Read Sweet Insanity Online

Authors: Marilyn

Sweet Insanity (9 page)

BOOK: Sweet Insanity
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A sharp inhalation was her sole response.
But he knew he could persuade her to stay with a little effort. Although he longed to fuck her again, he wouldn’t. “I guess we’d better get out of here after all.”
She nodded and glanced away.
Damn. They packed the remnants of the picnic and walked back to his car in silence.
“What do you do?” she asked as he slipped into his car beside her.
“Excuse me?”
“You said you used to be a detective. I was wondering what you do for a living now.”
“I’m a partner in a security firm.”
“You enjoy that better than being a detective?”
“I didn’t at first, but I wanted more for my family than I could give them on a policeman’s salary, so I went back to school and got a second degree and a better paying job. My ex and my kids were happy as I’d had a few close calls when I was fired upon while in pursuit of suspects.”
She caught her breath. “Were you injured?”
“Were the…suspects injured?”
“Damn right they were. I’m a good but careful shot. I never discharged my weapon unless I knew I could hit my target. My bullets do not go astray. I hit who I intend to.”
“Just hit or…”
He knew what she wanted to know. “I’ve discharged my weapon three times. Two of the suspects survived. One didn’t.”
“Oh…did you mean to kill him?”
“He meant to kill me and my partner and didn’t care who else he shot while trying to evade arrest. When my partner was hit, I shot to kill before he had a chance to get off another round in another attempt to hit me.”
“Oh. Ah…did your partner survive?”
“He was gravely injured but he did survive.”
“Good. How did you feel about…”
“He was trying to kill me, Kira and he almost killed my partner. I didn’t relish killing him but I didn’t lose any sleep over it either.”
“Oh…well I’m glad he didn’t hit you.”
“I was kind of glad of that myself.”
They finished the remainder of the drive in silence.
“Would you like to come in?” she asked when he opened the passenger door of his car in her complex parking lot.
“Yes. Thanks.”
“I enjoyed the picnic,” she said as they stood inside her apartment.
He arched a brow. “I’m glad one of us did. It was a pure study in frustration for me.”
She touched his arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”
He shook his head. “There’s nothing you need be sorry for.” He kissed her on the side of her neck. “I’ll be back in an hour. Is that enough time?”
“Not really. Make it an hour and a half.”
“Okay, but I should warn you I’m horny as hell.”
She shrugged. “Sounds like a personal problem.”
He laughed. “Oh yeah? Well, if you’re not ready, I’ll assume you’d rather personally do something other than go out to dinner.”
She stroked her fingers through his hair. “I’ll see you in ninety minutes.”
He nibbled her ear. “Will you be ready to go to dinner or to bed? My personal preference is sex instead of food.”
She caressed his cheek. “You’ll find which one I prefer when you return. Won’t you?”
“True but there’s nothing stopping you from telling me now and saving both our emotions wear and tear.”
She shook her head. “Let’s keep a little mystery in the relationship—if that’s what this is.”
Women. They could be a royal pain in the ass but this particular one had managed to captivate his entire sexual interest with very little effort. Surprisingly, he wouldn’t have it any other way. “I’ll come prepared for either option–just in case I get lucky again.”
“You do that. Will you see yourself out? I have a deadline to beat.”
“Don’t hurt yourself trying to beat it.”
She smiled and turned away from him.


Chapter Seven


Left alone in her apartment, Kira sank down onto the chair in the hallway. A slow wide smile spread across her face. She felt lovely and as if everything she wanted was hers for the taking.
Okay. Slow down. Everything does not and cannot revolve around him. Enjoy your mutual physical attraction, but don’t allow yourself to hope for anything more. Or you’ll end up hurt. Get a grip on yourself and your emotions. Get up, shower, and get dressed.
When Carter arrived ninety minutes later, she met him at the door wearing a robe. She accepted the bouquet of roses he gave her with the slow smile and eagerly lifted her face as he bent to kiss her.
The feel of his eager lips moving over hers sent a delicious thrill of anticipation through her. Closing her eyes, she leaned into him and parted her lips.
He kissed her with a slow heat that made her ache to feel his cock sliding inside her again. Slipping arms around his neck she rubbed her breasts against his chest.
He inhaled quickly and drew away from her. His dark gaze locked briefly with hers before he looked at her robe. “What a charming robe,” he said.
Struggling to control her desire, she arched a brow. “I’m glad you like it.”
He glanced down at the three-inch heels she wore while stroking the back of his hand against the robe over her breasts. “What’s under it?”
She moistened her lips and leaned back against the door, her heart thumping. “Why don’t you open it and see for yourself?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
“Am I going to be disappointed?”
“You know how to find out.”
He caressed the sides of her neck before trailing his fingers down the front of her robe. Gripping the tie, he pulled. Her robe opened.
Stepping back, he studied the pink bra and crotchless panties she wore under an open pink negligee.
He exhaled slowly, raising his gaze to hers. “Your ninety minutes are up and you’re not dressed.”
“Sexy and smart,” she said, smiling.
He trailed a finger down her body to brush against her clit. “And so damned horny.”
She trembled. “Lucky you. I’m in the mood to help you do something about what sounds like a painful situation.”
“Thank God for that.”
She placed her hand on his shoulders. “I’m completely at your disposal.”
So fuck me already.
Cupping her breasts in his hands, he bent his head to brush his lips against hers.
She parted her lips, touching her tongue to his mouth.
He responded by drawing her into his arms and holding her body pressed tight against his as he devoured her lips.
Her senses tingled with pleasure.
Yes! Yes!
She felt the wall against her ass moments before he reached behind her to quickly unhook her bra. As her breasts tumbled out, he pushed her thong over her hips and down her thighs.
His fingers probed her slit.
She shuddered, grinding her hips against his hand.
Pressing a last warm kiss against her lips, he trailed his mouth down her body until he knelt in front of her. He eased her thong off and tossed it away before he reached up to cup his hands over her breasts. Rubbing his cheek against her belly, he pinched her nipples until they hardened.
Kira gasped, feeling all her nerve endings come alive with anticipation. “Carter…” She moaned his name softly.
Sliding his hands down her body to cup his palms over her ass, he looked up at her. “Yes, sweet?”
“Eat me,” she whispered. “Please.”
“Trust me. I’m going to.” Leaning forward, he pushed the tip of his tongue against her clit.
She moaned, cupped her hands over his head as he pressed his face against her pussy. “Taste me. Tongue me.”
Obedient to her pleas, he slipped his tongue into her pussy.
Oh. Yes. Yes.
Curling her fingers in his hair, she closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall.
Putting one hand on her hip, he stroked the fingers of his other hand into her pussy.
“Oh… Yes. Yes, Carter. Make me come.”
“I will, sweet. I will.” Releasing his hold on her hip, he gripped her ass. Then he pressed his fingers into her pussy and closed his lips around her clit. And sucked hard.
A shock of sensual delight shook her entire body. “Oh… God! Don’t stop. Please.”
He answered her plea by eating her with the slow enjoyment of a man who relished rocking his woman’s world by feasting on her pussy with all the gusto of a man too long denied the pleasure.
A rage of heat knotted in her belly. Her legs shook as it rushed down to her pussy where it exploded. Finding herself encased in a cocoon of mindless bliss, she moaned and clutched him closer.
With both hands gripping her ass, he held her on her feet, while he greedily lapped up her cum as she came against his tongue and mouth.
… Oh God… That was so good,” she whispered, slumping against the wall.
“Yes. It was,” he agreed, rising to his feet.
Feeling weak and replete, she opened her eyes to see him unzipping his pants before sliding his fully erect cock out. With his gaze locked on her pussy, he quickly pulled a condom over himself.
Despite the wonderful climax she’d just enjoyed, Kira’s heart thumped with eagerness. She mindlessly parted her legs for him.
“That’s my girl,” he said as he positioned himself in front of her.
Struck with the sudden realization of just how much she did want to be his girl, she bit her lip.
He rubbed his cock against her body. “I need you.”
She closed her fingers around his shaft and pressed the big head against her slit. “My pussy is yours and yours alone. Take it and me. We’re both yours.”
“Oh fuck you make me hot and horny.” Bending his head to touch his lips to hers, he thrust his hips forward.
Feeling him sliding deep inside her, she shuddered with lust. Lord, there was nothing in the world as delicious as having a pussy full of big, thick cock. “Oh my God,” she moaned. “You’re in so deep.”
He opened his eyes and looked down into her gaze. “I don’t think my cock has ever felt so completely and totally encased by a sweeter tighter slit.” He slid his hands over her ass and pulled her as close as possible. “Damn, Kira. Your pussy feels as if it were made to accommodate every inch of my cock and drive me totally insane with pleasure.”
Pleased, she smiled. “I want to give you the best fuck of your life.”
He inhaled quickly. “Who’s stopping you?”
She tightened her vaginal muscles around him. “I love your cock,” she told him.
He bent his head to nibble at her ear. “Prove it. Fuck me like you’re my woman and it’s your exclusive property.”
Lord didn’t she wish? “I am your woman, my sexy, handsome Carter.”
“I’m waiting for you to prove it.”
She eased her hips back until only a small portion of his shaft remained inside her. Then, placing her hands on his shoulders, she pushed her hips forward again, slowly drawing his entire shaft back inside her body. “Hmm that feels good,” she whispered.
“Are you going to talk about how it feels or are you actually going to fuck me?”
“Oh I’m going to fuck your big cock as if it’s mine for the taking.”
“At the moment, it is. And what are you going to do about it?”
“Fuck you senseless.” She alternated between grinding her hips against his groin and rocking them back and forth while compressing her vaginal muscles around his shaft.
Each motion of her hips resulted in a torrent of sensations so powerful they overwhelmed her until she found herself lost in a powerful onslaught of emotions.
She was only vaguely aware of him taking control of their fuck. He thrust in and out of her so deeply she felt her toes curl and her back arch. She clung to him, savoring the delight of knowing he was coming. In those sweetly erotic minutes after she climaxed, she surrendered completely to him: heart, mind, and soul. He was everything—all she wanted and needed in a man and a lover.
Oh God, Carter. I need you. I want you. I love you. Love you.
He stiffened suddenly and abruptly pulled out of her. “What?”
Her eyelids fluttered open. She blinked, confused by the wary look in his eyes. She shook her head. “What’s wrong?”
“What did you say?”
Say? Didn’t he recognize a moan of pleasure when he heard one? “I didn’t
anything.” She smiled suddenly. “Was it so good you’re hearing things?”
BOOK: Sweet Insanity
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