Stepbrother Biker (MC BDSM Dark Erotic Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Biker (MC BDSM Dark Erotic Romance)
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Yes,” she finally replies quietly.

Yes what?”

Yes, please take me down,” she says.

He steps closer, angling his ear towards her. “Yes, who?”

Will you just take me down already?”

With a sly grin he leans in toward her. “You're going to have to ask me nicely.”

She breathes deep; it takes all the restraint in her body not to lash out at him. And what good would that do anyways? “Will you take me down, please?”

Sure,” he says. He reaches up, his hand brushing against hers as he finally unties the rope around her wrists. She nearly falls to the ground as soon as she's free, but he's right there to scoop her up.

He cradles her body in his arms, scooping her up and carrying her into her bedroom where he sets her down on the bed and wraps her in cool sheets.

Even though she's no longer bound, her body still feels like it's on fire from head to toe. She runs her fingers over her blistered wrists in an attempt to soothe them; they hurt the most, but her shoulders are sore, her back aches and her legs and feet are just tired.

You poor thing,” he says with a snicker. She's not sure if he's mocking her or not, as he rubs her side through the comforter. “Relax for a moment.”

He exits the room, only to return a few minutes later.

Roll on to your back,” he instructs her.

She shakes her head against the pillow. “No more, please,” she begs.

Just roll over,” he says, whipping back the comforter. “You have to trust me.”

She groans and shuts her eyes tight. The very last thing she wants is to be bothered with him any more today. She starts to wonder why she even agreed to this ridiculousness in the first place.
He could've sent my diary to everyone we know it would've been better than this mess.

Roll over,” he repeats with more gusto this time, practically pushing her on to her side.

She buries her head in the pillow. “No more,”she mumbles against it as she feels the bed compress. He climbs in and straddles, lowering his weight on her lower thighs to keep her in place.

No pain, no sex, not for tonight at least,” he says.

She doesn't even believe her ears at first. It was a trick; it had to be.

And then something cold hits her back, making her squirm against the mattress. His hands encase her lower back, smearing the serum over her skin. It warms to his touch and she coos, her muscles relaxing. He hums a sweet, mellow tune as he massages her skin, running his fingers over her skin, not too hard or too soft.

Her eyes flutter shut, the sweet aroma of honeysuckle flooding the room as her breathing steadies. He bends forward and places a kiss on her back, right above her shoulder blades, and then continues on. He's thorough, making his way over her shoulders, the back of her neck, down her arms and then down to her back again. His slick hands travel down over the curve of her ass and linger there, rubbing and squeezing her cheeks with just the right amount of pressure.

She clutches the bedsheet with her hand tucked neatly underneath the pillow so that he won't see. His hands on her ass makes her grow slick, but the last thing she wanted was to feed his ego by letting him know that. Or worse, give him any ideas.

Letting him touch her and massage her like that made her crave him – his body, his weight, his touch, his cock. And no one knew better than her that craving something you hate can eat you alive from the inside out.

He rests his hands on either cheek. “Do you feel better now?” he asks calmly. His voice was rich and gentle, reminding her of how he was this morning.

She simply sighs into the pillow, not saying a word. In truth, yes she does.

She feels him touch her between her thighs, his finger slipping into her folds easily. “Do you want me to...” his voice trails off.

She doesn't say it, she just thinks it. Yes, she wants him inside her. But no she doesn't want to move and she's not sure if she can physically take it.

With his fingers between her thighs he pushes them apart slightly. “Don't move,” he whispers to her. As she lays there the bed shifts beneath her hips and she hears him unbuckle and unzip. He's just as wet as she is, and plenty hard, as he pushes inside. She sucks in the cool air around her, her mouth open against the same sheets she clings to just overhead.
He goes tortuously slow, inching into her, stretching her, and it feels like fuckin
. He places one fist on the bed beside her for leverage, his other palm cradled in the curve of her back.

She waits for him to speed up, to grab her hips so hard that they'll bruise and to fuck her raw. But he doesn't. Instead he takes his time fitting himself inside her until he can't go any further. His hip bones are hard and rigid as the press against the underside of her ass. He rolls his pelvis into her, breathing deep and hard as he goes.

She wonders if this is what making love is like. For the first time, she craves him with more than just her body, but her whole soul. She feels the tether between their bodies, even without seeing him. And it scares her.

She reaches forward and grips the bar of her trundle as he makes her come harder than any previous time before. Her breaths are ragged, her back heaving up of the mattress. He rests, hovering over her back while still inside her for a moment, and then pulls out. She doesn't move, unsure how to react, or how he'll react, and afraid to look at him.

The bed shifts all around her until she feels his warm body crash down beside her and half on top of hers. She turns her head towards him—he's shirtless and naked, his eyes soft as he caresses her cheek and hair.

Rest,” he says, kissing her forehead. Then his hand is on her hip, rolling her on to her side and pulling her back against his chest. He covers them both with the comforter and envelopes her in his warmth. It feels safe and inviting to have his arms wrapped around her. She presses her lips tight against his bicep before letting herself go drift into sleep.





She wakes up late the next morning, fully expecting Cole to be there next to her or looking down at her, but he's not. There's no sweet smelling aroma wafting from the kitchen, and no sounds coming from anywhere in the house. It's just as well, she thinks, but she stays in bed just hoping to avoid him.

Kara stretches and yawns before finally pulling herself up out of bed about an hour later. She tiptoes into the hallways, wincing at the sight of it. That pull up bar is still there and it brings back memories of the day before in violent jolts. She shakes it from her mind.
He needs to take that down before mom gets back.

She peeks into almost every room of the house looking for Cole and he's nowhere to be found. She checks the garage and the street, and his motorcycle is gone too. She wonders if he went back to the city early, but she knows that's wishful thinking.

With a sigh she resigns herself to the kitchen, making breakfast for herself. Nothing fancy or sweet, just plain old bacon and eggs. She turns the television on for company while she eats but it's not enough to distract her. Her mind drifts back to Cole and the night before, and the night before that. She wonders if he's poisoned her mind and if she'll ever get it back. Or will she be stuck thinking of him long after this ordeal ends?

As she washes up her dishes she hears the his motorcycle roaring up towards the house in the distance. She tries her hardest to ignore it and go about her task. Minutes later the door opens and closes, and he enters the kitchen.

Get dressed,” he says from behind her.

She turns and replies, “Nice to see you too.”

I mean it, drop what you're doing and get dressed. We have a long day ahead of us.”

She nearly cringes at the thought. She turns off the water and spins to face him. “Now what are you going to do to me?”

That's for you to find out. And the quicker you get ready, the quicker you find out.”

She rolls her eyes. “Where exactly are we going?”

He shifts his body, placing his hands on his hips. “Don't fucking defy me, Kara. I don't have time for your shit today and I mean it.”

God, you're over the top with this shit,” she says as she dries her hands off. She throws the towel on to the table, thinking of how happy she is that today is the last day.

Hey,” he snaps, grabbing her hard by the arm and pulling her close to his body. He lowers his face to hers and says, “you're still mine until sundown. Don't fucking forget that. I can still hit send on every one of those little diary entries you wrote. Don't even test me.”

His brows are low over his eyes and his jaw is set when he speaks. She knows good and well that he isn't playing—what's he got to lose if he sends those anyways?

Fine,” she whispers, pulling her arm away from him and making her way into her room. He follows and leans against the door frame as she starts to rummage through her drawers. “A little privacy please?” she asks, looking back at him.

He shakes his head. “No can do. I need to supervise you just to make sure you don't lollygag.”


She moves to her closet and sorts through the rack. “How should I dress?” she asks.

Uh, like you normally do? What, do you think I'm going to take you somewhere fancy?”

No, I just want to make sure I'm dressed appropriate since refuse to tell me what we'll be doing,” she says, sounding clearly agitated. “Can I wear flats?”

Sure, why not?”

She strips out of her bed clothes, covering her naked chest as she turns away from him. Cole chuckles in the background. “You're still so shy around me even though I've fucked you like five times.”

She cringes, wishing he wouldn't remind her.

I mean, I even fucked you in the ass, remember that?” he continues, “Most girls aren't so quick to give that up,” he adds with a smirk.

She shoots him a pointed look, nearly snarling at him and wishing he would shut the hell up. She quickly pulls on a pair of shorts and a basic tee to match, paired with her bright colored flats. Plain, simple and comfortable outfit, which she figures should be suitable for wherever they're going.

Ready?” he asks when she turns towards him.

She shrugs and says, “guess so.”

He frowns. “You're so unpleasant today, you know? Is it something I did?” he asked mockingly.

She rolls her eyes, brushing past him. “Let's just go and get this over with,” she mumbles.

Try to cheer up a bit, sis,” he says, slapping her hard on the ass, which is still slightly sore from the day before.

He follows her out of the house and to the driveway. He picks up a helmet from his bike and hands it to her.

Seriously?” she asks as she eyes it. “I'm
getting on that.”

You don't exactly have a choice.”

It's not even fucking safe!”

He shoves the helmet against her chest. “Put it on unless you want to ride without one,” he commands.

She groans and snatches it from him, places it on his head and buckles it beneath her chin. He does the same with his and climbs on to his bike, and she reluctantly sits on the back, holding on to his hips.

Feel free to hold me tighter,” he says as he revs the engine, before zipping down the driveway and around the block.

She doesn't want to but she practically has no choice. He travels down the street at what feels like warp speed. Within minutes, her arms are wrapped tight around his waist as she holds on for dear life. At this point she's quite sure Cole will be the death of her, one way or another.

She keeps her eyes closed tight as they whip around corners and fly through town. A good ten minutes passes before she wills herself to open them again. By then she's gotten used to the speed, for the most part, but actually being out in the open still freaks her out. He takes her to the edge of town and then keeps going. Houses fall behind them into the distance. The road narrows and soon only fields and crops and a few shacks line the street. She wants to ask him where they're going but there's no way he could hear her, besides she knows he'll just get pissy with her again.

They ride for nearly two hours before Cole turns off the main road.

Why are we stopping?” she asks him, eyeing the exterior of the roadside diner in front of them suspiciously.

You aren't going to ask me where we're going or what we're going to do for the 18 millionth time?” he asks, “Color me shocked.”

Giving a straight answer seems to be difficult for you, brother,” she replies sarcastically.

He lets out a bark of laughter as he climbs off of his bike. “We're going to get something to eat, because we're hungry.” He extends a hand to her, her eyes darting between it and his face.

Who says I'm hungry?”

He points at his own chest and replies, “I say we're hungry. And I say we eat.”

She groans, rolling her eyes as she follows him off the back of the bike, making no effort to be hasty. In reality, her stomach is grumbling, but she'd never tell him that.

Ladies first,” he says, opening the cafe door for her. She slinks inside silently, hands folded across her chest.

They take a seat at the first available booth. The diner itself is old, but with an attempt at charm; it's decorated in the kind of bright colors you'd expect Every Diner, USA to be done up in. An older waitress in a short pink uniform comes by and drops off a pair of menus at their table. She eyes it for a few seconds before say, “I'll have the soup.”

He looks at her over his. “Soup? You need something more hearty than that.”

The soup has meat in it.”

He shakes his head. “Get a burger.”

But I don't want a burger.”

I heard your stomach growl.”

She places the menu on the table and says, “It's kind of hard to eat when I have no idea where you're taking me or why. We've driven for hours and we're miles from home.”

And that makes you nervous?”


He chuckles. “Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you and throw you in a cornfield.”

She groans, hating when he jokes like that. “If you just gave me a little hint then maybe I'd eat something.”

He picks up his water glass and brings it up to his lips. “Trust me, you'll need your strength when we get there,” he says, and then takes a drink.

He's talking in more riddles. Great.

The waitress returns to the table minutes later to take their orders.

We'll each have a burger, medium well please,” he says, handing her the menu.

Two burgers it is,” the waitress replies.

Kara shoots him a look and he just shrugs.

They sit in silence as they wait for their food to arrive. This doesn't seem to bug Cole one bit; he pays more attention to his cell phone than to Kara.

Uh, that's kind of rude, you know?”

What is?” he mumbles, not even looking up at her.

To sit and eat with someone and play with your phone the entire time. Did your dad teach you any manners, or did you just forget them all when you were in juvi?”

His eyes dart to her like daggers.

Here we go! All ready,” the waitress says, imposing on their tense moment, but it doesn't seem to phase her. She sets the plates down in front of them. “Enjoy and let me know if you two need anything!”

Meanwhile, Kara is quite satisfied at how rattled Cole looks.

The last thing you want to do is get under my skin, trust me on that,” he says.

She picks up her burger and takes a bite. It's surprisingly good. “You've done your worst and you only have a few hours left anyways. And here you spent them all driving.”

He chews, watching her with narrowed eyes. “I'm going to enjoy this so fucking much.”




why are we stopping?” Kara asks again. After leaving the diner they drove for another hour or so, until reaching this point.

Cole strips off his helmet and says, “Because we're here.”

Kara glances around the area. There's nothing in front of them or behind them but forest, separated only by the narrow road they were on. “Where exactly is
?” she asks. “Because it doesn't look like we're anywhere in paticular.”

Cole chuckles darkly and says, “Oh trust me, we're here.”

You know if you got lost you can just admit it. They have these things called cell phones and GPS now. Im sure it can get us wherever you actually wanted to go.”

Get off the bike. We're going for a little hike, if you want to call it that.”

She raises an eyebrow at him. “A hike? Seriously?” she says, her voice elevated and clearly agitated. “I asked you if I needed to dress appropriately.”

Believe me, you are,” he says, his eyes trailing down her slim, toned legs.

She holds her arms out. “Really, you think shorts and flats are appropriate for hiking? Did you fall and hit your head recently?”

Well aren't you feisty today,” he says as he moves behind the bike. “Get off the bike, Kara. Now,” he says.

Why don't you tell me what we're doing fi--” her voice trails off when he pulls something from the back of his bike and walks around toward me. It's a whip. Not the tassel style whip from yesterday, but a long, genuine leather, serious business whip.
Shit, is that thing even for humans?

You really have lost your mind if you think for a second that I'm going to let you hit me with that thing.”

This thing would probably kill you if I used it for what I did to you yesterday.”

She wonders if that's supposed to give her a confidence boost or something--because it doesn't. “So you
going to kill and leave me in the wilderness?”

He chuckles darkly, dragging the length of the whip through his fist. “Trust me, you're much more useful to me alive,” he says with lusty eyes. The promise behind his words makes her shiver. “You only get a lash under specific circumstances.”

She raises a suspicious eyebrow at him. “Such as?”

Such as, if you don't obey me.”

She shakes my head, her hair going wild around her face. “No, you're not hitting me with that thing, Cole. I'm serious. This is going too far.”

BOOK: Stepbrother Biker (MC BDSM Dark Erotic Romance)
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