Read Sunset Surrender Online

Authors: Charlene Sands

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance

Sunset Surrender (8 page)

BOOK: Sunset Surrender
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“Don’t be surprised. Was I supposed to argue with my brother about this?” He turned to her with recrimination in his eyes. “He made me promise to bring you dinner and work with you on Ruth’s retirement party.”

The air bottled up inside her lungs drained out. She was speechless.

“In fact, you and I are gonna have to pick up the slack at the lodge. Luke will be out of commission for a good long time.”

Sophia walked to the counter, looking at the two dishes of pasta primavera Logan had taken out of the bag. Crusty Italian bread and a salad were also sitting on the counter.

“Meaning, we’re going to have to work together from now on?”

Logan nodded, not looking happy about the prospect.

“He made you promise to be civil to me?”

Logan shrugged a shoulder. “Like I said, I’m not arguing with my brother when he’s laid up.”

“If you don’t pull any more Ruth Polanskis on me, we might just manage working together.”

Logan held back a devilish grin, but she saw the triumph in his eyes.

“Do we have a deal? For Luke’s sake?” she asked, her hand on one tilted hip. She did not approve of Logan’s smug look, no matter how hard he tried to conceal it.

Once again, Logan narrowed his eyes and gave her body a long leisurely sweeping appraisal. When he did that, Sophia felt as if he were devouring her whole. It took him a few seconds, but he finally agreed with a sharp nod. “For Luke’s sake.”

Sophia stared at him for a moment and sighed silently. They needed to eat quickly and get to work but she couldn’t resist asking, “Did he also tell you what food to bring?”

Logan’s mouth twitched again. This time she might have actually insulted him, but he took it in stride.

“No, I thought it up all by myself.”

she thought,
I’ll play nice.
She was hungry and ready for food that wouldn’t knock her socks off. “Looks delicious.”

Logan gave her the once-over again, his gaze fastening on the three inch-strip of exposed skin at her waist. “Yep, can’t argue with that.”

Sophia bit her tongue, holding back from giving him a piece of her mind. She had a better way of getting even with him. She wasn’t forgetting about his ploy regarding Ruth Polanski. His scorching-hot gaze aside, she would have to show him that she wasn’t easy prey.

* * *

They sat eating quietly in her small alcove off the kitchen. The linens were soft and white, the flowers wild from the pasture, the glasses sparkling under the fading light. Sophia was well aware of the handsome, uncompromising man sitting across the table from her. He’d brought a lovely meal seasoned mildly so that it went down easily and soothed her tender tummy. He’d also brought his underlying anger with him. It was a given, but Sophia wouldn’t let that stop her from gobbling up everything on her plate. She’d played it safe and hadn’t put food in her stomach for nearly twenty-four hours and now she was looking for seconds.

Logan rose from the table and brought over the container of food. She scooped a few more spoonfuls onto her own plate, watching him as he held it. This was strangely nice.

Maybe Logan had the need to control every situation. Coming here to tell her about the accident had been done on his terms, not hers. He could have called her to explain about Luke. He could have alerted her that he would be coming by for dinner. Instead he chose to show up at her door unannounced.

As if reading her mind, he set down his fork and commented, “I never thought I’d be sitting in this kitchen, having dinner with you.”

“Boggles the mind. Our second meal together in two nights.” Sophia gave him a sweet smile, refusing to be intimidated.

“Let’s not make a habit of this.” He surveyed the rooms in his line of vision—the kitchen, parlor and hallway that led to the bedrooms. “I don’t care for this place.”

“The place is wonderful. It’s me you don’t care for. So just be honest about it.”

Logan sipped water from his glass, and then eyed her carefully. “My brother kissed you today.”

Sophia’s radar went up. She’d promised herself she would be on guard around Logan, but now he’d dropped another bomb on her that she hadn’t expected. “Did he tell you that?”

Logan glanced at her lips, and then lifted his lids to look her squarely in the eyes. “I was at the lodge this morning.”

“So you saw Luke give me an innocent kiss and what?”

“Maybe I don’t think anything about you is innocent.”

Sophia’s stomach began to ache, not from the food but from the conversation. Darn him for creating more turmoil in her belly. Logan liked playing judge and jury. In his mind, he’d already convicted her of a half-dozen crimes. “And why is that?”

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

“So now I’m a cliché to you, Logan? I’ve already told you if you’re comparing me to my mother, it’s a compliment. She was a wonderful woman. I only wish I could be more like her.”

“Yeah, well, I used to want to be like my father. Blind worship doesn’t work. Sooner or later, you find out that the person you thought you knew wasn’t that person at all.”

It was pointless to argue with him. Sophia didn’t want to spend her time defending herself or her mother. Logan’s mind was made up and nothing she could say would change that. Even though she knew the truth about her mother and his father, he would never believe her. He didn’t trust her, and she was through trying to gain that trust from him. Through trying to prove herself to him. The only thing she cared about was doing a good job at the lodge and proving to
that she was worthy of Randall Slade’s generosity.

“I’m sorry, Logan. It must have been a big blow for you to learn your father wasn’t perfect. Most of us aren’t, you know.”

She rose from her seat and came over to his side of the table, brushing his shoulder to reach for his plate. Her long tresses flowed onto his lap as she brought her face inches from his. He smelled of earth, rawhide and musk, and her breathing quickened as their eyes met. He was a beautiful man who hated her, but right now, she saw desire darken his eyes and that did amazing, warm things to her sensitive belly. She was close enough that if she stumbled, she’d be lap dancing with Logan. The image didn’t amuse her as much as it made her lust. She whispered gently, blowing her breath over his lips, playing the vixen he thought she was, “I’ll clean this up, and then we’ll get right to work so you won’t have to stay any longer than necessary.”

He stared at her, their gazes locked and then his hand touched the ribbon of exposed skin at her waist. Her breath caught in her throat and her senses heightened as he splayed his fingers along the hem of her shirt. It was unexpected magic. Sophia relished the feel of him touching her. She didn’t flinch or budge a muscle when Logan moved his hand in a soft caress that traveled back and forth over her midriff. She closed her eyes, mental goose bumps erupting in her mind. There was a connection between them, something raw and elemental and basic that defied logic or scrutiny. When he touched her, she reacted.

He made the tug that landed her on his lap and now the lap dance didn’t seem so far off, didn’t seem so outlandish in her mind. She felt the strength of his legs beneath her, the power of the hand that held her in place, while the other hand continued to make her body tingle.

She knew she shouldn’t allow him this touch. She shouldn’t allow him to get the upper hand again, but she was powerless to stop him. She craved the warmth and the thrill of Logan’s caress. He managed to loosen the knotted fabric at her waist and she waited, filled with unabashed desire. He took a big swallow, his throat working while his hand slid underneath her top. Inch by inch, he moved his palm up her torso. Her nipples puckered in anticipation. The pulse between her legs throbbed. It was exquisite and sensual. She hadn’t been with a man in years, not like this. The idea of Logan taking liberties with her body shocked her mind, but her body gave him all he wanted.

She arched her back, and wiggled slightly on his lap. His fingers pushed her bra down and her ample breasts spilled out. They were full, sensitized, and she waited for his touch. When it finally came she jerked slightly from the beautiful sensation. He palmed one breast, then the other, and a groan escaped from the depths of his throat. She murmured with pleasure, and squeezed her legs tight when his thumb rubbed over her nipple.

The pleasure was ripe and fresh and so greatly welcomed, but Sophia had to put a stop to this. She wouldn’t give in to Logan. She couldn’t give in to what they both craved. He would only turn it against her and make her life at Sunset Ranch unbearable. She didn’t trust him. And she owed him for hurting her all those years ago.

Her breaths coming as heavy as his, she brought her hands to his face and leaned in close. This had to be her idea. When he tried to meet her lips, she pulled back a little, making sure he knew kissing him was her idea. This had to be her choice, her decision and on her terms.

She waited, and he backed off, then she brought her lips to his to sip first, and then draw out the moment. It was just as good as she’d remembered as an innocent girl of fifteen. Memories rushed forth of the glory and newness of Logan’s kiss. His mouth accommodated hers now, just as before, but this time she was initiating the kiss. She pressed her mouth fully over his lips and deepened the connection. The world went a little fuzzy then. Logan’s breath rushed out and he removed his hand from her breast. The loss was keenly felt. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and brought her up tight against his chest. Sophia took control again. She parted her lips, and slipped her tongue inside his mouth. She tasted him with a sweeping exploration and he joined in, their tongues mating.

Satisfied that Logan had relinquished control, Sophia couldn’t let things go too far. Up until today, Logan had called all the shots. But putting a stop to Logan Slade’s passion wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. He was a man who thrilled her and made her dizzy with desire. He, and only he, brought out an incredible, nearly insatiable hunger in her. Ever since the day that he’d first kissed her behind the gym, Sophia had dreamed of him and hated him at the same time for turning a beautiful memory into something sordid and obscene.

Summoning her willpower and abandoning the innate pleasure, she inched back, slowly pulling away from him until their lips were no longer locked.

Logan felt the loss, his gaze darting to her lips immediately. His expression changed from desire to determination. He reached for her, pulling her into a tight embrace. Crushing her to his chest, he slid his chair back; the jarring noise echoed against the stone floor. He stood, bringing her up with him. They faced each other now. A blaze of hunger lit his eyes, telling her he would take her here, right now.

A shocking thrill coursed through her body. Suddenly the battle lines got blurry, and she wondered if she was making a mistake in backing away. Everything fluid and tingling in her body said Yes to this man. Yet her mind told her to resist and not give Logan what he wanted. What
wanted. It would never be right between them.

“No, Logan,” she whispered, nearly breathless. She put her hands firmly against him and pushed. The solid wall of his chest didn’t budge. Frustrated, she took a step back, needing to create space between them. “We’re not doing this. We can’t.”

He blinked and looked at her, the fire in his eyes replaced by an intense stare.

This had been a bad idea from the start. She was a ravaged mess with her shirt askew, her hair mussed and her lips bruised from his kiss. She realized too late that she’d played with fire. And she would get burned, too. Yet she couldn’t relent. She had to stand her ground. It was the only way.

“Let me guess,” he said with a rasp. “This is about getting even with me for high school and Ruth Polanski?”

Sophia closed her eyes. Her little payback plan had backfired. She refused to give him an answer. Instead, when her eyes opened, it was to look at his beautiful mouth wishing for things that would never be. Tension crackled in the air.

“Two brothers in one day, Sophia. Is that your style now?”

“Luke kissed me as a friend,” she shot back quickly. “To thank me for helping with Ruth’s party.” Why did it always come back to Luke? “It was a peck on the cheek and nothing more.”

Logan frowned and his eyes filled with disgust. “And you kissed me, why? To prove a point? To get back at me for something stupid I did as a kid in high school?”

It was the first time she’d heard Logan refer to that time with regret. She nodded. “Yes, yes. I admit it, Logan. You needed a dose of your own medicine. You needed to come down off your throne and not pass judgment on me unfairly. I wanted to prove a point. You don’t like it when the roles are reversed, do you? When you’re the one being played?”

He heaved a breath, as if trying to temper his impatience. “Sweetheart, if you think I was being played,” he said, pointing at her disheveled appearance, “then take a good look in the mirror. You enjoyed every second of my hands on you.”

Shaking, Sophia fumbled to tie up her T-shirt and thread her fingers through her mussed hair. As she straightened herself out, she was aware of Logan’s eyes on her. His statement was true—she’d nearly been ravaged by him before she’d come to her senses. Slowly, she lifted her lashes to look at him. “I...know.”

He flinched. Her honesty surprised him and she witnessed a debate going on in the depths of his dark eyes. It was as if he were being pulled in two directions—either to take her back into his arms and finish what they’d started or to take his leave.

Moments ticked by.

Sophia watched him carefully, her body immobile. What she’d just admitted to him was ludicrous and yet it was the truth.

“Hell, I need some air,” he said finally. He grabbed his hat, plunked it on his head and took a few steps toward the door. Then he pivoted to face her one last time. “We have to work together, Sophia. Meet me in my office tomorrow afternoon. We’ll go over the plans then.”

She gave him a brisk nod.

And then he was gone.

BOOK: Sunset Surrender
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