisfying hold. She closed her eyes to better focus on the sensations and the moment she did that his other hand skimmed around her hip and slid across her back. He explored the contours of her spine, sending small chills spiraling everywhere, before sliding his hand lightly up to her shoulder blades then into her hair, fisting a handful of it in a gentle grip. He urged her to lower her head to his and their mouths connected for another mind-boggling kiss.

A willing and active participant, Alyssa squirmed with restless need, aware of the bulge straining his jeans and pressing against it with shameless abandon.

And then that annoying doorbell bellowed into their heated world, stilling them both.

The sound didn't go on and on as it had when Cole was at the door. No, this one ring was soon followed by a voice. “Al? Cole? Where are you guys?” And then a little louder, “Are you two up there in the attic?”

Alyssa jerked her head up, her eyes wide with horror. Oh no! Of all people, Trisha could not find them like this. She looked at Cole and their gazes clung, reluctance to part keeping them still. No matter the urgency of the situation, she just couldn't move. Not while he was looking at her like that.

Heaving a sigh of regret, Cole finally closed his eyes and let his hands fall away.

Alyssa forced herself to roll off him and rise to a stand.

"Alyssa? Cole?" The ladder creaked.

Panic erased the lethargy from her passion-drugged body. "Stay where you are, I’m coming down!”

Oh God.
Oh God!
Trisha could not see them like this and besides that, she'd see the rocking chair and it would ruin the surprise. Not that Trish would care about that once she realized what she and Cole were doing just now. How could this have happened? What did it mean?

With her body screaming in disappointment, Alyssa stumbled across the attic while scrambling at the same time to tug her clothes and hair into some semblance of order. Her mind was as busy as her hands for she was desperate to come up with something to tell Trisha. Surely her astute friend would guess what they'd been doing the moment she saw her?

With trepidation now replacing most of her other emotions, Alyssa looked down the ladder to see that her dear, annoying friend with the worst timing ever, was preparing to climb it. “I’m coming down. You stay right there.” Her voice sounded a little high but surely Trisha wouldn’t equate that to the remnants of aborted passion
would she? She felt as if it was written all over her, the signs unmistakable. Trisha wasn't stupid.

Just before her head went below the attic floor, she looked over to where Cole still lay on the mattress and a stab of desire shot through her. She wanted to tell Trisha to go away and scramble back up the ladder. She wanted to tear at her clothes and plaster herself against his amazing body and have her wicked way with him. Oh God. This was awful. Delightfully, wickedly awful.

"Is Cole up there too?”

Alyssa jumped off the ladder and motioned for Trisha to follow her into the kitchen. She needed a drink and she needed to get herself under control before she faced her friend. Her hands plucked at her hair and her cheeks flamed with embarrassment. It had to be quite an unruly sight for Cole’s hands had been roaming all through it.

Realizing she hadn't yet answered Trish's question, she managed to mumble out a reply. “Yes, he’s helping me organize a few things.”

“He’s helping you organize a few things?” Trisha sounded somewhat skeptical and it was small wonder that she would be so. After all, she and Cole hated each other. A truce didn't change that. And it certainly wouldn't send him running to her house to help organize her attic!

Deciding it was probably best to just ignore the question, Alyssa opened her fridge and pulled out a pitcher of iced tea. If only Trisha wasn't so astute when it came to her. She grabbed a couple glasses from the strainer and proceeded to fill them. “I'm parched. It's hot as Hades up there. Do you want a drink?” She gulped down half of hers before finally turning to offer Trisha the other glass.

Trisha accepted the drink without taking her eyes off her. Speculation was in that gaze and though it made Alyssa want to squirm, she somehow managed not to visibly do so. “You look weird." Her gaze narrowed with sudden, sharp suspicion. "Are you guys fighting?”

Alyssa dropped her eyes because she wasn’t very good at hiding things from Trisha and it would only be a matter of time before she figured it out. “No, we are not fighting. I told you, he’s helping me organize.”

As if on cue, thumping noises sounded above them and they both looked up. Alyssa lifted her brow in an "I told you so" look. “I’ve been wanting to do it for a while and when Cole came by to tell me about Friday’s engagement party, I asked if he’d help.” She smiled at her friend to prove the truthfulness of her words because they were, after all, quite true. Just because she and Cole took a time-out to roll around on the mattress didn't make it any less true. So, as long as Trisha bought the story at this point and didn't ask for the rest of it, she was in the clear. With Trisha anyway. As for Cole...where did she stand with him?

Trisha studied her for a moment then nodded with a satisfied grin. “This is great, you and Cole being friendly, helping each other, spending time together.” She took another sip of her tea and leaned against the center island. “So are you going to bring a date on Friday?”

Alyssa hesitated. First off, she'd just learned about the party and secondly, well, how to answer that? She was not dating anyone. Jerry was out of the picture thanks to Cole and she was not going to go there right now or she’d start getting mad again, so … how to answer?

“Cole is bringing his latest. I think you’ve met her before. You know, the blond bombshell with a chest out to here…” Trisha put her hands far out in front of her and rolled her eyes with disdain. Since she was not overly endowed in that area, she was always quite critical of those who were.

Alyssa's stomach knotted with cold dread. Cole had a girlfriend? Then what in the hell was he doing here kissing her like he had every freedom to be doing so? The nerve of the man. As fury erased all remnants of the desire thrumming through her body, Alyssa clenched her teeth before she managed to choke out an answer. “Yes, of course I’m bringing a date.”

Trisha’s eyes narrowed with a look that told Alyssa she was about to be interrogated. “Really? Who?”

“Hey, sis.” Cole strode into the kitchen and kissed his sister on the cheek.

Alyssa knew the moment he looked in her direction but she refused to meet his gaze. She was too angry and embarrassed. How dare he kiss her like that when he had a girlfriend?

“Hey yourself.” Trisha gave her brother an enthusiastic hug. “I’m so excited to see you and Al getting along. I was shocked when I pulled into the driveway and saw your truck here.”

Cole moved to stand beside Al, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. He looked so casual, so unaffected. One would never believe that he had only moments ago been kissing her as if he couldn’t possibly get enough. “Any more of that tea?”

Aware that Trisha was watching them closely, Alyssa grabbed another glass and filled it. Although she wanted to chuck it into his face, she managed to hand it to him without meeting his eyes or making any sort of contact. She hated the prickle of heat that skimmed through her as she settled next to him, leaning against the counter for support and wishing he’d find somewhere else to stand. If only her wayward senses didn't go haywire every time he was in close proximity to her. Why couldn't she control these stupid, senseless responses? It didn't even seem to matter if she was annoyed or angry with him. One thing for sure, she wanted him gone. Now.

“So, thanks for your help with the attic, Cole. I think I can handle the rest of it from here.”

“Sure you don’t want me to stay and finish the job?”

Alyssa caught her breath. What exactly did he mean by that? Images of the pretty intense make-out session Trisha had interrupted filled her mind and heat rose up her neck. Annoyance with herself came to the rescue and she clenched her jaw. Though she wanted to grind her teeth as well, she managed not to give into the urge. It didn’t matter what he meant did it? He had a fricken girlfriend. “No, I think you’ve done enough.”

He didn’t reply to that and she couldn’t resist sneaking a peak at him. He was regarding her over the rim of his glass as he finished off the tea. Alyssa watched his Adam’s apple bob with each swallow and then he set the glass down and folded his arms. “I’m just glad I could be of service.”

Alyssa had to get away from him. This game of innuendos needed to stop. She walked across the kitchen and opened a set of French doors leading out to a brightly lit sunroom. Since it was her favorite place in the house and it usually had a calming effect on her, she figured it was the best place to go. Besides, the view would give her eyes something to focus on instead of constantly straying towards Cole. In her opinion there was no place better than her back yard. It sported a wide, lazy stream that often attracted all manner of wildlife. The tall birch and pine trees offered a majestic, cozy atmosphere and the landscaping so carefully plotted out by her grandparents was nothing short of a visual delight. In all her life, the view never failed to calm her when in a dither and she hoped it wouldn't fail her now.

“Why don’t we sit out here where it’s comfortable?” Alyssa waved a hand toward the brightly cushioned wicker furniture. "Make yourself comfortable." She looked at Trisha as she said it, pointedly ignoring Cole and hoping he got the message that she didn't particularly care about his comforts.

Trisha sank down on the rocker and waited until Alyssa settled in the chair next to her before she leaned forward to touch her arm. "You okay, Al?"

"Yes of course." Ignoring Cole who sat in the chair opposite them, Alyssa looked at her friend and managed to force her lips into a semblance of a smile. "This room just makes me think of my grandparents."

Worried that Trisha would continue to pry, Alyssa made a point of looking away. Maybe the mention of her grandparents was enough to keep the questions at bay. "Isn't it lovely?" Hoping to further distract her, Alyssa gestured with her hand. "The trees are budding and flowers are beginning to poke up everywhere. Some have even bloomed. Can you believe it? I'm hopeless with plants."

Trisha dutifully looked at the sights surrounding them. "It is lovely. I've always thought so."

Though she wanted to peek at Cole and see what he was doing, Alyssa forced herself to look anywhere but in his direction. She was almost certain he was watching her and that made her want to squirm in her seat.

When silence stretched between them, Alyssa felt compelled to break it. "Each season is cloaked in its own brand of splendor. I love the spring. If it wasn't for all the bugs, it would be my favorite time of the year."

BOOK: Tangled Up Hearts
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