Read Someone to Love Online

Authors: Riley Rhea

Someone to Love (8 page)

BOOK: Someone to Love
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Chapter Fourteen


Five days later…

oday is my
best friend’s wedding and I couldn’t be happier for her. I wish I could have been with her this week to help her get everything prepared, but she assured me that her mom had it all taken care of. She insisted that I prepare for the art show, so that’s what I’ve spent the past five days doing.

I was able to get a lot of sketches done, yet I’m still not satisfied with any of them. I’m beginning to get frustrated. I have four weeks left before the show and I have to find the perfect image to capture.

After I finally gave up sketching last night, I went ahead and packed my weekend bag so I’d be ready to go early this morning. I’m about to head out the door when my phone beeps alerting me that I have a text.

Spencer: Are you in town yet?

Lexi: Nope bout to leave.

Spencer: Grrr

Lexi: Me thinks someone misses me ;)

Spencer: U thinks right

Lexi: Aww. Missed u 2 will cya soon.

My heart skipped a beat when he admitted he missed me. We’ve texted and talked every day this week. We’ve only talked about our days and nonsense really. I still don’t know what happened in his past and I’m still not pushing him to tell me. Right now I’m content just to have him opening his heart up a little at a time. Before long I’ll root myself into his heart and he’ll never get me out. Well that’s my hope anyway.
Enough swooning.
I’ve got a two hour trip ahead of me, a wedding to get to, and a man’s arms I can’t wait to feel around me.

Two hours later, I’m pulling down the long drive that leads to Brenna’s grandfather’s house. Tucker will be so surprised when he realizes they’re getting married right where it all began for them. They are absolutely perfect for each other and their story is what fairytales are made of. Maybe one day I‘ll get my happily ever after too.

Walking into the house, I spot Lewis sitting in his recliner watching television. He raises his head and smiles at me as he gets up to greet me. “Well, looky there, if it isn’t the little spitfire,” Lewis says as he makes to pinch my cheek. I dodge his attempt, knowing from experience that it hurts like hell. Lewis lets out a chuckle before hugging me.

“How are you today, Lewis?” I ask as I return his hug.

“Doing good sweetheart. Now, Caroline is a different story.”

“What do you mean?” I hope everything is okay. I figured it would be Brenna that would be a bundle of nerves today.

Lewis returns to his seat and motions for me to sit on the couch next to it. “Well now, I’m sure Brenna told ya about what happened so many years ago. I didn’t know at first what Caroline had done. Had I known I would have put a stop to it long ago. Those two kids have always belonged to one another. There are so many wasted years between them now. Nothing we can do about that, but make sure they get hitched today and have a long and happy life together.” Lewis leans forward in his chair and faces me, “Caroline still feels horrible for what she did. I know she was just protecting our baby girl and all, I just wish she’d talked to me first so I could tell her that he was a good boy and nothing like the man that left her.”

Wow, I don’t even know what to say. I think that is the most I’ve ever heard him say at one time that didn’t include a funny story or a joke. “I suppose we all make decisions in life that affect others, good or bad, but it’s meant to be helpful.”

“You’re a smart girl, Lexi. And don’t you think I didn’t notice the way you and Spencer were together.” He looks at me knowingly.

I feel the heat spreading across my cheeks. “Yes, sir, Spencer and I have been getting to know each other.”

“He’s a good boy. He’s got some demons, though, but I think you might be the one to help free them.”

“I really hope so, Lewis. I really do.”

“Now that’s enough mushy stuff, get yourself on upstairs and help my baby girl get all pretty for that boy. He’s waited long enough.”

“Yes, sir,” I reply as I get off the couch and lean over to kiss Lewis on the cheek.

As I begin walking up the stairs to see Brenna my phone chimes letting me know I have a new text message. When I look at the screen and see his name a smile stretches across my face. When I read his message, a laugh escapes me.

Spencer: I see your car so I know ur here. FINALLY. Wanna meet me in the barn before the wedding? ;)

Now, see here is the dilemma. I know I need to be with my best friend right now and make sure she is ready for her big day, but his invitation is so tempting. Just the thought of what we would do in that barn draws a moan from me and my panties instantly dampen. Holy hell.
Decisions, decisions.

* * *


This has been the longest damn morning ever. At last, I’m pulling down the driveway to Brenna’s grandfather’s house, instantly spotting Lexi’s car. I look around hoping that I catch her still outside. Dammit, just my luck. She’s already inside. Hopping out of my truck, I decide to shoot her a text message and invite her to the barn before the wedding.

I know there is no way she will meet me, but can’t blame me for trying. It’s been a fucking long week and I need to feel her against me even if it’s no more than a hug. It’s crazy how empty my arms feel without her.

While walking toward the area where the wedding will take place, my phone vibrates in my hand.

Lexi: Oh that is so VERY tempting. Too bad I’ve got bestie duties to take care of first. Raincheck?

With a smile, I reply.

Spencer: I’ll hold you to that.

Once I reach the wedding area, I spot Tucker’s parents speaking with the preacher. I stand back a little ways not wanting to intrude on their conversation and wait to see if Lexi texts back.

Lexi: I’m counting on it.

Damn, that woman. No more has to be said than that and my cock is already semi erect. The way she makes me feel may scare me, but the affect she has on my libido is amazing and I’m all for it.

It’s not very long before I hear a truck roar down the road. I know without a shadow of doubt it’s Tucker. He’s bugged me all week to find out from Lexi where the wedding was going to be. There is no way I would have ruined this for him.

When Tucker walks up, he greets us and starts pacing back and forth. Lewis won’t need to mow this area for a while because Tucker is definitely wearing down the grass. I wait for him to pass me again before I speak, “Hey man, there’s no reason to be nervous.” Tucker looks at me like I’m crazy; I know he’s not so much as nervous as he is anxious.

Before I can say anything else to him, my phone vibrates again.

Lexi: Brenna wants to know if her man is here yet?

Spencer: Yup, and if she doesn’t hurry up he may pass out from exhaustion from all the pacing he’s doing.

Lexi: LOL!! Well I think we’re about to get this party started. Shh don’t tell him but we’re on our way.

I inwardly smile and type back.

Spencer: Better hurry the grass is getting thin.

Tucking my phone back into my pocket I try my best not to look down the lane and give away that they are on their way. I continue to watch Tucker pace and when he stops dead in his tracks, the look that passes over his face radiates so much happiness and love that I get it. No matter what happens in the past the future can hold so much more. It’s time for me to let go of the past and move forward.

Turning around, I see the most beautiful site I’ve seen in days. Lexi smiles brightly at me, and my heart skips a beat and the breath leaves my body. I’m struck speechless. She is absolutely stunning. In this moment I know this woman is worth putting my heart on the line.

Chapter Fifteen


he simplicity of
Brenna and Tucker’s wedding really fits them. Moisture pools in my eyes as they speak their vows to one another. This is the perfect place and moment. I’m so glad I brought my camera along with me today to capture this memory for them.

Finally the preacher proclaims them husband and wife. I capture the picture of Tucker lifting Brenna and kissing her for all he’s worth. After a few moments I say loudly, “Who brought the popcorn?” Of course, only the four of us knows what I’m talking about, and we laugh, everyone else looks at us like we’ve lost our marbles.

As everyone begins making their way toward the house, I realize Tucker and Brenna aren’t behind us. Turning around, I notice them standing next to their tree. I raise my camera and zoom to snap the picture. This is what true love looks like.

“Do you see that, Spencer?”

“What am I looking at?”

“Them,” I say, nodding toward Brenna and Tucker.

“Yeah, I see them.” He replies.

“That right there proves fairy tales do come true.”

Spencer stares at Brenna and Tucker a moment longer before turning to face me. He takes my face in his hands and lowers his face to mine. “I’m beginning to believe you’re right about that,” he breathes against my lips right before he places the sweetest kiss there.

Intertwining our hands, we once again begin walking toward the house where the small reception will take place. When we walk in the front door we can hear music playing and laughter. Letting the sounds lead us, we find the others inside the den and the room looks great. Brenna may have wanted the simplicity of nature for her wedding, but her mother turned Lewis’s den into a real reception.

Sitting on a lace covered table is a small, but beautiful two-tiered cake with a bride and groom on top, a punch bowl, and an assortment of finger foods. On the end of the table are wrapped presents. I watch as Lewis places an envelope against the wall behind all the other gifts. Being the outstanding friend that I am, I make sure to capture it all on film.

I can’t wait to see Brenna’s reaction when she sees what her mom has pulled together without her knowing. I spot Caroline gazing out the window. Stepping up beside her, I look to see what has her attention but don’t see anything.

“Are you okay, Caroline?” I ask her softly, placing my hand on her arm.

“Oh, Lexi, I’m okay. Just a little sad that my baby girl is all grown up now.”

I watch as Caroline’s eyes begin to fill with tears.

“She’s in good hands, ya know. That man loves her completely.”

“I almost ruined it all for them, Lexi.” Caroline says in a broken voice.

“But you didn’t. They’re together now and that’s all that matters. Who’s to say that it would have worked out this way for them if you hadn’t intervened when you did?”

“But…” She begins, but I shake my head to stop her.

“No, no buts. You did what you thought was right at the time to protect your daughter. No one holds that against you. Brenna and Tucker have forgiven you. Now it’s time you forgive yourself.”

“I know, Lexi, but there are so many wasted years now.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Still it doesn’t matter. They found their way back to one another and now they have many years ahead of them to make up for all the years they’ve missed.”

Caroline embraces me before asking, “How’d you get so smart?”

Pulling back, I grin at her. “I read a lot of romance novels.”

We are both laughing softly when Brenna and Tucker finally decide to grace us with their presence. Time to get this reception started. That cake is calling my name.

* * *


Since the moment the wedding ended, all I can think about is trying to get Lexi alone. Now, I’m standing with Lewis, Tom, and Anna, barely listening to them talk as I observe Lexi photograph the room. Once she puts her camera down, I start to step toward her, but she walks over to Caroline. The two of them are so deep in conversation that I know not to interrupt them. I’ll have her alone, eventually.

Brenna and Tucker finally join us and everything seems to be moving at a faster pace now. No doubt Tucker is trying to hurry up and get his bride home. After the presents are all opened and the cake has been eaten, Lexi walks over to the CD player and plays
by Hunter Hayes. Tucker takes Brenna in his arms and they have their first dance as husband and wife.

After their dance is finished, Lewis and Tom both take a turn with the bride as Caroline and Anna do the same with Tucker. Lexi continues to snap pictures, and then finally Brenna instructs her it’s her turn to dance. Finally, I have Lexi in my arms and as the song begins to play the words fit us so well. I can’t break eye contact with her as
Now That I’ve Found You
plays. The lyrics and the music hit me hard. I feel as though the song was written just for us.

As the final strands of the song play out, I lean in close to Lexi’s ear. “You ready to get out of here?”

Lexi gives me a coy look before answering, “What? You think you’re gonna get me to go to that barn with you?”

My mouth curves into a smirk. “Absolutely.”

Lexi doesn’t say a word, but she takes a hold of my hand and leads the way out of the house. Once we are outside and a little ways away from the house she begins to speak. “Can you believe that Lewis gave them all that land around their tree? How amazeballs is that?”

“It was a pretty amazing gift.” What else is there to say, it was. Her grandfather had given them a hundred acres surrounding the oak tree that they spent so much time together as children.

“It’s really great that they’ll be able to raise their children right there where their story began.” Lexi mummers, her voice filled with awe. She may be a bit spunky, a tad of a smart ass, but she is a huge romantic.

“Yeah, I’m sure Tucker will waste no time getting that house built before their baby is born.”

We hustle across the yard and reach the barn. The place held so many memories for Brenna and Tucker. But I planned on leaving our own memories in the old barn by the time we leave.

BOOK: Someone to Love
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