Read Sweet Succubus Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

Sweet Succubus (3 page)

BOOK: Sweet Succubus
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When he knelt in the middle of her soft bed, he bent, depositing her there. Her hands clutched the hem of her nightgown, and she wriggled to pull it over her head. He shoved down his briefs, getting them to his knees before she took over, her cheek sliding against his abdomen, making the muscles jump, as she reached to push the shorts off his legs. Her mouth pressed a kiss against the tip of his hard cock, but he shoved her back, too aroused, too desperate to be nice now.

Not that she seemed to mind. The corners of her sweet mouth lifted in a siren’s smile as she laid her arms on the bed, stretched out at her sides. He tucked his fingers under the waistband of her panties and tugged them off. Then she slid her heels up to bend her knees and parted her thighs.

As he looked at her sex, red and glistening, his balls drew tight against his groin. “Ever had a brother?” he rasped.

“Think I can’t take you?”

“Last chance.” He arched a brow. “I’m not little.”

Her laughter was soft and husky, sexy as hell. Her fingers wrapped around his shaft and squeezed before falling away.

Well, he’d given her an out. If she wasn’t worried, he wouldn’t be either.

Leaning over her, he tapped his cock against her center once, then pushed inside. She was small, tight, but so fucking hot he couldn’t be gentle, not now. He tunneled deep, groaning as he worked his way inside her, slick heat surrounding him every inch of the way.

Even as tiny, as slender as she was, she took him. Without hesitation or complaint, her throaty cries punctuating the air, hips churning to urge him deeper still.

“Lord have mercy,” he moaned. “Hold still. Just a minute,” he said, gasping.

Her nails dug into his ass. “Don’t stop. Not now. Detective Brown, move!”

Moses tried to hold back. Reached deep for control, but she was touching him, raking his skin with her nails, undulating so sweetly, so urgently, her pussy tightening all around him, gripping him, squeezing with feminine contractions that rippled up and down his shaft.

And already she was coming. Hard. Her head digging into the mattress, her mouth stretched wide. A choked scream ripped from her throat.

He caved, hammering her, pounding so deep, so hard, the bed jerked and scraped on the hardwood floor, the headboard thudding against the wall with each powerful surge of his hips. Only Sidney had ever been able to withstand his full-on thrusts. But this little woman, this tiny, fragile thing, writhing like a wild animal trapped beneath him, was taking it, taking all of him.

“Sweet Jesus…fuck… Oh, goddamn,” he said as his balls exploded, streams of cum shooting through his cock, filling her until he was sliding, churning in liquid so hot and thick he kept right on rocking, unwilling to end the sweet, wet pleasure.

But at last his strength gave, and he sank against her body, resting his chest against her quivering breasts. Her legs and arms were wrapped tightly around him, her face snug in the curve of his neck. When her mouth glided in the sweat coating his skin, he realized with a start he’d fucked her without ever kissing her, without ever touching her intimately. He’d crawled right over her and fucked her like a whore. And he hadn’t given a thought to using a goddamn condom.

He felt like an ass.

Ashamed, Moses buried his head in the bedding. Her hands made long, slow glides up his sides, over his back, soothing him. Dragging in deep gulps of air, he raised his head and pushed up on his hands to take his weight.

Her features were soft, her skin dewy and pink. Her eyes blinked sleepily and a smile spread slowly across her face. “Thank you.”

Disgust at himself had him curling his lips. “Don’t. That was…a huge fucking mistake.”

Her smile faded, and her brows drew together. “Because you’ve already got someone?”

“Because I’m a cop. And I’m supposed to be protecting you.”

“I asked for this. I needed it. And it was…good.”

Moses growled, irked now.
That’s all she had to say about sex that had his body still shaking in the aftermath? He gritted his teeth, pulled out of her silky heat, then climbed off her and rolled to his back at her side.

“Name’s Moses. I’ll sleep on the left.”

Melanie shot Moses
a glance, but he wasn’t looking her way. His forearm covered his eyes. She wasn’t fooled. He’d been into it. Deep into her. Maybe he didn’t like the fact she’d come on to him. Maybe he was the kind of guy who liked to make the first move. Or maybe he really was disappointed in himself that he’d let down his guard.

However, she didn’t believe for even a moment that he hadn’t felt as pulled, as compelled, to have sex as she had. The sex had been raw, hard, and fast. Far too urgent for him not to have felt how special the coupling was. He’d rivaled the dark fantasies swirling in her dreams.

For now, however, she’d let him have his sulk. She had a few things to figure out anyway. Least of which was why she felt such a strong attraction to a man she’d just met—beyond the biological urges that had led her into trouble in the first place.

In the meantime, he wasn’t going anywhere, and she felt safe with his large body sprawled beside hers. Safe at last. Even if he was sulking.

Her lips twitched, a grin tugging, wanting to stretch, but she suppressed the urge, sure that if he peeked her way he’d be in a real huff.

Instead, she gave a little sigh, rolled to her side toward him, and tucked her body close, ignoring the way he stiffened for a moment before his hand curved over the back of her head and held her closer.

Never had she felt like this. Thrilled to her toes but wrapped in warmth, cozy and safe. She closed her eyes, rested a hand over the dull thud of his heart, and drifted into sleep.

It started again, even before she sank deep into the dream. Part of her aware she stroked his skin. Part of her floating away, drifting toward the ceiling, gazing down curiously at the couple entwined on her bed.

As she watched, Moses’s features grew lax in sleep. His legs twitched. The length of his cock, still drying in the air, lay curled against his thick thigh.

Her attention snagged on his sex.

Freed by her dream, she swooped toward the bed then paused to hover over the couple, suspended. She glanced toward the woman—the other her. The body nestled against his side disappeared in a slow fade.

The creature she was now settled between his spread thighs and bent to breathe in his musky scent, her face moving up and down, taking slow, lazy breaths and continuing to drag in his primal smell. As the scent filled her, she changed, formed, grew corporeal.

Now she wore wings, long, whisper-thin blades that rose and fell behind her, allowing her to hover above as she examined him. In this state, she wasn’t Melanie. Wasn’t human. A surge of arousal hit, so strong it curled like a tightening band inside her womb, twisting, forcing her clitoris to harden and expand.

She reached a lengthening finger between her legs and tapped it, felt it expand some more, protruding like a tiny penis, so hard and erect it ached—no, throbbed—with her frantic heartbeats. She drew near him again, reached for his cock and wrapped her longer fingers around his slackened shaft.

His eyelids blinked then shot open. He gave a yelp, then lay stock still, barely breathing, his gaze sweeping her. “Melanie?” he whispered in her dream.

“Not Melanie,” she said, her voice a whispery rasp. At this moment, she wasn’t. She was a wild, hungry creature. “Neeeeeed,” she whined, her fist pulling on his cock, her palm heating. She sent a slither of heat through her hand, feeling it slide from her fingers into his cock. Now he’d never be able to resist.

His hips jerked then pumped, pushing his hardening shaft through her tight fist. “
What the fuck? Let me go!

” she repeated, too excited, too tense with the sexual energy running through her body to be coherent. She flung back her head and let out a cry, an animalistic howl that filled the small space. Her wings fluttered, stirring until the curtains at the windows flapped, and her long black braids whipped furiously around her.

Her wings angled, and she let go of his penis, floating up then back down. Holding his wide-eyed gaze, she opened her thighs, repositioned her wings again, and swooped closer.

Moses scrambled onto his elbows and began to scoot away.

She slid a fingernail along his calf, gave a breathless little moan, and tossed her head, lashing his belly and thighs with her hair. She wrapped a hand around his calf and held it, showing him she was powerful, that he couldn’t fight and win.

“Shit!” He held still, his cock tapping his trembling belly.

“Need,” she said, more softly this time, entreating him with her eyes. This one, she didn’t want to force, didn’t want him afraid.

The tendons in his neck flexed, his square jaw hardened, but he leaned back on his elbows, his gaze direct. “Take. Whatever the fuck you need,” he bit out. “We’re gonna talk.

Joy swept through her, surpassing the blinding hunger for a moment. She rose toward the ceiling and curled over and over in the air, her body writhing sinuously, her hips undulating in their natural rhythm, enticing him, building her own sweet tension.

She fluttered back, legs spreading wide as she lowered to his calves. Furling her wings with a snap, she cocked her head, gave a slow smile, and bent over his cock—his large, lovely, veined, and turgid cock.

“Pretty,” she sighed then stuck out her pointed tongue to trace the length of him. Musky feminine cream, his own salty come—all the flavors she adored, craved, exploded on her tongue. She went down, consuming his length and swirling her head to pull her lips around and around his thick shaft.

“Sweet-fucking-hell,” he gasped.

Then fingers sank into her hair, and she rolled her head to enjoy the scrape of his nails as he tried to capture her, tried to pull her deeper.

Her jaws widened, cracking at the corners, and she sank, hunching over him to drive downward, taking every inch of his sex into her throat. On the way up, she sucked, pulling hard, pulsing up his length. The calves trapped beneath her shook; his hips bucked, but she wouldn’t let him come. Wouldn’t send the flickering jolt that shot a man-beast into orgasm.

She owned it. She’d milk it for every bit of pleasure, every bit of his essence that she could consume. His groans fed her soul; his deep, racking shudders made her stronger. In the end, his essence would seed her body with energy that she’d wrap around herself for warmth and comfort. Pleasure was the reward for both their efforts.

But pleasure could be all-consuming.

Coming off him, she shook her head to clear it. Trying not to get drunk on his delicious flavors, his spicy heat. She didn’t want to leave this one weak…or dead.

Stroking her hands over his dark-chestnut skin, she popped her wings, liking his short, shaky gasp.

“Easy now, babe,” he whispered. “Easy. It’s all yours. Whatever you want.”

What she wanted… She shook her head. “

Moses gripped his shaft, lifting it straight up. “Yours.”

“Yes, yes,
.” Up she went, belly rolling, pussy clasping air. His other hand slid between her legs, touched her heat, swirled in it. “Yesssss.” Her head fell back as thick digits fucked inside.

“Almost there, Viper…”

She shook her head, again, trying to clear it. His meaning unclear. “Need,” she moaned, whimpering when he pinched her hard, distended clit.

“That’s it, baby. That’s it…

Something hard and solid wound around her throat—an arm! She tried to cry out, but the arm tightened, cutting off her air, then something came over her head. Something cold settled between her breasts.

From one moment to the next, she jerked, her body changing in a rapid, stinging moment.

Melanie clutched the arm loosening around her and sat huddled over Moses’s thighs, her whole body shaking. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “It wasn’t a dream.”

Chapter Three

oses held still
as Viper dragged her off his legs then completely off the bed.

His former partner lifted Melanie into his arms and gave him a cutting glare over her head. “Clean up. Then come into the living room.”

When the door slammed closed, Moses fell back on the bed and dragged in deep breaths to slow his racing heart.
What the fuck just happened?
He raised a shaking hand and scrubbed his face, trying to get his head around the fact his girl was a freak.

As he’d just seen, Melanie wasn’t just the sweet, scared little thing he’d thought—but what the fuck was she? When he’d awoken to find a winged creature hovering over him, he’d thought for just a second that Zachary Powell, the leader of a group of really bad-ass vamps, had found him.

But once he’d gotten past the shock, he realized that, other than the wings, she hadn’t looked like Zachary’s breed of hyped-up vampire. Her sweet features had been the same, but her pale, porcelain skin had been blue-tinged. Her eyes a deep violet. Her hair had been long, black and braided, and whipped his skin like a flogger with each toss of her head.

BOOK: Sweet Succubus
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