Summoned and Stolen (Summoned Series Romances) (7 page)

BOOK: Summoned and Stolen (Summoned Series Romances)
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Lily woke from a sensuous dream to an even more seductive reality. Over the course of the night the two of them had shifted positions so that Lily was on her side, snuggled against the solid warmth of Kel’s chest. He still held her, but now his breath fanned across her neck as he kissed a slow path along the top of her bare shoulder. He had slipped one hand between them to cup her breast and was teasing her nipple to pert attention with gentle tweaks. His other hand was splayed across the small of her back, keeping her body pinned against his.

With a luxurious stretch she let him know his ministrations had woken her, and she felt his pleased chuckle vibrate against her skin. If he had energy enough for bed sport, Kel was clearly recovered from his poisoning. He shifted his lower body slightly, letting her feel the hard length of his cock pressing against her thigh, and she couldn’t stop the laughter that burbled up. He was definitely feeling better.

“Good morning, little one,” Kel whispered near her ear before nibbling on her lobe.

“You seem to have your strength back this morning,” she observed with another peal of laughter.

“Aye, I do. All thanks to you. You saved my life.”

“You risked everything to free me from Camford. How could I do any less for you?”

“I am quite certain I ordered you to do just that. You were supposed to wait for me, and if I didn’t come you were to find my men. So, as much as I am grateful that I’m still alive and have your sweet body curled next to mine, I’m still a bit hazy on how you managed to disobey me. You were supposed to be compelled to obedience.”

“When you claimed the ring from Camford, he ceased to be my master. I was no longer required to follow his commands, which included the one he gave me to obey you.” Lily sought out Kel’s hand and brushed her fingertips over the ring he now wore. She knew he would be a far better master than she had known before. It wasn’t true freedom, but it was near enough for now. “You are my master, Kel. From now on, whatever orders you give, I will obey.”

Kel growled in frustration at her declaration, tightening his arms around her as he tried to make his feelings on the matter clear. He didn’t want her obedience. He wanted
. Willing, eager, and of her own free choice. “It seems I will have to give you one more order then. From now on, you are free to disobey me without punishment. My only command is that you do not have to do anything I tell you to. You are free to make up your own mind, little one.”

Lily swallowed several times as if trying to clear a lump in her throat, and tears glittered on her lashes, highlighting the look of joy in her eyes. “Thank you.”

“It is the best I can do until we find a way to break the spells that bind you. Then you will be truly free. Perhaps we can even find a way to get you home again.”

He watched Lily react to his words. She was staring at him with such hope that it made his heart ache. The idea of Lily going home left him feeling hollow. She was special, the only woman of any species who had ever touched his heart. But if she chose to go, he wouldn’t stop her. He of all people knew that you could not force a soul to be happy in a life they didn’t want. If he had his way, Lily would come home to Viren Hold with him. Her abilities as a healer would allow her to claim a place of her own, and he would be able to keep his vow to safeguard her life and happiness. Kel had barely tasted the wonders of her body yet, but already he knew that it would be more than a single winter before he tired of her company. Kel had five days to give her
a reason to stay, and now that he finally had her all to himself, he knew just how to start convincing her to give this world a chance.

Lily could hard believe it. Kel was serious about freeing her, perhaps even letting her go home. The shock of that left Lily speechless. Before she could regain the ability to form words she found herself on her back with Kel’s big body looming over her. He silenced her with a kiss that banished thought and made her forget everything. Rings, commands, dead men and the dangers still waiting for them beyond the barricaded door simply ceased to matter.

Kel may have released her from having to obey his spoken commands, but Lily’s body was still eager to answer the demands his body made of hers. His mouth was eager, tasting and teasing at her lips until she opened to him. He drank her in as his tongue quested for hers, flicking into her mouth to taste and savor.

It had been years since Lily had been touched with anything but indifference or cruelty. Kel was the first man to reignite the fires of passion that had turned to ash during all those lonely nights. Since their first kiss she had wanted him, and why not? He was handsome, strong and had been kind to her. In the beginning, that had been enough of a reason, but now she knew it was something more. It was not gratitude that made her heart flutter at the sound of his rough voice. Loneliness was not the only reason she craved the comfort of his arms around her. There was something else growing between them. It was too soon to know what it was exactly, or if it would survive the trials they still had to endure. It wasn’t love, not yet. For now, it was more of a whispered promise, a tiny, glowing ember of possibility.

Whatever it was, she wanted it. Wanted him. And right now, that was all that mattered.

Lily answered his kiss with one of her own, and his response nearly set her wings on fire. Their tongues dancing and hands stroking over each other in a hurried frenzy. She wanted to know every part of him, to show him how much she craved his touch. She gave herself over to the pleasure of his touch, holding nothing back. It didn’t matter that his reputation was that of a dark and dangerous killer. Lily knew he would never hurt her. She could sense the goodness in him, buried deep beneath the layers of black ice that protected his heart.

Kel’s control was strained to its breaking point by her eagerness. She gave herself over to him completely, without a hint of fear in her bewitching amethyst eyes. Every kiss tasted of summer berries and sunshine, as sweet as honey melting on his tongue. Her fingers tangled in his hair, drawing him down to deepen their kiss as her soft moans of need vibrated against his lips. Kel knew he could part her legs and take her then and there, but he wanted more. He wanted to hear her sweet voice cry his name and watch her come undone in pleasure.

He braced himself on his arms and pushed upward, ignoring her soft moans of protest as he moved away from her. Her eyes flew open to reveal the heat simmering behind her violet lashes, hot enough to brand his soul. Kel knew that no matter what the future held for them, he would always remember this moment. It was seared into his brain now, one perfect, shining memory to hold as a talisman against a shadow-filled future.

“If you do not want this, little one, tell me now.”

Her smile told him everything he needed to know before she spoke a single word. It radiated pure joy, and her entire being lit up with a dazzling light. “That is the first time I have been given a choice in a very long time. I want this, Kel. I need this. I

A sense of deep satisfaction filled him and he flashed his little temptress a wicked grin. “Never let it be said I would not aid a lady in need.”

She laughed, and the glow around her brightened, bathing the dim cabin in silver light for a moment before dimming again. Gods above, she was breathtaking.

Kel eased her arms from where they were still loosely draped around his neck and lowered his head to brush a lingering kiss to her sweet lips. When she kissed him back he gave her a rumbling growl of denial and moved his mouth from hers.

“Nay, little one. You just lie still and let me love you.”

She nodded and dropped her limbs to the blanket, obeying him without question, despite the fact she was no longer compelled to do so. Kel found it arousing to have such a beautiful creature submit to him without hesitation. It fed his lusts and fuelled his desire to protect her at the same time. He dropped a line of kisses from the corner of her mouth to her jaw, down to the pulse point just below her ear. He took note of every sigh and gasp as he set about learning the secrets of her body, committing each sweet sound to memory.

When his mouth finally claimed one aching nipple, she keened sharply and arched herself off the floor, offering herself to him with wanton eagerness. Each time his teeth grazed that diamond-hard nub she responded with such wild passion it made his cock throb. Soon he was so aroused that his hands shook and he was near delirious with the need to fuck. He could smell the subtle scent of her arousal, and it made his mouth water, but still he continued to worship at her breasts, laving first one and then the other until she was quivering and half-wild with need beneath him. At least she speared her hands into his hair and tugged sharply, urging him to move lower. Her response inflamed him, but instead of giving into her unspoken demand he chuckled and nipped at the underside of her breast. “Am I not moving quickly enough for you, little one?”

“Nay, you are not!” the words flew from her lips and she blushed, staining her milk-white skin a charming shade of pink. Kel gave her a feral smile and a slow wink before lowering his head to her breasts once more. He lapped and suckled at one sweet nipple as he reached between her thighs, coaxing them apart so that he could toy with the slick lips of her pussy. He moved slowly drawing out the moment for both of them, and he was rewarded by a long, low moan of pure pleasure when he finally slipped a finger into her folds and stroked it over the hard nub of her clit.

The subtle scent of her arousal teased Kel’s nose and made his already hard cock turn to marble. Unable to resist any longer, he spread her legs wider and settled between them so that his mouth was a few tantalizing inches from his goal. He blew out a puff of warm air across the pale lilac hairs that guarded her pussy and grinned as a flurry of goose bumps chased across her skin in response.

“Kel, please.” Lily’s whispered pleading was music to his ears.

He parted her labia and leaned in so that his breath fanned across her soaking pussy. “Ask me again, little one. You’ve been too long doing someone else’s bidding. Tell me what it is

“I want…I want you to touch me. Please. I want you to make me feel. I haven’t felt anything in so long, Kel. I want to remember how it feels to be loved, just for a little while.”

Her words shattered the last of his control and he bowed his head, determined to give her everything she had asked for, and more.

The moment his mouth touched her clit, Lily was lost. Words and thoughts blew away like dandelion fluff on a spring breeze, leaving her spellbound by the pleasure coursing through her. His unshaven jaw rasped against wet flesh and his tongue lapped and laved at her most sensitive flesh with a merciless intensity. Thick fingers breached her opening, reaching deep inside to stroke and stretch her, sending her senses soaring high above.

She rode his fingers, hips rising and thighs trembling as he drove her relentlessly toward release. Her clit throbbed and swelled until each touch of his mouth was an exquisite torment, and still he pushed her higher. The cottage filled with light so bright it blinded her, but she lacked the control to dampen her own aura. She was a creature of pure sensation, flying so high that she forgot everything but the name of the man who had gifted her with such pleasure. It was his name she cried as he finally brought her over the edge and sent her tumbling into a maelstrom of ecstasy.

Kel lifted his head and licked his lips, reveling in the peaches and cream sweetness of her essence. Lily was stretched out before him, her eyes closed and her breath coming in soft pants. She was so beautiful it was almost painful to look upon her. Her wings unfurled behind her, and the aura of light that flowed around her shimmered with gold and purple highlights that fluctuated with every breath.

Her eyes fluttered open and raised her head to smile at him, her arms lifting in invitation. “Come here, my warrior.”

For the first time since he took command of the War Dogs, Kel found himself obeying someone else’s orders.

Her blood was singing, her heart pounded and every part of her body hummed with sensual satisfaction. She was alive again. Her newly forged connections with this world had healed her spirit, and now she was connecting to another being after so many years alone. Kel was healing her in a way she could never heal herself.

his body covered hers, Lily rose up to welcome him with a kiss. They came together as though the Gods of both their worlds had made them for this moment. He groaned as the thick head of his cock pressed into her heated folds and found her entrance. When he paused, she arched her hips and took the first inch of him into her body.

“I do not want to hurt you, little one. We should go slowly,” he murmured between kisses, but Lily didn’t want to wait.

“You are not going to hurt me. I need this. I need you.” She nipped at his lower lip and smiled as he shuddered, moving a little deeper into her body.

“And I need you. More than I would have believed I could need anyone,” he confessed and then kissed her hard, as if trying to chase down his words and reclaim them. She nipped at his lips again and he growled in warning as he thrust himself deeper. Pleasure and pain blended into one breathtaking sensation, and then the pleasure won out as her body gave way to his. He was so much larger than any of her fae lovers had been. Kel’s cock filled her, stretching and stroking her body so intimately that she hardly dared to breathe.

BOOK: Summoned and Stolen (Summoned Series Romances)
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