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Authors: Lauren Dane

Sworn to the Wolf (20 page)

BOOK: Sworn to the Wolf
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“Sean is so sensual but he’s playful too. I felt this intense connection to him right off. The first time he made love to me it was like these invisible tendrils grew out of him and embedded themselves inside my body, my mind, my soul. All of a sudden he’s inviting me out all of the time. Things got very serious really quickly even though I’d known him professionally for a few years.

“And then one morning he tells me he’s a werewolf! I’m thinking he’s taking the pain meds or something and needs detox but he changed. Right in my bedroom at ten in the morning on a Wednesday. I don’t know. I should have been scared but I wasn’t. He told me that he and I were Mates and that he wanted to marry me and to bring me over and have me join his family. Again, I should have freaked but I didn’t. I just wanted to do it to be with him.

“Of course when I found out that they’d all slept with many of the other women in the Clan, especially knowing that he’d slept with Perri, it did a number on me. It’s hard when you’re close with people and you know your man had this connection before you even came along. But he and I worked it out and Perri is such a great friend now. Well, obviously you and Laurent have worked it out because I see you and Perri get along well too. You don’t have to worry about me, Sean would kill me before he’d share. Even if Laurent is delicious.” She laughed.

Rain felt like cold water had been thrown over her head. “Are you telling me Laurent slept with Perri?”

Laurent chose that moment to walk back into the dining room with the food he’d gone off to get.

“Oh god, I thought you knew. I mean, you knew about Ellen. I’m sorry,” Emma said, upset. “Honestly, it didn’t mean anything. Perri came into the Pack after she’d been with Devon for a while. She, well she’s just different about sex and sexuality. As far as I know she hasn’t coupled with anyone other than Devon in several years.” Emma’s voice trailed off as she saw Laurent standing there. “God, I’m sorry,” she said and got up and left the room.

Rain turned and looked at Laurent and her eyes narrowed. “Is there any particular reason why I had to find that out that way?” she hissed, feeling sick to her stomach.

“Baby, I just wanted you to see Perri for the person she is and not feel weird about things. She’s part of the Inner Circle and you’ll be with her so often, I just wanted you to be comfortable.”

Her fingers dug into the arms of the chair she sat in as she pushed to standing. “What is it with you! Lying is not going to make me more
. Jeez, Laurent, listen, it’s not like I think you were a virgin before I came along. I understand that you slept with other women before I came into your life. Fine. You tell me you’ve had sex with women in the Clan, okay, less fine but I can get past that. I’m confident that you love me, I’m confident in our commitment. What bothers me is your need to lie to me for things you see as my own good. I have a father, Laurent, one who does that. And I believe I’ve made quite clear my feelings on that subject. I’m capable of thinking and feeling and working through stuff. I hate that you patronize me and treat me like I’m fourteen years old.”

Laurent sighed, putting the tray with the food down. He went to Rain and knelt before her, placing his forehead to her feet. “I was wrong. Please forgive me.”

Standing there, looking at this fierce giant of a man who’d knelt in utter submission to her to apologize—this in a house full of wolves he outranked—Rain felt so much love. Relieved, she ran her hands through his hair and knelt to face him. She bent and brought him upright to look into her eyes. “I forgive you. I even understand why you do such things. I just don’t want you to do them anymore, all right? Please let’s be partners. I love you so much that it freaks me out sometimes.”

He smiled and pulled her tightly against him. “I don’t deserve you. I promise, equals, although I can’t stop wanting to protect you.”

“You are so dumb! Of course you deserve me, we’re made for each other,” she said against his lips as he kissed her.

“Okay, kids, break it up!” Phillip said, laughing as he entered the room.

“Are we okay?” Laurent asked her quietly.

“Yeah but, Laurent, don’t lie to me again. Do you understand? This is a major hot button issue with me and you know why,” Rain said seriously.

“I promise, baby.” Laurent stood and helped Rain up. “The sun is going down, dinner will be in two hours. The ceremony will begin at seven. Are you ready?”

“Ready to turn into a wolf and have sex with you in front of forty people? Cake.” She snorted.

“Welcome to my world, baby,” Laurent said, grinning.

“Rain! Will you walk with us over to Aunt Emma and Uncle Sean’s house? We’re gonna have a slumber party while you’re having your transformation. Mom says that we can’t be there but I think it would be so cool to see you change for the first time and also to see you bond with Uncle Laurent. Can I call you Aunt Rain? Will you walk with us?” Hellie bounded into the room, clambering into Rain’s arms as she babbled nonstop.

“Whoa there, remember to breathe!” Rain said, laughing, accepting all the hugs and kisses. “Yes I’ll walk you over. In fact Laurent will come too. Yes, you can call me Aunt Rain. No you can’t come to my transformation but someday you’ll have one of your own, when you mature. Lastly, a slumber party sounds so cool! I bet Anna has made you guys all sorts of cool things to eat.” She put Hellie back on the ground and held her hand.

“Anna is the best! She makes my favorite oatmeal raisin cookies even though no one else likes them but me. Isn’t that nice of her?”

“It is nice of her but you know what? Anna loves doing things for you because she loves

“I love her too. She’s like another grandma. I love you too, Rain. I’m so glad that you love Laurent and you’ve joined our family.”

Rain smiled and looked at Laurent, who watched Hellie with an amused grin. “I’m glad I love Laurent too, honey, and I love you as well. Now let’s get to walking. Where are your brothers?”

“Oh those dumbheads are outside already. Devon is muddy not even half an hour after Mom gave him a bath. Boys get so dirty,” she said airily, with her nose wrinkled.

Laurent laughed. “Let’s go, Hellie bear.” He grabbed one hand and Hellie’s sleeping bag and backpack and Rain kept the other. When they got to the lawn the boys ran and mobbed them all. Kari and Phillip joined the mile and a half walk to Sean and Emma’s place.

Their house was a giant A-frame. The entire front of the house, the side facing the lake, was windows and decks wrapped around the entirety of the house. Children played in the huge, fenced-in play area, set back from the water.

“It’s beautiful. Totally an expression of Emma and Sean,” Rain said with awe and Kari nodded.

“Isn’t it though? I love it here. Emma has done an amazing job at decorating.”

When they entered the house through the giant hand-carved front doors, Rain could see what Kari meant. The house definitely had a Northwest style. Beautiful, deep earthy colors, hardwoods and beautiful floor rugs abounded and yet the house was totally touchable too.

Anna came out of the kitchen smiling and holding out a plate of marshmallow crispy squares. Within moments the plate was stripped clean and the kids who walked over with them had scampered outside, happily munching.

“As always, Anna, thanks for agreeing to watch this brood. I just don’t know what we’d all do without you.” Kari kissed Anna’s cheek, following up with a stroke over her jawline.

Anna smiled, watching the kids through the window. “It’s my pleasure. You know that. I’ll be sorry to miss your transformation, Rain. But after the rush has died down we’ll go on a run together.” Anna hugged her tightly.

“Thanks, I’d like that.”

“We should get back. Janine is going to handle dinner with Jade. I want to check in,” Kari said, accepting a kiss and a cheek rub from Anna.

Anna waved a hand. “I made all the food earlier today. It just needs to be served. No big deal.”

“Anna, you’re too kind. Thank you so much,” Rain said.

“This is a big day for all of us. No thanks are necessary. Welcome to the family.”

Laurent guided her to the door. “I’ve got something planned for you back at home. Just a little pre-dinner ritual,” he whispered into her ear and she laughed softly.

“We just had sex a few hours ago.”

He chuckled. “
not the ritual, although it’ll be part of what I plan to do to you. It’s always part of what I plan to do to you.”

Hand in hand they walked slowly, taking in the late afternoon as they headed back.

Back at the cabin Laurent told her to wait in the living room and brought her a glass of wine. Minutes later he came in, his hair down, naked and graceful as he moved toward her. Her heart skipped a beat for a moment in reaction to his fierce beauty.

mon amour
.” He held his hand out and she went to him.

The heat of his body enveloped her like a cloak as she followed him into the bathroom. Lit candles lent a golden glow to the room as steam rose from the water in the tub. The scent of almond oil and lavender wafted through the room.

“Wow. This is beautiful.”

“You’re beautiful. This is just a spot of pampering to prepare you for your big night.”

With gentle hands he undressed her slowly, sensuously. He laid kisses on each new bit of skin exposed as he went. He unbound her hair and stepped into the bathtub, bringing her in to sit between his thighs.

She leaned back against him while he brushed her hair in long, languorous strokes, all the while whispering endearments and encouragements in French and English. He softly ran a washcloth over her skin and her eyes dropped closed. Warm relaxation stole over her under his ministrations and she loved that he had that affect on her.

“Mmm. I wish this moment could last forever,” she murmured as he kissed her temple.

“This is a wonderful moment, yes. But our lives will be filled with many, many more such moments. So let’s get out and we’ll make some new memories now.” He helped her out and they dried off and headed into the bedroom.

“You’re good with that stuff, Laurent. You say the most wonderful things.”

“I have something for you. Hang on.” He turned and pulled something from a drawer and handed it to her.

She opened her eyes and looked down at a snow white silk robe that bore an ebony trim. It had only three buttons, one in the center, at the level of her pussy, one above it an inch and one below it. It was flowing and absolutely the most sexy thing she’d ever seen in her life. The buttons were silver discs with wolves carved into them.

“The trim is wolf fur that Drew braided and embroidered. It’s not from a dead wolf, it’s not a pelt. It’s mine. He’s been working on it since the first time you came up here. The buttons aren’t silver, the mythology is true and we’ve got a severe silver allergy. They’re platinum.”

“I’’s so beautiful.” She drew fingertips over the trim, over the softness of the edging.

“Let me help.”

The smooth silk caressed her skin as he slid it on. She turned to look into a mirror and her breath caught in her throat. She looked like another person. Her skin, normally olive-toned, had taken on a nearly golden quality. Her hair hung past her ass, thick and flowing over her shoulders, in contrast to the luminous white of the robe. The black trim sat against the silk of her bare skin and the curves of her breasts. Her eyes had taken on a sort of inner light, the gold ring around the pupil more pronounced.

“What’s happening to me?” she whispered.

“It’s the transformation. You were
beautiful, Rain. The bite simply makes you
of what you were. The skin takes on a luminous quality, the hair gets thicker and softer, your eyes, well I can see a shadow of your wolf. It incites my wolf to see her. My god, that robe makes me want to slide inside you right here and now,” he growled.

Shivers ran down Rain’s spine. “Do we have time? Because I’m all about you fucking me right now too.”

He laughed and the sound stroked over her skin like a caress. “No. We don’t. I wish like hell we did but everyone is expecting us. There’ll be time soon enough though. I promise.”

She pouted a bit but smiled when she caught sight of the robe in the mirror, smoothing a hand over the material. “It’s incredible. Thank you, Laurent. Your fur against my skin is, well, amazing. Is this what I’m wearing to dinner?”

“Yes. The transformation ceremony will begin in ten minutes. Dinner first. Then to the clearing for the actual ceremony and binding, then a run.”

“I think I need some underwear and well,” she looked down, surprised by her ample cleavage on display as well as her bellybutton, “jeez, you can see to my lower stomach!”

Grinning, he brought out a pair of black silk panties, dangling from a finger. “Here, I bought these for you.”

She slid them on and he smiled approvingly and she settled the robe back into place. In the other hand he held a pair of soft satin ballet slippers. “I wanted these black leather spike heels to go with it but it’s harder to walk. I bought the heels anyway. They’re in the closet for later. For now though, these should fit.” He quirked up a corner of his mouth.

He stood back and looked at her, his eyes glittering as he took in the entire package. “You look so damned sexy I think my cock may explode.” Wincing, she took his arm and they headed out the door.

They slowly walked up to the lodge. Rain’s skin was itchy. “Laurent, I feel odd. My skin feels, I don’t know, weird.”

“It’s nearing time for your change, Rain. Your wolf is rising. The moon calls her.”

When they walked in a hush fell over the group. Laurent led her into the dining room and they all filed in to sit in their respective places.

Andreas stood and raised his glass. “To Rain, welcome sister, welcome mate, welcome wolf.”

“Hear, hear!” they all responded and drank.

Alek leaned in and whispered, “That is the sexiest transformation robe I’ve ever seen.”

“Thanks.” She blushed.

“Laurent, you chose well. That robe is marvelous but the two of you side by side, with your hair down... Man, your children are going to be incredibly beautiful,” Devon said. Perri smiled softly and hesitantly. Emma must have told her about that afternoon.

BOOK: Sworn to the Wolf
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