Read Tabitha's Seduction Online

Authors: JD Anders

Tags: #sex, #oral sex, #vampire romance, #blowjob, #vampire sex, #straight sex

Tabitha's Seduction (2 page)

BOOK: Tabitha's Seduction
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What did
she mean by all that? I walked through the parking lot towards the
limo. I heard what I thought was shriek of some kind but it was
very faint. I backed up a few steps.

Tabitha.” My heart beat in my chest for Andre was right behind

Oh god, Andre, you startled me. I thought I heard a

It’s an old building. They sometimes, make sounds.” he

Yes, of course.”

He took
my hand. “This way, please.”

walked the short distance to the stretch limo and Andre opened the
door for me and we got inside.

Driver,” he said.

We drove
through the lot and the gates in front of us opened. I was excited
to see a bit more of Romania but it was really too dark to see
much. Andre sat there, his hand on his chin, looking out the
window. He seemed distant to me. I wondered if he was

You ok?”

turned to me and put his hand in mine. “Sorry, I just don’t like
the modern ways of traveling, it doesn’t suit me. I miss the older
ways. The horses, a carriage, that sort of thing.”

Oh, he’s
so romantic! This man is not only hot, he has a softer side too, I
love it. I was discovering new things about him. I wanted to know
everything could.

What is your business like, it you don’t mind me asking? It
must be exciting making all this money, without a care in the
world. You must see so many places, do so many things.”

Money is paper.” After you make so much it ceases to excite
you. Once you have everything there’s nothing money can do. I have
so much of it now that I have lost all interest in financial
matters. That’s why I hire women like you to take care of these
things for me.”

I smiled
at him. “I’m happy you did, this job is like a dream to me. “You’re
a special man, I want to know more about you. I want to work hard,
do everything I can to help you with your success.”

ran his fingers through my hair at the tips. “See I told you, it
looks ravishing this way. The dress is also lovely.”

I felt a
shiver go through me as his hands touched my hair. My heart beat
faster and my nipples were beginning to harden. Just the slight
touch of his fingers on my hair was enough. I wanted him, I
couldn’t deny that fact. My body ached.

Thank you, Mei-Xing picked it for me.”

We drove
on for several more minutes, then the limo suddenly

Get out,” Andre said.

I got
out and he along with me, then the limo sped away. I was nervous in
the dark and I was wondering what was going on, then I saw it
coming up in the distance, the breath coming out in the cold air,
the slow trot of four jet black, gorgeous horses. Behind those
magnificent animals, was a black carriage. It stopped the driver
completely silent, he was in a suit and a top hat.

Gregor,” said Andre. “Right on time, excellent.”



couldn’t believe what I was seeing, a carriage! It was the most
romantic thing anyone had ever done for me in my entire life. I
stood there, speechless.

went to the door and opened it. “Allow me.”

Thank you, kind sir,” I said as I climbed into the

The moon is bright tonight, we will have some light.” Andre
went around the carriage and got in the other side.

the carriage there was champagne in ice and a basket of fresh
fruit. Andre popped the bottle to pour me a glass.

Aren’t you having any?” I asked.


No, I don‘t care for it, this is for you. There look over the
hill in front of us, we will reach my estate soon.”

I took a
strawberry out of the basket and bit into it, the sweetness filling
my mouth. I needed to fill my mouth with something else. I wanted
to taste Andre’s cock, feel his hardness. In my mind I saw him, his
cock thrusting inside of me with delicious pleasure. Tabitha,
that’s your boss, calm down! I couldn’t help it I wanted Andre, my
body told me. Andre’s voice jolted me back.

These vineyards we are passing now, I know it’s hard to see
but they belong to my family. This whole area we own.” Andre
motioned to the farmhouses and other structures we passed although
in the blackness it was difficult to make much out.

I wish I had your money.” I nibbled on some grapes from the

Money can create sorrow, it won’t cure loneliness. It’s not as
powerful as passion nor as divine as sensuality. “Andre motioned to
the surroundings again. “All this may be mine but it’s not
everything, it’s rather insignificant. You are young, it’s hard for
you to comprehend that.”

reached out to touch his arm. “No, I understand.”

carriage stopped by two large gates which opened for us. Two men
closed the gates behind us, as the carriage made its way up a long
steep driveway, up to an old castle, just like the one in the
picture in Andre’s office. I couldn’t see much in the darkness but
there was a faint glow coming from a couple of windows in the

This is the same castle in that picture in your office isn’t
it?” I said.

Yes,” he said. “This has been in my family for centuries. I
have numerous estates as well as castles throughout Europe, but
this is my home, my domain. It overlooks the town below, as well as
the vineyards.”

carriage stopped by the front doors of the massive stone structure.
In front of us were two twin doors that looked to be made out of
oak but taller than regular doors and wider. Andre got out and came
over to my door to open it.

Welcome to my home.” He took my hand and helped me out of the

Thank you. I wish I could see more it’s quite dark.” Andre
stood next to me and held my hand in his, caressing my

I saw you at your interview. I was watching, admiring you. I
was taken by your beauty. The other women, didn’t interest me, but
you captivated me.”


I saw you
after the interview, just for a moment,” I said, my heart racing.
His eyes, god those beautiful eyes.

I wanted to say something then, but my business, keeps me on
the move. That is, until tonight.”

doors in front of us creaked open.

Please.” Andre took my hand and escorted me inside.

castle inside was breathtaking. The walls were covered in smooth
woods, and it shone as the candlelight bathed them in a soft glow.
There was a winding staircase in front of us and a railing at the
top going around. Many areas of the walls were covered in
tapestries or beautiful paintings. The floor was done in a burgundy
red with a square pattern throughout the carpets. By the staircase
there was a full set of ancient knight armor complete with a sword
and helmet. His servants closed the doors behind us and quietly
went on their way. The doors made a deep creaking sound as they
slid shut with a loud boom that made me jump a little. There were
entrances to the other areas of the castle to both sides of us. One
room glowed softly with the flicker of candles and the smell of
cooking meats filled me.

gestured towards the room with the glow. “This way, dinner awaits.”
He took my hand by my fingers and led me into the other

other room was large and open, in the middle was a long heavy table
made out of oak. There were eight dark brown chairs around it with
red velvet in the middle and on the seats. The table was decorated
with sparking cutlery and all sorts of expensive dishes as well as
fine white linen. On one side of the table on the wall was a large
portrait of a man sitting in a chair while behind the head of the
table was another opening which appeared to lead into a kitchen
area, the smells coming from it were making my mouth water. Candles
hung in black elaborate sconces on the walls creating a soft,
romantic mood. The floor was done in polished marble, the walls
were done in stone.

Please have a seat,” Andre said. He took a seat at the far end
of the table and I sat at the other end.

A waiter
came out behind Andre, carrying a tray. He came over and poured me
a glass of red wine and left Andre a simple silver goblet. He back
into the kitchen without uttering a word.

took a small sip from his goblet. “I love the candlelight on your

I took a
long drink of the wine to calm my nerves. I couldn’t believe this
place, it was immense and I felt like I was back in the

I hope you don’t mind the candles, I prefer them. They are
more intimate for dining.”

Oh, they are wonderful,” I said. “I have never had a meal by
candlelight before, unless you count that rainstorm we had one
spring back in L.A when the power went out.”

man came out of the entrance carrying what appeared to be a roast
of lamb. He put the plate in front of me. There’s was lamb, roast
vegetables, boiled potatoes and fresh bread for the table. I was
hungry and the food looked great, I waited for them to bring in
Andre’s meal.

Please go ahead,” he said. “Don’t let the meal get

Aren’t you eating?”

I have a different diet than you do.” Andre tool a sip form
his goblet. “I will feast later.”

thought it was odd that he would have at least something. He
probably has some crazy diet, a personal nutritionist, and god
knows what else. I mean look at the shape he is in, he would never
eat a meal like this.

I cut
off a piece of the lamb roast and took a bite. “Oh, wow,” I said
after I chewed it. “This lamb is amazing. Your chef is very
talented.” I dug into the vegetables.

Yes,” so I have heard. Andre stood up and paced a bit, he went
over to the painting and stood there, his hands behind his back.
“This painting is one of my favorites in this castle. Do you know
who this is?”

I shoved
a bit of food to the corner of my mouth so I could talk. “No idea.”
I took a sip of wine to wash it down.

This is one of my ancestors. He used to be a noble at this
castle long ago.” Andre turned to me. “My family goes way back, we
have a colored history as they say.”

I can imagine that you do.”

This castle played an important role in the great wars against
the Shamed Ones. We held them hear and they went no further.”
Andre’s voice raised in tempo. It was here where we fought our
greatest battles, it was here where we vanquished them!”

I chewed
on a bit of bread. What is he babbling about? It’s fine Tabitha
it’s just some war thing, you know how men like to talk about

stood there his eyes livid, veins budging in his neck. “By the time
we were done with them, we left rivers of their blood. It was this
castle that held them back, together we prevailed!”

I felt a
chill come over me, my heart beat in my chest. His voice was
powerful, piercing, and a bit haunting. “Andre, you’re scaring

He put his hand on his chest. ‘Tabitha, please forgive me, I
am passionate about my family history. I

apologize for my outburst.” He
smoothed his jacked and pulled it down. “I didn’t mean to frighten

I looked
up at him. “My grandfather fought in World War II but I don’t know
much about those sorts of things.”

I won’t mention it again. Please, finish your meal,” he said.
Andre paced a bit more as I ate.

I sat
back in my chair. I really can’t eat anymore. That was one of the
best meals I have had in a long time. Thank you, it was really
quite delicious.”

You are welcome.” Andre came over and offered me his hand.
“Please come with me.”

I got up
and took his powerful hand. He led me into the other area of the
castle which was open and wide. There were bookcases, lounges,
fancy chairs and coffee tables. In the corner there stood a
beautiful grand piano, a man sat there silently.

Dimitri,” he said.

The man
at the piano began to play. The music filled the castle, it was

Shall we dance?” he said. Andre took my hands in

Oh, yes.” I replied. “That would be heavenly.”

Hold your hand in mine, we shall waltz.”

I held
his hand and he put his behind my back.

I’m not very good at this,” I said.

Nonsense, you have grace as well as beauty. The music shall
guide you.”

There we
danced around the room. Andre was an artist, helped me light on my
feet. I felt so happy there in his arms. The music was magical,
like nothing I had ever heard. It was like Dimitri had decades of
talent behind him although he only looked my age.

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