Taken: True Mates Book 2 (BBW Wolf Shifter Romance) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Taken: True Mates Book 2 (BBW Wolf Shifter Romance) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance)
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I ached to be that woman, to have someone look at me like I was their world. Like no one else mattered.

He didn’t turn, standing rock still, his muscles locked. But, I could see the strain in his angular jaw, a slight twitch in his cheek.

He wasn’t unaffected by me.

I smoothed my hand down the sleek lines of his back, his skin jumping in reaction to my touch.

“What do you want, Lisa?” he asked, his voice hoarse and strained. He still didn’t move, but his fingers curled into his palms.

I ignored the question, my fingers tracing a lazy path down his spine, skipping over the dimple above his buttocks and trailing down one cheek. I felt like I had stepped out of my own body, my actions taking on a life of their own. Heat continued to fill me in a tingling rush, luxuriously warm. As a cat, I loved the warm, the hotter the better.

He grabbed my wandering hand, twisting his head to look at me. Panic swam in his eyes. And lust. “Lisa…” A growled warning.

“I just want to share your warmth,” I whispered, my jaguar daring me to push the wolf. Preening inside of me, she purred her approval. I leaned forward, my nipples brushing lightly against his back, immediately hardening into tight nubs.

My head tilted back, a moan spilling from my lips, as more delicious warmth pooled deep inside me.

Muffling a groan, his hand released my wrist and thrust into my hair, gripping and pulling me flush against his body, his lips sealing with mine.

Naked skin met naked skin, my soft curves melding against his more powerful frame. This wasn’t a gentle kiss, one of lovers just meeting. No, this was like coming home — tongues tangling, lips fighting and fitting together in a duel of passion. My hands flitted over his body, smoothing and gripping as he devoured my mouth, swallowing my moans.

With large hands he cupped my ass, fitting me snugly against the length of him, thick and hard, trapped between us.

A purr rumbled in my chest, the vibrations traveling down and thrumming through our flush bodies.

His eyes opened with surprise, as he pulled away a fraction, his breathing labored. The panic I had seen earlier flitted back across his face, and I tried to drag him back down. Just another taste…

“Lisa…no…I can’t…” he murmured against my lips, his hands continuing their exploration of my body.

“Why not?” I gasped back, feathering his jaw with kisses.

His head tilted back on a groan as I kissed down his throat, following the same path as the scar. “Because, we can’t—Damn it, woman! I can’t think straight when you’re doing—”

“This?” I nipped one flat nipple between my teeth, swirling the peak with my tongue.

“You make me—” His hand rested on my head, not pressing, but not pulling away either.

I took this to be a good sign. “Or this?” I moved my attention to his other nipple, kissing my way across the ridge of his pectoral muscles.

“You make me want to lose control,” he gasped the words, his hips flexing forward involuntarily.

“So…lose control, my big-bad-wolf,” I murmured, lost in the taste of him, the smell of him — nutmeg and musk. Yum.

He froze, dropping his hand, his whole body suddenly hard and unyielding.

Startled, I glanced up. He was staring at the wall, a distant expression in his eyes.

don’t want me to lose control,” he said.

“Oh, but I do.”

He grasped my shoulders, creating an inch of space between us. Cold immediately engulfed me, washing away the heat that had been building.

“No. You really don’t. I’m not a nice guy, Lisa,” he stated, his tone hard.

I stared at him, searching for a flicker of feeling, of the guy that had just come undone in my arms. Nothing. I cleared my throat.

“I know you’re not—”

“I’m no good for you. For a fuck maybe—” I flinched at his words, “—but you don’t want just a
. Hell, you’re too good for that. And I
hurt you.”

Anger sparked inside. I was sick of being told what to do, if I was any good, and what I was good for.

“Who are you to tell me what I want, and how I want it?” I demanded, poking him in the chest.

“I’m your—,” he paused, indecision in his eyes. “I’m nobody,” he finally finished.

“You’re lying,” I spat out. “At least have the decency to admit it. You’re my goddamn mate, my
mate — and you don’t want me.”

A flicker of terror, of shame, were clear in his eyes. Then, he gave me a curt nod.

My chest constricted, the air suddenly thick and heavy. Pain speared my heart, the ice walls that
had melted proving no barrier to the devastating knowledge. I had finally found my true mate, and he was everything I had ever dreamed of — sexy as sin, had a strong heart, made me laugh, drove me to frustration — a mate I could see myself sparring with, and loving, for the rest of my life.
— he didn’t want me.

“Sean, Luisa—” Luis broke off, looking between us, his eyes widening as he took in the scene. He turned to me, his outline fuzzy through my watery eyes. “He needs to know…about Ian. I have no idea what, or why you were out on your own, or what’s going on here—” he waved his hand vaguely at Sean,”—or why your
is not looking for—”

“Mate?” Sean growled, his jaw clenched. He turned to me, eyes glowing a liquid gold, his wolf peeking out. “
” he repeated through gritted teeth, his face like thunder.

“It’s not what you think…Luis doesn’t really know—”

“You’re already mated? And we just—we nearly—?” Sean broke off, shock and disgust clear his voice.

“You need to let me explain!” I cried out. But he wasn’t listening, his expression already closed. “Damn it, Luis!” I snapped. “You don’t know either, no one does.”

Sean took a deep breath, his face settling back into the familiar mask of indifference. “Enough,” Sean bit out, not looking at me. “I don’t want to hear your excuses. It’s bad enough that I nearly—” He broke off abruptly, his lips setting in a firm line. “Let’s go — I promised to bring you back, so I will.” Throwing the blanket at me, he gestured toward the door.

He point blank
to look at me. I had to make him see. If I could just— I took a step forward but he stumbled back, keeping his distance.

Luis strode forward and slipped an arm around me. “Hey, hold on a minute! Maybe she doesn’t want to go back with you.” He turned to me, concern on his face. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I can feel your pain. You don’t have to go with him, y’know.”

“She has to come back and see Kara. Unless, you need to get back to your
?” Sean sneered the words while staring pointedly at an empty space, right above my head.

I stared at him, soaking him in. Wow, he was
. Super-steaming-hates-me-but-wow-he’s-hot, kinda mad. I reached for where the mating bond would be, hoping, wishing…there, connected with my soul…a thin, delicate bond that shuddered and trembled under the weight of Sean’s fury.

Yes! I mentally fist-pumped the air. I was right! He would only be this mad if I meant something to him. And dammit, the bond had started, whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not. The fool was probably so busy being angry that he hadn’t noticed. My heart skipped a beat, as I grabbed a tight hold of a tendril of hope.

“I’m going with him,” I murmured to Luis. “You coming with?”

“Course I am, Luisa, and you’ve got some explaining to do.”

I brushed away his unvoiced question, my gaze fixed on the man who was striding out of the room. My
mate, whether he liked it or not.

“I’ll fill you in later. Oh, and it’s Lisa now. Luisa is dead.”




I followed Sean back to the Colstone Packhouse, his powerful wolf setting a punishing pace as we raced through the forest. At least Luis kept me company, loping by my side and bumping shoulders with me in silent sympathy. The trees whipped by in a blur, my ragged breath misting the air, and my muscles burning from the workout.

In what seemed like minutes we broke free of the forest, racing through the open meadow that surrounded the large, rambling, ranch-style building. I slowed my pace, doubt setting in. Should I have come here? Was I doing the right thing? He had told me, bluntly, that he didn’t want me. Shit, now he knew about Ian, what did I think I was doing — thinking I could convince him? The man was a stubborn as a mule! I could hit him round the head with the truth, but it didn’t mean he would accept it.

I slowed to a stop, allowing my aching legs to collapse underneath me, signaling Luis to let me be. Sean didn’t even turn around.

Belly down in the sweet scented grass, I let out a loud huff of despair. I hadn’t wanted Ian, not one bit. But, it had been arranged — a way to stop the fighting between our two prides. As the daughter of the Alpha, I had known I had a role to play, a political destiny to fulfill — mom had prepared me for that, ever since I was a young cub. So, when I had been called to the clearing, prepared for my mating night, I had already accepted my fate. From what little I knew, Ian was a good man — handsome and kind — he was going to be a good leader when his father stepped down. My heart might have ached, just a little, for the lost chance of finding my own true mate — the one who would complete my soul. But I had been lectured, time and time again, that the chances were slim, and I had a duty to my pride.

But I hadn’t wanted Ian…not like I wanted
. When
was around, every fiber of my being reached out, desperate to touch, to caress…and just talk. Want was too simple a word — I
Sean, heart, body, and soul.

I should have told him. Shit — I should have told
what had happened. But, the shame still burned. I had done my duty and look where that had gotten me. Alone, in hiding, with a false identity.

I shook my head, sick of the pity party I was throwing. Despite what life had thrown at me, I
happy. Being a lone cat suited me. I was able to do what I wanted, act however I wanted. No pride rules to follow. No expectations. Just little old me. And, I
me — the real me, the one I had discovered over the past year.

I rose to my feet, determined. He didn’t know
And once he did, then hell, he didn’t stand a chance! He thought he wasn’t a nice guy? Well, I wasn’t all sugar and rainbows, either. My jaguar roared her approval at the sky. She fancied a taste of the no-nonsense-take-control-wolf, too.

I padded toward the house, my tail swishing back and forth in thought. What the hell had happened to him anyway? I knew he wasn’t all bad. If you ignored the harsh words, his body spoke a different language — one of want and need. Lust and uncertainty. The man was the master of mixed messages.

“Lisa!” my best friend Kara called from the porch, then threw herself down the stairs, long legs pumping and hair flying. Her emerald green eyes glowed with happiness, as she fell to her knees beside me, wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face in my fur. Her special scent of spice and jasmine engulfed me, wrapping me up in a blanket of warmth and caring.


“I thought I’d lost you…” she choked out, her words muffled.

Her love washed over me, smoothing over a gap in my heart that I hadn’t known was there. Pawing her knees gently, I tried to hug her back, the purrs rumbling in my chest.

She pulled back, gripping my large head between her two small hands. Peering into my eyes she glared at me. “Don’t you
make me worry like that again!” she said, her brow furrowed in worried anger. “Shit, Lisa…I’m so sorry — it was all my fault.”

I butted my head against her chest, purring, trying to tell her to shut up — that everything was alright. Then, realizing it was futile, I shoved her toward the house.

Catching on, she jogged with me to the house, her fingers trailing in my fur, a constant contact that I hadn’t known I’d needed. Opening the door, she watched, concern on her face, as I leapt up the stairs three at a time.

I needed to shift, and sweet mother, I needed a shower. And clothes — my coat of armor. So I could face Sean.




Bouncing down the stairs, skin still flushed from the steaming hot shower I had indulged in, I patted my curls into place. Or, at least I tried. As per usual they had a life of their own, spiraling out from my head as though I had stuck my finger in a socket.

I felt like
again. Nails done, aubergine purple — check! Lipgloss on, subdued sparkle — check! Clothes — tight, figure hugging jeans, stomach skimming vest, and kick-ass black boots, complete with obligatory spiked heel — check! Now, if only my hair would behave.

“Looking good, sis!” Luis called from his reclined position on one of the living room couches. He had begged or borrowed some clothes, and was decked out in slouched, faded jeans and a white tee. They looked good on him, highlighting his sun licked skin to perfection. Exactly the reason I had worn a white vest, too.

BOOK: Taken: True Mates Book 2 (BBW Wolf Shifter Romance) (A Craggstone Paranormal Romance)
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