Read Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator) (6 page)

BOOK: Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator)
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“Leif?” The look of confusion and awe on Elsa’s face was so adorable, Leif had to kiss her. But only a brief, hard kiss.

“It’s not late,” he said. “Come upstairs with me. Let me take in your scent. Learn your body.”

Again, she nodded as Leif knew she would. She trusted him—must have trusted Jorak on some level or she’d never have left her children with him in the first place. Adding another strong wolven warrior to her children’s protection would be enough for her. Just like a wolf, her instincts were good in the important matters.

Leif held out his hand to her, willing her to take it. He couldn’t claim her today; that would be for when they got home to Denwulf. But he intended to pleasure her, show her what he was capable of giving her.

Chapter Eight


Elsa trembled. It was debatable as to whether it was from fear or excitement since she had a fairly good idea what Leif expected of her. The thing was, where she felt like there should be shame in selling herself in exchange for protection for herself and her children, this didn’t seem like that. If he’d merely wanted the use of her body, he could have just taken it. Hell, he could have charmed her panties off easily. It was doubtful she’d have even put up much of a fight, she was that attracted to him.

With her hand firmly in his, Leif led her to his suite of rooms within the embassy. The sitting room alone was larger than the entire apartment space she shared with Jaccob and Surriah. Thick carpet blanketed the floor instead of steel draped only with large rugs—all she could afford. Just like the chancellor’s palace. This man was so out of her league it wasn’t even funny. She’d heard of relationships where the people were from separate classes. None of them ended well. Her arrangement with Leif couldn’t symbolize that gap in social status more. He was a king. She was a pauper.

“You look disappointed,” he mused. “Know that my home is much more suited to a king. I’ll admit I hadn’t appreciated it all until this moment, but I vow I can provide you with anything your heart desires.”

“You think I’m disappointed with all this?” She waved her hands to encompass the main room. “Leif, compared to this I live in squalor. But the lack of material things doesn’t bother me much. We survive, and we have each other. What bothers me is the separation between you and me.” She gave a humorless laugh. “No two people could be farther apart socially. I’ll never be able to be the queen you need. I’ll never be the
you need.”

His brow furrowed in confusion. “Why would you think that? Elsa, all you have to do is be yourself. Yes, I’ll hope you will come to care for my people as I care for them, that you’ll find something you’re truly passionate about and make that
your own. The guardian of our people, Brandwulfr, mated with a woman from your world. She has taken orphans in our realm whose parents were captured and separated from them, brought to your world as slaves, and made them her cause. She loves every single one of them as if they were her own. If you’re half the woman I believe you to be, you’ll do the same.”

“That’s just it, Leif. You don’t know me.”

Before she could say anything else, Leif cut her off with a hard kiss before gentling it into a loving caress that melted her bones. His tongue teased and played with hers until she relaxed in his arms. “The wolf in me recognized you as its mate,
. There is no way you could be anything other than honorable and courageous. I’m willing to accept what fate has given me. Be brave enough to go on that journey with me.”

God help her, but Elsa wanted this. Wanted it with every fiber of her being. It wasn’t the title or the wealth it represented, but Leif. The man. He was…magnificent! And he wanted her.

With a surrendering sigh, Elsa reached for him, her fingers resting on his chest, curling in the soft shirt. Leif gave a predatory growl before lowering his mouth to hers, taking her lips in a barely tempered kiss. She could tell he needed the aggression as much as he needed to show her tenderness. Thankfully, he contained that animalistic side of himself, cupping her face gently while treading the fingers of his other hand in her hair.

Had kissing a man ever been so thrilling? If it had, Elsa had long forgotten what it was like to be wanted like this. She could easily convince herself this man wanted her above any other woman. He looked at her with longing, kissed her with so much passion. Even now, his hand slid around to her bare back to pull her closer to him. As if he couldn’t have enough contact with her.

Leif wasn’t sure what was happening to him, but he was fairly sure the woman had bewitched him. The need to claim her was killing him, making him regret he couldn’t just swoop her back to Denwulf and pick up this diplomatic nonsense later. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. Not only were his people counting on him, but his woman wouldn’t likely think much of him if he abandoned his responsibilities. She didn’t believe in him. It was his job to prove himself any way he could.

So, he couldn’t claim her. To do it properly, there needed to be a formal ceremony in Denwulf before he took her. He’d honor her with that no matter what it cost him personally. Judging by the way his cock ached to be inside her right now, it would cost him dearly. But, gods, could there be any sweeter torment? She was soft in his arms, willingly giving herself to him. Leif might not be able to fully claim her, but he’d taste her. Pet her. She’d know pleasure in his arms even if he couldn’t fulfill himself completely.

Wrapping both arms tightly around her, Leif lifted Elsa, carrying her to the bed. Once he’d set her on her feet, he swept his fingers lightly down her back. “I’ve been wanting to pull this string,” he murmured against her ear. “See what happens.”

Her skin dampened. A rush of arousal filled the air, mingling with her own unique scent of jasmine and wildflower honey. The fragrance was exquisite, highly addictive to him. Which only made him want to hurry this along, to pleasure her so intensely he’d be rewarded with more of that delectable scent.

With a light tug, Leif undid that damnable string holding her shirt together. The back of her top gaped open. His hands palmed her whole back, taking in as much skin as he could before parting to pull the garment from her body to pool between them.

Elsa stood before him, bare breasted in the pale light of the filtered sun through the stained-glass windows in his room. Was there ever a more beautiful sight? If he’d witnessed one, Leif couldn’t recall exactly when. Or what. The beauty before him was…stunning. She looked up at him with trust and need in her dark eyes, a need as fierce as his own.

Growling, he urged her back to the bed as he whipped off his shirt. Once she was on her back, he tugged the button of her pants until the waist gapped. In one swift move, he pulled them from those shapely legs, leaving her clad only in thin white panties that stood out in a pale triangle against all that delicious-looking dark skin.

“I just need a taste of you, love. Just a taste.” And, gods, he knew she’d be delicious! Leif blazed a trail from her neck to the peak of one breast. The taut, blackberry nipple beckoned him to taste. To nip. Seeing no reason why he shouldn’t follow his instinct, Leif did just that, only to be rewarded by Elsa’s sharp intake of air as her hands tightened in his hair. But she didn’t push him away. Oh no. His little mate pulled him closer, arching her back to offer herself up to him for the feast.

There was no way to stop the primitive growl from escaping as he latched on to her other nipple, suckling and flicking the peak with his tongue. Sweat beaded over those exquisite breasts, slickening her skin as he massaged the delicate globes. Elsa lifted her hips, pressing her mound against his torso in an obvious effort to get relief.

. I’ll satisfy you. I swear it.”

“Leif,” she breathed. “I…I’m burning…”

“I know. Trust me with this.”

Gods, she
burning! Her sex was hot against him, beckoning him with that sweet scent of wildflower honey and jasmine. Leaving her breasts proved torture in itself, but Leif was eager to explore all of her. As he let go of those glorious mounds, he wrapped his arms around her back, holding her tightly to him, still nuzzling one nipple as he rubbed his face against all that sweet-smelling flesh. “So lovely. So responsive.”

Elsa’s knees gripped his waist as she moaned and whimpered in her pleasure. Glancing up, he saw her watching him, her brows drawn. She nibbled her bottom lip when he caught her gaze, looking adorably unsure of herself. Was it possible she didn’t understand the depth of his need for her? That he had no desire to seek this pleasure with any other woman ever again?

“Relax, sweet,” he rasped. “It’s only you for me. I’m not giving you up after this.”

“You don’t know me,” she said again, her voice sounding strangled, breathless. “What if we realize we can’t stand each other?”

“But I will know you. I will know everything about you. And you’ll learn everything about me, and we’ll grow to love each other. Accept that we are together. Forever.”

“I want to,” she cried, her eyes going wide. “I want this. I want you. I’m just…scared.”

“I will take care of you,
.” As he licked his way to her navel, Leif continued talking to her, raking his nails down her skin lightly just so he could see his marks appear. “Do you remember what I told you

“You said it meant woman.”

“Good.” He grinned as he dipped his tongue into that intriguing little indentation. “It has another meaning. Do you want to know?”

“Ah, God!” She arched into his kiss as he rubbed his chin over the soft skin of her belly. “Do you really want to talk about this?”

He chuckled, loving her fire. “I do because you need to know.” Another kiss to her belly, this time just above her curls. “
also means ‘wife.’ When I said you’d be my wife, I meant it. Being my wife in my world means the same as it does in your world. More so, probably. You will share any wealth I have. Your station will be the same as mine. Once you establish your place, you’ll rule beside me, my most trusted confidant and advisor. You’ll be my equal in all things.” He jerked his head slightly toward the door. “My men out there know this. Since they are my elite guard, if they’d had any reservations, they would have been voiced freely.”

“You’re so sure. Wouldn’t they more likely have kept silent and spoken about it amongst themselves?”

“No.” He smiled. “They are most definitely an outspoken bunch. If something weighs on them, they speak their minds because they know I always listen. Every one of those men and women down there would die for me. How could I not listen to and value their opinions when they would give so much to me?”

She laid a hand on the side of his face, and Leif found himself rubbing into her soft palm, craving her touch. “I believe you truly are a good man,” she said at length. “I’ll follow where you lead. Just please don’t break my heart.”

Grinning up at her with satisfaction, Leif answered, “Never,
. My heart is forever tied with yours.” Then he lowered his head to take his first taste of the feast he was about to enjoy.

Chapter Nine


Sex had always been pleasurable, but never like this. Elsa thought she’d die if he stopped. Die if he didn’t. The explosion of sensation when he ran his tongue from her opening to her clit ripped a cry from her lips. Her knees fell wide and she arched to him. Already on the verge of an orgasm, she cried out again when he dragged his finger up and down her slit. That wicked tongue of his continued to circle her clit lazily, as if he were just settling in for something he intended to indulge in until he got his fill.

Inhaling deeply, Leif rumbled against her sex, “Love the way you taste. Need more.”

Over and over Leif licked and sucked, taking her to the very edge before letting her fall back. Elsa wanted to close her eyes and simply drown in the sweet sensations he created inside her. But every time she did, he stopped, snapping at her, “No! Look at me,
!” Frustration finally made her ball her fist in his hair, pulling him to her when he would have pulled back yet again. With a husky chuckle, Leif continued to flick her clit, this time letting the building orgasm finally wash over her.

Elsa had always heard about exploding stars and pleasure so profound it left one speechless, but she’d never experienced it. The orgasm about to take her was more than even that.

“Look at me, Elsa!” Leif’s voice was gruff, commanding. “Always look at me with those lovely eyes when you come. Let me have that as my reward.”

Body tense, unable to move for fear of losing that incredible feeling, Elsa found his gaze with hers. She screamed as wave after wave of sensation swept her away. The intimacy of sharing such pleasure while looking into his eyes seemed like she was baring her soul to him. She held Leif to her, unable to let her finger loosen from his hair even if she’d wanted to. Every muscle in her body seemed to seize in the contractions filling her belly with bliss. Her
tingled! Dimly, she was aware of Leif praising her body’s response with soothing words. The stubble on his jaw abraded the tender skin of her wet flesh, adding to the already overwhelming sensations.

‘There, love. Beautiful.” His voice was pleasing. Soothing. “I want so much more from you. Gods know I do. But I can’t claim you completely until we get back to Denwulf. Besides, I want you to be ready for that step.” He rose above her, lowering his weight to her body. His cock pressed insistently between her thighs and against her sex through his pants, as if it were seeking entrance. “But when I do take you, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy every fucking second.”

 There was no way to stifle the shiver running through her. Was she supposed to form some kind of rational thought? If so, he’d obviously overestimated her abilities. Never had she felt so exposed to another. Sure, there had been orgasms and abandoned sex. More than one man had seen her naked and enjoyed her body as much as she’d enjoyed theirs. But this was different. From the moment she’d met him, Leif had gazed at her with longing and possession. As if it were only a matter of time before she gave in to his will and surrendered to him. Lying there panting as she tried to catch her breath, Elsa believed he was right. It
only a matter of time before she gave everything she was to him.

Leif rolled to his side, taking her with him. The big man actually nuzzled the top of her head with his chin as he pulled her tightly against him, reinforcing his words. What would she give for all this to be real? For him to genuinely care for her? A king!


The one thing Elsa was absolutely certain of was that she needed to keep her distance. Take what he offered, but give nothing of herself. Not really. The only question was if it were truly possible to accomplish such a thing.

“I need to get back,” Elsa said at length, reluctant to leave this haven. Looking at him she said, “I’ve never experienced a more perfect time than I did today.”

His smile was positively breathtaking. “Know that I plan so much more for you. Go to your children. I’ll discuss the situation with Jorak and see what we need to do. Rest assured, I will take all of you from this place.”

What was she to do? Did Elsa trust him completely? No. But in this she was left with few other options. Not trusting him, not taking what he offered meant tearing her family apart, condemning her children to a hard life. If he delivered, it would save them. Giving him the chance to prove he could be a good husband seemed a small price to pay.

“I’m placing guards around your home,” he continued. “They will be unobtrusive, blending in with the shadows, but should you or your children need me before I can secure better lodgings, they will be there.”

“Better lodgings? How can it possibly get much better than this?”

Leif rubbed his hand over the back of his neck, looking slightly embarrassed. “This isn’t the ideal place for me to bring you. It was my own selfish need to
your body that led to us being up here together.” He took her hand, kissing the palm, rubbing her skin over his cheek. “I suspect this place is being watched. I don’t know if from the inside or out, but I’m certain they know everything going on within my council. I brought you here to make it known to my men who you were so they would know to protect you. Unfortunately, it will likely have drawn the attention of those in your chancellor’s employ. You will need to be guarded, which is why the sentries near your home will stay. You may not see them, your children may not see them, but they will be there watching over them until we leave for Denwulf.”

A chill went through Elsa at his words. She trusted Leif with her life. But could she trust him with her children’s? Not only that—she had no doubt he’d do his best to protect Jaccob and Surriah, but would he even be able to? His men were loyal to him, might even die for their king. But how far did that extend to her? Could they even battle against the chancellor’s superior numbers? She was so preoccupied, she nearly missed him speaking again.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Elsa. I want more than anything to take you and your family back to Denwulf now. But I’m torn between protecting my mate and freeing and protecting my people.” He scrubbed his hand over the back of his neck then through his hair. “I’ve never been more torn about a decision in my life.”

“Your people have been imprisoned long enough,” she said with a smile. “You know you need to see to them first. We’ve made it this long without your help. We’ll manage a little longer.”

“The problem is, there’s no real safe place for you. My guards will have to do for now. You know your home better than this place. If there were an emergency, you’d be better able to escape and come to me.” He gripped her shoulders then, his thumbs rubbing a small caress he probably wasn’t even aware of. “If something happens, you make your way to me. No one can protect you better than I can. Not even my guards.”

She nodded her assent. “I should be getting back.”

“I’ll walk you.”

They had made it all the way to the entrance of the embassy when a woman stopped him. “What is it, Astrid?” Leif sounded weary, as if he had no desire to speak with this particular member of his elite guard.

“Sir, the chancellor bids you join him immediately. Something about a breakthrough in the treaty you proposed at your last meeting.” The woman’s eyes were alight with excitement. No doubt she anticipated seeing their people freed from at least this city.

“Inform the chancellor I’ll join him directly. I’m escorting my mate to her home. It won’t take long.” He sounded as if it were a warning to the other woman. There were definitely undertones Elsa wasn’t privy to. Unexpectedly, a spike of jealousy shot through her.

“I’d be honored if you’d entrust this duty to me, sir, lest you keep the chancellor waiting.”

There was a slight hesitation on Leif’s part, but he finally exhaled a breath. “Very well. See to it she makes it safely. Take anyone else you deem necessary. If she’s harmed in any way, my battle wolf will take my vengeance.” He turned to Elsa to brush a soft kiss on her lips, the tenderness he showed her so at odds with his words. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that he was gone.

Unfortunately, Elsa didn’t like the way the woman, Astrid, was looking at her now. Apparently, not everyone in the king’s guard was happy about her arrangement with Leif. Elsa just hoped she and her children didn’t turn out to be collateral damage.

BOOK: Taken by the Wolf King (Gladiator)
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