Read Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) (6 page)

BOOK: Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined)
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Aimee sighed. “I could sure use some. I hope this place serves champagne.”

“They do, and all kinds of other exotic fruit drinks.” Josie linked her arm with Aimee’s. “You look like you need one of those mango Martinis right now.”

“Let’s do it. We’ve got time.” Ava gestured behind her. “Aww, look at those two.”

Serene turned with the other women to see her parents sharing a slow kiss and grinned. “They do that all the time.”

“That’s so sweet.” Josie touched her heart. “That’s what I want, right there.”

Serene glanced at Aimee, noticed the tears glistening in her eyes, and knew that had been her sister-in-law’s dream for her marriage too.

“Let’s go have some fun, girls.” Ava wagged her finger at Serene. “Don’t be late or there’ll be no Martinis left for you.”

“I’ll be there. Go.” Serene waved at the women as they left then turned to face the water. Drawing in a deep breath, she closed her eyes and listened to the lulling sound of the waves breaking along the shoreline. She tried to envision herself marrying the man of her dreams and wondered if such a man existed.

“Feeling stressed again?”

Serene whipped around to see Oliver approaching her with a sardonic grin on his face. “What are you doing back here?” Her pulse quickened at the sight of him. He’d unbuttoned his shirt and it flapped at his sides in the breeze, offering a tantalizing glimpse of his chest. Determined not to stare, Serene quickly lifted her eyes to his face.

Oliver moved past her to grab a pair of sunglasses on one of the chairs. “I forgot my shades. Can’t play beach volleyball without them.” He came back over to her, forcing her to meet his steady gaze.

“Right.” Serene pulled her shades off. “Well, you better hurry.”

Oliver glanced at his watch. “I’ve got a few minutes. The fellas all wanted to change first, which gives you a chance to answer my earlier question.”

She’d hoped he’d forget about her not answering.

“So, Serene, tell me… Are you single because you agree lust is more fun?”


Chapter Four




Oliver slipped the arm of his sunglasses into the loop on his pants, intrigued by the way Serene’s beautiful eyes widened for a few seconds before she shuttered her true emotions from him and gave him another careless shrug.

“I’d say both love and lust can be tricky. Lust can be easy. All-consuming passion with none of the real work that comes along with the other ‘L’ word.” Serene briefly dropped her gaze from his to silence her chiming phone. “At least with lust you can usually end things without any lasting emotional scars.”

Oliver recognized a flash of pain in Serene’s eyes when she lifted her face again. She was referring to something personal and he wanted to know the details. “Scars can be lasting, but I think with the right care, the memory of any past hurt can fade.”

Serene stared at him but seemed to be seeing someone else for a moment. “Think so?”

“Of course it depends on the circumstances. In my last year of college, I fell hard for a woman I was certain was going to be my wife. No one could’ve told me she didn’t feel the same.”

“What happened?”

“I eventually found out she’d fallen for my roommate.”

Serene gasped. “Were you two good friends?”

Cameron shrugged. “I thought we were. I never suspected anything going on between them. Anyway, it was difficult knowing the woman I loved had accepted another man’s proposal. I know emotional trauma can’t be erased from memory, but I do think it’s possible to move on if you don’t close yourself off by believing what you’ve experienced is all that exists.” Oliver watched the wind ruffle the edge of Serene’s magenta sundress. The color was gorgeous on her and he liked her vibrant style. “What do you think?”

“Maybe.” Serene blinked then nodded. “I agree that it depends on the circumstances.”

Oliver glanced at her ringing phone as she lifted it, spotting the name Shawn on the screen before she silenced the device again and looked at him.

“So despite that heartache you went through, you haven’t given up on falling in love again?”

Oliver snorted. “I haven’t closed myself off to it. It’s just not what I’m looking for now.”

“Right. Too much work.”

Oliver grinned. “Exactly, and lust is so much more fun.”

They both laughed. “I’d better get going. Those gals have probably already had a round of those fruity Martinis without me.”

“Okay. I’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner.”

“Yes.” Serene put her sunglasses back on. “Have fun playing volleyball.”

“I will.”

“Later.” Serene pivoted and Oliver watched her go, captivated by her body. She moved with a sensual grace and confidence he found very alluring. He wanted to run his fingers over her curves, cup and weigh the fullness of her breasts in his hands.


She turned to face him, a question in her eyes as he walked up to her.

“I think the mind is the most important component to recovery after something emotionally damaging happens because that person must continually decide to do whatever it takes to be okay.”

“Easier said than done in some cases, but yes, I agree with you again.” Serene scrutinized him then shook her head. “I never would’ve pegged you as the introspective type.”

Oliver chuckled. “Self-examination is invaluable and necessary for growth personally and as a professional.”

Serene placed her hand on his arm and Oliver noticed the matching pearl polish on her fingers and toes. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“I’m not insulted.”
Turned on, but not insulted.

Serene visibly relaxed. “Good.” She cleared her throat as she removed her hand. “I tend to speak my mind and not everyone appreciates my candor.”

“I do. I’ll take a real response over bullshit anytime.” Oliver silenced his phone when it rang. He quickly read the text message then looked at Serene. “Now I’m going to be late. C’mon, I’ll walk with you to the resort. Take my advice and get the hot stone massage. Your body will thank me.”

“Um, okay.” Serene ignored the way his words sent a weird quiver dancing along her nerve-endings. “You guys are playing on the beach close by the resort?”


“So, you’re not going to take time to change?” Serene asked as they walked.

“Nah. It’s okay. I’ll just snag a pair of shorts in the gift shop.”

Serene scoffed. “I could never assume there’d be a pair of shorts I could wear waiting for me in a gift shop.”

“Why not?”

“With these hips and a—” Serene cut her eyes at him without finishing her sentence and Oliver chuckled. “Let’s just say women with curves can’t always find something cute and stylish when needed in those kinds of shops.”

“Ah.” Oliver nodded. “Well, you do have sexy curves, but every inch of you is proportional and toned. I’m sure you could walk into that store and find several things to wear that you’d look good in.”

Serene raised any eyebrow. “I don’t think so.”

“I know so.”

“Says the man with no clue about dressing curves and probably no true fashion sense.”

Oliver laughed. “I bet I could pick out at least three things that would work.”

“Not just
, Oliver. These items would have to look nice.”

“Of course. No problem. I could prove I’m right.”

“I’d like to prove you’re wrong.”

“So do it.” Oliver paused when Serene stopped walking.

“Do what?”

“Prove I’m wrong. I know I can find flattering articles of clothing in this gift shop. I’ll wager I can find at least four.”

Serene scoffed. “Oh, I’ll take that bet.”

“You’d have to show me I’m wrong, though.”

you you’re wrong?”

Oliver nodded as they paused in front of the entrance of the elegant resort, loving the challenge and shock registering in Serene’s widened eyes. He could see that she didn’t relish the idea of modeling for him, but hated the thought of him thinking he was right even more.

“You’re too much.” Serene stepped back as he pulled open the door. “And just when would we settle this silly bet?”

“After the rehearsal dinner.” Oliver worked to keep from grinning as Serene studied him. “If I win, you’ll verbally admit to me how wrong you were, ask for forgiveness for doubting me
wear whichever outfit I pick, somewhere of my choosing, here on the island.”

Serene snorted. “And if
win you’ll have to do the same thing and I’ll find the tightest pair of Speedos for you to rock on the beach.”

“Sounds fair enough. So are you in?”

“Okay.” Serene held up her hand. “Just because I seriously doubt you’ll find
item that’ll work for me.” She waved to Josie coming out of the elevator. “Are you sure you want to do this? Your little bet is going to be expensive. Gift shop items are notoriously overpriced.”

“I’m sure.”

“All right. Bye, Oliver.”

“Later, Serene.”

Oliver watched her walk away, enticed by the erotic sway of her hips. His gaze drifted then lingered on the lush curve of her ass. He already had in mind the type of clothing he’d buy for her to wear. As far as he was concerned, whatever he spent would be worth every penny to see Serene model just for him.


* * * *


Serene lifted a crimson baby-doll style dress from her suitcase and wrinkled her nose. She couldn’t figure out what to wear to her sister’s rehearsal dinner, which was taking place in less than twenty minutes. Ava and Josie had already come and gone and she was still standing around in her underwear. Selecting an outfit wasn’t usually that difficult for her, but everything she’d tried hadn’t seemed to work. Now she was going to be uncharacteristically late.

“Get it together, girl.”

With a frustrated sigh, Serene slipped the silky dress over her head. The soft fabric caressed her skin and breathed like a dream. Perfect for a tropical night.

Perfect for capturing Oliver’s attention.


She always took care with her appearance. Oliver had nothing to do with it. Serene stared at her silhouette in the full-length mirror. The dress hugged her curves as if tailor-made for her and the color popped against her skin.

This is the one.

“Now to pick my shoes.”

Serene giggled as she went through her limited collection. This was her favorite part of accessorizing an outfit.

You’re a high-heel fashionista, I am a high-heel enthusiast and I would love to see these on you.

The smile playing across Serene’s lips faded.

Thoughts about Oliver had plagued her all day, even at the spa. She’d taken his advice getting the hot stone massage and it had been an incredible experience. Her muscles still felt loose, her body pleasantly soothed by the treatment she’d received. She’d have to thank Oliver for the suggestion. It wasn’t his fault she’d been afflicted with suggestive daydreams involving the two of them.


She’d enjoyed chatting with him earlier. He was an attractive man, she’d give him that. “Okay, sexy as hell.”
Funny, charming and arrogant.

But he was also warm and far more thoughtful than she would’ve credited him for. There was just something about him that compelled her to engage. She would’ve never agreed to his ridiculous wager otherwise. Every time she thought about him taking time to pick out something for her to wear, her stomach dipped. It was a good thing he probably wouldn’t find anything for her in the resort shop because she couldn’t imagine herself modeling anything else for him. The shoes had been bad enough.

But you enjoyed every second of it.

She had. What woman didn’t like to show off a sexy pair of heels? And especially for a man who appreciated the beauty of a fine shoe.

Serene selected black sling-backs, slipped them on and pivoted in the mirror. With a satisfied smile, she grabbed her clutch purse, flipped off the light then went to the door.

A sultry Tahitian breeze washed over her as she locked her bungalow. Serene moved toward the resort, enjoying the peacefulness of her solitary walk. Four days in Tahiti wasn’t enough. Serene was going to make sure this wasn’t the last time she came to the island. She wished she could bottle the magic surrounding her.

Serene greeted the concierge who held the door open for her then headed down the corridor to the banquet hall where the rehearsal dinner was being held. She opened the door and the lively strains of island music greeted her ears. Blinking, Serene adjusted to the dim lighting and smiled when she saw her sister dancing and laughing with Cameron. Their happiness was infectious. She made her way over to where her parents and Oliver’s were seated. “Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.” Serene directed her attention to the other couple. “Good evening, Mr and Mrs Banner.”

“Hello, Serene.” Ann Banner gave her warm smile. She was the picture of elegance wearing a crocheted dress that highlighted her tan.

Stephen Banner nodded at her. “Good evening, Ms Ryan.”

“Look at my baby.” Her mother kissed her cheek when Serene bent down to hug her. “This island air agrees with you. You look beautiful.”

“Thanks, Mom. You guys are looking sharp too.” Serene touched her dad’s colorful shirt. “Mom got you to wear something other than your typical attire. I’m liking this look on you.”

Curtis Ryan shook his head. “Uh-huh. I told Grace I’d wear it as long as there was no record of me doing so.”

“Fair enough.” Serene giggled. “No pictures.”

Her mom pouted. “You promised me a dance, though.”

“A dance would be lovely,” Ann said, looking at Stephen who merely raised his eyebrow.

“What do you say, Stephen? Should we show these young people how to do it out there on the dance floor?”

Serene could tell that Oliver’s father wanted to do anything but that as his wife tugged on his arm.

“Come on,” Ann pleaded.

Stephen leveled his gaze at Grace. “I hold you fully responsible for what happens next.”

They all laughed and Serene watched the two couples make their way to the floor. She grinned when her dad spun her mom in a dramatic twirl. Seconds later, Stephen did a similar move and Serene cheered along with everyone else in the room. Her parents’ longstanding marriage never failed to inspire her. They made love look easy.

BOOK: Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined)
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