Szereto, Mellanie - Two Pirates to Treasure [Bewitching Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Szereto, Mellanie - Two Pirates to Treasure [Bewitching Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Grant snorted a laugh. “He has the right of that, love. Our behavior often leans toward atrocious. Will you forgive our transgressions and help us learn the proper way to treat a lady witch?”

Clapping her hands, Jolán grinned. “What a lucky woman you are, Orsolya! They want to be trained.”

Orshy rolled her eyes, and her shoulders sagged. “Then I suppose I should keep them.”

As unenthusiastic as her declaration was, Ethan celebrated the victory by blowing her a kiss. “You shan’t regret it, sweet Orshy.”

Chapter 6

“You are welcome to join to us for our weekly poker game tomorrow evening. ’Tis a lively game, with good food and plenty of ale to go ’round.” Amalric’s invitation was met with confused expressions from Grant and Ethan, making Orsolya hide a smile.

Lujza, Kata, and Rebeka and their mates had wasted no time in coming to visit the newest residents of the Macska mansion. They’d paraded through the door to the suite shortly after Orsolya and her to-be-trained men had finished sharing their meal. Luckily, she’d arranged for Jolán to bring some zipper-free jeans for the guys so they weren’t parading around mostly naked like they had when Great Grandmother Romána had come calling.

Orsolya waited for the inevitable question.

“What is this poker game?” Ethan scratched his beard-stubbled chin.

Adam and Aaron, Kata’s men, exchanged grins. Rubbing his hands together, Adam turned serious. “Poker is a card game where you try to collect combinations of cards to win the hand. We only play penny-ante, so the pot’s not a fortune, but it’s fun. Mostly, we enjoy some male bonding time in this houseful of...gorgeous women.”

Patting him on the back, Ranulf snickered. “Good save, Adam.”

Grant gave Orsolya’s hand a light squeeze. “This game of wagering and cards wouldn’t interfere with our training? I don’t wish to displease you again so soon, love.”

A chorus of muffled chortles came from the group of warlocks, deliverymen, and former knights. Her brother winked at her and smiled, leading her to wonder when Sandor had changed from overprotective to supportive of her independence. Maybe Rebeka had threatened to withhold sex from him if he carried out an inquisition on Ethan and Grant.

Orsolya gave an exaggerated sigh. “I have a feeling I might need a rest from teaching pirates to behave like gentlemen. An evening of poker with the guys will be good for all concerned.”

Warm breath on her cheek had her turning toward Ethan. He touched his lips to her temple, and a pulse of energy zinged to her clit. “We may imbibe of the ale? Our intention is not to make drunken fools of ourselves.”

Where had these two submissive men come from? They hardly seemed the type to ask a woman for permission to drink and play cards.

Lujza grinned. “How did you whip them into line so quickly, Orsolya?”

Ethan coughed and sat up straighter. “She didn’t whip us. She said she would send us back. Twice.”

“I didn’t mean
.” The smirk on Lujza’s face said the idea might not be a bad one. “It’s a figure of speech. You should get along fine with my medieval men and their antiquated language. They’re from the fourteenth century and still learning some of the nuances of modern English.”

His jaw dropped. “You made them travel through time as well?”

She shook her head. “I meant to leave them in the past, but my knights hitched a ride with me.”

Amalric and Ranulf each placed a hand on her rounded belly, and Ranulf raised an eyebrow. “We chose not to allow her to go without us. She tried to make us return to our time, but we did not.”

“Only because Great Grandmother said you didn’t have to.” She laid palms over her mates’ hands. “I’m glad she let you stay.”

Grant pushed to his feet, walking to stand in front of the trio. “If we gain Romána’s consent to remain here, Orshy cannot send us back to the
Whydah Galley

My pirates are planning a mutiny?
Orsolya crossed her arms over her breasts and waited for what little control she had to vanish. She finally had some say in her life, and in a few seconds it would be gone again.

“No, but Orsolya has to accept you both as her mates, and you have to take the vows. Orshy? That’s cute.” Lujza grinned at Orsolya. “They already have a pet name for you, huh?”

Thank the Goddess for some backup.
Orsolya nodded. If not for that nickname, Kazmer might’ve gotten away with whatever scheme he’d tried to lure her into. Far too much excitement had happened for one day. She hid a yawn behind her hand.

Ethan wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Our Orshy is in need of a rest. We will join you for the breakfast meal tomorrow.”

“I think we’ve been dismissed.” Rebeka leaned in to hug Orsolya. “Sandor won’t give you any trouble. He wants you to be happy.”

“Thank you.” Orsolya returned the embrace, hoping she wasn’t in over her head. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Amidst waves and goodbyes, the room emptied. Alone again with her new lovers, she gave in to another yawn.

Grant helped her to her feet. “Come to bed, love. While we prepare to sleep, will you tell us of the vows? I’m most interested in becoming your mate.”

“I wish to know more about these vows as well.” Taking hold of her other hand, Ethan guided her through the sitting area to the bedroom. “They are much the same as marriage vows?”

None of their visitors had tried to hide the family secret. Did Great Grandmother’s encouragement for Orsolya to accept what she’d been given mean the matriarch approved the mating? Was she even ready to join with Ethan and Grant in the sacred ceremony? “You have to promise your loyalty to the Macska clan and their ally, the Order of the Elements. That means protecting our secret.”

They settled on either side of her on the bed, and Grant curved around her back. “We would never endanger you or your family by revealing the nature of your abilities. Do the vows include a profession of our devotion to the woman we adore?”

Rather than trying to speak past the sudden lump in her throat, she nodded.

Ethan pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “We are devoted to you, Orshy. Have no doubt of it. Sleep now, our betrothed.”

She didn’t possess the energy to argue that they weren’t yet betrothed. Half a day was hardly enough time to decide whether or not she wanted to spend the rest of her life with them. She knew almost nothing about them except that they were amazing lovers—when they didn’t talk too much—and they were pirates. Or they
been before they’d been whisked away with her three hundred years into the future.

An arm snaked around her waist, and warm breath tickled her neck. “Sweet dreams, love.”

Giving in to exhaustion, she closed her eyes and let the comfort of being surrounded by heat and firm muscles drag her into unconsciousness.

* * * *

“She sleeps.” The whisper in the darkness brought Grant fully awake. “Using her powers saps her strength still, but she’ll grow stronger soon.”

Meeting Ethan’s gaze in the not quite pitch-blackness, he nodded. “We have found what we sought.”

“Had she not brought us forward in time, we would have searched more than four hundred years for our quarry.”

Grant thanked the Fates for sending Orshy to the
Whydah Galley
. “Nay, we would’ve perished with the crew. She saved our lives and prevented the failure of our task.”

“We have yet to succeed. The Order and the matriarch’s clan must not uncover our true purpose.”

Nodding again, Grant swallowed a twinge of guilt. Deceiving Orshy might be an easy enough undertaking, but it didn’t sit well with his conscience. “I wish to sleep now. We will talk more tomorrow.”

“I care for her too, but our duty must be done.” Ethan brushed a loose strand of hair from her face.

Tightening his hold around her waist, Grant closed his eyes and breathed in the intoxicating scent of her. She whimpered in her sleep. Was she dreaming of the one she’d called Kazmer trying to steal her away? “You’re safe, sweet Orshy. We’ll protect you.”

She clutched his arm and reached for Ethan, her breath coming in shallow pants. “Don’t leave me! Please don’t go!”

Ethan stroked her cheek. “Never, love. We won’t ever leave you.”

Ignoring the knot in his stomach, Grant kissed the side of her neck. They wouldn’t willingly leave her, but she could very well tell them to go. Harboring secrets didn’t encourage trust, especially if she found out before they completed their task. Their assignment took precedence over all other aspects of their lives until they succeeded. Then, and only then, could they explain their purpose to her and her family. Failure would mean certain death. No explanation. No apologies. No future with her.

She arched her hips against his cock, making him swell in the snug-fitting denims. Why hadn’t he taken time to undress before crawling into bed? “Shall we prove our desire to stay with you, love?”

“Yes. Please, yes.” The desperation in her voice sparked a flame low in his belly.

Moving his hand upward to cup her tit, he trailed a line of kisses to her ear. “Do you wish for us to fuck you together?”

Her feminine moan and the puckered nipple poking into his palm through the thin layer of her chemise surely signaled an affirmative answer. She pushed the curve of her ass into his dick again. “Both of you. I need you both.”

He loosened his hold long enough to shed his clothes and help her out of her own before he settled his mouth over hers. Her tongue eased past his lips, stroking along his and exploring the way she had during her aggressive kiss on the ship. He met every delving thrust with one of his own, savoring her sweet taste.

The mattress shifted, and he glanced down to see Ethan lie between her thighs with his face closing in on her cunt. Turning his attention back to the kiss, Grant skimmed his fingertips along her ribs, following the rows of indentations to the full mound of flesh. Her nipple pebbled beneath his thumb. She moaned into his mouth and tangled her fingers in his hair. The slight sting in his scalp sent a jolt of desire to his balls. Damn but he could barely wait to be inside her.

Struggling against her body’s urgent need to mate, Orsolya tried to slow her response to Grant strumming on her breast and Ethan lapping at her clit, but every touch ignited another part of her. She pulled away from Grant’s kiss in an effort to catch her breath. When his lips closed over her other nipple, she surrendered to the inevitable and gave a hoarse cry. Fire spread through her veins as her orgasm went on and on. Her muscles trembled under the onslaught of sensation.

Grant released her sensitive nub and nibbled his way up her chest and neck. “You’re so beautiful when you come, Orshy. May I fuck your lovely ass now?”

His words brought a smile to her face. “Mm-hm. Aloe. In the drawer. Ethan, fuck me too.”

Warm, moist lips pressed a kiss to her inner thigh. “I’d love a turn in your sweet cunt.”

Ethan sat up, pulling her onto his lap as Grant reached for the lube. She rose over Ethan’s erection and guided him to her opening. In a single downward thrust, she impaled herself on his hard cock. “Hurry, Grant. I need you too.”

“There is no aloe plant in the drawer.”

A giggle bubbled up from her throat, but she swallowed it. Her lovers came from a time without many of the conveniences of the twenty-first century. “Not a plant. It comes in a jar. Kata grows the plants in the greenhouse and puts the gel in jars to use for lotion.”

He held up a squat tub with a screw-on lid, moonlight from the window reflecting off the glass. Twisting off the lid, he dipped his fingers into her supply of lube. “The jar is nearly empty.”

BOOK: Szereto, Mellanie - Two Pirates to Treasure [Bewitching Desires 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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