Read Someone Like You Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fantasy

Someone Like You (6 page)

BOOK: Someone Like You
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Gen murmured
and couldn’t help herself. She didn’t want to seem eager or to make it look
like she was telling him what to do, but she parted her legs. Jake took the cue
and ran his finger back and forth across her clit and folds.

Kiss me, please kiss me.

Jake didn’t,
but did look her in the eye as he rubbed her swollen nub until it ached and
grew more erect with each pass of his finger.

She put her
hands on his upper arms, feeling the outline of his muscles beneath her palm.
So strong, and his skin surprisingly soft.
She leaned over
and planted a kiss on the spot near his collarbone as his finger slipped south
and teased the entrance of her pussy.

Gen grew weak,
wetter, and grazed her teeth over his skin as they held onto one another. He
pumped her pussy as she tugged at the towel around him, growing more desperate
to have him inside her.

It fell away
from his body. She slid her hand down over his belly, the hairy down around his
navel tickling her palm. The tip of his cock sat upright, throbbing and begging
for her to touch it.

Gen ran her
finger over the top of it, feeling beads of his pre-cum. She glanced down,
seeing his tanned thighs, the muscles standing out, and the spectacular cock,
thick and smooth. She ran her fingers along its length, feeling its heat and
veins standing out as it pulsated against their tips.


Please kiss me.

“You want to
get onto the bed?”

His question
shook her from that train of thought.

She nodded. While
he held her hand, she sat on the bed, and Jake got on it beside her.

Gen lay flat
on her back. Jake turned on his side close to her right hip.

She looked up
at the ceiling as he ran his hand down the length of her body. She couldn’t
help it. It tickled, and she laughed.

“Found one
thing out about you tonight. Ticklish,” he whispered in her ear.

“Guilty,” she
said. She turned toward him, their mouths mere inches from each other.

Come on, kiss me.

His lips did
make contact with her body, not her lips, but once again her breasts as he
gently dragged them across her nipple while letting his finger mingle with her
pubic hair.

She parted
her legs for him, feeling him trace each of her folds. He slid his finger
inside her pussy, not taking his eyes off her as she titled her head upwards,
feeling the tension leave her body.

“Don’t know
about you, but I can’t wait much longer,” he said.

She hadn’t
even seen him put the packages of condoms on her bedside table when he’d first
entered the room. He reached for one, tore it open, and pulled it out.

Gen didn’t
know whether she should offer to sheath him or not. She decided this time
around, she’d let him do the job himself. He struggled at first, and she
guessed it had been a while since he’d used one. But then like an expert, he’d
secured it.

Jake pushed
her legs further apart and eased into her pussy more gently than any man she’d
been with. It seemed awkward at first, even a little embarrassing, but then
both of them seemed to relax as he began tiny thrusts inside her.

She held onto
his arms, knowing he was obviously being gentle for a reason, and he didn’t
have to be.

okay. I don’t break, and we’re both doing this to enjoy

He nodded and
picked up intensity.

She had a
secret she’d keep all to herself. She loved it when a guy kissed her when she
climaxed. However, tonight she’d just have to settle for an orgasm.

Gen ran her
finger over the outline of his bicep, thinking how tanned his skin was, how
strong his body looked, and most important, that he seemed like a really nice

He thrust
harder, hitting the back of her pussy. Gen felt the stirrings of an orgasm. She
hadn’t had one of those with the last two guys she’d been with. Jake was
different because he came across as a thoughtful lover.

She hoped he
didn’t mind her wrapping her legs around his hips, resting the back of her
ankles on his butt. He obviously didn’t because he took it as a cue to move
faster and thrust harder.

A murmur
escaped her lips, and she wondered if he’d heard it.

Gen couldn’t
stop herself now because her body was on high alert. Even her calves and toes
were tingly. Her lower body buzzing with a tension she knew was the makings of
an off-the-charts climax. She could count on one hand the times she’d had one
this intense.

She threw her
head back and cried out, the orgasm taking her faster than she expected, and
her vocal outburst taking her by shock. She wasn’t usually that loud when she
had sex, but then again, very few men had ever made her come like that.

Jake drove
faster and harder again. She was sure she could hear his heart beating. He
panted a few times, and then even though he was sheathed, she felt a gush
inside her, and then he held her tightly.

Kiss me, please.

He gently
slid out of her and rolled over and lay beside her on the bed.

Jake held his
chest while they both looked up at the ceiling.

“That was
just want I needed,” he said.


“So you
really climaxed. I mean you weren’t faking it? I know some ladies do it to make
us guys feel good.”

Gen rolled
onto her side and looked at him. A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek and she
was oh so tempted to wipe it away. It took all of her strength to keep her
hands down by her side.

“Not me. I
really had an off-the-charts climax.”

“Good. And—”

The phone
ringing interrupted him. He got up, took the condom off, and threw it in the
bin as Gen reached over for the phone.


“Gen, it’s

anything wrong?”

Jake looked
over at her with a worried look on his face and knitted his eyebrows together.

“It’s Nicky.
We were eating at Burger Hut, and a couple of his friends came in, and he left
with them.”

“Geez, that
kid’s going to give me grey hair.”

“I’m sorry. I
tried to talk him into finishing his meal first, but he wouldn’t.”

“And I’m
sorry that he was rude enough to leave with them. Was it a tall, dark-haired
boy and one with red hair?”

“Yep, perfect
description of the pair.”

“I don’t like
him hanging out with them because they’re trouble. I think I’ll drive around,
look for him, and drag him home, whether he likes it or not.”

“You want me
to come with you?”

“No, Mom,
just head home, and I’m sorry that Nicky is so rude these days. He’ll come and
mow your lawn as punishment.”

Gen put the
phone down and looked at Jake. He was still naked, his now limp cock bouncing
on his thighs as he walked toward her. She wanted to have sex again, but her
son’s behavior had taken that off the cards for tonight.

“Your son
acting up?” asked Jake.

“Yep, he’s
dumped my mother and gone off with two boys I can’t stand. I’m going out to
look for him, and when I find him, he’s grounded for the week.”

“You want me
to come with you?”

“There’s no

“Maybe not,
but sometimes it’s nice to have someone there for support.”

He really is a sweet guy.

“Sure, okay.”



Chapter Six


He’d insisted
that he drive. She hadn’t let on, but Jake could tell by her silence and the
way she twisted her hair around her index finger that Gen was more worried than
angry about her son ditching his grandma.

It began
raining as he turned onto

. He switched on the windshield wipers and
glanced momentarily at Gen biting the nail on her index finger. She had that
wonderful after-sex glow about her. She’d tied her hair up haphazardly in a
pony tail, and a few tendrils hung around her perfect oval face.

The sex had
been incredible, and he didn’t think it was just because he hadn’t been with a
woman for so long. They seemed to know what the other needed and wanted. That
was sometimes a rare thing even for longtime lovers, let alone two strangers.
Maybe there was something in this Perfect Pairing service after all.

He’d so
wanted to kiss her as they’d made love, but he couldn’t. Once he did there was
no telling what it might lead to. To a place he wasn’t comfortable with at this
point in his life. Maybe even to a situation where he might get his feelings
trampled on. He didn’t think Gen would knowingly hurt him, but he still wanted
to keep his guard up.

Jake had told
her he’d go straight home when they were done, and he’d meant it. However, he’d
changed his mind after she’d received the phone call. She’d looked shocked,
sad, and he wanted to be there for her.

“Do you know
where he’d head with these boys?” Jake asked her.

She shifted
back in the seat and turned to look at him.

“I did find
some tokens from the arcade in his pants pocket when I washed them.”

“We have an
arcade here?”

“Yes, opened
late last year.”

“I’ll have to
drive around town one of these days and get reacquainted with the place. You
think we should try there first?”

“I think it’s
the best place to start. It’s in a strip mall off of Northgate Mile.”

indicated left and turned onto the road that led to Northgate.

“He’s been a
pretty good kid up till now,” said Gen.

“He’s a
teenager, and they all act out at some point. I know I started mouthing off to
my parents back when I was around fifteen. Just smart ass answers, but I’m sure
really frustrating for Mom and Dad.”

“I know he’s
on the verge of becoming a young man, but I think he can do it perfectly
without these two boys offering their two cents on the best way to make the

Jake took a
deep breath. It couldn’t be easy for either Gen or Nicky. Gen was doing the
parenting of two people. She was raising a son, which sometimes meant it was
harder for a woman to figure out the male psyche once it hit adolescence. Nicky
was at the age when he needed a man’s guidance to usher him into adulthood.

“If you don’t
mind me asking about Nicky’s father, is he still in the picture?”

Gen shook her
head. “Nope, not since I told him I was pregnant.”

“Jerk,” said

“I called him
a lot worse than that.”

Jake smiled.
“Has Nicky ever asked about him?”

“A few times,
but I’ve told he was fathered by an immature young man who didn’t want anything
to do with us, but that it’s his loss and not ours.”

“I like that
attitude,” said Jake, indicating right and turning into the strip mall. He saw
the rainbow-colored lights over the store at the end and guessed it was the
arcade. The rain had picked up intensity, so he pulled up as close to the
entrance as he could.

“Do you want
me to come in with you?” he asked Gen.

but thanks for the offer.
I think it best I go alone just in case I have
to drag him out. He’d hate me doing that in front of a stranger.”

“Okay, but
just come get me if anyone gives you any trouble.”

He patted her
on the arm before she got out of the car and ran into the arcade.

Jake turned
on the radio and listened to some music while he waited. He hoped everything
turned out okay for Gen. He didn’t know a lot about her, but she came across as
a good mother.

He sat his
head back, listening to the combination of some light jazz music and the
tinkling sound of the rain hitting the roof of his car. He hadn’t felt this
relaxed in some time. Maybe it was the sexual tension leaving his body. Perhaps
it was because he wasn’t home feeling sorry for himself, but instead involved
in someone else’s problem.
That makes a

made him glance toward the door of the arcade. He saw Gen heading his way with
a teenage boy in tow. He unlocked the doors of his car as Gen opened the front
one and ordered her son to get into the back seat.

A handsome
boy who had his mom’s beautiful blue eyes slid reluctantly inside the car with
some water cascading down his face.

“Nicky, this
is Jake Harris. Jake, this is my son, Nicky.”

Jake turned
around and extended his hand to Nicky. The boy just sat looking at him, but
Jake wasn’t going to withdraw it. He extended his hand farther toward him,
hoping he’d get the message loud and clear that when Jake Harris wanted to
shake your hand, you better take it or else.

BOOK: Someone Like You
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