Read Taboo The Collection Online

Authors: Selena Kitt

Taboo The Collection (9 page)

BOOK: Taboo The Collection
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“I’ll be just a few minutes!” her stepfather called on the other side of the door.

Tina just reacted, snapping the computer’s lid closed and tossing the ear buds on the desk before sliding underneath it to hide in the cubbyhole. The desk was enormous, antique, so heavy the movers had cursed and grunted getting it up the stairs, and Tina shrank to the very back of the dark space, trying to keep quiet. She was breathing far too hard, and she gulped, trying to calm her racing heart.

The door opened and she closed her eyes, putting a hand over her own mouth to silence herself. Her stepfather turned on the light—she hadn’t bothered—and then locked the door. She heard the tell-tale “click.” Tina swallowed, trying to make herself smaller as he came over toward the desk—she heard his dress shoes on the hardwood floor.

She tried not to breathe at all as her stepfather opened his laptop, sitting in the big leather chair where she had just been touching herself. He was still in his suit, and his knees invaded her space as he slid closer to the screen. Oh god—if he found her here…

“There you are, you hot little thing…”

Her eyes widened, sure she was caught, not quite processing the full meaning of his words until he reached under the desk to unzip his fly.
Oh no. Oh my god!
Tina shrank into a ball, hugging her knees, watching as he leaned back in his chair, his cock very erect in his hand. That’s when she realized he was watching the same video she’d seen on his computer. Must be!

“Hmmm, let’s back this up…” he mused, and she inwardly groaned, knowing the video wasn’t at the same place he’d left it. “I want to hear you call me Daddy.”

Her eyes widened in surprise, biting her lip and trying not to squirm under the desk as he began to stroke his cock. She couldn’t hear the video—he must have the ear buds in, she realized—but she could hear her stepfather’s breathing growing heavier, and could see his hand shuttling up and down the length of his cock.

“That’s right, baby, Daddy loves your tight little pussy,” he whispered, squeezing the head of his dick hard, so hard pre-cum appeared at the tip. Tina bit her lip, watching, fascinated. His cock was nice, fat and long, almost as big as the one in the video. She found herself imagining it in her hand instead of his… in her mouth… in her…

Oh no.
Her pussy pulsed incessantly between her thighs.
This isn’t happening…

But it was.

“That’s right, baby girl, take Daddy’s big cock. Oh those fucking tits… that ass… mmmm hell yeah it’s gorgeous!”

She remembered that point in the video, when the girl turned over, letting him fuck her from behind. Oh god, she couldn’t help herself. Her pussy ached to be touched, and she parted her thighs, letting her hand wander between her legs as quietly as she could. Her stepfather was far too absorbed to notice her, she decided, shivering as her fingers found her sensitive clit. Her pussy was soaking wet!

“Oh fuck, yeah,” he whispered, his breath coming so fast, his hand moving even faster, a blur over his cock. “Yeah, yeah, yeah… oh baby girl, I want to fuck that sweet pussy so bad…”

Tina made circles around her clit under the sticky crotch of her panties, trying to keep her breathing under control. She was so close… so very close… and the thought of watching her stepfather ejaculate made her feel dizzy with lust. She licked her lips, daring to lean in a little closer, looking at his balls, hanging over the edge of his zipper, his cockhead almost purple he was so hard.

“Oh baby,” he moaned softly. “Tina-baby, my sweet girl, I’m gonna fill you with my cum!”

She had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as she came, her stepfather whispering her name again and again as he shot his cum into his own cupped hand. She watched as the hot, white liquid filled his palm, his hips bucking up toward the top of the desk, her pussy spasming again and again, and she flushed in the darkness, wishing he was inside her, filling her pussy with all his cum, just like he’d said.

“David?” The knock on the door made them both jump, but Tina covered her gasp with her hand, praying her stepfather was too surprised to notice. “Are you coming to bed?”

“I’ll be out in a minute!” he called, standing. She heard him cleaning up, closing the laptop. “I’ve just got to send one more email!”

Email, yeah right.

“Tina’s light’s off—I think she’s asleep,” her mother called. “I’m going to take a bath.”

She breathed a silent sigh of relief.

“Okay!” he called. “I’ll be right up.”

Tina closed her eyes, waiting to be discovered, but her stepfather opened his office door and turned out the light, following her mother down the hall. She waited a long time, as long as she could,  sitting in stunned silence in the darkness, still not quite believing what had just happened. Then, she snuck down the hallway, past her parents’ closed bedroom door, past the bathroom where the Jacuzzi tub was running, and finally into her own room, hiding herself under the covers and pretending to sleep.

She realized her paper was going to be late, but she didn’t care. And it was a long time before she actually slept, tossing and turning, too warm in her own skin to get comfortable. Finally, she did sleep, and she dreamed dreams far too naughty for her to remember when she woke, but they left her feeling so dirty and ashamed, she felt as if she needed her morning shower more than ever.

* * * *

Tina packed one bag. Sad that her whole life fit into one suitcase, but there it was. She knew Luann would take her in for a while. Her parents were easy that way. But she couldn’t stay here, not for one more day, one more minute.

It had been the phone call. The thing that had finally moved her to action after years of hearing about her weight from her mother.

“I know, I can’t wait for Vegas,” her mother purred on the other line when Tina picked it up to call Luann. She hardly ever used the landline, but her cell phone had no charge. She rolled her eyes at her mother’s throaty laugh. What forty-something woman went off to Vegas with her girlfriends and left her husband home by himself, anyway? “I’m packing my sexiest lingerie just for you.”

Tina stared at the phone, realizing her mother hadn’t heard her pick up the extension—and her mother was definitely
talking to a girlfriend. Her suspicions were confirmed by the response that followed.

“Good.” It was a masculine voice, deep and flirty. “I’m going to fuck you six ways to Sunday.”

“Andrew!” Her mother laughed again, a girlish sort of giggle, and it made Tina wince. “I can’t wait to get out of this house. David is driving me batshit and Tina doesn’t do anything but mope around her room doing her homework.”

“Doing homework sounds like a good pastime, if you ask me.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Her mother sighed. “I wish she’d get out more. Of course, I don’t know who would ask her! She’s so fat now, I’m afraid we’re going to be stuck with her forever.”

There was a pause. “Sounds like she didn’t get her mother’s lithe little body type.”

“Decidedly not.”

Tina hung the phone up quietly and carefully. She sat on her bed, motionless, for a long time. She didn’t remember breathing or even blinking. The weight on her chest was far too heavy for that. When her stepfather poked his head in the door to say goodnight, she was still sitting there. And she didn’t sleep at all, not that she remembered.

Her mother kissed her cheek and said goodbye in the morning—off to Vegas with the girls!
Yeah, right.
Tina swallowed the bile in her throat. Her own bag was already packed.

She saw the light on in his office and knew her stepfather must be in there. Her face flushed at the thought of him looking at porn while her mother flew off to Vegas with some guy. What was wrong with this picture? She felt bad for him and stopped in the hallway, considering. Should she tell him? Did he know? Did it matter?

She lugged her suitcase down the stairs. It was the kind on wheels, which was good, because she would be walking a half-mile to Luann’s house. She couldn’t help remembering when she’d packed a bag at the age of seven, getting as far as the end of the block. Well this time, she really meant it.

“Running away?”

“Wh—what?” Tina gasped, her hand on the front doorknob, at the sound of her stepfather’s voice coming from the darkness of the living room. She blinked when a lamp switched on, revealing him sitting there all alone on the couch. “I thought you were in your office…”

“Where you going?” His eyes met hers, and she remembered it had been her stepfather who had found her sitting on the porch with her satchel when she was seven, who had inquired—
whatcha runnin’ from?
And of course she’d broken down and told him. She couldn’t for the life of her remember the reason she’d given him.

Tina cleared her throat and lied. “Spending the night at Luann’s.”

“That’s a big suitcase for an overnight trip.” He raised an eyebrow, patting the sofa beside him. “Come here. Let’s talk.”

She knew instinctively it was a bad idea, but something drew her to his side. She slipped off her shoes and she left her bag and went to sit beside him. He smelled of aftershave—and alcohol. He slid an arm around her shoulder, pulling her head to his chest.

“Whatcha runnin’ from, Teeny?”

Maybe it was because he used the same phrase he’d used when she was seven, sitting on the porch in her sundress with Sponge-Bob Band-Aids on each knee. Or maybe it was the nickname he resurrected, long dead and buried since puberty, when she started filling out and her mother began with the incessant comments about her weight.

“I’m not teeny!” she protested, and immediately burst into tears. She felt him put his arms fully around her, and she let herself be held, comforted. His lips brushed her forehead, her temple, not talking, just riding it out, letting her feel what she was going to feel.

“I hate her,” she whispered, her cheek to his chest, feeling the familiar rise and fall.

“Your mother?”

She nodded, wiping her cheeks. “She hates me. Nothing’s good enough for her. I’m not smart enough, or pretty enough, or sk-sk-skinny enough…” She felt the tears coming again and fought them. “She’s right. No man is ever going to want me.”

“Don’t say that.” He squeezed his arms around her shoulders, shaking his head. “It’s not true, Christina. You’re beautiful.”

“I am?” She lifted her head, eyeing him with suspicion. She couldn’t help remembering the other night in his study. Had he really been thinking about her? It made her feel warm and…wanted. Really,

“Of course you are.”

“No I’m not.” She rolled her eyes, that feeling gone in an instant. “I’m fat. Ugly.”

“Trust me,” he told her, his gaze moving down from her face to the peasant top she was wearing and the long, flowing skirt below it. “Some guy is going to very much appreciate those gorgeous curves of yours some day.”

“I wish I was skinny,” she lamented. “Like Mom.”

“You know, you probably don’t remember, but your mom didn’t look like that when I met her.” He reached into his back pocket—he was dressed casually for the weekend, jeans and a polo shirt—pulling out his wallet. They’d gotten married when she was a baby, so she didn’t remember their wedding, and she’d never remembered seeing any wedding photos. “Look.”

And now she knew why. “She’s like me.”

They could have been twins. Her mother had cleavage, and full, curvy hips. Even a bit of a belly! Of course, Tina had been a baby then, and she was probably still breastfeeding. No wonder…

“Mm-hmm.” He smiled, slipping the photo back into his wallet. “She’s gotten kind of obsessive about her weight over the years. But don’t let her make that your problem. You’re perfect, just the way you are.”

She shook her head, but she was looking at him, trying to gauge his real feelings as she said, “I don’t believe it.”

“I know you don’t.” His fingers brushed her hair, the nape of her neck, making her shiver. “What can I do to convince you?”

She met his eyes, realizing how very close they were sitting. She was practically in his lap. She hadn’t sat in his lap since she was a very little girl. And she wasn’t a little girl anymore.

“Do you really want to know?” She shifted more toward him, her face turned up to his. She saw his eyes widen, the realization dawning in them, but she did it anyway, bridging the distance and pressing her lips to his. She didn’t know what to expect—guilt, shame, certainly rejection—but she had a secret hope, one she hadn’t admitted yet even to herself until that moment.

He kissed her back.

He kissed her back!

His hand moved behind her neck, his mouth opening hers with a soft groan, tongue exploring. He tasted like alcohol and she liked it, breathing in the scent of him, trying to get as close as possible, managing to wiggle her way sideways into his lap.

“Tina, no…” His voice was barely a whisper as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him again and again, so hungry. “Please, don’t…”

“Am I too heavy?” She felt a pain deep in her belly and she saw his shock at her words, knew he must have seen the hurt on her face.

“No!” He grabbed her around the waist, pulling her closer, and she felt his erection against her hip. “God no. You feel… so…” He took a deep, shuddering breath, looking up from her breasts, which were now at his eye-level, to her face, her hair falling softly around them, blocking out the light, cocooning them in heat. “So… fucking… good…”

BOOK: Taboo The Collection
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