Read Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2) Online

Authors: Victoria Ashley

Tags: #STYX

Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2)
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She takes me half way in her mouth a few times, before attempting to fully take me in, but ends up choking on my length.

As much as I’m enjoying her mouth on me, I don’t have the patience or strength tonight to be here for hours.

“Stand up,” I command. “Bend over my desk and hold on tight.”

Without hesitation, Sophie stands up and bends over my desk, spreading her slender legs for me.

With force, I yank her jeans down, along with her panties, and slap her bare ass.

“You in a hurry tonight or something?” she questions, while squeezing the desk. “I didn’t even get to finish.”

“Yeah. It’s been a long night. I was just about to leave before you showed up.”

She reaches behind her and strokes my cock a few times. “Let’s go then.”

Pushing her head down on my desk, I pull out a condom and slip it on, before slamming into her, letting my frustration out.

With each hard thrust, she grips onto the desk, knocking things over and reaching for anything close enough for her to grab.

“Oh shit, Styx! You seem a lot more stressed than usual.”

“’Cause I am.” Gripping her neck, I choke her from behind, taking her as deep as I can, not stopping until I feel myself ready to come.

Moaning, I pull out and release myself in the condom, taking a few deep breaths, before yanking the condom off, tossing it, and pulling my jeans back up.

Now I’m not one to go quickly and especially without getting my partner off first, but I just can’t find it in me to give a shit tonight.

Sophie comes to stand in front of me, once she’s redressed herself. “You really need to take a week off for a vacation or something and just focus on the gym and maybe . . . I don’t know . . . fucking me more than just twice a month. I’m sure we both can relieve a lot of stress then.”

Fighting to catch my breath, I kiss the top of her head, because I’m not a completely heartless ass. I may not want anything emotional with her, but she’s not trash.

Just not the
for me.

“Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” I walk her to the door. “Be careful on your way home. It’s late as shit and people are crazy. Call the gym if anyone messes with you.”

She nods and smiles. “I always am. Got my mace handy at all times.”

After letting Sophie out, I hang around the gym for about another hour, get a workout in and then head home for the night.

I’m off my shit tonight. Something just seems to be missing . . .


MY THIRD DAY WORKING A fourteen-hour shift at the hospital and I won’t deny that I’m not completely exhausted both mentally and physically.

I love my job. I do, but sometimes it can just take so much out of you. You give so much and put your heart into everything that you do here, that you honestly don’t have much of a life outside of taking care of patients and worrying about how they’re doing when you’re not around to take care of them.

I let out a small breath, and stand to my feet, when the call light from room 316 goes off for the third time in an hour.

“I’ve got it,” I tell Mandy. “He’s only going to ask for me anyway.”

She lets out a tiny laugh and continues on with her business on the computer. “He always does. I don’t even bother anymore when you’re here.”

“I don’t blame you.”

Walking into Henry’s room, I stop next to his bed and place my hand over his bruised one. “Anything I can help you with, Henry?”

He shakes his head and mutters at the TV mounted on the wall. “What is this garbage? It’s been on all damn day.”

I follow his eyes up to the TV and laugh. He always knows how to entertain the staff. “It wasn’t on when I came in here about twenty minutes ago.” Smiling, I hand the remote within his reach and point at the channel buttons. “You do know that this hospital has more than one channel right, Henry?”

He squeezes my hand and gives me a charming smile, although his dentures aren’t in. “It makes an old guy happy when a pretty nurse is around to take care of him. It’s about as much action as I can get these days.”

“Oh I’m sure a guy like you can find a beautiful woman to take on a date. You’ll be out in a few days, once your leg heals.” I grab the remote from Henry and flip the channel to something that he might understand better and be more familiar with. “There you go. All set. Now I get off in twenty minutes, so Mandy and Kayla will be here to take care of you. Be nice to them. Don’t let me hear that you’re refusing your meds from them again.”

He throws his arm up, waving me off. “They’re not you.”

Smiling, I pat his hand and start walking toward the door. “Yeah, well I can’t be here twenty-four-seven. So behave yourself, old man.”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

Right as I’m walking out of Henry’s room and closing the door just enough to give Henry some privacy, Jase winks at me and grabs my hand, pulling me around the corner and out of view.

Jase is probably about the most attractive male nurse that works here. As much as I try not to be physically attracted to one of my co-workers, you’d have to be blind not to notice him.

“Meet me in twenty by my car?” he whispers next to my ear. “I parked next to you again.”

“Not tonight, Jase. I have a date with a new gym and I have
a lot
of stress to work off.”

Jase looks around to make sure that no one is watching, before he slips his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to him. “I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day. It’s been three weeks now. Take that crap out on me.”

Lifting a brow, I place my hand on his firm chest and lightly push him away from me. “Yeah, well if I remember correctly, there’s a few other nurses that have been keeping you quite busy. No thanks. I’m good.”

Jase shakes his head and backs away from me, when Mandy walks over.

He tries to play it off as if he wasn’t just trying to get into my pants, but the look Mandy gives me, tells me that she picked up on it.

“What did Henry want this time?” she asks with a grin.

“For me to change the channel for him.” I give Jase one last look, before walking off with Mandy and listening to her tell a story about one of the other patients.

By the time I get done cleaning everything up and saying goodbye to my patients, I’m so tired that I consider just skipping the gym and checking it out another day.

But to be honest, I need to work off some stress and Jase won’t be helping with that anymore.

BY THE TIME I MAKE it to the gym, and change into my gear, it’s well past midnight. There’s only a few other people in the gym, one of them on the treadmill next to me and the other two, lifting weights.

The two lifting weights keep looking my way, talking loudly about my
fine ass
, but I ignore them and try my best to not give them a piece of my mind. As if they can’t make it any more obvious what they want to do to me. Not happening.

After thirty minutes on the treadmill, I look around me to see that the guys are still watching me, so I give up on the treadmill and decide to move somewhere more private where I can have a moment to let my emotions out.

There’s no one back there to see just how much stress and pent up anger that I really have and if I stay here with these ogling jerkoffs then I’m going to end up taking my frustration out on them and not in a good way.

Slamming back some water, I take a few seconds to catch my breath, before shutting myself in the other room and grabbing the end of the battle ropes.

Gripping tightly onto the ropes, I start out with some power slams, before moving onto some outside circles. I move for as long as I can, until my muscles ache and lungs burn as I fight for air.

Then I toss the ends of the rope down and let out a small scream of anger and relief.

I don’t even realize that I’m no longer alone, until I look up at the wall mirror and see a muscular guy with blonde hair and striking blue eyes.

His arms are crossed and he’s leaning against the doorframe as if he’s completely comfortable just watching me.

“How long have you been there?” I question out of breath.

He lifts a brow and steps into the room when I reach for my
Swig Savvy
water bottle, just to be reminded that it’s empty.

“Here.” He holds out a bottle of water. “Long enough to see that you must be thirsty from working all that frustration off.”

Keeping my eyes on his, I grab the water, unscrew the cap and throw it back, almost emptying it.

His eyes slowly move from my eyes, down to my lips around the top of the bottle.

“You need me?” he questions.

I pull the bottle away and laugh, while still fighting to catch my breath. “For what?”

He moves closer to me and rubs his thumb over my mouth, wiping the excess water away. “To bring you a towel . . .” his eyes slowly scan me over, stopping on the sweat, dripping between my cleavage. “Or to help you work out some of that frustration?”

Keeping my eyes on his cocky, but surprisingly smooth ass, I tilt the water back until it’s empty, then toss the bottle back to him.

“No, thank you.” I flash him a sweet smile. “After this I plan to get wet anyway and work out my frustration on my own. I don’t need any help with that.”

Smirking, he lifts a brow in amusement. “I like a woman that can work out her own frustration once in a while. I’m not gonna lie . . .” Walking past me, he grips the battle ropes in his hands and squats. “It’s really fucking hot.”

Swallowing, I stand back and watch his muscles flex as he does some power slams, looking as if he has just as much or more stress than me to get out.

His tattooed arms and hands have me completely hypnotized and I have to admit that he’s extremely hot in that bad boy kind of way.

He looks nothing like the uptight men I have dated in the past. None of them have been able to handle me, but I have a feeling that he’d be able to do that and more.

After a few minutes, he drops the ropes and turns to face me, his body dripping with sweat as he breathes heavily.

I find myself checking him out completely, my eyes moving lower to check out his thick legs and then back up to admire his firm chest that his shirt is now plastered to. “Thanks for the water. I suppose I owe you now.”

I reach for my bag and pull out my spare water bottle and toss it to him. “Anything else I can get you?”

He grins. “You really want me to answer that?”

I take a step back as he takes a few steps toward me, practically backing me up against the wall.

Trying not to let myself enjoy his closeness too much, I place my hand on his sweaty chest and push back a bit. “I don’t know yet,” I say honestly. “I have a feeling that it might be something that I want, but don’t need.”

He moves his face around my neck, to whisper in my ear. “I second that . . . Meadow.”

I give him a surprised look as he backs away and goes back to grab the ropes. “How do you know my name? Should I be running right about now?”

He winks. “Only if you want to.”

With that, he starts on the ropes again, leaving me to either stand here and watch him like a creeper again, or leave.

I find myself smiling, slightly amused, as I let myself out of the room to find something else to keep me occupied.

I’m standing here, looking around to get familiar with the gym and how it’s set up, when one of the guys that was watching me earlier, steps up beside me and grips my waist. “You look a little lost.” He now squeezes my hip, letting out this creepy little moan as his eyes roam over my body. “Want me and my friend to show you around?”

Disgusted, I remove his hand from my hip, but he quickly replaces it as if he has the right to touch me if he wants.

“Get your fucking hand off of me before I break it off.” I push his hand from my body and walk away from him, hoping that he won’t follow.

It does no good, because he ends up on the elliptical beside me, talking once again. “I love a girl with a little sass. My friend over here does too. It turns us on.”

His friend appears next to me, watching me as he wipes his armpits off with a towel. “You single?”

“No,” I bite out. “Now fuck off.”

“Damn . . . those tits.” I cringe as his eyes roam my body just as his friend’s did. “And that-”

BOOK: Styx (Walk Of Shame 2nd Generation #2)
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