Read Taming the Montana Millionaire Online

Authors: Teresa Southwick

Taming the Montana Millionaire (13 page)

BOOK: Taming the Montana Millionaire
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“Part of my charm.” At the end of the hall, he pushed the down elevator button.

“You call it charm. I say pigheaded, obstinate and inflexible.”

“Takes one to know one. And my mother calls it perseverance.” When the doors whispered open, they stepped into the car. “She always said it would be a good quality in an adult. A kid? Not so much.”

“Your mom is a smart lady.”

“I take after her.” That finally merited a smile. She'd made him work, but it was worth the reward.

There was a nice restaurant right next door and this time he didn't make the mistake of kissing her on the way. Although the memory of her response to his mouth on hers last night hinted at a more positive outcome.

They walked inside the place, which had candlelight and white tablecloths. The hostess greeted, then seated them in a quiet corner of the uncrowded dining room. It was impossible not to notice the romantic surroundings.

Haley looked beautiful in unforgiving sunshine, but by candlelight she took his breath away. Her brown hair was loose and teased her shoulders and cheeks, making him want to bury his fingers in the silky softness. This place had probably been a mistake. Somewhere called Bubba's Burgers and Beans would have been noisy and loud, not at all suited to passionate thoughts. Although he wasn't sure even that atmosphere would have completely erased his growing need to touch her.

A waitress in black pants and pristine white blouse appeared beside them. “My name is Claire and I'll be your server tonight. Can I get you a cocktail or glass of wine?”

Marlon looked at Haley and the frown told him that's where she drew the line. Fun was one thing, but keeping a clear head because of why they were here took priority.

“Iced tea for me,” he said.

“Make it two,” said Haley.

“Coming right up.” She handed them menus and left to get their drinks.

“No beer?” One corner of Haley's full mouth lifted.

“Gotta keep a clear focus. Just in case.”

The approval shining in her eyes made him feel as if he'd just gone to the head of the class. It was a potent reaction and that was dangerous. Possibly leading to promises he wasn't sure he could keep. He didn't want to risk doing anything to lead her on. There wouldn't be a repeat of not keeping his word.

He opened his menu and had to force himself to read the choices. The time for him to go back to L.A. was approaching far too quickly and it felt as if he couldn't look at her long enough. Hard enough.

“So what are you having?” he asked, not really seeing the words. He chanced a glance and she was nervously chewing on her lip. “What?”

“The prices…” She glanced up.

“I can afford it.”

“You don't have to.”

He wondered if she'd ever been to a restaurant more upscale than The Hitching Post. He doubted it. No one seemed to know if she dated. The jerk in college probably hadn't taken her anywhere fancy. This might be his only
chance to do something for the woman who took care of everyone else.

“If you don't order whatever you want, regardless of the cost, I'm getting you the most expensive dinner they have.”

Her eyes widened. “There are things listed without the cost. It says market price.”

“Live dangerously.”


He was. Just by being here. “Yeah.”

When Claire came back with drinks and said, “Are you ready to order? Or do you need a few minutes.”

“I'm ready,” Haley said. “Petite filet mignon, medium rare, with a baked potato and house salad.”

“Good choice,” said Marlon. “I'll have the same.”

“Coming right up.”

Fifteen minutes later they were digging into their meals. The pleasured expression on Haley's face was a mixed blessing. It was good to see her enjoying an experience that he took for granted. Bad because blood flow went south of his belt as thoughts of other ways to pleasure her refused to leave him alone. He was a jerk and the seventh level of hell wouldn't be low enough for him.

When she declared herself too full to eat another bite, half her steak still sat on her plate. He finished it for her.

“I had a feeling that would happen,” he said.

“Is that why you ordered the smaller cut? Because the women you take to dinner leave half of theirs?”

And just like that the sad, guarded expression was back in her eyes. Before he could ask her about it, Claire returned and they declined dessert, so she took his credit card.

“What's wrong, Haley?” he finally said.

“I was just wondering if Roy had dinner tonight.”

The “women he took to dinner” remark told him it was
more than that, but he didn't want to go there. Instead, he asked, “Why do you do that?”


“Shut down the fun. Punishing yourself doesn't do anything except make you feel sad. It doesn't change the fact that bad stuff happens and none of it is within your control.”

She slapped her cloth napkin on the table and glared. “You don't think I already know that?”

“I know you know,” he said. “More than anyone you should understand how important it is to live in the moment. You can't walk around waiting for the other shoe to fall.”

“That's easy for you to say. When you went to college, left home for the first time, no one called a few weeks later to tell you your mother was dead. You didn't have to rush home in a state of shock to a brother and sister even more traumatized than you.

“One day you're the oldest child and the next you're parenting the only family you have left in the world.” She drew in a shuddering breath. “Do you have any idea what it's like to be dumped into a responsibility that you didn't ask for and in no way deserve?”

“You did an unbelievable job,” he said sincerely.

“If that's true, I couldn't have done it without Ben Walters. He was like the father I never had.”

“Even more than you know.”

“What does that mean?” she demanded. “Why don't you like him?”

“I think you've got that reversed.”

He hadn't meant to say anything to her, but couldn't be sorry he had. It was important before he left to let her know that when he'd said he was going to call her, he'd fully intended to do just that. He needed her to know that
he wasn't a heartless player, that she was wrong when she'd mocked his commitment capability. He wanted to clear the air.

“Six years ago I kissed you at the football carnival and told you I'd call. Somehow Ben Walters found out.” He shrugged. “No secrets in a small towns.”

“I don't understand.”

“Ben warned me to stay away from you. That you weren't my type and he wasn't too old to make me sorry if I hurt you.”

“Ben threatened you?”

“It was a guy thing. And he was right to do it.” Marlon watched her jaw drop. “For what it's worth, recently he told me he was wrong about me.”

“I never knew that.” Surprise chased the sadness from her eyes. “All this time I've been thinking the worst about you.”

“So what you said about commitment not being one of my strengths…” he teased.

“I'm sorry.”

He wasn't looking for an apology, just clarification. And he definitely didn't want to make her feel bad. “Please don't look like that. I just thought you should know why I didn't call back then. I didn't mean to hurt you.”

And if there was a God in heaven he wouldn't hurt her now. Or ever.

“I believe that,” she said. “But it happened. And that wasn't the worst. It's hard for me to live in the moment, let my guard down and have fun. Taking a chance, moving forward…that hasn't worked out so well for me—”

Her voice broke and her lips trembled. She put her hand over her mouth, looking completely destroyed by the collapse of her composure. Without another word, she stood up and hurried out of the restaurant.

Marlon quickly signed the credit card receipt Claire had unobtrusively slipped on the table, then followed Haley. He couldn't stand to see her look like that.

But it was worse to stand back and do nothing. She wasn't alone; he was there. The least he could do was hold her while she cried.

Chapter Thirteen

aley wasn't sure how she managed to find her way to her room, what with tears blurring her eyes. But she did, and stopped outside her door, fumbling in her jeans pocket for the card key.

It had been six years since her mother died. She'd managed to get everything under control.
was under control, always. So, what had made her melt down like that after so long? Why tonight?

Why with Marlon?

Just thinking his name brought a fresh wave of emotion and she couldn't see to get her key in the slot. It didn't help that her hand was shaking.

“Damn it,” she said brokenly.


She'd felt him behind her even before he'd spoken. All
she wanted was to be alone and have her little scene in the privacy of her room.

“Please go away.” Was that too much to ask?

“I can't leave you like this.”

Apparently it was. “I'm fine.”

“All evidence to the contrary. What's wrong?”

Too much to put into words. How could she tell him that she'd lost it because the future couldn't include him when they both wanted different things?

Just like that a fresh wave of tears trickled down her cheeks and she pressed a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob.

“Nothing's wrong.”

“I don't believe you.” His hands on her shoulders turned her. “Come here.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pressed her close. She rested her cheek on his chest, comforted by the steady beat of his heart, the warmth of his body.

“Don't cry, Haley. We'll find Roy.”

“I know.”

It was easier to let him think that was the problem than explain she wasn't as selfless as he thought. This emotion was all about her. “I didn't mean to spoil the evening. You didn't need to follow me back.”

But she couldn't manage to be sorry that he had.

“I can't stand to see you so upset. I had to make sure you were okay or do something to fix it.”

“Stand down.” She sniffled. “I'll dry.”

He backed her up a step and looked down. “Promise?”


They stared at each other for several moments and she knew the exact moment he went from comfort mode to something else entirely. His brown eyes darkened and a muscle in his jaw tensed.

“You need to go in your room.” His voice was deep, dangerous.

In a brief, blinding flash of clarity she knew that this was one of those turning points in life. A place where choices happened along with regrets. She could choose to live and look back with pride or duck and run and be sorry about it for the rest of her days. Was it only last night that she'd planned to go to his room and take the step? Fate had given her a second chance and she couldn't throw it away.

“No,” she said. “Take me to your room.”

Surprise jumped into his eyes, but the darkness was back a moment later. “That's a bad idea.”

“Then you don't want me?” The brazen words were out and she couldn't believe she'd actually said it.

“I wouldn't say it like that.”

“Then how would you say it?”

He shook his head. “Don't look at me like that.”

“How?” she asked.

“Like I yanked the funding on your project. I'm trying to be a gentleman and it's not easy.”

“Why isn't it easy?”

“Oh, God—” He swallowed hard. “Because you're beautiful. The feel of you— Your skin is— So soft. You've completely destroyed the sliver of self control I've managed to retain until this second.”

Her heart pounded and her spirit soared. She'd made him feel like this? “Really?”

“Hell, yes. I want you more than I've ever wanted any woman in my life.”

“I want you, too.” She heard his sigh of surrender and knew she'd won.

Like a gunslinger pulling a six-shooter from a holster, suddenly his card key was in his hand and a second later the door to his room was open. Flipping the switch, he led
her inside as the entry lit up. The door had barely closed before she was in his arms with his mouth on hers.

Haley slid her arms around his neck and pressed against him. The muscles in her legs were going lax and she hung on for all she was worth. Marlon's kiss was filled with hunger and any insecurity she once had disappeared as instinct and need took over.

His tongue traced the seam of her lips and she gladly opened to him. When he swept inside and boldly claimed her, the tempo of her breathing increased. The moan of need in her chest refused to be contained and the sound of it fueled the tension in his body as his hands seemed to explore everywhere. He caressed her back, curved his fingers at her hips to pull her against his hardness. Sliding his palms up above her waist, he stopped and brushed his thumbs over her breasts, making her nipples erect and sensitive.

She wanted him to touch her bare skin, ached to feel her breasts in his palms. As if he could read her mind, he tugged at the hem of her T-shirt, pulling it up and over her head. With a flick of his fingers, her bra loosened and he slid the straps down her arms before dropping it on the floor.

And then he was holding her in his hands and the feeling was too wonderful. Blood pounded through her veins and between her thighs, a steady throbbing started.

“Oh, Haley,” he breathed. “You're so beautiful.”

She closed her eyes and drew in a shuddering breath. “That feels so good.”

Such an inadequate word.

Especially when he lowered his head to her right breast and took it in his mouth. The sensation was like a jolt of sensuous electricity when he flicked his tongue over the tip. She thought the pleasure was too much to bear until
he turned his attention to the left side. Unable to restrain the tension building inside her, she nearly whimpered with need.

Marlon straightened and looked at her, his eyes burning with passion. His chest was rising and falling fast and furiously. He took her hand and led her to the side of the bed.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.


That was all he needed to hear before sweeping aside the quilt, blanket and sheet in one move. She toed off her sneakers as he unfastened the button on her jeans and slid them down with her panties. Embarrassment and shyness threatened until he dragged his shirt off. The sight of his naked chest, the contour of muscle, stole the breath from her lungs. Then he kissed her and they were skin to skin from the waist up. Shyness disappeared as the exquisite intimacy set fire to her blood.

He pulled back reluctantly and reached into his jeans' pocket for his wallet. Reaching inside with two fingers, he pulled out a square packet and set it on the nightstand. Protection. Thank goodness he'd remembered because she hardly knew her own name.

Then his heated gaze settled on her face as he unfastened his jeans and pushed them down and away. She barely had time to admire the strength of his body, the muscular arms and legs, before he easily lifted her into his arms and settled her in the center of the big bed.

Before she had a chance to get cold, he was beside her, sliding an arm beneath her and pulling her close. He cupped her cheek in his palm and kissed her. With his teeth, tongue and touch, he stoked the fire inside her. He dragged his hand over her breast and down her belly. With one finger he parted the folds of her femininity, then entered her,
preparing her. His thumb brushed over the bundle of nerves coiled at the juncture of her thighs and it was like the best electrical shock she'd ever had. The jolt nearly brought her up off the bed.

But that was just the beginning. He began to stroke her—over and over—building the pressure. She writhed, unable to hold still. Her hips lifted, seeking, as the throbbing in her center grew unbearable. And then there was an explosion of pleasure like a nuclear blast. Wave after wave shuddered through her and Marlon tenderly held her until it was over.

“Oh, my God—”

He smiled. “Yeah.”

Words could never describe such a feeling. Finally, she understood what all the fuss was about. Her next thought was that she didn't know it all because she was still a virgin. Before she could figure out how to phrase a question, he was reaching for the condom he'd put on the nightstand.

After covering himself, he gathered her into his arms and whispered against her hair, “You're even more passionate and responsive than I imagined.”

She was stunned that he'd thought about her like this.

“You imagined me?”

“After that first kiss.” He grinned. “It made me wonder. You were so quiet and shy in high school. But just that once, I felt something.”


If only she'd known he noticed her. The revelation made her daring and she lifted a hand to his neck, then slid her fingers into the hair at his nape. Pulling him down, she settled her lips on his and felt his breathing quicken, his heart pound. He rolled over her, bracing his weight on his forearms as he nudged her thighs apart with his knee.

“Put your legs around me.” There was an intensity in his husky voice, an urgency in his movements.

She did as he asked, anxious now to take the final step, know this last secret. She felt him push into her and braced herself. When he thrust gently, there was a sharp pain when the resistance was gone. But she felt him tense.

He froze for a moment, confused. “Haley?”

“Don't stop,” she whispered, holding him fast. “Please.”

The discomfort faded and then she wrapped her legs more securely around him, drawing him in deeper. He groaned and his hips started to move. In moments, his body went completely still, then tensed as he cried out with pleasure. She held him tight as release surged through him. Now that she knew the awesomeness of the sensation, she smiled. Her heart soared at the wonder of giving him that. When he lifted his head, she dropped her arms. He rolled out of bed, then grabbed his pants from the floor before disappearing into the bathroom.

Her body was a little sore in the best possible way and she had a flash of insight. Sex didn't make her a woman. It just made her glory in being one.

Unfortunately, the glow only lasted until Marlon came back and handed her the hotel robe that had been hanging in his closet. “We need to talk.”

Not the words she'd wanted to hear. It couldn't be a good sign. “Okay.”

While she slid her arms into the sleeves and tied the robe around her waist, he turned his back. But when he spoke, she didn't have to see his face to know he was upset.

“You're a virgin?”

“Not anymore.” She turned on the nightstand light.

He whirled around. “Did it occur to you at any point that it was information I should have?”

“No.” She leaned against the headboard. “It's kind of a catch twenty-two. I didn't know what you needed to know because I'd never done it before.”

“You're twenty-four years old. How is that possible?”

“Life intervened. I got busy. And my mom always told me not to rush into sex because there's only one first time and it should be special.”

He winced. “If I'd known, I would have made it special.”

“It was,” she protested. “I'm glad it was you. I really wanted you to be the one.”

“The one?”
He couldn't have looked more surprised if she'd slapped him.

“You said yourself there was something simmering between us.”

“Yeah.” Regret shadowed every angle of his face. “And I was stupid for saying that. I was doing my damnedest to resist temptation—”

“I'm glad you didn't.” That was an attempt to tease him out of this severe mood, but the muscle jerking in his cheek told her she'd failed.

“It's no use, Haley. Maybe if I were a different man…”

“Shouldn't that be my call?”

“How can you make the right one? You have nothing to compare.”

She stood up and walked over to him, close enough to feel the anger rolling off him and let him feel hers. “Sex is just a physical act. The fact that it's my first time doesn't mean I don't know my own mind. I know who I like and don't like. I've been around.”

“So have I. Enough to know I'm not good enough for you. I'm not the right guy. I can't be what you need.”

The words pierced her heart and drew blood. It was vital
that she be alone when the pain of it hit. Without a word, she grabbed up her clothes. She'd waited to be with a man, wanting it to feel right. And it had. So wonderful, so right. And she hated that Marlon thought it was wrong. But
was wrong. A woman who'd saved herself for the right man shouldn't feel as if she'd made a mistake.

Haley wasn't sure how she managed to find her way to the door connecting their rooms. Even more surprising was how she held back the tears. But they didn't fall until she'd made it safely to her side and was alone. They fell
she was alone and always would be.


The next morning Haley bought a cup of coffee and a scone from the Starbucks next door to the hotel. She was steering clear of Marlon. Her eyes were swollen and achy from crying, but that wasn't the reason for her evasive actions.

What was she going to say to him about last night?

In her fantasy of first-time sex, cuddling afterward had been a component. Followed closely by falling asleep wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Her anxiety about the scenario had been more in the nature of what to do about morning breath.

Physically, she was a little sore and couldn't help being glad of the proof that she was no longer pure as the driven snow. If she'd told him, what would he have done to make it different? Most likely he'd have sent her away.

With no clear answer to the questions, she walked back to the hotel and through the Western-themed lobby. To her left was the registration desk, a replica of a saloon bar with brass foot rail. The ceiling was made of natural pine open beams and there was a river rock fireplace in the corner. A leather couch and two wing chairs formed a conversation area around it. On the coffee table stood a metal sculpture
of horse and rider. Somehow the artist had managed to convey the illusion of motion, of racing across the plains.

BOOK: Taming the Montana Millionaire
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