Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5) (10 page)

BOOK: Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5)
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“Oh shit.” Grai said as he sat heavily in a chair and put his head in his hands before a thought occurred to him.


“Is…?” Grai began to ask when Lara/Abexis interrupted.


“No, Tristan’s mate is not laustio. However, she is a hybrid. If I’m not mistaken, she is a hybrid of two hybrids?” Lara said, turning to Amun for confirmation.


Amun cleared his throat. “Yes, she is the product of two hybrids. And the tests confirmed the presence of a Prime beast in the older child.”


Lara smiled before turning to Jax. “The baby, as you know, has your gift. Melina… well Melina has many gifts. Some will bring you challenges, others pride, but I promise all will bring you joy. If you allow it.” Lara said to Jax as she squeezed her hands gently in her own, sending her waves of patience and calming energy.


Lara gave Jax one last smile before moving to Viper who held the door open for his mate. She turned back one more time.


“The children have given you the highest honor by choosing you to be their parents. If you cannot be what they need, they can and will choose others who will be.” Lara said warningly before leaving the room.


Amun looked around and realized he didn’t need to be there anymore. “Well… I don’t think there is much more that I can add to that other than they will awaken soon. Melina’s voice will be rough at first, and her throat may be a little sore if she talks a lot. If you need me, you can reach me at any time.” Amun said before scurrying out of the door. He had no desire to be anywhere near that room if Reven, Jax and Grai decided to fight over the children.


“I believe my charge is waking up, and I probably should go and keep him occupied for a little while.” David said as he slipped out of the door behind Amun.


Grai lifted his head to see Reven and Jax glaring at him, and he sighed. “I have no intention of taking them from you. They have chosen you, and I will honor their wishes. Traze and David will be sent… I don’t know where right now, but they will be sent elsewhere while you try to become a family.”


“I’m sure you can agree that Tristan is harmless to the baby and there is no need for him to be moved. At some point, we have to discuss Traze… and Tristan, but I think that can wait for the time being. It is more important that your new family bond.”


“I have sent word for baby and teen furniture to be delivered to Jax’s cabin for the children. I assumed since Reven’s place is only two bedrooms that you would choose to stay at Jax’s. If you decide the place is not large enough for your new family, see Frankie in Housing, and she can help you find what you need.”


Grai paused as if he wanted to say more, shook his head, and then walked silently out of the door leaving Jax and Reven alone with the children.


It was then, in the silence of the room, that it finally hit Jax. “Holy shit! We have children. We can’t even stand each other, and we have children! What the fuck are we supposed to do? Do you even know how to take care of a baby? I don’t even think I’ve ever held one that small! Have you? Do you know what to do?” Jax said rapidly as her lungs tried to gulp in the much-needed air.


Reven saw her start to hyperventilate and moved quickly to help her sit down and put her head between her legs.   


“It’s all right. Just breathe. How hard can it be?” Reven said, thinking of the happy, smiling children of the other hybrids.


The look Jax gave him, told him how stupid she thought he was. Shaking off her doubts, Reven grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside Jax’s.


“Think about it. We are two well-trained and skilled warriors, it sure as hell, can’t be any more difficult than battle.” Reven said, confident that between the two of them, they could be great parents.


“Oh for fuck’s sake Reven! What delusion are you living in? Lara’s right! We can’t stand each other enough to stay in the same room together for any length of time, and you think we can be parents? Together?” Jax said standing up and pacing the room in frustration as reality began to set in.


Reven sighed. “As always, you’re only looking at the down side of the plan instead of the positives.”


Jax erupted. “Positives? What the hell is positive about screwing this up and harming them forever? Leaving lasting emotional and psychological scars that will never heal! How can you possibly be so stupid and blind that you don’t see the potential damage we could do?”


Reven stood and faced Jax, getting angry. “Because I choose to see that the good can outweigh the bad if you focus on that instead of obsessing over the possibility of failure!”


Jax turned on Reven and stood toe to toe, straining her neck to glare into his stormy blue eyes. “And while you live in your delusional rose-colored world, real damage can be done because you refuse to see the bad and try to avoid it or lessen it!”


“Don’t give me that shit! You’re scared! That’s why you see only the bad and expect the worst! You refuse to see that this could be good. For all of us. You’re afraid to be happy!” Reven accused, his voice rising with each sentence.


He saw Jax getting ready to go off on him at the same time he saw the girls begin to stir as if awakening. He only had seconds to act, and he didn’t waste any of them. Swooping down he pulled Jax into his arms, her mouthed opened in surprise and Reven sealed his lips to hers, effectively silencing her.


Jax felt like her whole body was vibrating with energy. The heat of Reven’s soft lips, the feel of his body pressed so tightly to hers was beyond anything she had ever thought it would be. It felt like every cell in her body was electrified by his touch.


She relaxed into his arms, responding without even thinking about it, instinctually opening herself up to him as her body had wanted to do from the first. His hand snaked into her hair, holding her head in place as his tongue swept inside of her mouth, commanding and demanding she respond. And she did.


Her body ignited, clutching his shoulders; Jax pressed herself closer to his hard body as her tongue danced with his. Reven’s hand moved down to cup her ass and keep her in his arms, and she used it as an excuse to get closer as she wrapped her legs around his waist.


Jax could only assume it was their heavy breathing, or the buzzing sound in her body that prevented them from hearing the girls awaken. She was embarrassed to guess how long they’d been watching their display before the baby giggled happily and brought them to their senses.


At the sound of her giggle, she and Reven jumped apart guiltily, each trying to calm their breathing as they avoided eye contact with one other. Jax couldn’t figure out who was more stunned, Reven, the kids or herself. They all looked at each other pretty wide-eyed.


Reven looked up into shocked pale blue eyes and felt terrible. The first time he finally gets to kiss his beautiful mate, and it had to be in front of two scared little girls. He felt like kicking himself, but instead tried to recover the situation as best as he could.


“Hey! You’re awake! The doctor said you, and your sister are going to be fine. He fixed your voice, but you have to be careful for a few days; it may be a little sore. Ok?” Reven said gently, moving to stand in front of Jax. He noticed that she seemed to be having a harder time shaking it off and for some reason, that made him swell with pride and grin like a fool.


When Melina just continued to stare at him wide-eyed, Reven continued. “You are in a place called Dillon, Texas. Our people, ones like us, have a home here. We brought you and your sister so you would be safe among those like you. Would you like to see it all?” Reven asked, seeing the flicker in her eyes at the mention of looking around.


When Jax finally appeared by his side, he glanced down and noticed the smile she had pasted on her face. One look at the adorable toddler holding her arms out for Jax, quickly turned the smile into a genuine one.


Jax beamed at Melina before asking her permission, unwilling to upset the little girl. “May I please hold her?”


Melina stared into the baby’s eyes for a few minutes before releasing a heavy sigh and nodding. Jax knew that she was speaking to the baby through the Shengari’. It didn’t surprise her in the least that the mental abilities of the hybrid children far outpaced the physical limitations of a child’s body. She had no doubt the baby could speak very clearly in her mind.


Reaching down she gently pulled the little girl into her arms and settled her on her hip. “Hi little one! Are you feeling better too?” Jax asked the little girl, not expecting a reply.


The baby giggled happily and patted Jax’s cheeks with wet, slimy fingers. Normally that would have really grossed Jax out, but she only grinned stupidly at the adorable child whose grin was infectious.


“Are you ready to go? It’s getting late so there isn’t much going on, but we can still show you around the area.” Reven said as he held his arm open towards the door to encourage Melina to stop huddling on the bed in uncertainty.


“You want to see outside don’t you baby girl?” Jax said to the baby as she nuzzled her neck. Without waiting for Reven, she headed out of the door knowing Melina would follow to ensure her sister was safe.


She turned in the hangar to give a satisfied smirk to Reven before looking at Melina, who was following close to him. “This is obviously where we keep the Valendran and Tezarian space craft. I know that is probably a little shocking to you, but you’re a big girl, and you should be treated like one.”


She sent a defiant look to Reven when he looked to interrupt and continued. “Some of us, like this precious girl.” Jax said tickling the baby’s belly.


“Are half human and half-Valendran. Or lost souls or Prime, like you. We’re a mix of a lot of different things. Just like the humans. There’s one thing we all have in common though.” Jax said stopping and turning to face the stunned girl. She waited until she knew she had the girl’s attention before continuing.


“We protect each other. Always. We never leave a friend behind, and we take care of each other. You and your sister are now included in that. You’re one of us. Do you understand?” Jax asked, looking into the girl’s intelligent eyes as she nodded.


Jax twirled around causing the baby to giggle before heading back to the elevator. She stepped inside and grinned at Reven when Melina didn’t hesitate to get in with them.


“There’s plenty of time to learn about all that stuff later though. For now, we’ll start with basics. I’m Jaxson Andronatof, and this is Reven Debreskii. What is this adorable girl’s name?” Jax asked as she made faces at the baby to make her giggle.


“Bay…” The girl began then cleared her throat and looked at the floor. “Bay…la.”


“Oh!” Jax said dramatically to the baby. “That is such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl! Now what is your name honey?” Jax asked the girl, keeping her eyes on the baby so the girl would feel more comfortable.


“Me…lina.” The girl said softly.


Reven grinned as he held the elevator door open for them as they exited. “You have a wonderful voice Melina. Do you know your last name? Or Bayla’s?” He asked gently as the girl followed Jax and the baby out of the door that led to the parking lot.


The girl shook her head as she looked around with her mouth slightly open in surprise.  


“It’s a beautiful view isn’t it?” Reven asked with a smile, seeing how it looked through her eyes.


The moon was hanging low over the opposite mountain making it appear to be resting on it while the stars shone brightly in the clear night sky. Below them was a picturesque town, brightly lit with streetlights through the town and bright spots of light scattered throughout the woods and trees denoting homes, parks, schools and businesses.

BOOK: Taming Jax (First Wave Book 5)
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