Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1)
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After two weeks of not hearing from Jake, I start to think I should call him, to make sure he’s okay.

I need to hear his voice.

I hate it.

It makes me feel anxious and my stomach feels all twisted.

This is ridiculous.

We are friends, sort of.

I need to take my mind off of Jake.

On Friday, I’m at the market picking up some groceries. As I wait in line, I turn and see a photo with a headline on one of the tabloids that makes my stomach drop.

Jacob Walker and Amy Warren, Hollywood’s New It Couple?”

There’s a picture on the cover of Jake with Amy Warren on his arm, outside an LA restaurant. They look so perfect together it makes me want to vomit. Against my better judgment, I give in and pluck the magazine off the rack and scan through the pages until I find the article.

Jacob Walker and Amy Warren were seen at local LA Steakhouse RED, enjoying a late night dinner. Witnesses say they looked cozy, leaning in to talk, and were both smiling and laughing throughout the evening. They were seen leaving in the same car around 11 p.m.”

I feel sick.

What have I been thinking?

That somehow our weird little friendship would turn into something else?

Of course I have.

That is what I was hoping and didn’t want to admit to myself and now it sounds ridiculous. He’s a star, having dinners with one of the most beautiful actresses in the world, and I’m me. Maybe I’m his chance to have someone normal in his life to talk to, who knows.

I need to get over it.

I need reality.

This is reality.

I put the magazine back on the rack, pay for my groceries and leave.

After dropping off my groceries at home, I take my guitar and slowly make my way to my lesson with Jerry in the park.

Chapter Fourteen

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Alexander Pope

utting down my guitar, frustrated, I sigh. “Ugh, I don’t know if I’m up for this today, Jer.”

“Is there something wrong?” Jerry puts down his guitar and looks at me in earnest.

I wish I could tell him, tell anyone, but I can’t. “No, I’m really tired today, that’s all.”

“How about you go home? You can take a bath and I’ll cook you dinner?”

“Jer, didn’t we try this before?” Jerry and I haven’t been out since our date when we kissed. I keep making excuses, but I know he can tell I’m still not ready.

“Jen, how about your friend cooks you dinner and you not overanalyze it?”

Hesitating, for only a second, I concede. “That sounds nice, thanks.”

Taking Jerry’s advice, I go home and take a bath. Even though I’m more of a shower person, I feel relaxed and all jelly-like afterward. I put on some clean sweats and a T-shirt and Jerry rings my door bell at six on the dot with groceries in his arms.

“I thought I could make pasta if that’s okay?” I show him to the kitchen where he places the bags on the counter and starts to unload them.

“Pasta is good, thanks for doing this, Jer.”

“My pleasure. How about a glass of wine?”

“Okay.” I hand him my bottle opener and he pours out two glasses. “So what’s new with you?”

“Nothing much. I have a new student.” Jer chops parsley and garlic and my mouth starts to water.

“That’s great. You’re a really good teacher.” I offer to help, but he waives me off and so I sit at the counter and watch him cook.

“Well, thanks. I enjoy what I do, but I could never be a professional.”

“I don’t know about that, you sound great to me.” The garlic goes into the pan with a little olive oil and starts to sizzle, filling the room with delicious aromas.

“I always knew I wanted to be a musician, but it’s really hard to break into the business. I tried for a while, but I was starving. So I started giving lessons to pay the bills and here we are.”

“Jer, I think you can be whatever you want. I would pay to see you.”

“Thanks, Jen.” He smiles at me and takes a sip of his wine.

He ends up making some really good shrimp pasta that we enjoy with a loaf of crusty bread and butter. The conversation is easy as we talk about politics and recent events.

After dinner, Jer walks me back to the café to close. “Thanks for dinner and the company.”

“Anytime, Jen.”

He is so easy going.

“See you next Friday?”

“See you then.”

Laney leaves when I get there and I only get a few customers to keep me company until it’s time to go home again.

All week I have dreams of oversleeping my alarm and every morning I wake up in a panic.

Needless to say, it’s not a restful week.

Chapter Fifteen

Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit. Aristotle

he following Friday afternoon, as I walk to the park to meet Jerry for our lesson, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I wave to Jerry and awkwardly juggle my phone, trying not to drop my guitar and bag in the process.

“Dagnabit. Hello?”

“Hey Jen, how are you?”

Oh, it’s so good to hear his voice.

“Good, you?” I’m still struggling with the guitar in my hands, trying not to drop it.

“Ugh, it’s been crazy here. I swear I don’t know why anyone lives in LA. I never get five minutes to myself.” He sounds stressed out.

So he’s been busy, I get it. I try to relax my voice. “How long are you there for?”

“At least another month.”

I see Jer waiting for me and think maybe I need to go. “Listen I’m meeting Jerry for my lesson. Can I call you back later?”

“Sure, that’s fine.” He sounds disappointed, but I can’t keep Jerry waiting while I talk on the phone. That would be rude.

“Thanks, Jake.”

I wave to Jerry with the phone still in my hand.

“Hey beautiful, happy Friday.” Jer greets me with a hug.

“Happy Friday, Jer.” He takes the guitar from my hand and I let out a relieved sigh. “Thanks.”

“Jen, I had a really good time at your place the other night.”

“Yeah, me too.” I’m about to put my phone into my bag and see that the call is still connected. Holding the phone up to my ear, to see if Jake is still there, I hear the line click. I put my phone away and get my guitar out of the case.

Later that night at home, I call Jake’s cell, but it goes to voicemail. I try sending a text telling him I called and to call me back when he gets a chance, but I don’t hear back from him.

The following Wednesday I get a text.

Sorry I couldn’t call back-J

It’s okay-Me

How was the lesson?-J

Good, I’m getting better, Jer is trying 2 teach me barre chords-Me

That’s cool. Anything exciting this weekend?-J

No. U?-Me

Not sure yet. Maybe, I’ll let u know. Gotta go, call u later-J

That was strange.

Chapter Sixteen

Time is the longest distance between two places. Tennessee Williams


n Friday, after my lesson, I invite Jerry to come over so I can return the favor and cook him dinner. I make some really good green enchiladas, rice, and beans and after dinner we sit on the porch steps enjoying some fresh air.

Jerry takes my hand and asks, “Jen, can we try again?”

I knew this was coming.

Jer has been so patient with me. I take a deep breath before answering to gather my thoughts, taking note of the way he holds my hand between both of his.

There’s no reason you shouldn’t be with Jer.

He’s smart, thoughtful, and very sweet. We have a lot in common and he’s an attractive guy.

What about Jake?

I can’t wait around for something to happen with Jake.

That is never going to happen.

“I’d like that,” I say, looking into his eyes, smiling softly.

Jer leans in and gives me a kiss. When our lips touch, it’s soft and gentle, the same as before. My heart stays steady as I look at him and I decide that it’s all right. It doesn’t always have to be a passionate relationship to work. We are really good together.

As I pull back, I swear I see Jake watching us before he turns the corner across the street. My breath catches, but when I blink my eyes, he’s gone.

Keep your mind on Jer, not Jake.

You are seeing things that aren’t there and Jer is right in front of you.

Please give Jerry the attention and respect that he deserves.

Jer leaves a little while later and that night I go to bed determined to make this relationship with him work.

BOOK: Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1)
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