Sweet Sizzle: A Red Hot Valentine Story (7 page)

BOOK: Sweet Sizzle: A Red Hot Valentine Story
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Damn it, there she went with that word again. Her brain needed to get the freakin’ memo that this was not a date. Ben pulled into her driveway, effectively nipping her personal grousing in the bud. The motion sensor activated the security light above her garage door. She unclipped her seatbelt and closed her fingers around the handle, hesitating.
Don’t do something you’ll regret, moron.
In the end, her worry of appearing rude won the battle. “Would you like to come in?”

Of course he accepted the invitation. Like there’d been the slightest chance in hell of that not happening. Resigning herself to the inevitable, she led the way to the front porch and unlocked the door. She placed her jacket and purse on the antique secretary before turning on the floor lamp. Swiveling, she caught Ben unabashedly scoping out her living room. He seemed particularly interested in her 50-inch flat screen. Typical guy.

“That high def?” he asked, his casual tone obviously a piss-poor ploy to hide the fact he was lusting after her television set.

“Yep. Picture and clarity is amazing. With the home theater speakers, it’s like being in the middle of all the action.”

She wasn’t entirely certain, but she swore he shivered. Grinning, she grabbed the remote from the coffee table and handed it to him. “You can check it out while I’m getting cleaned up.” Leaving him to his private love affair with her electronics, she journeyed to her bedroom and yanked off her sweater. A quick peek at her reflection in the dresser mirror brought on a wince. Holy crap. Shit didn’t even begin to describe her appearance. Ben must be blind. Or thoroughly delusional.

Deciding a brief wipe down with a washcloth wouldn’t cut it
, she shed the rest of her clothes and crossed to the en-suite bathroom. Her gaze fell on the waterproof vibrator she’d left on the ledge of the shower tub. Oh Jeez. Good thing she didn’t invite Ben for a full tour of the house. She could just see it. “And back here is where I get myself off with BOB while I fantasize you’re bending me over and jack hammering me with your beautiful, enormous cock.”

“So you think I have an enormous cock, huh?”

She jumped at the unexpectedness of Ben’s amused drawl behind her. Cheeks burning, she sucked in a deep breath.
Why didn’t I shut the stupid bedroom door?
Gathering every ounce of courage she possessed, she slowly turned to face him. “What makes you think I’m talking about you?”

“Just a hunch.” His gaze dark and carnal, he separated the short distance between them and ghosted his hands over her hips. “Am I right?”


His attention flicked to the vibe in her hand. “Does that thing make you come hard?”

“It vibrates at 60 pulses per second. What do you think?”

The shivery sensation that gripped him in the living room reappeared. Well, at least she ranked up there with her home electronics in terms of sex appeal. He licked his lips. “I want to use that on you. While you’re wet and slick all over and I’m buried deep in that tight, sweet little pussy.”

This time she was the one left trembling, courtesy of his wicked words. Taking advantage of her inability to form a sentence, much less a coherent thought, he pulled her into his arms and fed her a bone-liquefying kiss. He nipped at her bottom lip, a sinful prelude to his tongue gliding inside to meet hers. Desire, heady and consuming, purled through each buzzing cell of her body. Whimpering, she dropped the vibrator and tore at his shirt, desperate to have his warm, sun-kissed skin pressed up against her. Conceding to her wishes, he toed off his loafers and stripped down to his briefs. She traced the defined V lines that disappeared behind his waistband before sneaking her hand inside the snug fabric. Her fingers wrapped around the hard length of his erection, his girth almost too big for her to fully enclose him. “You feel good, Ben. So thick and hot.”

He closed his eyes, his head falling back as he gave in to a soft moan. “Who woulda thought I’d enjoy you calling me thick?”

Laughing, she yanked his underwear past his hips and offered her shoulder for support while he freed the briefs the rest of the way, along with his socks. He returned the favor by fetching the vibe and scooping her into his arms before gallantly carrying her into the shower. Once he’d planted her on her feet, she switched on the faucet, sending a lukewarm spray cascading over them. Fortunately it didn’t take long for the temperature to rise. Then again, with the way Ben spooned her from behind while his hands made friendly with her breasts, getting properly heated up was definitely not an issue. Twining her arms around his neck, she wiggled against his big, ridiculously fit body. He gently squeezed her nipples, the velvety firmness of his balls rubbing along the crease of her buttocks. His shaft slipped lower, the fat head nudging the folds of her labia. She reached between them, intending to position him better. He stalled her with a warning nip on her neck. “I’m not wearing a condom, baby.”

“I’m on the pill, and one hundred percent clean.”

He nuzzled her beneath the ear. “Me too.”

“When did you get on the pill?”

“Smart ass.” Chuckling, he caught her earlobe between his teeth. Widening her stance with a coax of his knee, he angled his hips the few necessary degrees lower and penetrated her with a slow surge of his cock. She flatted her palms on the slippery tiles, the silky trickle of water sluicing down her spine no competition in terms of bringing the heat, not when it came to the delicious grind of Ben’s cock filling her to overflow. He massaged her breasts, the scrape of his teeth on her nape adding a primal edge to their coupling. “Love you bare like this. So wet and tight. Feel every little ripple.” His voice was a low, guttural growl, each clipped sentence pared down to its most basic element as if he’d lost the ability to verbally process anything beyond that the moment he slipped inside her.

Arching her back, she pulled herself almost completely off him, tightening her inner muscles when his cockhead slid toward the opening of her slit. He grabbed her hips, leaving her suspended there on that luscious stretch, every cell in her body primed to detonate. She bore down, relaxing her grip on him, sinking in a freefall of pure bliss. He let her have her way with him like this for several more glorious minutes before deciding it was past time to snatch the reins again. Snagging the vibrator from the ledge, he clicked it on and glided it between her legs. Holding the device firm to her clit, he began pumping into her with deep, hard strokes. She clawed at the tiles, her pleas for mercy going unheeded. He hugged her tight to him with his free arm, his teeth sinking into the sensitive juncture where her neck and shoulder met. The orgasm crashed into her with blinding impact, ripping a cry from her throat. A million pinpricks of dazzling light floating in her vision, she soared with the intense waves of nirvana, each shattering spike spinning her farther into the rapturous eye of the storm. Just when she thought she’d die from the pleasure overload, Ben lodged into her with a final thrust, his body shaking uncontrollably and her name a muffled groan against her damp skin as he came.

For several minutes all they could do was weakly cling to each other while the water continued to pummel their spent bodies. Finally Ben kissed her tenderly on the side of her cheek and leaned around her to crank off the shower. He slipped the bath towel from the overhead rod and wrapped her in its fluffy embrace before helping her out of the tub enclosure. Catching sight of the drenched and bedraggled mess of her hair in the steamed-up mirror, she sighed. “I don’t suppose you’re up for staying in?”

Ben’s wide grin hinted that he was more than fine with that option. She grunted. “Lemme guess. The promise of theater surround sound and HD won you over.”

“That and getting to see you naked all night long.”

answer just earned you two servings of dessert.”

His eyes sparkled with wickedness. “As long as one of them is cherry pie.”

Good thing she had stocked up on the whipped cream.




Waking up next to Rory was a dream he’d thought lost to him forever. Not entirely certain he wasn’t in the middle of some euphoric REM state, Ben pinched his arm. The resulting sting felt real enough. As did the uncomfortable erection he currently sported. Morning wood wasn’t a rarity for him by any means, but his usual standard of taking care of it solo sounded infinitely less appealing than the alternative.

Would Rory get pissed at him if he woke her up? She’d never been much of a morning person, even when it came to sex. Then again, she owned a bakery now. Didn’t that mean she usually had to get up with the roosters? Or was he confusing that with a dairy farmer? Yeah, probably.

Halfway through his silent ponderings, Rory rolled over and cuddled into him, her contented murmur fanning his shoulder as her breasts pillowed against his chest. Her sweet feminine scent enveloped him, instantly sending him to full mast. He bit back a groan. Either that sound or the obvious way his dick was poking her belly stirred her from her slumber. Blinking, she gifted him with a seductive, sleepy smile. “Is that a salami in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

Before he could answer, she wiggled under the sheet. A second later, the wet heaven of her mouth closed over him. Her tongue swirled delicately around the head of his cock, and then grew bolder, lapping at him with enough enthusiasm to cause his eyes to roll back in his head. “Jesus.” He lifted the covers so he could watch the festivities and fell further under her erotic spell as she jacked him with one hand and gently fondled his sac with the other. Shielding the edges of her teeth with her lips, she bobbed her head, swallowing him down her throat. Despite the relative coolness of the room, sweat beaded on his brow. When the warning tingle buzzed at the base of his spine, he quickly pulled from her mouth and crawled down the bed. He settled between Rory’s legs, making a comfy space for his shoulders within the V of her thighs.

She offered him an exasperated look. “Ya know, I kinda wanted you to come in my mouth just now.”

“Yeah? Well I kinda want to come in your pussy.” He waggled his brows. “After I have my morning snack, of course.”

She heaved a dramatic sigh. “If you insist.”

Laughing, he lowered his gaze and eyed his bounty. Her folds were already glistening with wetness. The knowledge that sucking his cock was responsible for her arousal turned him on like nobody’s business. Easing two fingers inside her, he searched for that tiny patch of tissues that brought so much pleasure. He recalled the first time he’d successfully located her G spot. Truthfully, he was pretty damn certain it’d happened by accident, but after seeing the way she went off like a powder keg, her thighs nearly cutting off circulation to his head, he’d branded the location into his brain for good safekeeping. A strained gasp sprang from her and she bucked against his hand. Bingo. He diligently worked her into a writhing, pleading mass of sensation. The instant her inner walls began clenching around his fingers he curled the tip of his tongue on her clit and caressed the slippery little nub with teasing flicks.

She grabbed the bedding in her fists, her body bowing into a tight arch. He didn’t need to glance down to know her toes were curled and digging into the mattress. Excitement and masculine pride blending together in the fiercest head rush, he sent her soaring with one firm roll of his tongue. She shook and shuddered, the wails and cries pouring from her in an unending stream. Before the orgasm completely waned from her, he hauled himself over her. Bracing himself on his elbows, he slid inside her, a groan overtaking him at the snug liquid heat surrounding him. He stared into her eyes, and saw the reflection of his soul. She was his every breath. His every hope and dream. The only fear that existed anymore was the thought of losing her. Again.

Holding her gaze, he rocked his hips, showing her with his body the hold she had over his heart. Tears sheened her eyes. He tenderly brushed the hair away from her cheek. “I love you, Rory. Always.”

The tears broke free, slipping down her face, and she turned her head away, locking him out. Fighting back the pain of her rejection, he rolled onto his side, taking her with him so they faced each other. He wiped away the dampness stubbornly clinging to her lashes. “Talk to me, baby.”

It took forever for her to look at him. Once she did, the regret in her teary gaze punched him in the solar plexus. “This isn’t going to work out, Ben. I can’t give you what you want. You’re looking for forever, and I’m just trying to figure out right now.”

“We can do that together.”

She shook her head. “I’d only be leading you on. Giving you hope of a future.”

“Why are you so dead set against it?”

“Because I have to be smart and practical about this, Ben. This baggage of you and I?” She waved a hand between them. “It’s always going to be there.”

“I’m not going to abandon you, Ro. The thought of losing you—” He choked on the words, his throat and heart constricting in tandem.

She started crying again. Feeling helpless and miserable, he held her until the last tear dried on her cheek. Apparently embarrassed by her emotional release, Rory excused herself and rushed into the bathroom. A few minutes passed, and then the unmistakable sound of the shower broke the uneasy silence. Exhaling wearily, he left the bed and pulled on his underwear. Plowing his hands through his hair, he strode down the hallway for the kitchen. The coffeemaker had blessedly been set with a timer and a full pot of java waited. Thank Christ. He needed a serious caffeine fix to get his head on straight enough to figure the next step with conquering Rory’s boatload of doubts where he was concerned.

Midway through scavenging in the cupboards for a coffee mug, the front doorbell rang. He paused, waiting to see if Rory would come dashing down the hall. The chime sounded again. Whoever was at the door was impatient as fuck. Barely five seconds had passed between the two bells. When the third one tolled in even less time he frowned and stalked toward the living room. Probably some kids playing pranks on their way to the bus stop. He hauled short in front of the door and peeped through the security hole. No young punks on the other side. Sizing up the brunette bundle of energy squinting back at him anxiously, Ben groaned and cursed his bad luck.
Why couldn’t it have been a fucking prankster?

The way he saw it, he had two options. Ignore Hailey and pray she’d go away. Or open the door and toss out a raw steak in hopes that the she-devil would mistake her intended target. Steeling himself, he freed the deadbolt and cracked the door open. Unfortunately, he forgot all about the fact he was standing there in his damn boxer briefs until a stiff breeze curled between his legs, awarding him a chilly reminder. On the bright side, his state of undress managed to stun Hailey into a rare occurrence of silence. It only lasted an instant, but hell, that was a damn record where she was concerned.

The shock slowly dissolved from Hailey and her eyes went into fire dragon mode. “

Before he could respond, she wound up her arm and sucker punched him in the gut. She hit pretty fucking good for a girl. The good news? She hadn’t aimed ten inches lower.

Hailey glared at him, her fists balled on her hips. “What have you done with Rory?”

“Jesus. You make it sound like I have her stuffed in a closet somewhere.”

“For all I know, you do.”

“Ben?” Rory’s voice blessedly
chose that moment to appear behind him. “What’s going—”

He risked taking his eyes off Hailey long enough to glance over his shoulder. Rory stood frozen in the mid-action of cinching the belt on her pink robe, her deer-trapped-in-headlights stare pinned to her best friend. Hailey shoved past him and hurried to Rory. “Are you okay? Did that bastard hurt you?” Unconcerned with Ben’s teeth grinding, Hailey continued on. “I saw that strange truck parked in your drive and got worried. God, am I glad I decided to take the shortcut through your sub.”

“Uh, Hail. I need to tell you something.”

Hailey waited expectantly, her gaze occasionally straying in Ben’s direction. Probably to make sure he didn’t try to sneak out without her sinking her canines into his leg first.

“Remember when you first got sick, and I made the delivery to the firehouse?”

“How could I forget? I barely had a voice.”

And in that hallowed moment in time, there was peace on earth.
Wisely keeping that thought to himself, Ben closed the door, safeguarding the neighbors from being subjected to him in his tighty-whiteys.

Rory gave him a hesitant glance before returning her focus to Hailey. “Then you remember how you also told me to get over my Valentine’s Day neurosis with a little mattress mamboing courtesy of a hot firefighter?”

Ben arched his eyebrows.

“Sure. It was a good suggestion too,” Hailey said, lancing him with her death stare.

Rory coughed delicately, her expression sheepish. “Well, I took it.”

Hailey blinked before a slow smile crept across her face. “No shit. So who was the lucky dude?”


Just as quick as it appeared, Hailey’s excitement vanished. A frustrated noise rattled from her chest. “The idea was for you to get over him by sleeping with someone

“I know, it just sorta…happened.”

“Please tell me this was only a one night stand that lasted three days too long.” When Rory didn’t immediately respond, Hailey tossed up her arms. “What are you doing to yourself? You know he’s no good, and will just end up hurting you again.”

Too damn tired and drained to withstand another round of emotional pummeling, he trudged past Rory and Hailey and returned to the bedroom. The weight of his past mistakes a five-ton elephant riding him piggyback, he yanked on his trousers and tugged his shirt over his head. After jamming his feet into his shoes, he retraced his tracks to the entryway.

Hailey stopped in mid-tirade—no doubt she hadn’t shut up the entire time he’d been out of earshot—and shot him a baleful glare. “So what do you have to say for yourself?”

“Absolutely nothing, since I’m sure you know me a helluva lot better than I know myself.” He glanced at Rory. “I’ll see you around. Or not. Ball’s in your court.”

Her mouth trembled. “Ben…”

His heart hurting more than he thought humanly possible, he walked out the door, convinced that his future was disintegrating to ashes behind him.



BOOK: Sweet Sizzle: A Red Hot Valentine Story
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