Taking Whatever He Wants: The Cline Brothers of Colorado (6 page)

BOOK: Taking Whatever He Wants: The Cline Brothers of Colorado
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Chapter 8

I craved her, but I had to hold it together. I didn’t plan to stay in this house one more night. For some reason, they kept us in separate bedrooms. One day was too much for me. It was like being separated by an ocean. I didn’t like her stepfather one bit, something about him said that he was a creep and the mother was a pathetic mess. Her accident wasn’t as bad as they had played it. Sonya told me all about the call she received after I left. Then, she got here, and well, it was as if they were looking for a free servant. And her stepfather was looking like he wanted something else.

“Babe, get your shit together. We’re leaving,” I said after dinner.

“What?! I’m not leaving yet. I promised another week.” I knew this fight was going to happen, but I promised I wouldn’t hurt her so I needed to shield her feelings as best as I could.

“I can’t have sex with you here. If we go to a hotel you can come visit every day, but with them being like they are I’m forced to sleep in another room.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Then, if you feel the same way, why not just leave?” I asked. There was constant tension between her and her mother that I didn’t understand until the butler let me in on a little family secret. Let’s just say, if I ever saw her first stepfather, he’d be a dead man. The reaction from her mother disgusted me. She ran away from me to comfort that shrew of a woman? She wasn’t a shrew; she was worse. Mrs. Ingles was a vile woman with a selfish streak a mile wide.

“You’re right. We should just go.” She nodded her head and walked to the dresser where her things were stored. Immediately, Sonya grabbed a handful of clothes and set them on the bed.

“That was easy.” I thought it was going to be a bigger deal, but then again I didn’t feel any love lost between mother and daughter.

She pulled the suitcase from the closet and looked me in the eyes with a smile on her face. It wasn’t a smile that reached her eyes; something was bothering her. “I just want to be alone with you and away from them.”

“Let me ask you this, Sonya. Has he hit on you this whole time?” She froze in her spot and I knew I was right, but I didn’t like it. What else had he done? I’d kill him if it was more than the flirting.

“No. It’s everyone once and a while, but it’s not like he’s serious. It’s a creepy but harmless way, if you get me.” She offered an explanation that I still didn’t care for. He was an old pervert looking to cash in on years of marriage to that old bag.

“No. I don’t get you. There’s nothing harmless when a grown man who’s supposed to be your father figure is hitting on you. I saw what happened at dinner. If you didn’t think I saw that accidental brush of your hand, you were wrong, honey.”

“I’m sorry. I thought when you got here that it would stop, but it’s like he wants the risk of you catching him. I’ve told him that I want nothing to do with him.”

“So then why did you stay?” I had to ask the question that popped into my head.

“Because I had nowhere else to go and my mom said she wanted to make things right between us.” That was what I get for asking a question that I shouldn’t have. It was my fault she stayed here. If anything, I would have come with her and we would have left after one night. Then again, she was trying to build a relationship with her shitty mother.

“And you weren’t sure if leaving was worth losing your relationship?”

She finished zippering her suitcase, looking up at me sweetly. “Yes, but it really hasn’t been worth it. I’m glad you came for me.”

“So am I. Now, let’s go and get a room and plan this out.”

“Don’t you have to get back to work soon? Jack told me that you guys are always busy.”

“Yeah, I do, but he’s got it together for right now. He’s really smart about the scheduling and planning the guys’ projects. He makes my day a lot easier. Truthfully, he’s been taking over a lot since I fucked up with you. I’ve been working and working for hours at the shop, but on the motorcycles only.”

“I’m so sorry that you had to suffer, too. Let’s not dwell on it. We’re together now, and I think that’s all that matters.”

“Damn right, babe,” I said. She had the right idea and I couldn’t wait to show her my appreciation for her willingness to forgive. Pulling her tightly into my arms, I kissed her softly. A damn knock at the door interrupted our kiss. I closed my eyes and rested my chin on her head for a moment. I was stiff as fuck and needed to calm down before the door was opened.

“I have to get it before someone just comes in.” She truly seemed concerned about that and it ticked me the fuck off. Nobody should be coming in uninvited.

“Is that typical?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Not really, but it’s happened once or twice.”

“That’s once or twice too many.” I stepped away from her and to the door. Placing my hand on the handle, I felt the ease of it opening because it was being opened from the opposite side. Fucking asshole.

“Excuse the fuck out of you. What are you doing walking up in here?”

“I was making sure you weren’t in here.”

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish or something? You stay the fuck away from her.” I closed the door in his face. “Grab your other things or I’ll just buy you new shit.”

I opened the door again and he was still standing there looking shocked as fuck, but hell if I cared. I couldn’t believe that he was that brazen. Taking her hand in mine and her suitcase in the other, we left out of the place.

We walked out through the long front entrance out onto the main road where my rental was parked. After we got in, I turned to her and asked, “Baby, are you okay?”

“Perfect now. Would it be wrong for me to say that side of you is so sexy?”

“Not at all, babe. Anything else you find sexy, you let me know,” I said with a wicked promise on my face. Fuck I couldn’t wait to have her. Once we were a few blocks away from the crooked mansion, I pulled over.

“What wrong?” she asked almost nervous.

“Would you believe that we ran out of gas?” I asked with a smirk. She calmed down and gave me a shake of her head.

"Funny, but I don't believe it. Then again, I don't care if we did."


"Nope, I just want to be with you." She ran her hand up my thigh until she gripped my cock.

"Damn, I fucked up," I said with choke. I pushed the start button. "Look, see there is gas. I think we need to check into a hotel before it gets later."

"Please. It's been a long, lonely month."

We drove on to the nearest hotel. It was a really nice one, so I was glad that they had a room available for us.

Once we got to the elevator, I lost control. I dropped the suitcase and lifted her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. The elevator was mirrored, and I growled when she looked over my shoulder to watch me grind her body into the wall. She moaned and immediately clutched my head, gripping my hair. “Shane,” she called out, her body shaking in seconds. My woman was coming from a little grinding. It had been a long time for us.

“Good girl. Come for me right now because I want to give you several more tonight,” I whispered in her ear. Setting her down, I kissed her again and the elevator pinged open. “Great timing, babe.”

I grabbed her bag and hand and hustled out of the elevator, glad that it was late and people weren’t in the hallway. We ran to our room like we were being chased. She was giggling and watching me struggle to get the door open. My dick was so stiff I had no blood in my brain. Sonya took the key card from my shaking hand and slipped it into the handle. The dot turned green and we were in. I didn’t waste any time, if I didn’t come soon I think I was going to faint from need. I dropped the suitcase on the floor.

She giggled. “Not funny, kitten,” I growled.

She tried to look repentant, but her pouty lip quivered with a need to laugh. “Keep it up and you don’t get to come again.” Her mouth opened wide in shocked upset. “Tit for tat, baby.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

“It’s a promise.” Her eyes opened wide and she took off to the bathroom. I was completely freaking confused, but I thought she wanted to play. I ran after her only to hear the sounds of loud vomiting. The door was still open and she was leaning over the toilet, emptying her dinner.

“Sonya, are you okay?” I asked just as she stood up and moved to the sink.

“Yes, I’m fine. I don’t know what just came over me,” she said, washing her face.

“Come on, let’s get to bed and have you lay down.” I held her hand and led her to the bed.

Pulling back the covers, I pointed for her to climb in. “Sorry. There goes our sexy time. I’m really sorry.”

“No, sweetheart, it’s fine. I’ll just rub up against you,” I joked. She looked pale all of the sudden and I was starting to panic. “Do you think we should go to the hospital?”

“I don’t think you go for an upset stomach. Maybe my dinner didn’t want to stay down.”

“I guess so,” I said, tucking her into my body. Her round bottom pressed against my partially stiff cock. The thing was I wasn’t horny anymore. Worry took over for my lust.

She fell asleep a few minutes later and I laid over her watching her sleep. Forever mine. I smiled and joined her, knocking out around three in the morning.

Chapter 9

“Ah, yes. Sonya, more,” I moaned.  Groggily, I opened my eyes to Sonya’s long brown hair on my stomach and her head bobbing up and down. Growling, I grabbed her hair together and held onto it so I could see her lips wrapped around my cock. She looked up at me with a mouth full and I wanted to come on the spot. There was nothing like waking up to her lips around me like that. She pulled off enough to kiss the tip before sucking the head back in her mouth.

Unable to handle any more, I tugged her hair and bit out, “Up, riding time, baby.” She smiled and slowly worked her way up my body, kissing my chest. Once her pussy slid over my cock, I helped her slide down my pole.

“Ah,” she sighed. Her pussy was tight as fuck and I didn’t think I could hold back from coming.

“Fuck, I’m too close, Sonya.” I lifted her off me and laid her on her back for a reprieve from her vice grip from heaven. I stroked my wet cock and felt it throbbing in my hand. I needed her with me when I came. Dropping her legs to the sides, I planted my face in her honey. Aiming to get her close, I ate her sweet pussy until I felt her tugging and pushing my head against her. Lifting up, I climbed between her legs. With the back of her knees on my elbows, I thrusted home.

This time we both let out a satisfied moan. Thumping into her like a man possessed, I was greeted with demands for more. “Shane, give me more,” she shouted out. “Oh God, I’m so close.”

“Baby, I don’t think I like God knowing you’re about to come for me. Your screams are for me only.”

“Shane, I’m coming,” she cried, pressing her hands against the headboard and working her pussy on me. I followed her over in a roar emptying out into her depths. Then it fucking hit me. We didn’t use protection either time. Could my woman be pregnant?

Pulling out of her, I jumped off the bed and ran my hands through my hair. I was panicking and excited at once. If she was pregnant that meant I was a bigger asshole than I already was.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, looking at me completely confused.

“Baby, are you feeling alright?” I asked. What if I hurt her or the baby by doing that?

“What has gotten into you?” she screeched, jumping out of the bed, slipping her shirt over her head.

“Babe, are you pregnant?” She froze on the spot, placing her hand on her belly. I watched as she played out her thoughts in her head.

“Oh my goodness,” she said, covering her mouth with her other hand.

“Baby, are you okay?” She looked scared.

“What if I am? I mean, what if I’m bad and unloving like my mom?”

“You couldn’t be. Why are you and Brent so close?” I asked, wanting her to remind herself of how amazing a person she was. Everyone back home loved her.

“Because we’re nothing like the rest of our family.”

“See baby, you’ll be perfect. So let’s hit up the local pharmacy and get a test. We don’t want to get all happy for nothing.” I didn’t want to be let down, but I knew I wouldn’t be. There was something different about her.

“You’re happy?” she asked.

“Of course I am. I want you to have my babies. I want to knock you up as often as possible. Hopefully with a lot of sons so they can help around the shop.”

“You don’t think a girl could work on cars and motorcycles?”

“Oh they can, but I thought you’d want them in pretty pink tutus with tea parties and not wearing grease covered overalls.”

“Listen to us, getting ahead of ourselves again.”

We showered and dressed before heading out to the nearest store. Staring down at all the choices there before us, we were confused on what to pick. That was when a pharmacist came up to us.

“Do you two need any help?” she asked us kindly.

“Yes, we don’t know which one to get.”

“We’ll depending on how far along you believe you are, that’ll determine which one to get. Most of them are the same. They read the level of HCG in your urine, and if you have more than the normal amount the test will be positive.”

“It would be a little over a month,” Sonya informed her.

“Then any of these will be fine. That’s plenty of time to know. If it had been only a couple of weeks, it’s a little less likely that a test will show a positive result.”

“Thanks, ma’am,” I said, grabbing the one that shows two lines on the box.

“You’re welcome and hopefully congratulations are in order,” she replied.

“Fingers crossed,” I said with a big ass smile on my face.

As we went to the counter she slowed her movement, pausing, and I knew what was coming next. I looked around like a mad man and grabbed one of the grocery bags at the register and opened it up. Holding to her mouth she heaved and vomited. Damn it. Apparently there was one of those Urgent Care places inside the store, so as she finished vomiting nothing, the nurse approached.

“Do you want to go sit down in the back until you feel better?” she asked, then saw what I had in my hand still. “Why don’t you go ahead and pay for that and get some of these and a bottle of water,” she ordered me, taking Sonya’s hand and walking her back to the Urgent Care waiting area. I grabbed the crackers that were there and the bottle of water, paid for the purchase, and rushed back there.

“I got them.”

“Okay, Sonya. I want you to eat these and drink some water. Then when you feel settled, we can have you take the test,” the nurse calmly said to her.

“She’s looking a little pale,” I said anxiously.

“That would be pretty normal after throwing up.”

Sonya was nibbling on the crackers and sipping on the water. “I can’t eat any more.”

“That’s fine. Sit there and rest. Sir, the same applies to you. You look nervous. I assure you this is very common and will pass.”

After about twenty minutes of rest, she decided she had to pee. She went into their bathroom and took the test. And thirty seconds later we had our answer. We were having a baby. I hugged her tight and then the nurse and pharmacist congratulated us, then gave us some advice and prenatal vitamins.

“Are you hungry or do you just want to go back to the hotel?”

“Let’s go eat. Those crackers did make me feel better, and I’ll take it easy like they suggested.”

“Okay, baby.” We stopped at the nearest restaurant because I didn’t want her exerting herself after everything this morning.

“Tell me, are you ready to be a father?”

“Not really, but I’m ready to be a husband. The baby is a bonus. I’m not sure how to take care of a baby, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

“A husband?” she asked with a quirked brow and a tilted head. “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean we have to get married.”

“No, it doesn’t, but what it does mean is that we’re getting married sooner rather than later.”

“Do you think your brother is going to flip when he finds out?”

“Something tells me that from our last conversation he’s going to be just fine. Hell, maybe even better than fine.”

“Really? That’s good to hear.”

“Yep, but I still don’t want to go back home just yet. I want to give him a little more time to come to grips with whatever he may be going through with a woman he just met. I don’t know the details, but I know he couldn’t stop smiling.”

“That is amazing. Maybe we could enjoy New York for a week or so then?”

“I like the sound of that. Then we get married.”

“Married? Do we have to have a big wedding?” she asked with a scrunched up face, like it was unpalatable to her.

“Isn’t that my job to ask if we can keep it small?”

“I suppose, but I just don’t have anyone but Brent to invite and he’s busy with his new wife, and well, your brother may not be up for it.”

“Then we fly to Vegas then tell everyone afterward.”

“I like it. Let’s eat and go back and rest. I don’t know about you, but I’m beat.”

“Shit, really? We could just take it to go and skip the sit down.”

“No, then it’ll be cold when we get back.”

“True, love.”

Our food was pretty damn good, but about halfway in I could tell that Sonya had enough and it was time to go. The walk back to the hotel was a little chillier than when we left. We needed bigger coats. It was too cold for her to be out in this, especially if she wanted to explore the city.


We took a nap for a while. I woke up first, so I called Jack to ask how everything was going.

“So far, so good. We took on some new projects for the winter. Four new bike orders.”

“That’s great. It’ll help when we’re not as busy. Are the time frames solid?”

“Yes, they all want them in the spring.”

“Great. A question… have you talked to my brother? Do you know how things are going with him and that chick that’s got him going?”

“You need to talk to him about it, but FYI, she’s technically still married.”

“What!” I yelled forgetting that Sonya was still asleep. I turned my head and saw she was still asleep. Thank goodness, she needed the rest. In a whisper, I said, “What do you mean married?”

“As in married. He’s a fucking shit head and already filed for a divorce claiming she abandoned him. It’s a long story, but it’s all hush hush around here about it. Talk to Will when you get a chance and let him fill you in.”

“I will. I’ll call you later. I think I need to talk to my brother before things get crazy.” Rage filled me in so many damn ways. Will didn’t need the extra drama in his life or, hell, maybe that’s what he needed to get back on track.

My next call was to my brother. I wanted answers. He was out in the field when I called, but paused to talk. “What’s up, Shane?”

“I don’t know. You tell me. I just talked to Jack and there’s something going on with that chick you have there?”

“It’s nothing, she’s recovering nicely and, well, we’ll be getting married soon.”

“Recovering? Married? Aren’t you moving a little fast?”

“Just because you have no plans of settling down doesn’t mean I don’t want a family. I thought I’d never get this chance. I love her despite whatever is going to come out of your mouth. You’ve been there for me every time I needed you. Well, bro, I need you to go along with this and to keep it a secret.”

“I can keep a secret and I’ll try to be happy for you, but I want to meet her before the wedding.”

“You will if you come back in the next month.”

“I’ll be there soon. I still have some things to take care of.”

“Are you working on some major deal with some high powered big shot looking for a fast ride?”

“Something like that. I’ll be down there soon. Remember…you need me, you call.”

“I will, bro. Have fun,” he replied. Will genuinely sounded happy when he hung up. Hope it’s all okay for real and he isn’t trying to spare me. I walked back to the bedroom where Sonya was supposed to be sleeping, but she was up playing with her phone.

“I thought you were sleeping?”

“Babe, you’re not quiet when you’re agitated. Besides, I slept enough. So is there something we need to talk about or was the conversation with your brother okay?”

“It’s nothing we have to talk about, but I’d like to talk to you about it. I didn’t tell him about us yet. It was all about that chick of his.”

We spent the next hour talking then making love until the sun set again in NYC.

BOOK: Taking Whatever He Wants: The Cline Brothers of Colorado
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