Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance) (135 page)

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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The Tylenol was starting to work, but much
more of this conversation would bring the headache back with a vengeance, I’m
sure. “You should call David and tell him what you found out and then we should
both finish up our work and get this day over with so that we can have our
night together.”

“I’ve got no argument with that,” she said
with a grin.




We left together to head home that
evening. We stopped at the Thai restaurant down the street from Alicia’s
apartment and picked up dinner on the way home. Luis greeted us at the door and
called up the elevator for us. He told Alicia he had seen her parents off for
the evening just an hour prior.

When we reached the apartment, I went in
to make a fire while Alicia put our food on plates. I pulled off my jacket,
tie, and shoes and took a seat on the floor in front of the sofa facing the
fire. Alicia set down the tray with our food and a bottle of wine on it and
joined me. I slipped my arm around her and she laid here head into it. We sat
there silently for a while, just enjoying our much needed time alone.

I’m not sure how much time passed, but I
was the one that finally broke the silence by saying, “I hear your stomach
rumbling, did you eat today?”

“As a matter of fact, I did,” she said.
“But it was early.”

“Then let’s eat,” I said. “Better yet
let’s have a picnic.” I stood up and grabbed the quilt off the back of her
couch and spread it out on the floor. Alicia set our plates down on top of it
and I poured us each a glass of wine. We ate and talked about wedding plans for
the next half hour. When we finished, I helped Alicia carry the plates into the
kitchen and told her to go wait for me in the bedroom and I would be right in.
Once she was gone, I set up the little surprise I had for her. I carried the
tray with several multi-colored bottles of massage oil, a bowl of fresh
strawberries and one of whipped cream on top of it.

“Where did you get all of that? I didn’t
buy strawberries today,” Alicia asked, impressed.

“I called Luis while I was making the
fire. He had someone run out and get them and then he had them brought up. It
was all waiting at the door,” I told her with a grin.

“Wow, sneaky. I’m impressed!”

I gave a slight mock bow and then said,
“These three bottles are magic potions, guaranteed to cure whatever ails you.
If you lie down on the bed on your stomach, I’ll prove it to you.”

She grinned and went over to the bed. She
lay down on her belly and by the time I got everything set up she was almost
asleep. I saw her pull her eyes open as soon as I touched her with the oil. I
picked up one of her feet with my oiled hands and began to massage from her
toes down to her heels. She moaned slightly as I used just enough pressure in
all the right places, and even massaged her toes one by one.

I put more oil on my hands and started on
the backs of her calves. I worked the oil into her skin with alternating soft
and just a little bit harder strokes in circular motions.

“Wow, baby, I hadn’t even realized how
tired my muscles were. That feels amazing.”

“Good, just relax.” I started on her
thighs then, sliding the back of her gown up to her panty line. I gently
stroked the insides of her thighs before moving my hands outward. I felt her

“Are you cold?” I whispered in her ear
from behind, making her shudder again.

“No, it just feels so good.”

I finished her thighs and slid her gown up
even higher, working on her lower back, and making her moan audibly. When I
finished with her back and shoulders, I rolled her over onto her back. I leaned
down and kissed her lips and then both of her eyelids and said, “Now my
favorite part.”

I slid down on the bed and began working
on the tops of her feet and fronts of her calves. Alicia was beginning to
squirm. She reached out for me, but I told her, “Let me spoil you first, if you
touch me now, I’ll ravage you too quickly.”

She did as I asked and lay still while I
rubbed more warm oil on my hands and worked my way up her legs. Before I
started on her belly I leaned down and kissed that. She moaned softly and I saw
her clench her fists at her sides. I began massaging her again and worked my
way up to her chest. I slid the gown up her body until I could slip it gently
over her head and then I massaged the outsides of her breasts.

She forgot she wasn’t supposed to touch
then. She grabbed the back of my head and led my mouth to one of her nipples.
“Please,” she whispered…and the ravaging began.

My mouth and tongue seemed to ignite a
fire inside of her that was already raging. She began clawing at the buttons on
my shirt while I licked and sucked. Finally, I stood up and took it off myself
and stripped off my pants and shorts, too. I lay down next to her and slid an
arm underneath her and rolled her over on top of me. She straddled my waist and
leaned down and kissed my face and neck while my hands explored every part of
her body.

We kissed and touched and melded our
bodies together for what seemed like an eternity until I couldn’t take it a
second longer. I lifted her up again and turned her on her side. I held up one
of her legs and entered her from behind. She let out a cry when I bottomed out
inside of her. I pulled back and did it again and again, moving faster each
time. When I was on the verge of coming, I pulled out of her and before she had
a chance to protest I rolled onto my back and pulled her up on top of me again.
I slid her up to my face and sat her sweet pussy down on my lips. She was
soaked; she whimpered and squirmed against my face as I worked my tongue in and
out of her and licked and sucked on her clit. I brought her to two orgasms
before flipping her onto her back, climbing between her legs and taking what
I’d been craving for days.

She thrust up her hips as I thrust mine
down and plunged my throbbing, aching cock into her over and over again. I felt
the walls of her pussy spasm in her third orgasm of the night and when she
clamped down around me like a vice, I went head-first off the bridge I’d been
standing on the edge of. The orgasm was massive and it shook every part of my
body. When I could speak again I whispered,

“I love you so much,” in a hoarse and
raspy voice.

“I love you more,” she said with a giggle.
I grabbed her and tickled her until she admitted she was wrong. That night
neither of us slept more than an hour or two. We experimented with every
different position we could think of and when I had to drag my tired butt out
of her bed so that I could be out of there before the Lord and Lady returned, I
didn’t even complain. Much.






“Don’t you Americans take any time off for
the holidays? Today is the day before Christmas Eve. You would think the courts
would be closed.” I laughed at the way my mother had referred to me as one of
the “Americans.”

“The courts will be closed tomorrow,
Mother, from Christmas Eve day until the day after New Year’s. Until then, it’s
business as usual.”

Lady Winston shook her head
disapprovingly. “This is why there are so many unhealthy Americans,” she said.
“All work and no time to take care of themselves. It gets you an early grave. I
certainly hope you and Adam will remember that. You both work too much. You
need time for your health, both physical and mental.”

“Yes, Mother, you’re right. I promise we
will do our best to remember it. I plan to have a long, healthy life with the
love of my life.”

“And give me plenty of healthy
grandchildren, I hope?”

I laughed and said, “Slow down, Mother.
We’re not even married yet. We’d like to get comfortable living with each other
before we start adding ‘plenty’ of children to the mix.”

The truth was that Adam and I had not even
talked about having children. I would like one or two someday, but I have no
idea how he feels about that. He and Marjorie didn’t have any kids and he is
forty years old…maybe it’s something I should talk to him about before we get

“Well, of course you should give it some
time,” Mother said. “But not too much.”

I kissed her on the cheek and stole a
piece of the cookie dough she was rolling. “Not too much,” I agreed. “I have a
meeting and a court date. I won’t be late today. We also have the company
Christmas party tomorrow night.”

My mother nodded. “I’ll need to go
shopping for something to wear.” That was when my dad looked up from the table
where he was sitting quietly reading this whole time.

“Why on earth did I pay so much for
luggage on the airplane if you’re going to buy a whole new wardrobe while we’re

Mother rolled her eyes. “Don’t you want to
be proud to have me on your arm?”

“I’d be proud to have you on my arm
naked,” he said.

“Of course you would be. I look fantastic

“Oh my goodness, that’s my cue to leave,”
I told them. I heard them both still laughing as I went out the door.

I went to the office before the courthouse
to meet with Miles. As soon as I stepped off the elevator I saw him standing
near Carla’s desk. I wasn’t close enough to hear what they were saying, but I
knew Carla well enough to judge by the look on her face that she was actually
impressed by the man. As I got closer, Miles looked up and spotted me.

“Well, hey there, little lady. I was just
getting to know your very pleasant assistant here.” I glanced at Carla and was
surprised to see that she was actually blushing. I knew Miles’s history of
mating and dating beautiful young women, but I couldn’t for the life of me see
what was attracting them. With the other women I might possibly say money, but
I also knew Carla well enough to know with her that wouldn’t be the case for
her. I made a mental note to ask her about it later as I greeted Miles.

“Good morning, Mr. Brigham. Thank you for
agreeing to come in so early at the last minute. They changed my court time on
me today.”

“Not a problem at all. Had I known Carla
was so interesting to talk with, I would have come by even earlier.” I had to
physically clench to keep from rolling my eyes.

I smiled instead and said, “Please, come
into my office.”

Miles followed me through the office door,
winking at Carla as he did. I closed the door behind us and saw Carla’s face
flood with color once more. Resisting the head shake, I said, “Please have a
seat, Mr. Brigham. Can I offer you something to drink?”

Miles sat in a comfortable leather
armchair facing my desk and said, “No, thank you, and please, call me Miles.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll try to remember, Miles.” I
sat down in my chair facing across the desk toward him as he said,

“So, how dire is this situation I’m in?”

“Well, I can’t really get into details,
but I can tell you that I know for a fact that the FBI is exploring other
possibilities with regards to Vick’s murder. The NYPD and District Attorney’s
office are unfortunately still doing their best to build a case against you
however circumstantial it may be.”

Miles scratched his chin and said, “That
damn midget DA Dawson has it in for me. I’m not sure what I ever did to him,
but I suppose that small bit of good news is better than none. You do know I
didn’t do this, right? I admit that I’ve been involved in a few slimy deals in
my time, but murder has never been one of them.”

“Yes, Miles, I am sure you are not a
murderer. I can promise you that I will do my absolute best to prove that if
and when this goes to trial. Just keep in mind, though, as the trial draws
nearer that all we really need is to give the jurors any reason to doubt you
did this. The State has the burden of proof on them, and I don’t believe that
they have enough to convince twelve people you did this.”

“I do thank you for your vote of
confidence. I’ve been defended plenty by lawyers who knew I was guilty as
charged. In this case, though, it’s real important to me that people know I am
not a cold-blooded killer. Speaking of, how about these allegations against my
son? Do you think they’ll go anywhere?”

“At this point, it’s all hearsay. I don’t
think the D.A. will pursue it unless we actually have an eyewitness step
forward. Dawson loves to win and he hates to lose. He doesn’t often throw his
hat in unless he believes it’s a sure bet.”

Miles nodded. “Okay, then. If they did
arrest him, would you still be willing to defend him?”

“Yes, of course. I agreed to be your
family lawyer. Nothing has changed. As for your trial, you do have the right to
a speedy trial if you should wish. I would recommend against it, but the choice
is yours.”

“I would definitely prefer to wait until
this civil suit is over and done with. I don’t know if my old ticker could take
the stress of two trials at once. Hell, just the jury selection process was
giving me chest pains yesterday.”

I laughed and said, “I doubt that, Mr.
Brigham…I mean Miles. If your ticker is as strong as everything else I know
about you, you’re bound to outlive us all, stress or no stress.”

BOOK: Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)
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