Read Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel) Online

Authors: Brenda Novak,Melody Anne,Violet Duke,Melissa Foster,Gina L Maxwell,Linda Lael Miller,Sherryl Woods,Steena Holmes,Rosalind James,Molly O'Keefe,Nancy Naigle

Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel) (4 page)

BOOK: Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel)
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Everything in the limo fascinated the two children, and they were overjoyed when Mr. Smotter opened a bottle of sparkling cider. Ally giggled when he gave her a glass of the bubbly liquid in a crystal-stemmed glass.

Once they’d arrived at the airport, Whitney was agape when they pulled off into a private terminal and parked in front of a huge jet with
Felton Enterprises
painted boldly across the back.

“Wow! Are we flying in that?” Brayden gasped as he saw all the people surrounding the aircraft.

“Yes, Mr. Felton has sent his personal jet to collect you. He wants to make sure you arrive without any harm,” Mr. Smotter said, and Whitney cringed.

“Is our grandpa megarich?” Brayden asked.

“Well, I didn’t want to shock you both too much, but apparently your father’s family has done quite well,” Whitney told him in as offhand a manner as she could.

“This is so unreal,” Brayden said, and then grinned for the first time in what felt like forever.

Whitney didn’t know why, but she suddenly got the giggles. The entire situation was just so bizarre. Things like this didn’t happen in the real world — only in her favorite romantic movies and books. The kids seemed to find the humor in the situation too, and soon the three of them were laughing so hard that none of them could breathe.

Mr. Smotter was looking at them as if they’d lost their minds. He sat a bit stiffly, waiting for them to collect themselves and exit the limo to board the jet.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Smotter, but this whole thing is so unbelievable,” Whitney managed to say between giggles.

They were led up the blue-carpeted stairs into the jet, and all three of them looked around the luxurious cabin in awe.

“This is really cool, Auntie,” Ally said as she rushed forward and jumped into a cushioned chair.

“I could get used to traveling like this,” Brayden said with a barely repressed twinkle in his eyes.

“I think this is a fun adventure, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying every minute of it,” Whitney told the children. Then she sat down in the chair next to Ally and decided not to let any worries of her real life get to her until after this vacation.

She only hoped that it was nothing more than a vacation. Would this mysterious family try to keep the children?

If they did try, they would find that Whitney wasn’t a person to give up without a fight. A big fight. She loved these two children desperately.



Chapter Five


When the Big City came into view, Whitney’s breath was lodged in her chest as her fears returned. What if she was making a mistake? What if this family wanted to take her niece and nephew away from her? What if...?

No, she mustn’t think these things. Her sister wouldn’t want her to keep the children from a family who wanted to love them.

“Wow, Aunt Whitney, this is so exciting,” Ally exclaimed.

The girl would have no trouble adjusting to the situation.

“Yes, honey, I know it is,” Whitney said as she stroked her niece’s hair.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Mr. Smotter said to them once the plane had landed. He led them from the jet and into a limo that was similar to the one they’d ridden in earlier.

The slow drive through heavy traffic made Whitney grateful. It gave her time to practice her breathing techniques and prepare herself for what was to come.

The car picked up speed as they left the city and its skyscrapers. In half an hour or so, they turned a corner and then she heard Brayden’s breath whoosh out. She turned to follow his gaze and then couldn’t stop her own gasp from escaping. Up a long and winding road a gigantic house dominated the snow-covered landscape.

“Is that where we’re going?” Ally asked, her voice quiet as she leaned closer to Whitney.

“Yes, Ms. Ally, this is your family home,” Mr. Smotter told her.

“That doesn’t look like a home,” the little girl replied.

The closer they came, the larger and more intimidating the building looked. Whitney felt so far out of her element that she feared she might not land safely on her feet when this ride was over.

They drove around to the back of the humongous house, with windows that each seemed bigger than her entire place back in Oregon, and walls stretching halfway to the sky and beyond. Would the children get lost in the depths of the place the second they stepped inside, never to be seen again?

“I want you both to stick with me,” Whitney told them as the limo stopped. “And please behave.”

“We promise to be good, Aunt Whitney,” Ally quickly replied, but Whitney saw a sparkle in Brayden’s eyes that scared her to pieces.

“Right this way, Ms. Steele.”

The massive door ahead of them looked like something Shrek would need to use. Whitney walked slowly toward it, holding tightly to Ally’s hand. Brayden stood next to her, for once not issuing a snappy or snarky remark, but simply staring as Mr. Smotter opened the door.

“Why is the door so big?” Ally asked as they stepped through.

“Because Mr. Felton is a big man,” Mr. Smotter replied quickly.

Ally stopped, and her eyes turned into saucers. “Like a giant?” she squeaked.

“Not quite that big,” the man said, a brief chuckle escaping his lips.

They were greeted in the hall by a large smile. “I didn’t think you were ever going to arrive,” said a short, round woman in a perky voice.

“Elise, this is Whitney Steele, and these are the children, Master Brayden and Miss Ally,” Mr. Smotter said, and he turned to Whitney. “This is the nanny. She’s been awaiting your arrival anxiously.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Elise, but the children won’t need a nanny,” Whitney said, her fingers tightening on Ally’s hand.

“Oh…” The woman’s face fell, and Whitney immediately regretted what she’d said.

“I just meant that I enjoy watching after Ally,” Whitney told her, “and Brayden is quite independent, but I’m sure we could do some things together.”

“That would be wonderful, Ms. Steele,” Ms. Elise said, her lips instantly lifting.

“Please call me Whitney. I’ve never been comfortable with so much formality.”

“Oh, well…um…” The woman was clearly at a loss for words.

Mr. Smotter stepped in and saved them all from the awkwardness. “I’m sure you’re all ready to rest and get changed for dinner.”

“Yes, thank you,” Whitney said.

They left Elise, and after walking for what seemed to be a mile, they stopped in front of an ornate door.

They were shown Brayden’s room first, and then Ally’s, which Whitney was grateful to learn was next to her own. She tugged on the girl’s hand anxiously.

“I’m fine, Aunt Whitney. I want to jump on my bed,” Ally told her.

“I’ll keep a good eye on her while you rest up from your trip,” Elise said, and Whitney walked reluctantly to her room next door.

“I’ll have your personal maid, Darcy, unpack your belongings while you take a bath.” Mr. Smotter told her.

“I don’t need any help of that sort, but thank you.” Whitney turned the knob and opened the door to a room easily the size of her last apartment, the one she’d rented before that tragic accident.

“Nonsense,” Mr. Smotter said, and he turned and walked away.

She barely made it inside before she was joined by a woman who looked to be old enough to be her great-grandmother. How could she possibly have the poor old woman do anything for her?

“I’ll begin putting your things away,” the woman told her briskly.

“That really isn’t necessary,” Whitney began as the woman unzipped her suitcase and dove on inside.

Whitney’s cheeks grew flushed. Just her luck — right on top was a couple of her favorite romance novels, with very risqué pictures on the cover. The maid looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Just so you know, we do have an extensive library here; you’ll have a lot of
books to read.”

Whitney couldn’t miss the disparaging look that the maid gave to those poor half-naked beauties on the covers, their bodices sadly ripped.

“I really can unpack on my own,” Whitney told the harpy, and quickly snatched the books from the woman’s hands.

Darcy was openly affronted, and Whitney could feel her face turning redder by the minute as this oh-so-proper maid stood there staring at her less than impeccably packed suitcase.

“It’s my job to get you unpacked,” Darcy said, and then turned away and continued what she was doing.

Whitney decided it was far easier to just let her do the work and not argue. So she stepped into the adjoining bathroom and felt as if she’d died and gone to heaven.

The bathtub against the back wall was big enough to swim in, and it had window beside it with a view of the snowy rolling hills that seemed to stretch for miles. Maybe, just maybe, she could relax with a nice hot bath.

She turned on the tap, then took her time brushing her teeth and putting her hair up. The tub filled with amazing speed, and, after adding fragrant bath beads to the water, she sank down and let her worries melt away.

Somewhere in the distance she heard a knock on the door and a voice saying something or other, but she just didn’t care. The knocking became more insistent, and that’s when she shot awake.

“Dinner will be served at eight on the dot. Don’t be late. Mr. Felton doesn’t like to be kept waiting,” Darcy called out through the closed door.

“Okay, we’ll be on time,” Whitney called. She was willing to say anything to make the maid go away.

This tub and the relaxation it offered might be the only thing in the monstrous home that let her keep her sanity.



Chapter Six


“They’re late,” Liam grumbled, and he looked at his father with evident impatience. He was a busy man, dammit.

“Son, they’ve had a long journey and could very easily be lost in this home,” Frederick said with a smile, which further irritated his son.

“Maybe inviting them here was a bad idea. If they have such a lack of manners as to make their host wait on them, perhaps we should have left them on the other side of the country,” Liam said before turning to one of the staffers standing by and asking him to search for the missing family. Before the man could leave, there was a ruckus outside the dining hall.

“Weren’t you the one who insisted?” Frederick pointed out. Liam ignored that.

Frederick and Liam turned toward the open double doors and watched as Whitney went racing by, quickly followed by a laughing Brayden and Ally. The chaos obviously amused Liam’s father. It most certainly didn’t amuse Liam.

“Ah, they are a fresh wind blowing through these cold walls. Don’t you agree?” Frederick said with a chuckle.

“That’s nothing but unnecessary noise, Father.”

“It sounds as if our guests have arrived,” Mr. Smotter said.

Liam sent him a withering stare, which wiped the smile from the man’s face.

Liam winced when the three new people finally stepped into the formal dining area. He looked toward the staff members, who refused to make eye contact with him. Liam wondered if no one had told Whitney or the children to dress more appropriately for dinner.

He and his father were both wearing their formal dinner wear, as was expected when having guests to dinner. The most they dressed down to eat a meal was to wear a day suit.

The little girl was wearing a summer dress, and the boy had on jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Heck, headphones were hanging around his neck. Who had raised these children? Certainly not his brother.

Then Liam turned toward the children’s aunt. He’d seen a few pictures of her, but they hadn’t captured her face in all its glory. Liam was surprised by the instant surge of heat traveling straight to his loins at the sight she made standing there, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright, her smile almost…infectious.

He ran his eyes lower, noticing her nearly fitted cotton shirt and slacks. Was that her idea of sprucing up? No doubt. Still, at the same time that he damned it as insufficiently formal for dinner, he found himself a bit envious. It did look more comfortable than what he was sporting.

“Mr. Felton, may I present Master Brayden, Miss Ally, and their Aunt, Ms. Whitney Steele,” Mr. Smotter said as the three approached the table, their smiles dimming, as they seemed to catch on to the mood of the room.

“I’m sorry we’re late, but we got lost in the hallways, and then we seemed to be going in circles. I hope you didn’t wait on us,” Whitney said in one breath. She led the children to two open seats, and took one herself, not waiting for guidance.

“I assure you we would never be so rude as to begin supper without waiting for our guests,” Liam said stiffly.

Whitney’s already faltering smile now died completely.

Ally jumped out of her chair and ran over to Frederick. She, at least, was smiling once again; in fact, she was beaming.

“Are you my grandpa?” she finally asked him in awe.

The man’s simple “Yes” also sounded a bit awed.

“I love you,” she said, launched herself into his lap, and threw her arms around him.

Liam felt himself stiffen again. The love this child could share with a stranger was absolutely unexpected. When she turned, he had another shock —her profile was almost the spitting image of his brother’s when he was a child.

He cleared his throat, for a strange scratchiness had suddenly made him feel unable to speak. His father, it was clear, also didn’t quite know what to do with the girl. Love hadn’t been an open invitation for any of them in this palace of a home. Liam and his brother had never been encouraged to show open affection. Too unseemly.

“Well, then, it’s very nice to meet you, Miss Ally,” Frederick finally said. He brought his hand up and rubbed her head for a moment before setting her back down on the floor.

“We really should start dinner now,” Liam said, giving Ally a stern look when she glanced his way. He didn’t want her to launch herself into
arms next. As soon as his words were out, the staff jumped to attention and sat Ally in her chair, then the first course was served.

“Are you my uncle?” Ally asked as she played with the soup in front of her, but didn’t bother to taste it. Liam was almost mesmerized by the bubbles being created by the splashing of liquid as she dropped soup only to begin the routine all over again.

BOOK: Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel)
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