Read Spark of Magic Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

Spark of Magic (5 page)

BOOK: Spark of Magic
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“Wanna bet?” she snarled and raised her hands to snap her fingers. Nicholas reached out and grasped her hands within his, making her eyes narrow dangerously.

“Don’t be foolish, Rebecca. You’re not strong enough to transport yourself that far,”

Nicholas hissed.

Rebecca watched him, studied him as though trying to read his mind.
You know I’m
, he whispered into her mind and her eyes widened in fear.

“You can speak to me in my mind?” she whispered.

“Yes and you will be able to speak to us that way, as well, once you fully accept your fate. Now promise to behave and we’ll see that you get to speak to Tonya. Deal?”

“You said I was too far away to transport myself. Where are you taking me?”

“England,” Darien replied and her face went ashen.

* * * * *

Tonya stood outside the door to the club and banged her knuckles loudly against the wood. There was no way Rebecca would leave and not explain it in person.

Sunshine beat down on her bare shoulders, warming her as the morning moved into afternoon. She’d slept for over ten hours, awakening to find Rebecca’s note that she’d left with the men in her fantasy. Something was wrong. She knew it deep in her gut.

Her patience wore thin and her shoes tapped out an angry rhythm against the sidewalk. After seconds of waiting for a response she rapped her knuckles against the door again, this time a little louder.

The door opened and she stared angrily at the woman who greeted her. “Where’s Marcus?” Tonya demanded.

“He’s…” the woman began until a tall form moved to stand behind her.


Tonya’s heart began to beat fast in her chest as she stared at the gorgeous man who’d given her the best sex of her life just hours before. “Where is she?” Tonya demanded, trying to keep her mind on the task at hand.

“Who?” he asked innocently, nodding to the confused woman who’d first answered the door. She walked away, leaving her with an amused Marcus.




“Don’t act all innocent with me, damn it. I’m talking about Rebecca. The woman I came in here with yesterday.”

“Oh yes. Rebecca. I have no idea.” He shrugged and Tonya mentally stomped down the urge to smack him.

Tonya put her hands on her hips and glared up at him. “You had to have seen them leave. Or were you having sex with someone else?”

He smiled slightly, his eyes sparkling with merriment. “Jealous?”

“Oh for the love of,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “As if. You were a fantasy fuck, hotshot, get over it.”

“Oh I think I was more than just a fantasy fuck, don’t you?” With a sexy as hell grin he leaned against the doorjamb and crossed his arms over his very wide chest.

She waved the note she held in her hand. “I’m here to find out about my friend, not argue with you over what type of sex it was. Now…are you going to help me or am I going to go to the police?”

“She’s an adult, Tonya. Can’t she leave if she so chooses?”

“Of course she can. That’s not the point. The point is how she did it. She would never have just left me a note. Nor would she have left without her stuff. She didn’t take anything.”

Marcus sighed then glanced toward the sky, his eyes squinting at the bright sunlight. “I’m sure you’ll hear from her soon.”

“I give up,” she sighed with a wave of her hand. “Fine.”

She turned to head back down the sidewalk and hail a cab to take her to the police department. Marcus jumped from the doorway and moved much faster than any man should be able to. Before she got two steps away he stood in front of her, blocking her path. Her stomach flipped in surprise as she stared up at his height in anger.

“What are you doing?” she snapped.

“Come inside and I’ll make a few phone calls,” he replied. “I’m sure there’s no need to get the police involved. Besides, I doubt they would listen to you anyway.”

Her gaze narrowed. “So you know who took her?”

“I’m not saying that but I’m sure I can find out.”

Tonya pursed her lips, hoping she wasn’t about to make a huge mistake. But something deep inside made her think she could trust him—made her think she could believe what he said. Taking a deep breath, she nodded in agreement.

“Fine,” she said, waving her hand toward the massive double doors of the club.

“Lead the way.”

Marcus’ lips twitched slightly in amusement but she didn’t miss the hint of worry in his gaze and it increased her trepidation as she followed him inside the darkened interior. He made his way to the back of the room and through another set of double doors that lead to the back offices, Tonya close on his heels.




Without warning he turned to face her, making her screech to a halt. “Stay here,” he ordered and her mouth dropped open in surprise.

“I don’t think so.”

“Stay here or no deal,” he demanded, then turned to step into an office.

The door didn’t shut all the way and she leaned closer so she could see through the crack. He made his way to the desk then stood studying the phone for countless seconds. What was he doing? Pretending to make a phone call? After a deep sigh he picked up the receiver but instead of dialing the number he waved his hand across the keypad.

Tonya’s eyes narrowed in anger but she remained outside the door, listening.

* * * * *

Nicholas’ cell phone beeped, making Rebecca jump. She stared at the device speculatively as he lifted it from his belt holder. “That thing works on the plane?” she asked, staring at him skeptically. “I thought once you’re above so many thousand feet they don’t work.”

“Magic,” Nicholas mouthed and almost laughed at her expression of disbelief.

Flipping the phone open, he spoke into the mouthpiece. “Marcus. What is it?”

“It’s Tonya. She’s going to be a problem. Hell, not going to be.
a problem.”

“What happened?” Nicholas asked as he stood and walked into the bedroom for privacy.

“She’s here at the club, demanding answers. She thinks I know who took Rebecca and insists she’ll go to the police if she doesn’t get what she wants.”

“Oh boy,” Nicholas sighed, then glanced back at Rebecca, who watched him with suspicion. “Well, take care of it.”

“How?” Marcus demanded.

“You like her. Bring her to the castle.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“It will solve two problems. Yours and the one I’m having with Rebecca.”

“Son of a bitch,” Marcus sighed. “Fine. I’ll take care of her.”

* * * * *


Marcus hung up the phone and glanced up in surprise to see Tonya standing in the doorway, her eyes wide as saucers. Anger surged through him—anger at himself. He should have heard her, seen her, something. For a brief second he wondered if maybe he’d wanted her to hear. His body tensed as her fear wrapped around his heart. She was going to run, he could see it in her thoughts.

“Tonya,” he cautioned, then cursed when she spun around, taking off at a run down the hallway and toward the front part of the club.


He sprinted after her, using his enhanced speed to catch her quickly and wrap his arms around her waist, trapping her against him. She struggled, kicking her legs and swinging her arms wildly.

“Let me go, you damn son of a bitch,” she squealed.

“No,” he snapped. “You wanted to see Rebecca and you’re going to.”

“What?” she gasped. “Where is she? What have you done to her?”

“I haven’t done anything to her, Tonya, I promise,” he spoke softly in her ear, trying to calm her down. “Listen to me.”

“Why should I?” she murmured, her voice shaking slightly.

He could feel her fear, her anger, and it cut like a knife in his chest. She was his one—his mate—and he hated that their relationship would start out like this.

“Because you know you can trust me. Deep down you

She stopped struggling, her harsh breathing the only sound in the quiet room. He loosened his hold slightly, allowing her to turn in his embrace. Her eyes were wide, fear and uncertainty clouding their depths, her cheeks flushed with anger. Her uncertainty filled him, made him want to protect her, make her see that he would never hurt her.

He brushed his thumb across her forehead then set his fingers over her eyes, sliding them down her face slowly. Her eyes began to droop as her body went limp in his arms, falling asleep just as he wanted her to.

“You know you can trust me,” he whispered.



Chapter Five

Rebecca sat on the edge of Tonya’s bed, waiting for her to open her eyes. She still hadn’t come to even though it had been over an hour since she and Marcus had arrived.

The castle sat nestled among the trees with a beautiful lake behind it. Although they were technically in England, Nicholas informed her they were in a protected dimension.

One they hoped would keep her secure from Sebastian until they could find out where he was and what his next move might be.

Marcus had come by twice to check on Tonya. She’d been told all about Marcus before he arrived—about who and what he was. She’d always thought vampires were a fairy tale born from someone’s dark imagination. In the few short hours she’d been here she’d learned of other fairy tales that weren’t just tales.

The obvious concern in Marcus’ gaze as he watched Tonya melted Rebecca’s heart toward the half-breed vampire. The fact that he had feelings for her friend was apparent but how did Tonya feel? Seeing she was still asleep, Marcus left the room, leaving her alone with her friend.

Tonya stirred, a soft whimper escaping her lips. Rebecca placed her hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. “Tonya,” she whispered and her friend sat upright instantly, her gaze flicking around the room in fear.

“What happened?” she gasped then her eyes landed on Rebecca. “Oh my god, are you okay? Where are we?”

“One question at a time,” Rebecca said with a laugh. “As to what happened, Marcus put you in a trance but you were out for quite a while, much longer than he expected, and I’m afraid he’s terribly worried.”

“Marcus can go to hell,” Tonya snapped. “He put me in a trance? The last thing I remember is him touching my-my face,” she added with a whisper. “Is that how he did it? Dragging his fingers down my face?”

Rebecca shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Where are we?”

“Well, we’re sort of in England.”

“How can you be ‘sort of’ in England?” Tonya asked with a frown. “And what do they want with you? With us?”

“It’s hard to explain but it’s me they wanted. They only took you because you threatened to go to the police.” Tonya opened her mouth to speak but Rebecca held up her hand. “I’m fine, I promise. They haven’t harmed me and I don’t believe they will.”

“But why did they take you?”


“It has to do with my parents,” Rebecca whispered and handed her the photos the twins had given her earlier.

Darien had been right. She did look like her mother but she had a little of her father in her too. Tonya studied the pictures then looked at Rebecca with confusion. “I still don’t understand.”

“Neither do I, at least not completely. Apparently a man by the name of Sebastian killed my parents in order to gain control of my father’s seat on the Witches council—”

Tonya coughed then held up her hand. “I’m sorry. Witches council?”

“I know. It sounds like something off of Bewitched but I believe them. They’re warlocks, Tonya. Much more powerful than me. They claim they were sent to find and protect me from Sebastian. According to them I have inherited my father’s seat and their father hid me. Sebastian can’t get that seat until he produces proof of my death.”

“Oh my god,” Tonya gasped then rubbed at her forehead with a frown. “This is nuts.”



“Marcus said you might. He told me if you did to let him know and he’d take care of it.”

Tonya shook her head. “No. I-I’m not ready to see him just yet. He unsettles me.”

Glancing at her friend, Tonya tried to read her eyes—tried to see if Rebecca were really okay with all this. Tonya wasn’t. At least not yet. How had Marcus gotten her here so quickly? And what did Tonya do about how she felt whenever Marcus was near?

“So back to this ‘sort of’ thing,” Tonya said, trying to change the subject from Marcus.

“We’re in what’s called a protected dimension.”

“A what?” Tonya asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Remember the Harry Potter movies? Well it’s like that in a way. It’s England but not really England. You have to go to England to get here but—”

Tonya held up a hand, stopping her. “Can you tell you’re somewhere else? Just by looking around?”

Rebecca nodded then stood. Tonya watched her, nervousness pulling her stomach into knots as her friend walked over to the maroon velvet curtains and pulled them apart. Sunlight streamed through the French doors, warming the hardwood floor and illuminating the previously darkened room.

Rebecca motioned her over to the window. “Perhaps you should see for yourself.”


With a deep breath, Tonya climbed from the bed and placed her bare feet against the cool floor. She still wore her jeans and blue tank tank from when she’d confronted Marcus and the cool air of the room sent goose bumps along her bare arms.

Standing, she slowly made her way to the doors as Rebecca opened them. “This is the second floor balcony. It spans the entire length of the back of the castle and overlooks the gardens below. I think you’ll find what’s in the gardens rather interesting.”

Scowling at her friend, Tonya stepped through and forward to the iron railing. The weather was warm, almost springlike. The gardens were full of flowering shrubs and flowers the likes of which she’d never seen, colors so bright and full they looked as though they’d been painted by the strokes of an artist’s brush.

Her intrigued gaze wandered along the garden paths to a clearing close to a lake.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at what she had initially thought to be horses. But they weren’t horses.

She raised her hand to point. “Are those?”

“Unicorns?” Rebecca asked, a grin tugging at her lips. “Yes. There’s also a pegasus.” With a nod, she pointed out the horse flying across the horizon, his wings spread wide, his legs curled beneath him.

“This can’t be real. These things are from Greek mythology. What the hell are they doing here?”

“They’re here for protection. Have been for thousands of years. I haven’t seen them but there are also a couple of dragons and a few other things I hadn’t ever heard of before. I should probably warn you about Vincent as well.”

“Who’s Vincent?” Tonya asked with trepidation, unsure she even wanted to know.

This whole trip had turned into a bad version of Fantasy Island.

“Vincent is—”

“Me,” a deep voice rumbled from behind her.

“You could have at least given me a moment to prepare her, Vincent,” Rebecca chided.

Tonya slowly turned her head, almost afraid to look. At first she didn’t see anything and frowned toward the empty room. With a shrug, she glanced back to Rebecca.

“Down here, my dear,” the deep voice said, a soft English accent punctuating his words.

Her gaze dropped to the floor and she stared in shock at a cat. His tail swishing gently, his fur a rich deep black, his eyes so blue they rivaled the sky outside. A diamond-studded collar decorated his neck and sparkled as he tilted his head slightly to study her. Tonya’s heart skipped a beat. She would swear he smiled at her.

“What’s wrong, dear? Cat got your tongue?” Vincent asked in amusement.


Tonya opened her lips to speak but nothing came out. The room began to rock precariously and she grabbed the railing to keep from falling but it was no use.

Darkness closed in around her and she fell straight into Rebecca’s arms.

“That went well,” Vincent drawled and Rebecca shot him a glare.

“You did that on purpose, you mean old cat,” she snapped.

“Now why would I have done that?” he purred.

“According to Nicholas, because you enjoy it.” Rebecca huffed softly as she positioned Tonya’s limp body onto one of the wicker lounge chairs along the balcony.

“You shouldn’t believe everything he tells you, Rebecca. Nicholas tends to exaggerate things, especially when they pertain to me.”

Rebecca rolled her eyes. She’d already had to come between Nicholas and the cat once today. She wasn’t sure who enjoyed antagonizing the other more, Nicholas or Vincent. “Go get Marcus, Vincent. Please.”

Vincent meowed then took off. Rebecca sighed, wondering if maybe she should have handled the explanations better. She still hadn’t wrapped her mind around everything yet herself. She still felt as though she was trapped in some sort of dream.

The twins were another problem.

Her attraction to them plagued her. More than once since they’d arrived she’d found herself replaying that night at the club. She couldn’t stop thinking about it, about how what Nicholas and Darien felt had slammed into her, mixing with her own sensations. It had been intense and overwhelming.

She’d wanted to ask if it would always be like that but had been too embarrassed.

Just thinking about having sex with them again kept her awake, made her pussy ache with the need to feel them again. It was like a drug addiction—strong and undeniable.

But it wasn’t just the sex she was addicted to. It was the twins. Just spending time with them made her feel happy—happier then she’d felt in a long time.

Tonya stirred and Rebecca placed a hand on her arm. “You okay?” she asked.

Her friend cracked open one eye. “Is it gone?”

“Yes,” Rebecca said with a nod, her lips twitching slightly at Tonya’s obvious trepidation.

“What was that?”

“That was Vincent. He’s Nicholas and Darien’s great, great uncle. Serving out a few decades as a cat is the punishment inflicted on him by the council. Apparently he was a roguish warlock. He seduced someone he wasn’t supposed to.” Tonya snorted then covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a giggle. “I know. This whole thing is outlandish, isn’t it?”

Tonya nodded, laughter now rumbling through her chest. “Who are Nicholas and Darien? Aren’t they the men from the club?” she asked once she’d settled down.



Tonya’s eyes narrowed. “They had that dog take your keys on purpose didn’t they?”

“Actually.” Rebecca looked down at her nails. “Nicholas
the dog.”


“Feeling better?” Marcus asked from the open doorway.

Rebecca didn’t miss the heat flaring in Tonya’s eyes before she tamped it down, anger taking its place as she glared at Marcus. “Go easy on him,” Rebecca whispered.

“He’s been beside himself, worried about you.”

Tonya snorted, unsure she believed that load of crap.

“I’ll leave the two of you alone,” Rebecca murmured and Tonya reached out to grasp her hand. She didn’t want to be alone with him. She knew what would happen if she were.

“You’ll be fine,” Rebecca whispered then pulled her hand free. “I’ll check on you later.”

With that her friend left the room, leaving her alone with a man she both lusted after and hated. Crossing her arms over her chest, Tonya glared at Marcus in silence.

“You must be feeling better. You’re shooting daggers at me.”

His lips spread into an adorable smile, lighting up his deep blue eyes and making them sparkle. Tingles ran down her spine but she brushed them aside, ignoring the affect his nearness had on her senses.

“I should be shooting bullets,” she snarled.

“You wanted to see Rebecca,” he reasoned.

“You kidnapped me.”

He waved his hand, dismissing it and shooting her the most sensual smile she’d ever seen. Her flesh heated from the inside out.

“Details,” he purred.

“That’s a big detail, Marcus. You scared me. I thought you were going to go all mob on me and dump my ass in the river.”

Marcus shook his head with an amused frown. “No, sweet. I don’t dump people in the river anymore. They have a tendency of floating back up. Now I just cut them up into little pieces and feed them to the dragons.”

Tonya narrowed her gaze. “You’re such an ass.”

Laughter rumbled through his chest as he came further out onto the balcony. He wore all black again but it looked good on him. The black slacks accentuated his trim waist, the black t-shirt hugged his muscular chest. Flashes of that afternoon at the club went through her mind and without thinking her gaze dropped to his cock, which she could see outlined behind the zipper of his pants.

As though reading her mind he asked softly, “Are you sure you’re up for that?”


Her gaze shot back to his and the heat of a blush moved over her neck. “Excuse me?”

“You were staring at my crotch as though you were starving.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

He smiled and her stomach flipped. Juices poured from her pussy as she imagined the two of them in that huge bed just a few feet away. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she stop thinking about it—wanting it?

“I’m sorry I frightened you.”

He said it with such sincerity her gut clenched and she became even angrier with herself, which came out toward him.

BOOK: Spark of Magic
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