Read Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) Online

Authors: Rayne O'Gara

Tags: #bbw fiction, #bbw adult romance, #bbw romance, #bbw and detective

Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)
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“Please, Luc, please,” she begs me in a whisper.

Her hand rubs my face stubble and up into my hair to clench at my hair. The friction of our sweaty bodies together starts a burn deep in my stomach signaling my impending orgasm. Erotic slapping noises from the force of my hip thrusts fills the air around us. Her nails dig into the muscles in my back, making me ache in pleasure pain, penetrating her even deeper.

Her moans overtake the thumping of her headboard against the wall as she climbs higher.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me. I wanna feel it,” I encourage her.

Harmony’s back arches and displays her breasts to my hungry eyes. My mouth latches onto her left nipple and I suck it in deep. I bite down on the plumb nub, which is the final string and she snaps. Her juices drench me as she comes hard, screaming my name and constricting my cock, sending me into my own release.

“Fuck, baby, I’m coming!” I growl down to her.

“Yes, yes, Luc!”

My thrusts become frantic as I empty myself spurt after spurt into her still spasming body.

My arms start to shake at the force of my orgasm. Not able to hold up my body weight any longer, I collapse, but I make sure to roll onto my side away from her. Our heavy breathing slows as our bodies cool and return to earth. Untucking the blankets, I wrap us up into a cocoon of sorts and pull her back tightly against my chest, tangling our legs together. With my arms around her ‘made for me’ body, I drop a kiss behind her ear.

“Sleep, baby,” I whisper.

Talking can wait for tomorrow.

I wait until the rise and fall of her chest becomes even and deep before slipping into oblivion with her.

Chapter Eight





A loud slam wakes me from an incredible dream. Moving the covers from my head I look over and peek at my digital clock. Wow, she’s early. Dammit but I don’t want to get up, I want to fall back asleep.

“It was such a good dream,” I sigh out loud.

The bed under me moves and sways. My eyes pop back open when a large warm arm drapes across my stomach. Morning stubble scratches in an oh so good way across my bare shoulder followed by warm breath and lips.

“Was I in it?” a sleep roughed voice purrs in my ear, sending goose bumps all over my skin.

Luc! It wasn’t a dream. Wow, he really is that good. Remembering last night sends my body into overdrive. I shift my body until we’re face to face. I slowly bring up my hand to caress his morning rough cheek. Heated brown eyes watch mine as I take in his tanned skin against my paleness. The contrast is so beautiful.

“Morning, baby,” Luc whispers.

Lifting himself up onto his elbow, he slowly leans in. His tempting lips rub gently over mine once, twice.

“Harm! You up, babe!? I’m in need of some serious girl talk, wake up!”

I jerk back away from him. Oh my God, I forgot she was here! His puzzled expression shutters when I scramble, trying to get out of the vine-like sheets that were only moments ago a safe haven.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.”

“Harmony, calm down.”

Finally wrestled free, I turn back to the naked Greek god in my mussed bed, lounging like he had no care in the world.

“Get. Up. Get. Dressed,” I hiss quietly.

I snatch my robe off the door hook and tug the belt into a knot tightly. Spying his discarded clothes at the foot of my bed, I wad them up in a handful and throw them at his head. He catches the pants with an outstretched arm but his shirt smacks him in the face.

“Hold on, Bronnie! I’ll be out in a second, just let me dress,” I yell through the closed door.

“Why so shy all of a sudden, babe?” Bronwyne asks as she opens the door and walks in without a care.

I’m so sunk.

“Oh…that’s why,” she mumbles with eyes wide as dinner plates.

I follow her horrified, but intrigued, gaze over to Luc’s still relaxed body and still shirt covered face. His tight chest and stomach flex and move in an almost ripple done just to tease us, I know he’s doing that on purpose. The white sheet barely covers the apex of his thighs where a lump forms and starts to grow rapidly.

“Oh, oh. I...I’ll be in the…um yeah,” a red-faced Bronnie eeks out before whirling and practically running away, slamming the door behind her.

Deep muffled chuckles pull my gaze away from the door back to him just in time to see him toss the shirt away to the floor.

“You’re a dead man,” I snap. My anger level is so high I am near combustion.

“Hush, baby. Come here.” His finger crooks at me and my knees go weak. I should be mad as hell. I should yell and kick him out for good. But the pull he has over my body won’t be denied. I know how well he plays me, and damn if I don’t want to experience it again and forget everyone else. My feet shuffle forward while my brain works. His arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back down into bed. A quick roll has him covering my body from toes to chest, pinning my arms above my head with his own. No chance of escape.

Do I want to escape?

“Don’t look at me like that,” he whispers.

“Like what?”

“Like you’re hungry and I’m the buffet. Any other time I would grab up the whip cream and say ‘
buon appetito
’ but not with your sister down the hall waiting for you to have some ‘girl talk’.

Oh shit. Bronnie. Why do I keep forgetting that she’s here!?

“Go take a shower, relax a little, then come out and I’ll have breakfast ready.”

“What!? No. You can’t stay. You have to leave. Like get dressed and run out the door.”

The anger clouds over his face at my words. Jaw tense, the muscles move and I hear the grind of his teeth.

“Are you ashamed of what we did?”

“Ah,” I sigh out.

Am I?

“Was it just a mistake to you, Harmony?”

Was it?

I can’t think with him touching me. I don’t know! Should it have been? Was I stupid to trust him?

“Am I now your dirty little secret? Call and fuck for a good time then toss me out the window when someone might see us together?” Luc snarls in my face.

The pain in his eyes has my throat clog and words escape me.
That’s not what this is!
I want to shout.
I don’t think of you like that!
But nothing was said. I was released from his grasp just as fast as I found myself in it. With fast and angry movements out of bed and into his clothes, Luc turns to glare at me with his hand on the doorknob.

“You know,
is a good nickname for you. Does you justice.” Running his hand through his dark mussed hair, he pauses like there is something more he wants to say, but he just shakes his head and leaves my bedroom.

The slam of the front door has me jump in my seated position on the bed, still staring into the hallway where he disappeared. Warm tears trickle down my rounded cheeks to fall on the tops of my exposed breasts. I look down at the salty drops. Why does him leaving hurt this much? This is for the best…right?

“Harmony?” My sister’s soft voice announces her presence.

“Yeah?” I croak out, my throat even tighter than before. When she sees the tears in my eyes and on my face, she rushes over. Placing the cup of coffee she has in her hand on my side table, she wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls me in close against her.

“What he do, babe?”

I shake my head. I pull back from her just as she hands me a tissue from the same side table now holding her coffee. Wiping my face and a quick nose blow, I look back to her worried face. I don’t think I’ve ever acted like this before. I’ve always been the strong one. The one to hold her when a man messed with her. I am not sure I like this turnabout. I don’t like to be weak. Weakness gets you hurt.

“It wasn’t him, Bronnie,” I say in full honesty. “He was going to cook us breakfast.” My voice growing stronger with each word, “I made him go. It was my fault,” I admit.

“If it was your fault then why were you crying? You rarely cry.”

“It was the right thing to do. We can’t have a relationship. I thought for a moment…but no. It’s best this way.”

“For who?” she snorts. “For him when he stomped out of here pissed off like a wet cat? Or you in here crying because you think you’ve lost him?”


“Did you see who he was, Bronnie?”

“Yeah. Luc’s a great guy, I don’t understand. You two have been circling each other for years. I honestly thought it would have been sooner.”

Okay, again…what!?

“But what about Dad? Luc works for him”

“Seriously, Harm? You think he’s blind? He gave you less time than I did. He says you show your stubbornness,” she answers with a smile. “But Dad can’t be the real reason. You’re scared.” When I make a motion to interrupt, she shakes her head and continues, “No, I know that’s what’s going on. I know the signs. Jesus, I exude fear. But you’re not me so I also understand how upset that makes you.”

Is that it? Am I afraid? Not of him. I know he would never hurt me physically, but mentally? Yes…he could destroy me.

“Fear is not insurmountable. I’m just not strong enough to overcome it…but you are.” Her light gray eyes shining with belief and hope at me.

Can I push past this and embrace what Luc offers? Luc’s words come back to me from the night before and he’s right. I need to try to see a relationship with him not in a bad future but an optimistic one.

“I need a really good apology.”

“An epic one,” she agrees, nodding her head.

“An epically epic one,” I chuckle.

“You said it, sister. Now let’s get some breakfast. I’m starving and we lost the super hottie who was going to cook for us. I sure as heck ain’t doin’ it.” Bronwyne laughs and stands up.

“Um, can I get dressed first maybe?” I say sarcastically, in a non-mean way.

“I guess,” she sighs long and loudly, pointing to her own generous curves. “But hurry. I’m gunna shrivel up and blow away,” then bursts into laughter after a not very good attempt at keeping a straight face. “And maybe a shower? You have dreadful sex hair.”

“How do you know what that looks like?” I ask.

“Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t know what just-had-all-night-long-awesome-sex hair looks like, I’m not an idiot.”

Her long floor length gypsy skirt swishes as she walks away. With a flick of her brown and blue hair and sparkling nose ring she’s gone, leaving me to my privacy.

Jumping into the shower and setting a record, I leave my hair wet and go to get dressed. The best thing about short hair is little prepare time. A quick hand tousle and I’m good to go, today at least. Forgetting about make-up for the day, I slide into a pair of ass hugging jeans and a loose white blouse with an elastic waist. I love clothing that extenuates my assets. I may be ‘bigger than average’, okay, a lot bigger, but I love my body and I am not ashamed to wear what I like. I keep trying to rub off my philosophy to Bronnie but she’s just not ready to go there yet. A work in progress.

Seeing me in the hallway, Bronnie jumps off the barstool and grabs her purse from my couch.

“About time, let’s go!” she says enthusiastically. I barely have time to slip on my black ballet flats before my upper arm is in her grip and I’m whisked away out of the door.

Thankfully the diner we frequent is open early and only a few blocks away from my place. We make good time and are seated instantly into a side booth with the tabletop between us. No need to look at the menus, we already know what we want and order with our drinks. The sun streams through the window and warms my face. The slow hustle and bustle noises soothe me and I drift further into my mind.

“So have a plan yet?”

“Huh?” I ask distracted.

She snickers and I focus on her intensely.

“Do you. Have a. Plan yet?” she reiterates slowly.

Not trying to even pretend I don’t know what plan she talks of, I shake my head.

“Well, if you tell me what you fought over…maybe I can help?”

There’s my soft-hearted sister. She never likes to see people hurt or sad. Always tries to do everything in her power to help. Like she did with me. I love her so much and worry about her so much at the same time.



“Yeah. I don’t know what I’m going to do or say,” I answer and thank the waitress for bringing our drinks. Unwrapping my straw, I start to play with my floating ice.

“He thinks I used him. That he is my dirty little secret.”

A shocked gasp comes from Bronnie.

“And what did you say to that?”


“What!? But that’s not true. Why say nothing? Why make him believe it’s the truth?”

“I didn’t mean to,” I groan out. “His words took me by surprise. I just couldn’t spit out my own words. Now he hates me. I really was a complete and total bitch to him this time…and I didn’t even mean to.”

BOOK: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)
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