Swamp of the Hideous Zombies (6 page)

BOOK: Swamp of the Hideous Zombies
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“We will face the fearful zombies.

We will look them in the eye.
We won’t let the evil scare us.
We are strong enough to try!”

SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Olivia spun about and flashed the zombies with her camera.

The zombies blinked their eyes. They began to totter about.

“Hey! No funny stuff!” cried One-Eyed Eddy. “I’ve got a whip here!”

Uncle Tooth snatched the whip from Eddy. “No, you don’t,” he said.

Otto and Little Effie began tossing the jars over the balcony. The jars smashed on the carpet. For every one that broke, a zombie snapped out of his or her spell.

The former zombies stood about shaking their heads.

“Your little game is over,” Uncle Tooth told the Queen. “You are the worst kind of thief. Most thieves steal only money or jewels. But you stole these people’s spirits. Well, we don’t believe in your power anymore.”

The Cobweb Queen backed toward the organ. She pulled Eddy along with her.

“If there’s one thing I hate worse than paying for labor, it’s losing to cheaters!” she hissed. “
game may be over, but you’ll find I have more up my sleeve than just my arm!”

She pressed a key on the organ. There was a puff of blue smoke. When it cleared, Eddy and the Cobweb Queen were gone!

“They’ve escaped through a trapdoor,” said Uncle Tooth, bending down.

Suddenly, they heard the Queen’s voice
echoing through the walls: “I’ll get you when you’re not looking, Tooth!”

“Not if I see you first,” Uncle Tooth shot back.

Little Effie ran into Copper Bill’s arms.

Auntie Hick grabbed Ducky Doodle and gave him a good squeeze.

Even Otto and Olivia hugged each other.

Sedley Mether walked into the room. He was holding up his sunflower painting.

“I must say, I think it’s one of my better efforts. Only, I can’t remember painting it. Say … how did we all get

Uncle Tooth laughed. “We’ll explain on the way back,” he said.

A few days later, Ducky Doodle, Olivia, and Auntie Hick were over at Otto and Uncle Tooth’s house.

Uncle Tooth roasted some corn on the cob. Otto mixed up a big batch of lemonade, and Auntie Hick brought her famous rhubarb pie.

They sat outside and listened to the June bugs in the reeds. Boogle Bay was peaceful once again.

“I wonder where that Silver Skull the Cobweb Queen wanted is hidden,” said Otto.

“I wonder if there even
such a thing,”
said Uncle Tooth. “Copper Bill promised to let me know if the Queen and Eddy come snooping around again. But if I know her, she’s lost interest in the skull and is busy with some new scheme.”

“I can’t believe how brave you all were to come into the swamp,” said Ducky Doodle.

“When you love someone, it’s easy to be brave,” Auntie Hick said.

“I was surprised I could still be brave, even without my Good-Luck Pebble,” said Otto.

“I loved the part when you threw all the jars off the balcony,” Olivia told him.

“Thanks,” said Otto. “Your camera sure came in handy! That was fancy shooting!”

“You discovered how to stop the zombie curse,” said Olivia. “I wanted to do that.”

“I’m proud of
of you,” Uncle Tooth said. “Things turn out better when everyone
works together, don’t you agree?”

“Yes … except
thing didn’t turn out right,” said Olivia. “My photos.”

“Why not?” the others asked.

Olivia spread the photos. “See?” she said. “The bats look like leaves, the snakes look like vines, and the zombies look like people.”

Uncle Tooth leaned back in his rocker, lit his pipe, and laughed. “Well, of course! In the light, the Cobweb Queen’s magic just looks like stupid tricks!”

So everyone worked together to stop the zombies.

I tell you, it’s enough to make me sick!

Fortunately, Otto and Olivia are fighting again. I like that in children.

They get lost in the deserted Fun House and discover that it’s the home of ghosts. And not just any ghosts. These ghosts were once a band of cutthroats and thieves!

Now the ghosts are chasing our heroes past mazes, mirrors, and moving floors.

Will Otto and Olivia discover the secret of the Fun House in time?

Or will the horrible ghosts keep them trapped inside forever?

I’m not telling.

Read my next Creeper Mystery and find out for yourselves!


Geoffrey Hayes grew up in San Francisco, where he still lives. When he was a boy, Geoffrey and his brother Rory made up stories about their collection of stuffed animals.

When Geoffrey got older, he put some of these stories into books, like the one you’ve just read.

So far, he has written over thirty books for young readers.

When he isn’t writing, Geoffrey likes to dance, go to movies, and play games on his computer.

BOOK: Swamp of the Hideous Zombies
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